The Call of the Sea

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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Oh, gee, another underwater love story with the h'otter.O.o But, read carefully this time. There's a lot more here than just an erotic romp in the ocean. I was trying to think about how I could make something really special for GentlemanPlayer, something sexy, and hot, but unique. I've written so many love stories in the water, it's hard sometimes to come up with a plot. ^^ When I thought about Leilani being sometimes referred to as a "goddess", I considered, "Well...let's make Leilani a goddess this time!"

And every goddess needs a god to play with...<3

Commission for GentlemanPlayer

Kyrell is protected by GentlemanPlayer

Leilani is protected by the sea and LeiLani

When I look back on things, I mean, really look back, at least as much as my memories allow, I think it was all my secretary's fault. But then, of course, it could have very well been my own fault. I had gone with the standard operating procedure, and had hired her for her looks, not her brains. So, yes, I'm not ashamed to admit here and now, in writing, that I was led to my own fate, and I confess that I ultimately forgive young Florence McCall for her frequent bouts of shortsightedness in the workplace. Though she was a gorgeous tigress and, Lord knows, in another universe I'd have been thrilled to share a few hours each day of meaningless sex with her bent over my desk, I realized she wasn't my true love.

It was always the sea.


I'd read a lot of wonderful books growing up, and almost all of them involved the ocean somehow. "Captain's Courageous", "Long John Silver", "Moby Dick", all were instant classics to me. When I was old enough to venture forth into the crazy world of Los Angeles with my business degree, I was thrilled to land a corporate position in a lovely crystal high-rise overlooking the Pacific. The only trouble was my office didn't face the sea. Instead every day, I was stuck with the view of smoke and fog and majestic buildings threatening to swallow me whole.

So every day, when I had a break, I'd avoid the cafeteria and go sit outside on the beach and take in some sun. It relaxed me and filled me with the peace and tranquility I needed to get on with my day. I'd sit there on a graffiti-filled stone bench, and I'd just watch the ocean. I'd marvel at how blue it could get on some days in the casting glow of afternoon sunlight, or how grey and angry it could look during overcast days, and storms and showers.

I'd notice the waves pounding on shore and count the number of times they came in, sometimes in a constant motion and other times, if a ship or large vessel marred the surface, erratically and unevenly. But after a while, the waves would smooth out and become steady and synchronous again. To me, it was like a pulse. The ocean's waves were its heartbeat. Every time something sliced through its beautiful waters, the pulse quickened, almost as if the sea was excited.

"Relax," I'd chuckle when the waves got that way. And somehow, well, I'd like to think it heard me. Because it's funny to think about this now, but it seemed like every time I went back into the building to continue working, the waves would be as whisper-soft and smooth as they would be on any windless day.


That was something else too. Every time I turned away from the water, I would hear an odd voice I used to think was inside my head, a little tickle of precognitive thought left over from...something.

I knew that voice, and I knew that name, but it just never made sense to me at the time.

One day, my secretary Florence stopped by my office with an armload of papers and plopped them down on the desk with a flourish, smiling at me. "Sorry, Mr. Sulaiman, I kinda goofed." She stood there in her short dress with a plunging neckline, revealing far too much cleavage, expressing in so many unspoken words that had I ever felt the desire, I was welcome to hike up her dress, pin her against the wall, and ram my hot, hard lust just as deep into her warmth as I could.

I just shook my head and waited for the inevitable. To Florence, "kinda goofed" meant anything from spilling a cup of coffee in the cafeteria, to fouling up the figures for an annual report. I looked up to stare at her ample chest while she explained that the flight to Hawaii she had tried so hard to get me on next week was in fact going to be a later flight.

Well, this wasn't a red-light emergency after all.

I sighed and told her that was fine, and when I saw her the following Friday, just as I was preparing my briefcase for the meeting in Honolulu, she again apologized and wrung her paws nervously.

"Do you want me to do anything while you're away, Mr. Sulaiman?"

