Never bet against a Satyr

Story by Sejuani on SoFurry

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So, another log tonight - one of the stranger/more adventurous ones. Warning - hyper, semi non-con, lots of cum and general messiness and just an overall rather extreme log. This is one of the more recent ones - I really should write more.

Anyway, yeah, enjoy.

She had too much to drink last night, and blacked out. She comes to in a strange bed, in a dark room. She lays on her belly, on a pile of pillows with her ass in the air, and she can't move her arms or legs. As she tries to move, she hears a deep voice growl, "Good morning, sunshine."

Anki groans softly as she wakes, groggy, head clouded from a heavy hangover. She tries to pull herself up to stretch out, confused when she finds herself unable, frowning and prying her eyes open, flinching at the sound of the growl, mumbling quietly, "Gh.. who..?"

Satyr laughs. A tall shadow stands in front of a dim window. A broad chest, sharp profile... and horns sprout from his forehead, almost touching the ceiling. His knees bend backward, and hooves clop as he moves closer, looming over her. He watches her struggle. "That's it, little one. Shake that ass."

Anki lets out a confused whimper as she hears the deep laugh resonate above her, blinking, trying to adjust to the poor light, squinting, just able to make out the form in front of her. Slowly coming to her senses, her eyes widen a little bit, hearing his next words and squeaking, struggling where she is, folding her tail down to try and hide her modesty, though that doesnt cover her the entirety of her little rump, "W-what..? H-hey, where am I?" She stutters out, voice quavering ever so slightly, showing her apparent nervousness.

Satyr pulls the bedsheet off her, exposing her body. She's naked, except for the vines that tie her wrists together and her ankles wide apart. "Never get in a drinking contest with a satyr, my dear." He gives her a spank, then closes his big, rough hands over her bare ass.

Anki lets out another whimper from her lips as the covers are lifted off, tugging at the vines that bind her, turning her head to look down, eyes widening as she realises how bare her body is, her breasts and rump jiggling a little each time she tugs at the vines. She looks back up at him as he speaks, ears perking, though she frowns, biting on her lip, "I-I don't remember any drinking cont-" she's cut off by the hard spank of her rump, letting out a surprised yelp, followed by a long, scared whimper as she feels his hands over her vulnerable rear, trying to squirm about, hoping to wriggle free of her bindings - without much luck.

Satyr slowly gropes her ass, fingers sliding up to the base of her tail, and prying it up. He climbs onto the bed behind her, the whole thing tilting toward him, bedsprings squealing as his hooves sink in. He moves closer, but not much closer before something blunt and wide brushes her thigh

Anki squirms at his groping, trying her best to pull her tail back down as he forces it up high, her rump already spread from being bent over so, revealing her tight, quivering tailhole and vulnerable slit to him. She lets out a loud whine of protest as she feels him climb up on to the bed, turning her head around to try and follow him, trying to crane her neck around when she feels the blunt object press up against her thigh, barely daring to protest.

Satyr clops closer, the big thing leaving a wet trail on her fur as it slides higher. She can see the shadow of his horns on the wall, and feel the huge thing growing against her. He rests it along the cleft of her ass, the thing sliding up her back as it keeps swelling over her. His fingertips tickle her tight pucker as his cock rises to monstrous proportions over her.

Anki shudders as she feels it drag across her rump, biting down onto her lip and trying to ignore the feeling of that liquid soaking into her fur. She lets out a quiet whimper, slowly dawning on her what the thing probably is, eyes fearful as she stares, letting out a light gasp as she feels his fingers tease the tight seal of her tailhole, "Y-you're not thinking of putting that in me, are you..?" She mumbles out, gulping, struggling a little more urgently, though all she does with it is rub her plump little rear back up against him, amounting to a bit of teasing.

