The Sin Of Urios

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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Urios city *sigh*, what a shit hole. I hate this fucking city but it seems I can't leave. Ever since I popped into this world I've hit the ground hard and most of that is the fault of this twisted city. The law means shit here with cops more crooked than the floorboards under my feet. I saw the fate of my parents to these streets; their blood still staining my memories ever night. I pull my heavy head from the hard pillow in some hope of regaining some of my sense. This has become a usual thing for me; waking up in a motel with a hooker beside me and a hangover the size of the city itself. I look over to my side as the hooker sleeps silently. She's a regular of mine; a girl of old town who works in a local brothel. Kelly's her name (although I don't use it much) and she's one of my personal favourites. Golden streamed hair and eyes cool blue. I guess I'm a bit rough though; she always falls asleep quite quickly and she squirms as we service each other. I don't love her though. She just another hooker from old town who'll return to the streets with her sisters with a bit more change in her pocket. All just for a cheap thrill... I turn to place my feet on the damp, sharp floor and hold my swelling head in my hands. The night was still young. I normally pull a hooker in to get me started for the start then I move back to the bar for the night. The main event is just starting and I'll be damned if I'll miss that show. The cold night hair fells comforting on my breasts as I slip small change into the hooker's bra and pull on my clothes. I guess it'll be the same routine over and over again until the scum of this city final deal me the final blow. I normally hope for that night to come soon; I have no true reason for my life anymore. The only thing that keeps me going is seeing the show every night. The city is still buzzing as I pass into old town. Old town is one of the safest parts to be which is a surprise thing to say until you see that law enforcement. The police don't patrol old town, the local hookers do. Damsels of the night armed to the teeth with guns, knifes and weapons of all description as protection. They work as a sort of unit and look out for each other. With good intentions in your mind and money in your pocket these ladies will show you a good time. Cross them and you're as good as dead. I finally reach the bar to escape the cold, grey night as I enter the warm tavern. Rosie's bar was a popular spot for scum like me. Ne'er-do-wells who scrimp and save for a good night in old town each week. I approach the main stage and take my seat with the other scum surrounding me; we all eagerly wait for the event. The music soon starts pumping as the girl makes her way on stage. The blue vixen dances her way to the pole with her hips swaying into the crowd. Something about her just drives me wild. Her name is Krystal. I'm probably the only one in the crowd who cares what her name is as the others just stare wide eyed at her as drool flows hungrily from their maws. I stare on with more dignity but still *whistle* she is something else. Sudden she looks in my direction and flashes me a quick smile with a wink. Was she flirting with me? No, she's an entertainer and that's what she was nothing. "Clear your head, Sal," I tell myself, "You're just confused." Then I get a surprise that I hoped I could have avoided. "Sally Wolfe I presume? Outside now." I can't turn to see who it is but the cold metal poking me in the back tells me he's packing. Not a surprise, it'd be foolish to not carry a piece. Too bad I was that stupid. "Okay boys," I reply, as I submit to their demands. I take one more look at Krystal as she bends down to the front row for a few kisses. They lead me out the back door and reveal their backing quite heavy. Since the alleyway is quite narrow I doubt that any of the hookers of the street will notice the trouble and, even if they did, they would not intervene. "It seems like you've been causing our boss some trouble," he tells me acutely, "And our boss don't like trouble." "Trouble? Why would I cause your boss any trouble?" I know full well what he means. A local gang had set themselves up in old town and had began abductions of local hookers. Being crafty, the fuckers picked the new recruits or those of social digression. For what purpose I hadn't fathomed but I knew it couldn't be by the book. It's dog eat dog on the streets but with lone hookers there's no competition. I had hid some potential targets and alert some senior hookers while seeing to some of the lackeys. Whoever these guys are, they're mixed up in this whole business. "Seems like we have to get you out of the way." The began to reload and me with nowhere to run. Looks like this was it for me I guess. My day has come. Took it's damn time. I close my eyes waiting for the first metal jacket to break the flesh. Then there would be silence. And peace. I have rehearsed the situation in my mind. Suddenly the door swings open and Krystal stands in a dressing gown. She peers past the two men and stares directly at me. "Are you Sally?" She...she knows my name. How