I smiled at her, shaking my head, and gave her a long four-day weekend off. I didn't think I was going to be in Hawaii more than a few days at most. She grinned and gave me a kiss along my whiskers, her long tail whipping excitedly. We said good-bye to one another as I hurried out the door, and I caught a glimpse of her waving to me as the elevator doors closed behind me.

That was the last time I saw her.


As I stepped onto the tarmac at LAX, I chanced a look at the ocean once again. It seems funny to think about it now, but to me the water seemed different. Not as blue or inviting. The water wasn't grey or anything like that, no, but...there was just something wrong with it.

Was it missing me?

The storm. That was really bad. We were perhaps two-thirds of the way across the Pacific to Hawaii, and the turbulence was terrible. There were times it felt like the high winds were going to knock us out of the sky. Several passengers got airsick and even the stewardesses were having a rough time of it. After a few more plane-shaking moments, the steady, calm voice of the pilot came back to us in first class.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I want to apologize for the rough ride. We're getting word that the ocean's been a little uncooperative today, throwing us a rather abrupt hurricane. We're going to have to descend a bit to avoid much of the bad stuff, but I can assure you all, we're in good paws and we should reach Honolulu in the next-" A loud crash of thunder, some of the loudest I'd ever heard in my life, drowned out the sound of the jet turbines for an instant, rolling and echoing as it faded. "Yow! That was a bad one! Like I started to say, we'll be at our destination in the next two hours! Hang tight."

"A hurricane in the middle of May?" I remember my seat companion, an elderly owl, muttering as she looked at me over attached spectacles and hooted. "Seems awfully inconvenient, doesn't it, tiger?"

I smiled and shrugged despite my fear. "Stranger things have happened with weather, miss."

She nodded and closed the shutter at her window. "May I hold your paw until we land?"

I was surprised but offered it gladly. "You may."

"My name is Ivy."

"Ka'ne...I mean, Kyrell. I'm sorry..."

She chuckled. "Not used to your name? Or are you traveling under an alias?"

She surprised a bit of laughter out of me and inwardly I blessed her for doing so. The storm really had had me on edge. "Sorry. Just...sometimes that name pops into my head."

Ivy nodded and then her grey eyes looked deeply into mine. "Well, I think we have nothing to fear then."

"I'm sorry?"

The owl winked and squeezed my paw tighter. "Don't you know of Ka'ne? It's the name of a Hawaiian god. He is associated with life, procreation, and happiness."

Something inside me tugged. "Wow, I...I didn't know that. To be honest, I don't know a lot of Hawaiian words though."

Ivy clicked her tongue over her beak. "Well, regardless of your ignorance, young tiger, I feel much better..."

We sat in silence as the plane jerked and weaved as it was buffeted by the howling winds, and waited patiently for the bright sunshine, the white sands, and the crystal-blue waters to fill the window view once more.

Alas, we never got that view. I remember getting off the plane in Hawaii, about two hours late, and surrounded by lei-giving sea otters in tight sarongs, hiding lithe, sleek bodies, every one of them a delirious, dreamy picture of the utmost beauty of the South Seas I'd often read about. While I was disappointed that I'd landed long after sundown, it was a beautiful night when I got to the hotel on Waikiki. The stars were absolutely perfect, not a cloud around anywhere. I remember hearing the ocean surf, not far away from me, and the way it pounded on the shore, much louder than it had on the L.A. beach.

The meeting, as it turned out, never occurred. Certain participants scheduled to take part couldn't get a flight out past mine, and it was all on account of the sudden storm that had swept in. Regretfully, the boss wanted me to head back right away, as they'd arranged an impromptu meeting in Los Angeles after all.

I remember waking up the next morning and walking out of my hotel to look at the beach. The sun had just come up, nearly blinding against the hot glassy sand. The ocean looked so blue and so beautiful. I had never seen anything so large in my life. The water went on forever, an infinite circle. There was not a sign of a boat nor land as far as I could see.

"Enjoying your stay, Mr. Sulaiman?" A young fox came up beside me, tearing my dreamy gaze from the ocean to look at him.