Satyr laughs, rubbing his cock along her ass cheeks, it felt like she was rubbing up against a fencepost. "I'm going to push it balls-deep inside you, my dear." He curled over her, his breath hot on her neck. "The knot is right down at the base, you see." He slowly stepped away, the big shaft sliding down her back, until the tip was pressed between her ass cheeks, spreading them wide open.

Anki groans out as she feels it grind up against her, shaking her head rapidly and giving fearful, quiet whimpers, ears perking up at his words, though they fold back down quickly, her shaking a little, "N-No.. t-that's.. I-it's huge.." Her eyes widen as well at the mention of a knot, gulping loudly, letting out pleading whines and whimpers as she feels him slide back all the way and press up back between her cheeks, forced to spread them open uncomfortably, her tiny little tailhole clenching and quivering at it's touch, "I-It wont fit anyway.. It can't.. p-please.." she pleads, biting down on her lip.

Satyr stands behind her, one hand holding the weight of his cock up, his other hand rubbing her pussy. He aims the huge tip toward her clenching little opening, but keeps slipping off the tiny bulls-eye. The wide tip prods her tailhole, rubbing it.... and leaving broad strips of precum over her ass each time it slips off. "This will be a very tight fit, little one."

Anki she whimpers, muting her pleading when she realises he won't be listening, instead scared little whimpers and whines escaping her as he continues to prod and push up against her, forced forward a little by the pressure and her rump forced to press inwards ever so slightly, making her let out a terrified groan. The pre quickly starts to lube up her little entrance, not much for it to cover, slickening her and making it a little bit easier to spread that hole, her gulping at his words, body quivering with fear.

Satyr slows down, keeping his blunt tip nestled against the little inward curve he's made at her tailhole. He doesn't penetrate yet, but he's pressing hard enough that his precum oozes directly up inside her now. One hand kept rubbing her pussy, as he held the length of the shaft between them, slowly forcing her tiny little rump open around the giant intruder.

All she can do is whimper and groan, not even able to struggle against him as he presses harder up against her, ass firmly pressed inwards, slowly starting to spread, trying to stretch enough to accommodate that huge rod.. but she stretches slowly, whimpers of pain mixed with involuntary, pleasured moans at the feeling of her fingers teasing at her sensitive folds, and at the feeling of his precum oozing directly into her tight little ass, slicking up her inner walls for what's inevitable, rear and hips also forced to spread wider to start to take it into her.

Satyr takes slow steps as he pushes inside her more. Every tiny push stretches her more and more, forcing her tiny little rear open, forcing her breath out. Finally the wide crown of his tip pushes in, and her abused hole clenches shut around his shaft. He keeps still there, and she can see the shadow of them on the wall. He's still standing a couple feet behind her, with just that giant rod running between him and her squrming body

Anki bites down on her lip to try and mute herself a little, though her sounds of fear are still audible, groaning and whining at the feeling of her rump stretching further and further to accept that rod. She exhales, eyes wide, as she feels that thick, throbbing crown finally shove into her rear, her walls clamping down like a vice, her body stretched wide around him. She lets out a delayed groan, eyes drifting over to the shadow on the wall, whimpering at the sight of how long that rod really is, and how thick, her gulping quietly and giving another tug at her bindings, still slightly hopeful, though less and less..

Satyr leans forward, slowly forcing the giant intruder further inside her clutching rear. The thing jumps inside her, to say nothing of the veins running along the bottom of it... she can feel his pulse inside her more than her own. He takes hold of her hips and lifts her off the bed... and her stomach bulges out beneath her. She can feel his hairy legs against hers now, his hooves sinking into the mattress along her thighs as he closes the distance between them

Anki lets out a long, strained groan as she feels it force deep into her quivering, clenching ass, stretched wider than she should ever be, with all she can utter or do is more groans or twitches of her bound body, drooling a little as it forces its way deeper. Her eyes widen as she catches sight of her stomach bulging out, gulping again, letting out another scared whimper as she's lifted up off the bed, squirming ever so slightly, but weakly, already starting to tire from being stretched so, biting down on her lip as she feels that thick cock travel deeper and deeper into her body, walls stretched out like a condom around it.