could she know my name? I haven't spoken to her. One of thugs grabs her and pulls her back through the bar as I follow. Seems like his buddy has a different idea in mind. He takes three shots hitting me in the gut and chest as I hit the cold ground with a thump. My hands are stained with blood as he makes his exit. Yet I feel like I have let myself down. Krystal has been taken and no-one knows about it. It seems like I have to take it to the grave. It seems like more blood must stain the streets. ************************************************************************************** A slug round the face sends the guy crashing to the floor with a blood stained face. Fucker didn't know who he was messing with. The crowd cheers and bays for the final blow and I happily give them what they want. Grabbing his hair with one hand and securing neck with my foot I rip the fat head from his scrawny shoulders and hold it up for the crowd to cheer. They bark their twisted lust as his blood coats the floor like a thick layer of paint. The smell grips me the most; the stench of another man's death. Every time I smell it I shiver. Smells just like the streets on some nights. The lights cut out as the crowd pours out of the building and I return to the back room. I made quite a lot tonight as I pull out handful after handful of notes. Dirty money but money none the less. I was that had been it for the night but it seemed the city wasn't finished with me. I get a surprise tap on the shoulder and turn to find a small rat standing below me. A small suit is all; suits are always trouble in this part of the city. "Can I help you?" I ask insolently. The rat maintains his smile and offers his hand in a gesture of friendship, "I'm Dmitri Ratovich and I have come to offer you a job." His voice was firm yet still quiet with a deep accent (Russian). Not the most buff of the scum that works in the area I assumed he's a sort of messenger. Frankly I wasn't too curious of the job or where it would take me. Like I gave a shit what this guy wanted. "Not interested," I decline in an cold style as I pick up my bag and turn to leave. "You're making a big mistake my friend. We can offer you money. Big money." I pause at the door to hear his testimonial. Although not one to resort to greed I was tired of scrimping and saving. "We heard what happened to Melissa." His words became tainted. His tongue shouldn't have dared speak those words. The only word which controlled me and kept me going through this shit life I was stuck with. Melissa. "Your salary could pay for so much. A new life. A proper burial. A way out." I turn from the doorway with my fists clenched. He had used my patience and I was a and with little to spare. Grabbing him by his shirt, I hold him to my level. "Don't you dare even matter her name. I'll tear you fucking head from your shoulders." No fear crossed his eyes. Guy's got guts but that's not enough in this city. "Do we have a deal?" he asks gaily. Hesitantly I release my grip. I accept.

I still don't know what I was thinking when I accepted the job. I don't take orders from no-one and here I am with a new suit and a boss to talk to. Weird boss though. She was a white lioness; short enough to be a cub but she ensured me she was older. Strong and vicious in character though. She wore clean, green clothes and two toned bodyguards to keep her safe from the streets. She was obviously an underground boss. She wanted to be referred to as ‘The Goddess'. Although slightly undignified, the pay was more important than my pride. Bitch could be called whatever she wanted as long as I got my pay. I didn't understand the business but I was told that a lot of people try to take from the underworld. This is where they were interrogated. I couldn't remember a time when someone would exit the room. Normally the victims were women as well. I asked no questions. Best to keep your head down and do what you're told in this city. The job was easy and I did little. Standing around all day with a salary was the best job I ever had. It seems like my life was finally looking up considering all I lost. Then, one day, I saw her. As usual, people were brought in for interrogation and no-one left; no blood on my conscience when the money rolled in like that. A door quickly rusted open as a girl came running towards me in a flood of tears. She was incredibly distressed as if she had faced hell itself. Behind her rushed a man in a heavy apron with a screwdriver sticking out from his leg. Poor guy. Keeping to my job I tackle the girl to the floor and hold her down. Her face...seemed familiar. Her beautiful, rich fur mixed of cream and mocha colour with her highlighted hair. Her medium posture and cute, vitalised eyes with her button nose. "Melissa..." I whispered over her cries. The man in the apron appears to my side and drags her to her feet, administering a sharp slap around the face. I grit my teeth and remind myself she isn't my Melissa. She couldn't have been my Melissa. Dragging her back into the room and strapping her back into the chair with an added ball-gag I leave the man to his own will. "Thank you. I'll make sure she get's what she deserves." I just give the guy a simple nod and