"What? Oh, yes..." I looked back at the sea. "Very much so."

"The concierge regrets that it might be some time for a return flight back to Los Angeles. A great deal of trouble happened overnight."

"What do you mean?"

The fox smiled. "I'm afraid the airports are still jammed with people. They estimated about 100,000 people have been re-routed to airports all over. No one can get into Los Angeles from anywhere on account of Aman."


He nodded. "It's short for Amanikable. A Philippine, very ill-tempered sea god. They thought, since this was the first storm to hit the West Coast this early in recorded history, it needed a special name. I just call it a head-ache myself. The hotel is filled to capacity with a lot of anger."

I turned the name over in my head. Amanikable. Somehow, I had heard that somewhere. "Well...I'm sorry to hear that." I gently touched his shoulder. "I guess my boss will just have to wait."

When I started to reach for the cell-phone in my slacks, the fox held up a paw, shaking his head. "Forget trying to call as well. We have a complete lapse in cellular and wi-fi at the moment. The storm." I blinked and looked at the lack of bars on the tiny screen. I was completely cut-off from the continental U.S., on a tiny island surrounded by the endless sea.

A moment of great dread passed through me but then I felt alright again.

"Very well. I appreciate your getting back to me anyway. I...guess I'll wait until I hear from you." The fox nodded and turned away, and I looked back at the water. The surf continued to pound its never-ending song against the shoreline, a melody of water and earth crashing together in a rhythm that reminded me somehow of sensual pleasure, the way the spraying water burst into crystal-white sparkles as it stroked the sand and then receded.

Before I realized it, I had been standing there for an hour, absolutely hypnotized by the ocean. I shielded my eyes from the now-blazing sunlight, and touched my sun-burned nose. All I could think about was how beautiful the water looked. As I turned back to go into the hotel, the waves crashed louder, drowning out all other sounds around me. I felt a sudden stirring breeze billow my t-shirt, and beat at my legs.


I looked back at the water and I suddenly wanted a swim very badly. I walked down to the edge of the beach, pulling off my t-shirt and taking off my slacks. The sand was mercifully cool against my footpaws. I could feel the mist from the sea against my bare fur. I looked around and noticed there wasn't another soul around me, which was strange for a Saturday morning on Waikiki. At a time when the place should have been jam-packed with swimmers and sun-bathers, this beautiful, idyllic beach was completely barren of people.

I thrust down my pants and kicked them aside, wading into the surf in my briefs and nothing else. I felt the waters rush to meet me, splashing across my chest. Oh, it was so warm and soft, as though caressing my body all over with millions of gentle, loving paws. I dove under the next wave, letting my body brush against the shallow bottom, and surfaced to stand again to catch the next one, which knocked me off my feet. I gasped, took in a mouthful of water, and surfaced again, coughing.

"You must time the waves," a soft, lilting female voice said from close by, "and learn to dive at just the right point before the next wave comes."

I turned around in the water, and noticed a beautiful -- no, beautiful is the wrong word. In fact, I can't describe her. Not in words. There are some things that are just so beautiful, that they defy description as well as explanation.

She was a sea otter, but somehow different from the ones I had been introduced to after touching down at the airport. She had the same long dark hair but it was at least to her thighs, ebony magic splashed with sea water that draped around an expressive, thick ruddertail. She had the darkest green of eyes and the whiskery, bristled-furred face of a sea otter goddess, neatly sculpted as though from deep-tan clay. Her button nose wiggled as she sniffed the sweet ocean air around us, and long black whiskers from either side of her cheeks bounced and swayed merrily.

Except for a drenched red-and-white flowered sarong wrapped loosely from the middle of her luscious coconut breasts, to the start of toned and graceful thighs, she wore nothing else. I swallowed hard after my coughing fit, and it never occurred to me to ask how she had seemingly come from nowhere to be less than a few feet from me.

Perhaps she'd been in the water already.