Satyr growls low as he draws closer to her, plowing impatiently into the heat of her clutching rear. His breath hot on her back now, his hands curl around to cradle her body, obscenely bulging around his prick. He reaches up, untying her wrists... and pulling her up straight, impaling her more. The tip nestles up inside her, into her ribcage, making every breath shallow. He nuzzles her neck. "My little cocksleeve."

Anki pants heavily, her mouth opened wide, shuddering at the feeling of his breath on her back. She lets out another of her ragged groans as his hands curl around her stretched body, whimpering a little as he unties her wrists. Her hands drop down to rest on that huge bulge up across her body, eyes widening as she feels along it, barely believing how it bulges and stretches out her body, forced to exhale as he shoves up deeper and up into her ribcage, gulping again, whimpering as she finds it that little bit harder to breathe, her pulse hammering around him, not daring to see if he's all the way inside her body yet - with a whimper at his words, shivering and shuddering around his cock, almost pleasurably.

With one more push he sheathes himself inside her completely... the base of his cock pressed to her tail, his goat legs curling around her thighs. His cock is pushed right into her core now, a huge twitching thing she can feel press against her lungs as she takes each breath. His hand rubs her soaking cunt, lightly brushing her clit as he starts to bounce her on his cock. Each time he draws back her lungs fill with air, and he forces it out of her as he drives back in.

Anki groans out as most of her air is forced back out her lungs, struggling to breathe, eyes widening as she feels it pulse and throb inside her form. Her moan is barely audible from the teasing of her slit, squirming about as she feels his legs wrap around her thighs, taking in a desperate breath as he feels her pull her back up, letting the air fill her lungs. Her eyes widen with panic again as he presses back in, whimpers and groans escaping her with every thrust, body twitching around him, wrapped around him, her body practically a velvety little cocksleeve to him, rippling and squeezing tightly.

Satyr laughs, nibbling her ear. "Don't fight it, my dear. Relax, and that monster inside you will work your lungs for you. I'll take care of my sweet little sleeve." His cock jumps and twitches in her, every movement making her whole body twitch. He glides one finger just inside her pussy, curling to touch her g-spot as he reams her ass out more

Anki lets out another of her whimpers as he feels her laugh above her and talk into her ear, shuddering at his voice, but giving the slightest of nods, trying to relax best she can, though she continues to let out those strained, ragged groans, toes curling. A slight of a moan escapes her lips as she feels him dig his finger into her sensitive pussy, tight around his finger, quivering and pulsing as she whimpers around him. A groan escapes her lips with every time her breath is pushed back out of her, hands just feeling along that bulge stretching out her body again and again, unable to do a thing otherwise..

Satyr nuzzles her neck, growling. He starts pumping harder, fucking her faster... making her own breathes come more rapidly. The bulge in her belly rises and falls with each thrust, her tight ass making obscene sucking noises around the base of his cock as he slams in and out. "I'm going to knot with you, little one. My little cockwarmer."

Anki lets out a slightly louder groan as he starts to slam in harder and faster, turning her head ever so slightly to look at at her captor, mouth open wide as his thrusts control her breasts, forcing her to exhaling and inhale sharply. Her body shivers again about her as she hears the sounds her rump makes around he base of his shaft, lewd and loud, and a fearful whimper escapes her lips in reaction to his next few words, She shakes her head, pleading with her eyes, unable to talk with the pounding into her chest, gulping with fear at what'll come next.