left, her whimpers echoing in my mind. I had to be stronger than that. Being soft in this city can easily get you killed. It can...wait...a strange noise. My ears perk up as the faint screech of a power tool fills the air. Ignoring my instincts I barge down the door and find the man bent over the girl with a circular saw inches from her leg. I smash my elbow into the side of his face and he don't look too pretty after. I remove the ball-gag as she pleads and wails for her life. "OH GOD DON'T HURT..." "Ssh, ssh, ssh," I cry softly, "I'm not going to do anything. If I know they tortured people here I would have never signed up for this job." I look back at the shivering vixen who calms under my voice, "What's your name?" "Chloe," she delicately replies. With a reassuring smile I decide that skipping the small talk would be a good idea. Punching a code into the panel, the large, corrugated iron door wrenches open and a lead Chloe by the hand down the corridors. Every corridor looks the same; rust, blood and iron all around. Sorta reminds me of prison...smell of the blood is worse than prison. I hear two guards on patrol making their way around the corner as I barge down a near-by door and dive in with Chloe. The patrol pass relatively quickly and I grab for Chloe's arm. She's staring at something behind me and I turn to find something horrific. A blue skunk was stabbing a corpse of a hooker with a screwdriver while cackling manically. I take a pistol off a near-by table and splatter his face across the wall. Chloe falls to her knees in front of the body with tears swelling from her eyes. I could see this girl meant a lot to her but it wouldn't be long before the guards picked up on the gunshot. "Chloe we gotta get outta here," I push, grabbing her arm and tugging her away. Wiping the sniffles away, she follows. I could see the main door insight before hearing the sound of cocking guns behind me. The Goddess and her staff stood at the end of the tarnish walls. "Where do you think you're going? I though you were loyal?" "I was," I reply with grunt in my voice, "But sick fucks like you need to be stopped." "But you don't mind death." "Death that has a reason. This is meaningless. Even for Urios this is wrong." She paused and looked at me curiously as if to attempt to read my thoughts. With burning eyes she stared dead into me and I could swear Chloe just held on tighter and tighter. "Who are you too judge?" Shunting Chloe through the open door, I cover her with pistol fire as the others take cover. Soon my clip expires and I throw it to the floor, diving through the open doorway and rolling into the street. I'm no closer to climbing to my feet before three bullets eat through my chest and I hit the deck in a pool of blood.

Stupid bastards. Doctors rush to stop the blood from bursting from my chest. A waste of time is what I say and frankly I'm sick of it. I awake in hospital several weeks later after being in critical condition and pissing in a bag. Talk about dignity. My sight phase to a shape at the foot of my bed that turns out to be a police commissioner. "Mornin' sunshine," he chuckles. If I wasn't strapped to the bed I would punch the prick's face into next week. "Seems like you shot the wrong guy, huh? I guess it's true you fuckin' pigs can't shoot for shit." Lighting a cigarette and dropping the lighter back in his pocket the commissioner forms another smile I'd punch him for. "Oh that's where you're wrong. We shot the right guy. Haven't you heard?" he flings a dated newspaper on the sheets in front of me, "You organised that torturing company. You see - the police force hasn't controlled Old Town in a decade. Any criminal we chase into old town hides in a tavern and we never hear from the shit again. The company you worked for came to us with a proposal, set up a service of killing and we could have old town back. As the company killed off the hookers' numbers we would move in and take over again. Then the company would move on. However, since we had to respond to the commotion you made we also had to break our secret ignorance to the company. You will act as a ring leader and we can state the rest got away. You have done a great service for the police department." The fucker gave his last snigger and left. A week later and no sooner am I finding my feet when the police kick them out from under me. Tied to a chair they beat the shit out me until I can't understand the floor from the ceiling; throwing another confession statement in my face for me to sign. I spit blood on it and chuckle at how many clean copies they print out. Leaving me covered in blood they decide enough is enough. A police officer enters with a hostage on his arm and his barrel to her head. It's Chloe. I take the pen and sign the document just before I jam the pen into his arm. The next day I find myself in a prison complex; bald as a baby and hours from my death. I don't give a shit; these tossers don't scare me. I only get one visitor as the cell door screeches open to reveal my Chloe. She says nothing as she lies with me on my cell bed. We sit there for what seems like hours as she feels my heartbeat for the final time. The guard soon tears her from me and walks me down the