Furry Diaries Part 3

Story by Tyler Uragi on SoFurry

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#3 of furry diaries

Well guys here is the nest chapter to my story I promise to get more up now that I have some free time to do so. Ok so of course here is the disclaimer, I own all characters in this story so no use without my permission and if you are under the age of 18 THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE!!!!

Alright now that that is done enjoy and please comment or whatever.

When I had opened my eyes, the sun had risen and I had slept through my pain, but i knew it was still there. I stripped from the clothes I wore and walked to the shower. I turned on the water and waited for the temperature to rise. I looked myself over in the mirror and wondered how did any fur find me attractive.

I still had the blunt muzzle of a pup and still managed to look younger. My body was underdeveloped and my shoulders were so narrow that most of my shirts slipped over them. My legs were no better. I stared at them and sneered. My thighs were over sized and my calves were too small. Not to mention my tail was twice the size of any normal wolf. I looked back at the mirror and saw that the steam had fogged it up, indicating that the temperature was was what I wanted. I stepped into the water and instantly recoiled from the scalding water. I cried out as it burnt my flesh. I stood in it for what seemed like an eternity, then abruptly turned it off. I was shaking but I wasn't cold. I shook from the pain, but that pain took away the ache in my heart.

I fell to the cold tile and stared up at the ceiling. After a short while I picked myself up and toweled off. I padded down stairs after dressing myself meet my mom in the kitchen. She happened to be cooking breakfast when I came in.

"Hey baby, what's up with you?"

She asked as she spun around. I marveled at her pure whiteness and golden-fire like eyes. She was wearing a pair of tight daisy-dukes and a pink halter top. She cocked her head at me.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

Again I didn't answer. My eyes were full of guilt at what I had done the day before. I admired my mother for her intuition. I flopped onto the straight back kitchen chair just shook my weary head. She sat in front of me,

"Ty, what's wrong?" She asked again.

"Mom, I don't know...I don't think i want to talk about it."

She looked at me hard, "Oh my god you had sex! Ty, it's okay in fact, it's about time."

I made a sound that, even to me, sounded strangled.

"Mom, it's not what I did it's who."

She just stared at me. "What do you mean?"

I sighed, "I mean that me and Chad..."

I couldn't say anymore than that. She was quiet for awhile and I thought she might have been mad at me. Instead she said.

"Ty, I'm happy for you this is your life and your choice. I'm not mad or even confused. I want you to become the man you want to be."

I looked skeptical.

"Really?" She nodded her head.

"It's what I'm here for baby, now get ready for school before you are late."

I grabbed her tight tight and sobbed barely forcing out a small thank you then left with tears still in my eyes. When I had got to school I did my normal thing but something was different i was early for once.

I padded over to the high board. I climbed up slowly and approached the edge. A breath, then another, then I jumped. I quickly grabbed my ankles and flipped over twice before straightening and hitting the water smoothly. When I came back up some fur was clapping. It didn't take me long to recognize him. Nate was sitting on the bleachers.

"That was amazing Ty, keep it up." I

ignored him, got out of the pool and padded over to him. He stopped clapping and met my eyes, locking them in an intense gaze.

Finally he broke the silence, "I'm sorry Ty, for how I reacted yesterday, I was such a jerk. I didn't think about your feelings and what our friendship meant to us."

I lowered my gaze, On one paw he was right, on the other I felt guilty for making him think that.

"Nate, don't be sorry i should have told you sooner and in a different way."

He got up, "Ty no matter what happens we are still friends okay."

I nodded my head and hugged him tightly. He stiffened for a moment but returned the hug. He smirked and looked deep into my eyes. He hung there for a moment before coming in close. Suddenly it was as if time had slowed. This was a dream come true. I barely had time to react before he connected with my lips. My mind went numb but my feelings electrified. He moved his paws up and down my back, making my blood burn in my veins. I forced myself off of him.

"Nate, what's up with you?"

He panted a bit, "To tell you the truth I have always wanted this."

I just sat down and shook my head. He sat in front of me and rubbed my chest.

"Looks like you two have made up already."

I heard laughter from the far door and saw chad clad only in his speedo, and rather hard too.

Now I was confused, "Chad did you see us?"

He came up to me and nodded his head.

"Don't worry Ty I talked him into doing this."

I looked at Nate.