I answered her and realized my whole body was shaking. "I'm just out of practice," I smiled toothily at her. "I'm used to the waters in Los Angeles, not here. I guess I'm a bit...overwhelmed by the sea. No matter where I am." She waded closer to me, the both of us now waist-deep, though I towered over her form by at least a foot.

Her eyes never left my face as she nodded. "Just visiting?"

"Y-yes," I stammered, realizing we were very close, close enough that I could smell and feel her breath. "Just until I can get a flight back" Where was I going? "Well... until I find a flight out, I guess..." I finished lamely.

The sea otter smiled and tilted her head. "My name is Leilani."

"I'm Ka', Kyrell. Sorry." I offered a large, unsteady paw out to her. She smiled, her perfect white canines sparkling, and took my hand, not shaking it, but squeezing with long, beautiful, and clawed digits connected to warm, slick webbing.

"The great god returns..." She chuckled and her soft laughter was like the most beautiful music to my ears.

I managed a shy grin. I could not stop staring at her eyes. "Yeah, I guess that's me. The Hawaiian god. It's funny, because I never really understood that name before yesterday...and yet it's in my head all the time lately. Like, a song gets in your head and you can't get it out, you know?"

Leilani stepped forward another foot and our bodies lightly touched. In the recesses of my briefs, I could feel the start of a raging erection as my sheath expanded and a thick, hard arousal started to push against the wet cotton. Her breasts pressed gently against my upper abdomen, lovingly molded against the top of her sarong, and the dark globes threatened to spill free. I could feel my heart thudding wildly. She was so warm. It was taking every nerve within me not to grab her hips, pin her to the shallow bottom, and take her. That thought alone began to consume me, and I felt my erection jerk and pulse.

"I think we were meant to meet, gentle tiger..." she whispered as she looked up at my face. "I am the sea goddess." She giggled at my look and slowly pulled away again, leaving me flushed and struggling to hide my briefs from her view.

"What do you mean?" I replied hoarsely, struggling to compose myself. I had felt a quick shoot of pre-cum settle into my briefs from her touch alone. I reached under the water and tried to adjust the cotton before my arousal escaped entirely, and a thick eight inches of feline sex dangled in the water.

"Because of my name. I am Leilani Namaka." She then approached me again, her bare thigh almost touching my erection. "And Namaka is the goddess of the sea, in my native tongue."

", that's...that's amazing...I..." I looked fondly at her. Yes, I'd say right then and there, I was completely smitten. "I think you look very much like a goddess..."

The sea otter blushed and reached out to place her webbed paw on my chest. "And, tiger, are most definitely a god."

I don't know how long we stayed in the waves, looking at one another, without saying a word, but then Leilani's paw came down my chest and settled against my hip. "May I swim with you, Kyrell?"

"I...I would love goddess..."

Leilani smiled and dove into the next wave, and I followed close behind her. We took turns diving into the surf until the water settled about a hundred yards out. I sunk underwater to look around where we were and realized the water was not too deep, perhaps no more than twenty feet or so. I looked beside me and saw that Lelani had come underwater with me, laying a paw gently on my back as she looked around as well.

We both spotted a reef stretched out along the sandy bottom, covered in thick, colorful coral, and dove to it. The sea otter pulled away from me and began picking up a few shells from the bottom. I kicked over to her and gently tapped her tail, signaling my need to breathe, and returned to the surface. I was no sea otter. I had no idea how long those creatures could stay underwater and tigers certainly aren't of the water-borne.

I quickly ducked back under after I'd filled my lungs, and dove back down to her. She was still on the bottom, now having a playful time with a lobster she had obviously disturbed from the rocks, and was keeping it in front of her as it wriggled madly in the sand. I smiled and then my eyes widened a bit as the lovely red sarong she'd been wearing fluttered up with her kicks, showing me the most beautiful smooth ass, and the subtle beginnings of arousal between her thighs, dark netherlips surrounded by trim black netherfur.

Unconsciously, my paw went to the erection in my briefs. I suddenly thought of swimming up behind this beautiful creature, grabbing her hips, and forcing a strangled, bubbly cry from her as I rammed my thick, hot tiger-sex into the glorious warmth of those folds. Lust comes across every one of us at the worst times, but I swear at that moment, my lust for her was nearly overpowering me.

