A Dog and His Boy

Story by skaman on SoFurry

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#1 of Spike and Kevin

This is my first of hopefully many stories so please be kind.

Remember, no one under 18 allowed. If you don't like this stuff then why are you here?

This is the first part of a series called Spike and Kevin

Kevin and Spike laid in bed watching TV, neither of them were really paying very close attention to the program but instead were just enjoying each others company as the human and his pet snuggled up to each other. Kevin was a pretty average teenager, he was about 6 feet tall with dirty blond hair that made him look like the typical stoner and had a normal build with no major muscles showing, but not really any flab either. His pet dog Spike was a great Dane who was very big and muscular, even for a breed known to be quite large. Spike was mostly black with a white underside stretching from his nose to just below his tail.

Kevin looked to his alarm clock as his stomach started rumbling and noticed that it was a little past 12:30. This of course created a dilemma, on one hand it was getting pretty late to be lying in bed and he was becoming quite hungry, on the other hand, there was no where else he would rather be than snuggling up with the dog he loved so much, and Spike felt the same way. With one last rumble of his stomach Kevin decided it was time to get up. As soon as he started shifting his body around however, Spike realized what he was trying to do and swiftly laid on top of him, his massive head completely covering the smaller human's. This action really turned Kevin on; he absolutely loved it when his pet would try to assert his dominance over him. But as much as he loved it he was becoming quite hungry and the weight of the massive dog was making it difficult to breathe. "Come on Spike I gotta get up so we can both get something to eat" Kevin said in a soft tone as he began trying to coax the powerful dog off of him. Kevin knew full well that if Spike really wanted his boy to stay down, there wasn't a thing in the world he could do about it except wait till Spike let him go. Spike understood as he too was becoming quite hungry and he lifted himself off Kevin while being very careful not to hurt his boy in the process.

Later that evening, Kevin took spike on a walk in the local park which they both thoroughly enjoyed. Kevin never got tired of all the looks they got as they walked; most peoples reaction to seeing Spike was that of shock and even a little fear. This was because of his size of course. Most people find an ordinary great Dane too be quite intimidating, but Spike was at least 5 or 6 inches taller than ordinary Danes, and if that wasn't enough he was also a lot more muscular than other dogs. Kevin never really knew why this was because he didn't him anything special, and besides from their walks, they weren't that active. He didn't care that much about why Spike looked the way he did, all he cared about was how sexy the dog looked, and unbeknownst to him, Spike felt the same way about his boy. But these peoples fears were unnecessary because he knew that Spike would never hurt a flea.

When returning home, Kevin went to his room to use the computer, Spike following him wherever he went, as neither of them would ever want to be apart from the other. He sat and pondered for a moment about when his father would be coming home. He quickly remembered that he still had about a week left till his father returned and that meant he still had a week to have the house to himself. Kevin's mom moved away quite a few years ago and he had no siblings so when his father wasn't home he had total privacy, which he loved. Even when his father wasn't out of town though, he still did not get home till about 8 or 9 o'clock, and left early in the day.

Kevin was visiting all of his favorite adult furry and bestiality web sites as he does everyday when he inevitably began getting very horny. As he flipped from site to site, all the while stroking his erection through his pants, he began to hear panting from behind him. He turned around and saw that Spike was indeed making the noise, but instantly his thoughts changed as he saw the massive erection Spike had between his legs. He had never seen it so big before, the most he had seen up until then was a little pink tip. Kevin's mouth watered as he began thinking of all the things he could do with it. For as long as he could remember he had been turned on by the idea of bestiality, and he likewise had always seen Spike as the sexiest creature on Earth. But unfortunately for him, Kevin thought that Spike never any interest in him in a sexual way, and the thought of forcing him to have sex was just sickening to Kevin. Finally though, his dreams had been answered.

Kevin immediately walked over to the dog and cautiously brought his hand down to the k9's cock, all the while carefully gauging Spikes reaction. When he finally was able to grip it, the dog started to hump his hand while lying on his side. Spike too had been waiting for this day for as long as he could remember; he would of never imagined that his boy could love him as much as he loved him. Stroking the dick wasn't enough for Kevin though, not by a long shot. So in one bold move, he leaned forward and took 5 inches of the hot, great Dane cock into his mouth. This sent earthquakes of pleasure through Spike, not only from the physical pleasure, but mostly from the realization that he would finally be able to tell Kevin something that he had wanted to say forever, and that they could finally have the life he dreamed of.