"Yeah, he talked and got me to realize that I was just too afraid to admit it to myself."

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"So we're okay now?"

He nodded his head, but I looked at Chad.

"What about me and you, are you okay with this?"

He just shrugged his shoulders, "It's fine with me."

He then looked at me with a raised brow, "Are you still upset about yesterday?"

I sniffed, "Yeah I am."

Nate looked confused. "What happened yesterday?"

I shook my head, "You tell him Chad I'd rather not."

And tell him he did, after he was done Nate was in a state of shock.

His first question was, "You and Chad...?"

I nodded my head.

His next question was, "And his dad said that!?"

Again another nod, his eyes shifted randomly.

"That asshole!"

Chad grunted, "I know."

Nate looked at me, "You don't really believe that do you?'

I couldn't say anything to that so I just stared at my dripping tail.

He sighed, "Ty, you can't believe that...I mean you've only been with Chad and you didn't even do much."

I placed my ears against my skull and closed my eyes.

Nate snorted, "You honestly do don't you?" He grabbed my shoulders tightly, "Don't let what he said get to you. You are better than that."

I slowly opened my eyes and he touched my cheek.

He placed a kiss on my forehead. "I'm gonna go change."

I nodded my head and he left.

"So you're okay now Ty?' Chad had asked I nodded my head and stood.

"I'm going to practice okay Chad."

He smiled, "Do you best."

I climbed the high dive once more and saw the rest of the team walkout. I smiled when I saw Nate and closed my eyes to prepare for the dive. I evened breathing and jumped. I hit the water perfectly. I came back up to hear my teammates applauding me. I swam to the edge and Nate pulled me out.

"That was amazing Ty."

I laughed and hugged him tight. Even my fellow divers complemented me. I was experiencing life in a dream like state.

The day flew by and ended with me staying after for Mr. Bryant.

"So everything turned out for the best."

He nodded his head. 'That's great Ty, see with a bit of courage you can do anything."

He came in close and hugged me tightly. I gazed up into his amber colored eyes felt content to be in his arms. Then as if on impulse I thought of Chad and Nate.

"I can't do this it's not right. What do you want from me anyway?"

He pulled back from me looking surprised.

"I only want you to be happy Ty." he kissed me lightly, "No matter what it takes."

I gazed into his eyes, but couldn't read his emotions. It scared me that I couldn't tell he was thinking. I walked back home with those thoughts running a mile in my head.

I tried not to think about it and soon I forgot. I undressed and slept contently. The next morning was the same. The highlight of the day was lunch. It was pretty normal.

"So Ty, are you you felling all better now?'

Sarah had asked me. I quickly glanced at Chad and she understood.

Chad leaned in close and whispered, "Try to keep it on the down low okay Sarah."

She looked stunned but she understood. Me and Nate looked at each other confused.

"Chad, why do that?" I had asked.

He gave me a piercing look, "There are furs out there that believe that this is a big deal."

Nate sniffed, "Well, it shouldn't be."

Chad just shrugged and blew it off. I went to him and put my arms around him but he stiffened.

"Ty get off of me now."

I gave him a helpless look but obliged. I went back to Nate and he placed a paw on my leg. I ate quietly with Nate sitting next to me. I went to the library Nate following me. We both sat down in the overstuffed chairs with a sigh. I looked over at Nate, he seemed to be thinking over the day.


I pricked up my ears, "What is it?'

He stroked his chin, "Well, now that I thing about it. I think about it. I think I have been in love with you since the start. Really it doesn't seem all that wrong to me."

I smiled at that, "Thanks for that Nate, that makes me feel so much better."

He laughed, "I thought it might."

He came over to me and firmly placed his lips on mine, his rough tongue demanding entrance into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and pushed his lithe body into mine and held him close. For some time we made out in the library, moaning softly into each other. My loins were on fire and I could feel his own arousal growing. We would have kept going had I not asked the question.

"Wanna go to my place?"

He stared at he with lustful eyes and nodded slowly.

"Aw, You're not gonna leave me out of this are ya?'

We both turned at the voice and saw Chad standing near us. Nate looked surprised and I looked skeptical. Nate gazed at me.

"We do need a coach Ty and he does have experience in sex."

I sighed, "Oh well, might as well."

Chad laughed, "Then it's settled, let's not waste time here."