Before I could do what I so badly wanted to do, Leilani turned away from the bottom and smiled at me, swimming, no, almost gliding back to me and taking my paw, giving it a squeeze. We then both kicked back up to the surface to breathe.

"That incredible..." I said shakily as we took in a few breaths. Her paw was still holding mine. "Oh, man. I...I can...really understand now why you creatures love the sea so much..."

She pressed against me and I could again feel my erection push and strain to her belly. "Do you know where you are yet, my god?" she whisper-churred, her lovely eyes searching mine curiously.

I was a bit puzzled by the question, but played along. "Um...well, yeah, I...I think so." I grinned at her and rubbed noses. "It's back to me..." Hell, I would have said anything, done anything, to make this sea otter happy.

"We need to go out deeper..." She smiled and pulled away again, starting to swim much further. "Come, Kyrell. Come and follow..."

I was a bit frightened with this prospect. God only knew how deep the Pacific could get this far away from shore. I mean, we were way past the usual swimming and surfing areas, I imagined. "I...I don't know about this, Lelani!" I called out to her. "I'm really not as good a swimmer as you!"

She laughed and lifted an arm out of the water so I could find her. "Kyrell..." and that was really weird because it sounded to me like she was right beside me, not 20 or so yards away. "Come..."

I took one last, long look at the shore and thought how strange it was to still be so deserted. I looked up at the sky and the bright, golden sun blazing in cloudless blue. I shakily stroked after her, moving my arms and legs as best I could to keep up, and yet conserve my energy. I kept thinking to myself that I was safe, that Leilani would look after me if the water became too much.

Presently Lelani stopped swimming and tread water, waiting for me to catch up. We were a good mile away from shore, maybe more, and the glassy, endless sea was all around us. As soon as I was close to her, she gleefully took my paws into hers and pressed up against me fully, noses touching. "I knew you could do it, my god..." She squeezed my paws. "Do you...know where we are now?"

I looked around us and then at her, and then slowly shook my head. Enough games. I was really scared being out this far in the ocean. I gently squeezed her paws back, looking at her steadily. "L-Leilani, I honestly have no idea what you're talking about, I'm so sorry."

I expected her to be upset with me, but she smiled and I was elated to feel her tongue come out and give my nose a soft lick that caused my heartbeat to triple. "Come, Kyrell, let's go back down..." Her mouth was inches from mine, her voice almost a whisper. "Come and swim with your goddess..."

She suddenly dove down in front of me, her head brushing over my chest, my belly, and then along my groin as she submerged, her thick, graceful ruddertail following her out of sight. I tread water furiously, terrified, and realized she had left me alone up here - and there was no way I could swim back without her.

I took the biggest breath of my life and then dove after her. The water was so warm and silky, it was amazing. I suddenly spotted Lelani not too far below me, slowly scissoring her legs, propelling herself like an entrancing dancer, stroking smoothly down with her arms into the deep. I felt my ears pop as the pressure hit about twenty feet, and I tried my best to keep up with her.

She continued to swim farther down and I became frightened again. We were at least forty feet deep now, and she showed no signs of stopping. A flurry of bubbles rose from around her, and her legs continued to move with slow yet powerful kicks. I began to get incredibly horny again just watching her bare, bobbling asscheeks, the soft triangle of netherfur hardly hiding aroused mons, full and pouting, and so eager.

Oh God, I wanted to fuck her. My erection had slipped completely free from its cotton confines, and I felt the warm Pacific bathing it in pleasure. I began to kick hard after her, mesmerized, my hardness bouncing against my thighs, every nerve in me wanting to grab this wayward sea siren, and hold her in these depths, and mate with her wildly until-

Too soon, I could feel my lungs hurting, needing to breathe. I blew out the rest of my air in a rush and started back to the surface, kicking hard. I looked back once to try and find Lelani, but then I was lifting my head out of the water in a burst, gasping hard for breath. I spun around quickly to see if she had followed me, but she was nowhere to be seen.