aisle to the dreaded chair. I personally welcome it. They throw the switch to watch me twitch. The smell...that bloody smell...that deathly smell. It's mine and it's smells like peace. ************************************************************************************** I get to the sink and splash the brown, chilled water over my face. What was happening to me? Getting old I guess... The doctors all say the same thing; chronic heart discharge which means my heart wouldn't beat properly. They gave me meds to keep me going...fucking pills don't do shit. "Take one at a time," they insist as I down half the bottle. Just getting old I guess... I take a deep breath from the grimy air seeping in through the wind; I can actually taste the scum of this city. These streets are no place for people. Only roaches and bugs, filth that thrive on hatred and death. A comforting hand is placed on my shoulder as she wraps her hand around my chest, feeling my aged ticker. Her touch is so warm... "Can't sleep?" I turn to look at her; the role model of my life and the girl I care about so much. Amber. Amber is my sister; a large, blue rabbit with floppy ears and a beautiful sky blue coat. "Not really..." I reply as she beams me a smile. "I'm sure it'll get better." I love her for that. In the face of resounding terror and death my sister keeps her optimism. I guess it's that optimism that keeps me going. I worry about her so much. She works for the streets as a hooker and makes a lot of money. With a body like that who wouldn't? Every night I sit in and wait for my phone call 9.00 then another at 11.00. She's normally in by 1.00 and I'm still awake with a mug of tea for her. Nothing would part me from her...nothing. Again she grabs her things and dolls herself up for the night ahead. I load her gun personally and make sure she is well protected as I give my final hug to her. Then the waiting begins. I sit and watch the gloomy news as the time passes very slowly. I can almost feel the knife penetrating her back and it makes me sick. The constant ticking of the clock on the monotonous mantle taunts me as my suffering continues. Finally the tension is broken at 9.00 when she calls me. I hear her sweet voice against the background of the attacking cold. She sounds happy and my heart relaxes again. Now another two hour wait and time decides to spare me the agony. The hands soon meet the 11.00 notch as I sit by the phone. It lies beside me with no explanation. "She's just busy..." I reassure myself. She must be. That line of work is very demanding and I know she wouldn't forget me. It hits 10 past as my mind becomes troubled. "She's forgotten you old man," I begin. Even my ancient mind turns on me. What if I was right? What if she didn't care about me anymore? I guess I was holding her back...knew I had been for a long time; she was a saint to put up with me for this long. When the clock strikes half past I know something's wrong. Even I she had left then she would have the courtesy to tell me. The panic begins to set in. I feel like a mother who has lost her child. Without second thought I grab my coat and take to the streets in search of my angel.

The bitter winter snow barrages me as I stride through the thick white. I knew roughly where she worked so at least I had a lead. Rosie's bar was always a popular place for the ladies of the street and a great place for a fella to hook up. As I approach the bar, however, it seems as if it's fallen into disrepute. I push through the heavy door to find the whole place empty. "Hello?" I call to the empty space. Half drunken beer and smouldering cigarettes crackle in the void. The bar seemed to have been deserted for some time with no noise to reveal any presence. "What's your business here?" hollers an anxious voice from my right, "Start talking before I redecorate the wall with a shade of gold eagle." Rosie stood shaking with a large double barrel pointing right at my mid-section and she didn't look in the mood for shit. "Rosie, I'm a regular here," I reply calmly. "Yeah well the bar's closed. Fuck off," she readies the shotgun. "Whoa, whoa, whoa hold on," I cry with my hands in front of me as a shield, "I need to talk. My sister hasn't come home yet and I'm worried. Her name's Amber." Rosie thought for a few minutes and boy did it pass slowly. She soon lowers the weapon and lays it on the dusty bar. "I guess I can't turn you down, especially since this is the problem I'm protecting my girls from." It was strange for someone to show such kindness and mercy in Urios but hell if I was complaining! She indicts me to take a bar stall as she begins her story, "Your sister is probably out of Urios by now. A secret operation was underway in Old Town to kidnap the girls off the streets. It was closed down a few days ago but attacks keep coming and hooker numbers are daunting. I will give you all the information I know but then you have to get out of here. Never come back." So that was it; she had been kidnapped by a psychotic cult. Again I hold my quaking heart as I leave the bar, the pain growing in intensity every time. I take a deep breath as the snow crunches under foot. "Keeping going old man," I tell myself, "You're not finished yet."

