Non-Canon High Tail Hall Halloween

Story by theviewer34 on SoFurry

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#2 of High Tail Hall Fanfiction

I really need to get into writing more. And since I know enough about this subject to write an entire damn wikia on it, I might as well make another one of my non-canonical fan fictions. (that means this isn't official and should not be taken seriously) High Tail Hall will eventually have its own written, comic, and in-game stories, this is just a basic idea of what that could entail.

Mike laid his equipment out across his bed. A map of the New Cyana Islands rested next to a notepad, blank save for a listing of the Nariatt alphabet. Basic vacation supplies, bottled water, sunscreen and the like, sat on one side of an empty backpack while delicate tools sat on the other. Being a new member of the New Cyana Archaeological Society was not something to be taken lightly, and keeping organized and prepared was key. Only one thing was needed to complete his preparation, a reference book on the history of the island and the various ruins that have been discovered. With the sun setting soon, he headed from his private room at the base of The Tower down and around to the stretched arm of the island.

The stroll was rather pleasant, helped by the friendly atmosphere provided by the smiling visitors and beautiful women. The cooler temperatures of autumn had yet to affect the island, if they could do so at all considering the climate. It was not until the last leg of his jaunt that something in particular caught Mike's eye. An apparently abandoned building stood along the road and, while the structure itself seemed to be in decent condition, the surrounding nature had started to overcome the brick and stone. A plaque on the surrounding decorative wall labeling the location as The Villa held another sign below it, marked with large letters "Closed for Renovations-Management". A glance upward revealed a figure standing near the upstairs, though too far to notice any details aside from the large skyward pointing ears. Rationalizing it to be a worker fixing the area back into operation, Mike continued his journey.

Not much time passed before the shadows grew long and the orange sun fell below the line of the water. With a raised brow, he checked the map in his pack. He definitely should have been at the Library by now, yet it was nowhere to be seen. The trail seemed to twist and bend in ways not shown on paper, though Mike was not one to try exploring on his own. With very few options, he continued on his way. A familiar yet disturbing sight had come into view, and soon he stood in front of the Villa once more. A chilled wind blew across his whiskers and his mind ran. "I must have gotten turned around at some point. I hope the Library hasn't closed yet. Oh god, what if I can't get a book before the meet up tomorrow?" He turned around and began a controlled jog, retracing his steps and searching for new landmarks. The fur on his tail stood on end as he had once again worked his way back to the dilapidated building, his claws nearly shredding the map he held in frustration. The stars twinkled in the sky, only barely dimmed under the lights lining the path. And yet, another light shown across his face, coming from inside. Once again, the silhouette of two large ears could be seen through the window, though this time on the ground floor. "No construction crew would be around this late. Someone must have snuck in there. Well, they might be able to help me get un-lost. Yeah, that's it." He thought, trying to convince himself it was okay to trespass. With a final large breath, he pressed his hand to the glass door and pulled it open.

Much to his surprise, the inside seemed to be in far better condition than the foliage covered exterior. Aside from being slightly chilly, it seemed to be perfectly suitable to having patrons walk around. Even the pool had been well maintained by the looks of things. The sound of footsteps alerted Mike's attention to someone approaching from around the corner. Despite his best attempts to be courteous and notice her face first, the large amount of exposed fur easily caught his attention. The quite obviously female walked clad in nothing more than a string bikini scarcely big enough to cover her nipples, a towel over her shoulder, and an intricate necklace resting on the tuft of fur over her modest breast. The large webs of flesh fitting between her lengthy fingers told him that she was a bat, most likely a member of one of the native species on the island. Her face broke into a smile and a simple "Oh, hi" escaped her lips as she moved towards the cat, entirely comfortable in his presence despite being so scantily dressed. "I was just going to take a shower. I decided to have a little private swim in the pool. Never been much for the rules." Mike blushed under his black fur. "I was actually on my way to the Library. I really need to get a research book for tomorrow morning, but I kept getting turned around back to here." The woman chuckled in reply, her voice soothing his tension and fear. "Yeah, the road can be pretty confusing around here. Some people around the islands joke that this place is haunted because of it!" She sauntered over to him and took the map from his trembling hands before making her way to a nearby table and spreading the paper on it. Mike's heart thumped in his chest as he stared at her heart shaped rear, emphasized by her, in all likelihood exaggerated, gesture of bending over. His shorts tightened slightly as he noticed her cheeks were entirely exposed. Luckily, he had an excuse to hunch over in an attempt to hide his growing erection. "Here" she pointed at part of the path while sliding the map closer to him "the trail gets kind of confusing right here, you just need to keep the view of the ocean on your left, and you should get there just fine." Her words passed through one ear and out the other as his mind could only focus on the fact that, as she slid closer, her cold-hardened nipples poked into his shoulder through the thin material of her top. "Oh, right." He clumsily replied when he noticed she had stopped talking.