I suddenly felt her paws around my legs, and I got in a breath before I was tugged firmly back underwater and into her arms. I struggled for a moment, having gulped in sea water, and then her mouth was over mine. A tiny trail of bubbles slipped from her as she kissed me, hard and passionate. I shuddered the length of my body, and felt myself respond immediately, returning the kiss, beginning to deepen it, reaching my tongue to hers and slowly caressing it. Her legs and tail brushed against my fur, and I felt my erection jump as her knee lifted up and mashed it against my belly.

I moaned as a burst of bubbles escaped my mouth, and continued to kiss her as her knee gently rubbed and massaged against my lust, taking exquisite delight in pressing it hard, and then grinding her knee against my hardness slowly up and down, side to side, and then in slow circles. I have no idea how long we stayed underwater, still kissing feverishly. My balls became so full and my sex throbbed so hard, aching for a release.

She churred sweetly against me, almost like a whimper, and I couldn't take it anymore. My erection seemed to jump once or twice and then it practically gushed, tendrils and tendrils of seed jutting from my sex as I came, wave after wave of pleasure overtaking me as she continued to grind my pumping shaft, milking it eagerly.

Finally, after several seconds, my orgasm seemed to fade. I don't recall ever cumming that hard or that long before. She slowly pulled her mouth from mine with a bubbly gulp, and then let go of me, watching me curiously, as if she was wondering what I was going to do next. I looked into her eyes and then wrapped my arms around her, kissing her deeply again, my paws softly caressing her back. Already I could feel myself throbbing again, swelling to full erection. And my lust-

Part of me realized that I absolutely had to breathe air and quickly, but another part of me wanted to stay locked with Lelani in an underwater embrace forever. I swallowed a bit more seawater as my lungs tried to fill and quickly broke away from my goddess, kicking and clawing my way fearfully to the surface far above.

When my head finally emerged from the watery prison, I was coughing wildly, my vision almost black stars, my head pounding. Leilani surfaced in front of me with a sharp gasp and we immediately started to kiss again, holding one another.

"Leilani..." I managed between kisses.

She churrred slowly, a soft, sing-song sound that filled me with pleasure and peace. "Yes, my god. You...remember now?" Her voice softened even more and she started talking again - only this time it wasn't English.

And it didn't sound Hawaiian either.

And yet, it sounded so familiar to me...

We sunk underwater again, still kissing deeply. She let go of me and wrapped her legs around my hips, moving her arms up and down, propelling us both deeper. I enclosed my strong arms around her back tightly and continued kissing her, my paws straining a bit as they struggled to keep her pressed to my body every time she jerked her arms.

The water became darker and colder the deeper we went. I felt my ears pop again, and flicked my eyes up above us, where the surface was fading quickly amid our bubbles. She broke the kiss as we settled at approximately forty feet underwater again and pulled gently away from me, kicking backwards. Her ruddertail swayed excitedly as she wiggled her slinky form, sliding the sarong from around her waist. She was completely nude now, and her full, perfect breasts bounced and swayed.

"Come, my god..." I heard her voice, and this time it was in my head, tickling me. "Come and play..."

She smiled invitingly, gazing at me, and continued swimming backward away from me, pawing over her breasts, tucking a webbed paw between her legs and rubbing her folds, looking at me with so much lust.

I looked back up to the surface and motioned to her, shaking my head, pointing up. She either didn't understand or didn't care. She blew a bubbly kiss to me and suddenly turned and dove down. I watched, transfixed, as the sea otter suddenly swam far below me, kicking her legs slowly, giving me a lovely view of her sleek body and her long flowing hair and tail as she went, trailing bubbles behind her. I don't know how deep she went, but it had to be well over a hundred feet or more.

And still, that lust. I wanted to follow her, grab her by the foot, drag her into my arms and pump my full erection into her body and relieve the intense pressure in my loins - but there was a much more intense pressure on me now, one I could no longer ignore. I felt my lungs burning. I stuffed my erection back into my shorts and kicked hard for the surface, groping, straining to reach the air I desperately needed.