The drive out of Urios is unfamiliar and, yet, unsatisfying. I can feel the contents of my stomach deep in my throat as my car zooms and skids through the white-veiled roads. The only horror compares to the thought of what those fuckers are doing to Amber is what I'm going to do to the guy responsible. Rosie told me that the hookers were taken to a farm far outside Urios' limits but what they did to them was still a complete mystery. They never cam back, though... I stop the car on a snowed in verge outside the farm fence perimeter just to make sure I'm not spotted. I grab all I need from the boot of my car; shotgun, ammo and a combat knife. Although anything could've happen, I was sure of one thing; there would be blood. For a final time I trudge through the snow in hope of regaining my beloved. Suddenly I spot a figure in the snow; a silhouette in the endless ashen powder. Spikes of his back and red eyes that burned against the night he stands. I make my approach as silent as possible while using the tall trees as cover. Soon I appear behind him and make my move. Before I can grab his throat he dives down and I miss him. With a lightening strike he beats my stomach and socks me round the face. With punch after punch around my face seeping me more and more into unconsciousness. I fade into the darkness.

A soft, warm hand touches my face as my sense returns. I here a cry and whimper which is all too familiar. My eyes open to see a tear-stricken Amber in front of me with the mysterious attacker restraining her. "Well, well, well we have a rescuer do we? A good guy in Urios is rare! Luckily my Shadow stopped you before you did any damage." The dark attacker made no emotion to the mention of his name. The small, pink lioness appeared in front of me with a devilish smile on her face urging to be wiped off. "I'll tell you what," I bargain as I spit the blood from my beaten beak, "Let my sister go and I'll spare you a quick death." The lioness just giggles as another figure enters the room. A brown bear of a cubby build with an excited smile appears before all of us. She holds a leash dragging a bruised, blue vixen behind her. I've seen that vixen dance many times at the bar. "Ah Miss Hardner I hope everything is in order?" The bear returns a smile, "Yes of course! I love this vixen!! I‘m am slightly disappointed she‘s personal to you. How much for the rabbit then?" "The rabbit is 500." The bear approaches my sister and drags her tongue up her face, testing her through taste before reforming her smirk, "A fair price." I look at my sisters face, recluse as if nothing was happening. "Amber. No tears. No screaming. Do you hear me?" Without opening her eyes she nods in agreement. "Well that wraps everything up!" proclaims the lioness as the bear and the vixen leave. Shadow approaches me with my knife; he drives it into my thigh, cutting my main artery. As my blood spills to the floor I can hear the waning cries of Amber as my eyelids flutter to a close. My heart pounds weakly as the blood covers my shoes. I hear the group walk away and leave me to face death alone. I can feel my life gushing from my leg to the dirty floor below. Go to sleep old man, you've failed.

No! Fight it old man! My eyes burst back into life as my heart quickens and my arms strain. I pull at my thick ropes, desperate for release like a trapped animal. "She's counting on you!" calls my mind, "Come on old man! Fight it!" With blood still flowing from my being I pull the ropes. The knot begins to wear and snap as I fall face first into the crimson liquid. Ripping part of my shirt and wrapping it tightly around my leg I manage to stop the bleeding. Being careful not to disturb the pink bitch in the other side of the farm I stumble outside. As soon as I get outside, however, the cold air reacts and my heart fails. The lack of blood wasn't helping as my sight grew faint. The sickening beat of my broken heart still was not enough for me to quit. Come on old man, keep moving. There, in the snow of the road is a path. Amber must have kicked the coolant case or something. A line of melted snow trailed the road leading me right to her. Good work Amber. I climb in my car and follow the trail.