Satyr smiles, his square pupils meeting her eyes. "I raped you, and now I'm going to trap you on my cock." He gives her cheek a light kiss, then curls over her, crushing her against him.... and releasing a hot geyser deep in her chest. Her belly baloons out even more, the swell of his cum obscuring the shape of his cock, and it fills her, until she can feel it rising up her throat

Anki shakes her head rapidly as his eyes meet hers, letting out a whimper as she feels a kiss against her cheek. She groans out as he pushes back deep into her, forced to let out one last groan, maw open wide as she feels cum flow from his tip deep into her core, quickly filling her form, bulging out around his cock, her body swelling to accommodate all that seed - though her eyes widen as she realises her body can't keep it all, feeling it shoot up her throat, trying to hold it back with little success. He watches as a thick rope of his seed shoots out of her maw, raining over her, her quickly moving her head down, the shots soon turning into a continuous flow of white, thick cum from her lips, cascading down her body and covering her growing front, matting down her fur and painting her white, eyes wide with panic, only able to stare hopelessly as she's turned into a fountain of his cum.

Satyr growls, still pumping her. His knot swells up at the base of his cock... plugging her ass completely so not a drop of his cum escapes that way. His steady flow slows to a series of surges inside her, each one swelling up inside her to fill her mouth with more of his thick, sticky cum. He kisses the back of her neck as his hands rove over her, smearing his cum over the outside of her body as he fills her up more. "My cumcatcher. My cocksleeve. We're knotted, little one."

Unable to make a sound as she feels his knot swell and plug up her rear end, eyes widening, glancing up at him as more and more continues to flow from her lips, her raising her hands and trying to cover her mouth to stop the surges of seed spurting out from her maw - but does little more than to cover her little arms as well. She slumps atop him, keeping her maw open wide, spurts of seed flowing from her lip once it slows down to surges, quivering as she feels his thick, sticky seed spread over more of her body, being painted with his white, her belly swelled past even the final stages of pregnancy, sloshing and jiggling with each spurt inside her.

Satyr growls, nuzzling her neck. He reaches down to untie her ankles. "I only need one knot to hold you now." He's still cumming inside her, more slowly now... giving her time to breathe between having her mouth filled with seed again. "I haven't had anyone milk me like this in... I don't know how long." He nibbles her earlobe. "How do I taste?" He finger-fucks her slowly as he keeps unloading inside her.

Anki shivers at his words, not struggling as her ankles are freed, letting her legs dangle limply either side, also being covered with that thick seed.. She inhales deeply as she can when she gets the chance - which isnt too much, with his head still lodged up against her lungs, exhaling again before another spurt of his seed rushes up her throat and flows out of her lips. Her ears twitch against his nibbling, her giving another shudder, averting her gaze, opening her mouth to speak, though quickly interrupted by another surge of cum. She does moan quietly, faint, exhausted from being so filled as he fingers her tight slit, mumbling quietly as cum drools from her mouth, "Y-you.. T-thick.." cut off again with another glob of seed, she closes her eyes tight, still trying to collect herself from the ravaging..

Satyr roves his hands slowly over her cum-soaked body, her swollen belly. He circles his tongue in her ears, whispering to her softly as his orgasm finally subsides inside her. He works his cum into her fur, then glides his hands back to her cunt, petting it slowly, working his fingers back inside her. "So fucking tight." He shudders, his cock jumping inside her.. his knot pulsing in her lower belly. "My little cock sleeve."

Anki groans as she feels his orgasm subside inside her, prying her eyes opening, only to see his hands roam over her bulging body, jiggling softly as he rubs her cum around into her fur and against her skin, the pressure from his pushing against her body forcing a little bit more of his seed up and out her lips.. She whimpers at his words, twitching on top of him as his cock jumps inside her, making her belly jiggle again, panting shallowly in the aftermath, with quiet moans escaping her lips as his fingers play with her tight little snatch, opening a little easier from his earlier fingering, though still gripping around him tightly, gurgling softly in reply to his last utterance.

Satyr has both his hands on her pussy now, fingering her slowly as his other hand lightly rubs her clit. He fingers her gently, touching her g-spot again and again, and his fingertip circles lightly on her clit. He's still propping her up, her entire body impaled on his cock, perched on it obscenely. His cock pulses inside her, his knot pulsing with his heartbeat. "You look so cute, your body stretched around me and your fur soaked with my cum."