The water seemed to grow heavier, thicker, squeezing me, trying to drag me back down, but after a few hard desperate kicks, I was back on the surface, spitting water and coughing much harder this time, my chest flaring in pain.

Lelani popped to the surface a few moments later while I was still trying to catch my breath, but unlike me, she seemed fine apart from a little heavy breathing. She shuddered and hugged around me, her bare breasts pressed up against my chest, and I let out a moan of pleasure.

She was so damned warm.

" god..." she whimpered, hugging me tightly, "Do you know now? Please. Remember..." She pressed the lush triangle of her sex gently against my cotton-encased erection, and I could feel the muscles working inside of her, clenching, relaxing, and clenching again. She must have felt me throbbing against her because she reached around my waist, and pushed the cotton down around my thighs and legs. She then used her perfect webbed toes, and nudged the briefs from around my footpaws. Now we were both naked.

"The sea has been calling you..." she whispered, kissing me again. Her deep green eyes held mine. "All this time...all this time, my love." She wrapped her paws around my shoulders and hugged me tightly, "I have missed you, my has been so long..."

Something was clicking inside me.

Her voice. I knew this voice.

"Make love to me, Ka'ne..."

I moaned and nodded, kissing her hard, our love and passion suddenly erupting like a torrent from a waterfall as we savagely kissed and hugged and rubbed at one another. Her swollen netherlips found my throbbing erection and she rubbed herself slowly up and down against me, feeling the length of me press up firmly against her labia. We took a breath together and snuggled underwater again a few feet down, continuing to rub and hump eagerly against one another.

I could feel her orgasm building and I quickly let go of her, sinking down to take the throbbing knotted flesh of her folds into my mouth, gnawing on her. She let out a loud cry of delight and her thighs spread open, giving me plenty of access to her nethers. Powerful webbed feet clamped tightly around my throbbing erection, pumping me hard with practiced, almost unbelievable care. I had never felt anything like it. The pressure on my hardness was so intense I burbled hard against her hot flesh, still licking, and lost all of my air in an underwater cry as she practically strangled my cock between those feet.

After three, four, maybe five quick, hard tugs, I remember almost blacking out with the force of cum that shot out from me. Flecks of seed, dangling in strings and clumps, swirled around my face and her stomach, thighs, and breasts as I emptied into the Pacific with the force of a broken fire hydrant. I clamped my mouth as hard as I could over her folds, letting out the rest of my air in a hard burst against her depths, and her paws suddenly had me in a tight grip, sharp claws digging into my scalp.

I felt her body practically explode in pleasure as she gushed sweet cum against my mouth, and I heard the loudest underwater scream imaginable, trapped in a flurry of bubbles. I held on weakly to her thighs, dipping my tongue again and again into her sex, bobbing my head to get every drop of her cum before it mingled with the water.

Soon her body relaxed, almost limp, and I swam back up to kiss her again, stroking us to the surface. We were shaking uncontrollably and my erection was throbbing badly now. It never crossed my mind how in the hell I could still be so horny after such a mind-boggling orgasm. Without a word, Lelani climbed up on me and pushed eagerly against me, lifting her hips from the water and jamming herself deep and fast onto my unyielding cock. We both cried out with pleasure, and then we were underwater again.

We hardly had a chance to breathe. Lelani slowly pumped her arms up and above her head, propelling us downwards as she had before, as I grabbed hard to her thighs, holding her on top of me. She slowly bounced and swayed, taking my sex steadily, smoothly, eyes lidded in deep pleasure. Her head tilted upwards, her long hair twining around our bodies like a net, as she continued to drag us down, deeper and deeper.

I already felt the need to breathe again. I tried to pull away from her, to push her off of my shaft, but she wrapped her arms around my neck and refused to let go.

It took me a few seconds to realize that, even though she was no longer using her arms, we were still moving downwards...