I soon stop the car at a flat just on the boundary of old town. For the final time tonight (and probably for ever) I climb from the car and retrieve my weapons from the boot. I can hear her twisted voice from inside; that bear that took my angel and tore away her wings. Before I even get to the door my heart goes again. The putrid, vicarious hammer of my ancient ticker brings pain a new as I collapse on the doorstep. I reach into my pocket to obtain my pills yet my shaky hand spills them into the layered snow. My strength diminishes and I can't see shit. "Not yet old man. She's in trouble!!" I fling the empty container away and ignore the ripping sensation in my chest. With a firm kick I take out the door and stupor my way up the stairs. I find the door slightly ajar with light flooding through it. Inside I can see a naked Amber chained up to the ceiling and that bitch surrounding her. "Oh you're such a cute little bunny. Not as fun...but that will come in time." She pulls the smouldering cigarette from her mouth and jam it into Amber's back. No tears. No scream. Good girl. "You can't get off without my pain can you? Your pathetic," sniggers Amber. The bear pulls out a knife and strokes it through Amber's hair as if to tease her. That's all I can stand. I burst through the door and slug the bear round the face sending her crashing to the floor. I cut Amber free; "Come and we gotta get outta here!" As we hit the top of the stairs I hear a loud blast cut through the background which throws me down as I find myself on my face in the mezzanine. Hazel appears in front of me with a smoking shotgun and Amber in her arms. "Aw poor little birdie. Best put you outta your misery." I close my eyes as I feel the warmed shotgun barrel nuzzle my feathers on my head. Before a shot is fired, Amber grabs the knife from Hazel's belt and stabs it into her neck. As she collapses Amber falls to my side and places her hand on my chest. It's almost as if her touch heals my heart. "I guess my little girl's growing up," I splutter while I hold her hand tightly. I see her eyes glisten with tears, "Hey kid. You didn't cry through that, don't start now!" ************************************************************************************** Fuckers can't shoot shit in a cess pool; I know they're gunna regret not finishing me off. Alcohol pours over my fur as I wake up in a panic, my chest flaring with deep pain of my scars. I look down to find I have more stitches than a scarecrow before finding myself surrounded by the best broads of Old Town. Miss S, a senior rank and one of the highest beauties among the Old Town ranks, approaches me with a serious frown on her face. "S? Nice to see ya again!" I call jovially. She sharply slaps me round the face as I rebound back with a smile. "Still a bitch, huh?" "You sick fuck..." "Me? What did I do?" She crosses her arms, displeased with my answer, "As if you don't know? What have you been doing in Old Town? You and your sick little organisation." "Are you seriously that fuckin' stupid?" I declare. She removes her mac-10 and places the barrel to my temple, "I'd be careful how you talk to me. Where's the other girls?" "I don't know but I intend to find out. Especially for Krystal." "Krystal? The new girl in Rosie's bar? What have you done with her?" "Why would I hurt her?" "Because your twisted just like the rest of the festering fucks that drag themselves through Old Town." "I paid you in full and you loved it rough!" Just as she raised her hand for another strike a large ferret burst through the door, out of breath as she supported herself with her hands on her knees. "Senior Mistress S, she is no threat. She has helped our kind for weeks." Although not happy with the decision, S trusted her fellow sisters and cut my ropes. "Thanks love." With just a sneer she displayed an anxious look on her face. "So you're going to help?" "Yeah, I guess so..."

And there I was, spending my night finding the one I loved more than any other in this unfair world. S said she would've given me back-up but they were expecting an attack from the police. They needed everyone they could. That night me and S spent together was years ago and yet she still kept a grudge. I asked specifically for her from one of the seniors when she was just an amateur. I was pretty rough on her and I bet her pussy's still stretched. That's why she's so angry! She told me of a farm of sorts outside Urios that was the new base of the organisation. After gathering a few tools I readied myself for the long night ahead. Stopping just outside the farm (and passing a speeding car on the way) I grabbed my supplies and drudged through the bracing snow. A farm was a lit through lanterns and lamps as a strange figure stood at the gate. I decided to take a direct approach instead of an ninja bullshit. The figure was a strange sort of hedgehog with jet black fur and callous red eyes. He gives no reaction or movement as I approach; only his cold eyes locking onto me like a trained assassin. "Hi there!" I tease, "Can I come through?" He gives no response, no reply. I ignore him as I reach for the gate. All of a sudden he lunges at me, knocking me off balance. I go for a punch