It didn't take long for the overly excited dog to cum, and cum he did. He shot load after load into the human's awaiting mouth as he tried to swallow as much as he could but there was SOOO much. It began running down his chin and down his chest till he leaned back off the cock as it continued shooting its load and drenching the boy.

As they both caught their breath and everything calmed down, Kevin saw the pool of semen on his floor, this caused him to panic a little and run downstairs to get A LOT of paper towels and regular towels. "This is my only chance, it's either now or never" Spike muttered to himself after his human had left the room.

Kevin returned a few minutes later with all different types of towels and immediately walked to the center of the room where the mess was. He never even noticed that Spike had gone. Before he could even think about his dog, two large, unfamiliar hands are placed on either shoulder causing Kevin to jump to his feet but the hands never move from his shoulder. He begins to turn around but before he can move an inch, the grip on his shoulder tightens and he is unable to move. "Please Kevin, don't be afraid. I would never do anything to hurt you... ...I am going to let you go but first you have to promise me that you won't scream or freak out okay?" By the time Spike finishes speaking, Kevin's legs are shaking so violently he can barely stand, and tears roll down his face and drop to the floor as he tries to answer the voice behind the powerful hands. "O-o-o-ok-kayyy" is all he manages to whimper out and spike releases the boys shoulders, feeling very worried how this will turn out.

Kevin finally manages to turn around and see the intruder, but he does not believe what he sees. Before him stands a large anthro great Dane, a little over a foot taller than himself, 4 to 6 inches wider, and built like a god. He couldn't help also noticing the beautiful sheath and the two very perfect, very large balls that swung between his legs. The anthro looks down at his boy with a hopeful smile on his muzzle. The initial shock from seeing a creature that he did not believe to exist sends him tumbling backwards until he lands hard on his butt in the pool of cum. This anthro looks so much like the Spike he loves that he easily makes the connection, but in the shock, confusion, and seemingly impossibility of the situation, all he can say (or whimper) is "w-who-or w-w-what are you?" Spike smiles wider as the situation starts to look up. "I am your great Dane Spike". "But how"?

"Well", Spike begins, "At first all creatures had the ability to take on two forms; the first form is the one you see everyday, and the second form is the anthropomorphic form. But one day the humans did something terrible, and lost the ability to use their 1st form. Over time all of the other animals agreed to keep our anthro form a secret from humans for our safety. Every once in a while though, a human somehow finds out about our other form, that is how the 'furry' craze got started." Spike then swallows hard and the tone in his voice sounds scared. "I am showing you my anthro form because.... ...because I love you, not as a brother but as a lover, but I was too afraid to tell you before I thought there was a glimmer of hope that those feelings could be returned, which you showed me tonight."

He could barely finish what he was saying before Kevin leapt to his feet, ran towards him, jumped a good foot into the air, and wrapped his arms around his neck. Spike greeted this by hugging his boy tightly. After this though, Kevin began to cry. "Please don't cry Kevin, I'm sorry if I hugged to tightly, I just got excited". "No, no" Kevin said between sobs "I'm just so happy, I've never been so happy in my life; I have always loved you, but I always just assumed that you wouldn't want me". Kevin tighten his grip on the k9 and managed to say "thank you so much" before he finally stopped crying.