I couldn't see the surface anymore. It was so far away and we were sinking further and further. We had to be at least a hundred feet deep or more. I blurbled hard against her, terrified now, as the water changed from blue, to purple, to black darkness.

And still Lelani kept sliding herself up and down, deep and hard, her arms locked around my neck as she rocked on top of me.

And still we went deeper...

I kicked at her weakly, trying to somehow get away, but all that did was add to her pleasure as I bucked my hips against hers. My air was gone, I had none to hold. My lungs were searing in pain. My head rocked back and forth. I tried once more to pull off of her and she clung to me tighter, now wrapping her legs around me as she bounced faster, close to orgasm.

"Come home, Ka'ne ..." I heard her lilting voice inside my head again.

Without even realizing what was happening, I began to cum, and this time it was the strongest yet. The hardest, longest orgasm I ever felt. I thought for certain the force of cum would have been enough to split the sea otter in half. I threw my head back and howled soundlessly in the depths and suddenly felt her gushing orgasm splash against mine in a flow of juices unlike none other.

I heard her scream with me and the last of our trapped air became bubbles dancing together upwards to the surface far, far, far above us.

The sea rushed in and down my throat, and spread through my whole body, and I welcomed it.

I settled motionless against her, spent, and closed my eyes as we continued to drift down into black water.


I remember waking up in my briefs on the sand to hot, almost burning late-afternoon sunlight. I rolled over, suddenly sick to my stomach. Leilani was kneeling beside me, wearing her beautiful sarong again, petting my shoulder, as I retched out sea water several times.

"Are you alright?" The sea otter asked worriedly and helped me to my feet.

I coughed out the rest of the water in my lungs and shakily leaned against her, looking around in a blur. "Wh-what happened....I..."

Around me were several inquisitive, curious, and worried beachgoers. A few young wolf cubs building a sandcastle nearby laughed and returned to their fun.

Leilani took my paw and gave it a squeeze. "Ka'ne? You had us all worried there for a moment."

Already the images of deep-water lovemaking were leaving me, like fading memories, and yet...

"I...I don't understand, what...what happened to me?" Then I looked at her carefully. And then I remembered everything. "N-Namaka..."

She smiled, still holding my paw, then looked around at everyone, nodding. The beach erupted in cheers and laughter as we embraced one another and kissed lovingly. One by one, everyone around us got up from the sand, and as one body, walked into the waves and disappeared.


Once the beach was completely deserted again and night had fallen, we snuggled in the sand, watching the waves pound the shore.

"Did you like staying here?" Namaka smiled and nuzzled my cheek, and our footpaws caressed one another's as the tide rolled in, wetting our toes.

"For a while, yes," I replied quietly. "I...I sometimes forget..."

She giggled girlishly, giving my cheek a kiss. "That is why you have me. So that you can never forget, my love."

I smiled and turned to look at my goddess, tilting my head to her. "Maybe next time, you will not let me stay away so long?"

The sea otter nodded. "It is a promise."

We watched the waves in silence, while I thought about this strange life I had led, from cub-hood to adult, and how it had been nothing more than a restful solitude from my true purpose, my one destiny centuries upon centuries in the making. "Namaka," I sighed and looked into her eyes. "Do you think people still...believe in us?"

Namaka shook her head and then touched my cheek, her whiskered face loving, her eyes warm, and filled with promise. "Does it matter to us? I think all that is important is that we believe in them."

I smiled and took her paw in mine, pushing her back into the sand to sate our lusts once more. Afterwards, I followed her naked out into the thundering surf. The full, bright moon hung low in the sky, staining the sea in an alabaster glow as we swam out together far from shore.

"Namaka," I whispered to her, nuzzling her face gently as she snugged her arms around me. "I am sorry I was away so long. I missed you so much." Looking sheepishly at her, I added, "I...I just lost my way..."

"I missed you as well, my life-mate," she answered, and then kissed me passionately. I could feel my erection building, my unending lust rising, as it has always done. "Despair not, Ka'ne. Even gods sometimes lose their way."

We laughed softly and, holding paws, returned to our home in the depths.