before he grabs my arm and dislocates it with swift flick. "AH SON OF A BITCH!!" I see a depraved smirk on his face as I upholster my pistol; before I can fire he grabs it and flings it to the ground. The jolt of hitting the ground sets the gun off which hits his foot and send his to the floor. Without a second though I kick him in the face and drag him by ropes to the nearest tree to secure him. Finally I have the fucker where I want him. Snapping my shoulder back into place, I kneel in front of him a place a cigarette in his mouth after sticking one in my own. I lit my cigarette and pull out a canteen from my jacket pocket and take a swig for the cold of the night. "I love booze," I begin, "It helps through the cold of night." Again I see no response or emotion within him. I've already decided his fate anyway. "You look cold. Want some?" Screwing off the top of the canteen I douse the fucker with all the scotch the thing can carry. "Now, if you tell me what goes on in there then I won't kill you horrifically. A bullet through the head is much fairer, no?" I even give the shit head time to think about it and his lips are still solid. Like a statue he stares at me in silence. Something tells me I shouldn't have expected anymore so I just lit his cigarette and walk of. Sooner or later the sparks and embers hit their mark and the guy burns on into the night. Not once do I hear a scream. I enter the main barn to find a knocked over chair, torn ropes and a lot of blood. My gut told me it was Krystal's but I just ignored it and carried on. Shortly I find a larger section of the barn in the style of a large hall. Around the edge were girls in collars covered in dirt and bruises; most completely naked and hungry. I recognised most of them from the streets. On the walls above them were heads and trophies of other girls. A woman isn't a trophy head for a wall. In the middle, secured by a rope leading to the top was Krystal. Without second thought I rush in and appear at her side. Her eyes are closed as I pull her head up to feel her neck. There's a pulse and breath. Suddenly she pops back into life and I look away in a weird sort of self-confidence. "Sally...?" she cries in excitement. Again I wonder how she knew my name but realised there were more important tasks at hand. "I'm getting' you out of here." A thunderous strike to my head sends me toppling over as a pink lioness stands above me with a baseball bat in her hand. Her smile is malevolent as she towers over me. "Ah Sally Wolfe. You have been such a pest to me and my organization. Business is business and I can't be dealing with pests like you right now." Rolling to my front I beam her a smile, "Abigail Winters! You've come far." She administers another strike to my chest, "That's the Goddess to you. I forgot to ask, do you like my new pet?" Plunging her fingers deep into Krystal made her struggle and squirm in her restraints. The Goddess just stared at Krystal as she looked away in disgust, "I love the ones that squirm. So many people wanted her but I refused each one of them. She is my little play toy. My toy to break." She returned to me and placed the cum-covered fingers in distance of my maw. I take a deep sniff knowing it maybe my only chance. "Smells good doesn't she? She tastes even better! You'll never know that, sadly..." I slowly try and pull myself to my feet before another bat strike to the face keeps me down. As I slowly reach for my weapon, The Goddess slides it away from me and picks it up. Pointing the pistol at my head and cocking, I close my eyes for the coming peace. This time I don't welcome it like I used to. I would have been grateful for this 24 hours ago but things looked so much brighter. Bang; that sound. That screech of deaths arrival and the escaping of the human soul from the broken body. Peace. "Sally?!!?" I open my eyes to find a blue furred face smiling back at me. The Goddess lay in front of us in her pool of blood. A familiar striped face appeared and helped me up along with Krystal. I guess You can make friends on these streets.

With The Goddess taken care of and the organization closed down, Old Town stayed in the hands of the hookers. The police force could not overthrow them and so they were forced to retreat. I sit in my booth with a cigarette as I watch the stage from afar. Again Krystal woos the crowd and I can't take my eyes off her. Her routine ends and she joins me with a drink, covered in sweat but as cute as ever. "Can I hire you for the night?" I ask, cheekily. "Depends what you wanna do?" she giggles back. I whisper my pervert thoughts in her ear and she smiles back in glee, "Sounds good to me!" (((I must explain this story quickly. This is based on a sort of Sin City that includes my characters. The characters in this story share name and physical traits with the originals ONLY! That means name, partner, attitudes, occupation are all different. This took me a while so I hope you like it! Sally Wolfe, Lucas Reloy, Amber Reloy, Hazel Hardner, Miss S, Abigail Winters, Rosie Rose and Mitch are under copyright of me, SPAMZZKRR. Chloe is under copyright of ChloeTheFirefox. Krystal is under copyright of Nintendo (Rare).PLEASE COMMENT!!)))