Anki shivers weakly, her moans getting a little stronger, though unable to be too loud, her breaths too shallow to.. She bites down on her lip, closing her eyes tight at the feeling of his fingers digging deep against her sensitive g-spot, making her toes curl and what little of her body she can move writhe about, the teasing of her clit only heightening her shivers and moans. She looks up at him as he speaks, flushing deeply under her matted fur, cum still steadily drooling out of her lips, though slow and a small stream. Her swollen body continues to jiggle with his pulsing and twitching, though, with her letting out soft groans at the sensation it brings to accompany her moans.

Satyr curls over her, smiling down at her. He looks into her eyes as he finger-fucks her, stroking her clit and gently bobbing her little body on his huge cock. He kisses her flushed cheek. "You're stuck with this monster now, little cocksleeve. Enjoy it." He rocks his hips, slowly reaming her ass as he strokes her clit and fingers her tight pussy faster. "You are drenched in my cum, impaled on my cock, knotted with your rapist." He nibbles her earlobe.

Anki shudders under his gaze, biting down harder on her lip to mute her moans of pleasure, a little more forced from her lips as he starts to rock his hips and rub around inside her, whimpering at his words again, lowering her ears, letting out the first words she's been able to utter for a while, ".. there isn't,, guh.. m-more, is there.." her voice is faint, strained interrupted by moans and the various little sounds she emits, her slit clenching tight around her, shivering and quivering, her almost seeming to be trying to rock her body against his probing fingers, toes repeatedly curling with obvious pleasure.

Satyr growls. "If you keep that up, I might cum again." His tongue circles in her ear. "And wouldn't it be terrible, being a fountain of cum again, the taste of my seed gushing through your mouth." He fingers her faster. "Your body is holding me too tight. Your ass is like a cock ring on me... you need to relax before my knot will go down." He moves to her other ear. "My knot won't go down until you cum." His fingers pump in her pussy faster, and he lightly slaps her clit.

Anki blinks up at him, her eyes widening and her voice quavering, shaking her head with a fearful whimper, "N-no, not again.. P-please.." She listens intently as she talks, but folds her ears back with a fearful whimper, body shuddering at his words, "B-but I c-cant.. l-loosen.. i-i'm already stretching to take you.." Her last words are interrupted by a sharp moan as he slaps at her clit, hesitating with a slight nod, writhing about on top of him, trying to get him to dig in harder to her clenching little slit, ever so eager to cum now he says that

Satyr glides his fingers further inside her, pumping her hot little cunt faster. He strokes her clit lightly, then slaps it again. He rocks his cock slowly inside her as he fingers her harder. He nuzzles her neck. "You're my cocksleeve. My little victim." He slaps her clit again. "Cum for me." His cock jumps inside her, cum oozing up into her mouth as he bounces her body on him.

Anki whimpers and pants, her moans growing more and more intense as he pumps his thick fingers in and out of her stretched pussy, biting down on her lip, shivering as she gets closer and closer to her climax, trying her hardest to grind her g-spot up against his fingers as he digs deep inside her. Her shoulders shudder as she hears his words, letting a long, drawn out and ragged moan as he utters the word "cum", her slit clenching and convulsing around his fingers, contracting repeatedly around those thick fingers with a wave of her juices coating and squirting out against them, dribbling out along her thighs as well. The sounds of pleasure she makes is quickly turned to gurgling as seed oozes back up her throat and fills her mouth, barely seeming to notice as both her holes clench and quiver around the things pressed deep into them, gripping just that little bit tighter again and again as her climax rocks her body.

Satyr growls, biting her shoulder as her clenching body milk another surge from his cock, almost painfully. He fingers her faster, twisting his finger in her cunt as he slaps her clit harder. "Good girl." He shudders over her, hooves grinding into the bed as he bounces her on his cock.

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