They both stood and Mike stared straight into her brown eyes, however he ultimately lost the battle with his rapidly growing urge to gawk at her body. A quick glance revealed her top had been moved out of its delicate placing, revealing a portion of her pink areola. His gaze shot straight back to her eyes in embarrassment, only to notice her staring at the protrusion in his shorts. When her eyes met with his again, she gave a simple shrug before reaching back to untie the cloth containing her brown furred curves. "So, what do you think?" she said with a knowing smirk on her face. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close enough to squish her chest on his. She put her head over his shoulder and whispered "I was going to take a shower anyways..." before hooking her thumb under the line of his pants. The only response he could think of was to return the embrace, his hand sliding down her back only to have her drop down onto her knees and take his shorts with him. His barbed and throbbing penis bounced with his heartbeat tantalizingly close to her face as she looked up at him. "My, quite a monster you were hiding down here." She stood again and resumed her hug, though keeping a hand low enough to squeeze his remarkably well toned ass. His erection rested between her hot thighs, the height difference between the two causing it to press upward against her crotch. Their muzzles met in a kiss while her hips began to shift back and forth against his rigid shaft, and it was not long before he felt a distinct wet sensation on the upper half of his dick.

Much to his disappointment, she back away, though only to take a seat on the table with her knees over the edge. She leaned back and grabbed the further end of the table and let her legs spread open, the darkened patch of her bikini bottoms displaying her arousal. Pulling his shirt over his head, he approached his mysterious new lover and rested his hands on her inner thighs. He closed her legs and took hold of her remaining garments, a string of moisture appearing as he slid them up and off her slender limbs. He held an arm wrapped around her legs, using his other to line up his yearning penis to her warm folds. He pulled her legs closer to him and thrust his hips forward, easily sliding inside her. A sudden sensation like a vice grip enveloped his member and she squeezed around him and the barbs of his shaft scraped every inch inside her as his body reached a rhythm. Small squeaks and moans slipped from her lips with every thrust, and soon she was moaning every time he pushed himself deep inside her. He split her legs and lowered them on either side of his torso before she wrapped them around him. His thrusting became rougher as he felt out how hard he could go, only for her moans to become louder. The table shook and her breasts jiggled every time his lengthy shaft drove into her, and before long her legs clenched tighter while her pussy began to convulse, almost sucking him inside her. Despite her physical protests, he managed to pull back and release himself from her tight hole. His member tensed and shot a stream of sperm into her open mouth, spraying like a fountain over her upper body and coating her tan fur. She released the table and rubbed the white substance over her body while her tongue licked her lips. "Very nice, though next time you should cum inside. It's rude to ignore a lady." Mike could do nothing more than smile as he tried to catch his breath, impressed by how calm and collected she seemed.

She had damn near lead him by the dick to the showers after they had made such a mess. She turned the water on and it fell coldly onto her fur, washing away the cum covering her. The water quickly warmed to a comfortable temperature and Mike joined her. He pressed her back against the wall and she responded by raising a leg and wrapping it around him. They kissed shortly before the bat broke the kiss and, with a smirk, pulled his head down into the fluff of her cleavage. He nuzzled his face between her before finding the tip of her breast, giving it a careful bite and earning a sharp, lustful breath. She reached down and took hold of his once again erect cock, once again guiding it towards her wanting nethers. He thrust himself inside her until she was pressed firmly between himself and the tile wall, her other leg wrapping around his waist and her arms around his neck. Their matted fur mixed together and soon the wet noises of sex blended with the pattering sound of water hitting the floor. The woman's moans became louder as she clenched around his rock hard shaft, the barbs poking deeper into her as she climaxed a second time. The sudden tightness and flood of warm female cum triggered Mike's own orgasm. His penis swelled and pulsed as each rope of cum coated her hole and filled her womb, resulting in another sizeable load of hot seed. Their mixed fluids spilled out onto the floor and were swiftly swept by the torrent of water into the drain. It was not long before the pair dried themselves and returned to the main room of the Villa, finding a couch to rest on together. Mike lied still, his body enveloped by the warm wings of his companion. They spoke sweet words to eachother, but it was not long before he drifted off to sleep.

Mike awoke to find himself alone. He looked around, but found no trace of the mysterious woman he spent the night with except for the necklace she was wearing and the wrinkled map still on the table. He sighed and dressed himself in yesterday's clothes. A glance at a phone showed his meeting with the Archaeological Society was all too soon, leaving no time to search for her. A sad thought occurred that he had never even asked her name, and that finding her later would be all that more difficult. He gathered his pack and set out towards Nariatt Beach, resigning himself to the fact that he had neither the book he needed nor a way to find the one he had so quickly grown affectionate towards. He looked at the necklace as he walked down the path. It was definitely made on the island, so it might be possible to look in some of the places the natives lived for clues. Eventually he arrived, and the lion heading the group made note of his tardiness and poor preparation. After being told about the ruins they were to investigate that day, Mike pulled the lion aside and showed him the necklace. "I came across this when I got lost on my way to the Library." He stated, purposefully leaving out any mention of his trespassing in the Villa. "I'm pretty sure it was made by one of the natives, do you have any idea where I could find more about it?" The lion took the necklace into his much larger paw and carefully looked at it. "Ah, I've seen a few of these before. They're worn on the body of those who have passed as part of the funeral traditions."

A High Tail Hall Christmas Carol part 4

There are quite a few people who still think High Tail Hall is dead and abandoned, so I figured this would be a good opportunity to advertise a really great project, as well as flex my writing muscles on something festive. Keep in mind, while I do...

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A High Tail Hall Christmas Carol part 3

There are quite a few people who still think High Tail Hall is dead and abandoned, so I figured this would be a good opportunity to advertise a really great project, as well as flex my writing muscles on something festive. Keep in mind, while I do...

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A High Tail Hall Christmas Carol part 2

There are quite a few people who still think High Tail Hall is dead and abandoned, so I figured this would be a good opportunity to advertise a really great project, as well as flex my writing muscles on something festive. Keep in mind, while I do...

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