Spike gripped the boy just below his arms and pulled Kevin off of him and just held the boy like you would a puppy, then pulled him up a little to meet his face. "How could you ever think that I wouldn't want you" Spike said with the softest look on his face. "Well, I mean, cause your so beautiful and perfect and I'm uuuhhh.... I'm not". Kevin looked away, not sure how the dog would react. Not even a second passed before Kevin felt a LARGE wet tongue lick from his chin to the top of his head. He looked up to his dog, who was still holding him like a pup, and saw a large smile on the k9's muzzle. "Well, I guess I'll just have to show you how much I have wanted you", and with that, Spike walked over to the bed and laid his boy on it. Then he pinned Kevin's arms to his sides and straddled his boy. Kevin didn't bother to struggle; he didn't want to struggle, plus he knew that if Spike wanted him pinned, that's exactly how he would stay. Spike leaned in and mashed his muzzle into the boy's awaiting mouth and used his tongue to explore every inch of Kevin's mouth and tongue. Kevin tried to use his tongue to force the intruder out of his mouth and explore Spikes mouth, but the dog's tongue was just too strong. Spike lifted his muzzle off the boy and chuckled a little out loud. "You can struggle all you like but I'm not letting you go any time soon", Spike said with an evil grin, "and you better get used to it cause I'm not letting anyone get the chance to steal my sexy little boy". This made Kevin hornier and harder than he had ever been before, and it didn't long for Spike to notice. "Ahh, I see my pet has taken to his new fate quite well, and that's exactly what you will be from now on, my pet, I own you now so your gonna do as I say or you will be punished, understand?" Kevin nods and simply says "yes" with a huge smile on his face.

"Good, now lets get those cum soaked clothes off you, I wanna see your sexy ass". This made Kevin giggle and Spike tugged the shirt over his head and threw it across the room. Then he turned around so he was on his knees straddling the boy, facing his feet. He then playfully, and purposefully lowered himself so his balls were inches from Kevin's mouth. Kevin wasted no time and began to lick them voraciously. Spike tilted his head back and struggled not to lower his ass completely on him, but he didn't want to risk hurting the boy he loved so much. Kevin was also in heaven; he wanted to reach up and stroke the dogs now emerging cock, but was unable too. Spike was kneeling on Kevin's shoulders and arms so he could maintain complete control, which Kevin absolutely loved. So he decided just to try and get one of the balls into his mouth, but unfortunately it was just too big. Spike realized what he was suppose to be doing and leaned forward and unbuttoned Kevin's pants, and eventually he had removed them.

Spike then stood up and looked down at Kevin, who now had a look on his face that expressed confusion and need. "Roll over onto your chest now", was all that Spike said, which Kevin did immediately, relishing in the thought of being the Great Dane's property. Spike lowered himself onto his boy and began to lick voraciously at Kevin's ass, eventually findimg his hole, which made Kevin Moan loudly, all the while still pinning the boy's arms to his sides. Without breaking contact, Spike began to run his tongue from the ass, to the boy's neck, and eventually he opened his jaws and clamped down on the neck, just barley not breaking the skin. Kevin winced at this but immediately cheered up as he felt something poke at his ass. But before he could fully think about it, Spike thrust half way into the boy's virgin whole. Kevin did his best to suppress the screams that were begging to be let out, while Spike began to drool all over his neck in euphoric bliss. Kevin finally did scream though as Spike, in just one more thrust, fully hilted him. Spike heard the cries and wrapped his arms around the boy's arms and chest making a tight hug, while still pinning Kevin's arms. This made Kevin's cries softer and less frequent, and Spike started thrusting again, but this time at a quick pace that seemed to get faster and faster. Kevin's pains started to turn into intense pleasure as the thrusts quickened, and he began to notice the dogs cock growing in girth and the forming of the knot. Luckily, the nervousness this caused was greatly overwhelmed by the blissful thoughts of being tied to his new master. Finally with one last thrust, Spike tied with his new pet and began to cum a river inside of him. As Kevin felt the jets of cum fill his ass he too blew his load all over his chest and the floor.

Finally, everything calmed down and Spike let go of the boy's neck and kissed it softly. "I love you so much Kevin, and now your going to be mine forever" Spike managed to say with the softest voice imaginable. "I love you too Spike, and I wouldn't want it any other way". With this, Spike tightened his hug on the boy and began to stand up, bringing Kevin with him, as they were still tied, and very tightly at that. Kevin was in heaven with his back to a furry chest as furry arms embraced him tightly and carried him over to the bed. Spike then skillfully jumped onto the bed, and they both landed comfortably on their sides. He then wrapped his legs around his boy's while still hugging him tightly and licking and chewing playfully on Kevin's ear and neck.

"there's just one more thing" Spike began to say, "You are not to go anywhere or do anything without my permission, or you will be punished. You are my pet, and my property now, but never forget that I love you more than anything in the world. Do you understand"? "Yes my love and my master" Kevin said, "and I wouldn't have it any other way".

End of part 1