He fished out his keys and jingled them as he walked away swishing his tail like a kitten. It caught my eye and I found that I like staring at the tightly formed mass. He mound flexing and relaxing with each step.

"Hey horn dog lets go." Nate called out walking close to him and also swishing his tail.

He had a nice rump to, not as built but definitely noticeable for one of his size. My penis was hard in my tight jeans and I had to shift in order to walk properly. I followed against my better judgment, what was the worst that can happen. Again we all climbed into his truck and made the short trip to my house.

Along the way Nate broke the silence.

"So what's it like?" He asked innocently.

I sniffed, "Rough."

Chad retorted, "Exciting."

I turned to glare at him but he just kept his eyes on the road and smiled like an ass. Nate backed off, guess he didn't get the answer he wanted. We finally made it to my house but I was now starting to regret it. I had just lost my virginity a few days ago and now a threesome, was i moving too fast?. He shrugged it off then looked at my front door to find another note saying that my mother had gone out again.

"Wow Ty your mom is never home." Nate said giggling and holding from behind.

I just shook my head and felt him motion Chad over to me too. Now I was sandwiched between to very large and hard cats, oh they were aroused to did I mention that. Now this was an awkward moment for me, I was hard, Chad's Nine incher was on my own six and Nate's was against my twitching tail hole.

"Can we go in now?" I asked shakily. God this was hot but not outside.

Both of them just laughed at me then walked into my house, I closed and locked the door behind me, would not want to be walked in on now would we. Nate immediately slumped on the white sofa and Chad leaned against the bar. and I settled for the arm chair.

For awhile we just sat there, Nate modeling the sofa and Chad posing near the counter and me sitting nervously. Nate noticed how I was feeling and came over to me to sit on my lap. I blushed, my tan fur going dark as I knew he felt my hard on, He just smiled and then kissed me deeply. I melted without hesitations and moaned into his mouth. He was great at kissing and he knew how to work that amazing tongue. I heard Chad groan the more or less felt him get behind Nate to take off his shirt to reveal his well built body. When the kiss was broken for that fraction of a second I admired how built he was, Of course Chad was no push over either. I ran my paws through his thick fur and caressed each muscle in his back. He spread his legs to better fit me and then chuckled when he felt me fully against him.

"Not a small wolfie are we?" he asked grinding himself against me.

I started to whine and it didn't help that Chad was now shirtless to. I saw him smirk from the corner of my eye and then groaned when he took off his pants. Nate broke the kiss to look at him then he started to pant slightly. He got up then removed his own. He wore no underwear and he showed that he didn't have to, Erect he was a full nine inches to. My jaw dropped, as did his heavy balls. He grabbed my paw and lifted me up, kneeling his took my zipper into his maw and pulled taking my pants with him. Soon me and Chad were ion our boxers, mine dripping pre, and his just tented. I just stared at Nate's Pink member and nearly drooled. He was not as thick but his size made up for it. I heard a shuffling then turned to see Chad step out if his and expose his thick black member to me.

Now only I was left, and I wasn't wanting them to wait so I stepped out of mine to show off my own knotted pink member. Nate purred and Chad preceded to lick all over my tapered head. I moaned and closed my eyes as his rough tongue teased my cock. My knees collapsed, but Nate rushed to hold me tight, as he caught me he nibbled along my neck and played with my ears. I was in absolute bliss as I was being toyed with by two very horny cat's.

"Ty I want you in me so badly," Nate whispered into my ears.

His voice was full of lust and Chad only smiled, he made my cock wetter then instructed Nate to lay on his back.

"Now Ty you are going to have to loosen him up since it is his first time."

I nodded the positioned myself between his strong, muscled legs then thought about it. I love the musky smell and I considered what it would taste like. So I leaned in tentatively and stuck my tongue out. Before I knew it i was tasting his rose. At first I shuddered but after awhile I found that i was getting addicted to the taste.

"OH GOD!" Nate cried out as he threw his head back and moaned.

I heard Chad laugh, "Wow Ty, I never thought you would do that for the first time heh."

I just murred into his hole and felt his body start to shake and purr. Chad had come up from behind me and started to paw me off. I gasped then moaned as I felt his strong paw massage my cock and balls. I heard Nate moaning and now he was thrusting into my face wanting more of my tongue and i was happy to oblige, loving the tangy taste of his tight hole.

"I think he is ready Ty, you can stop now." I heard Chad say.

I got up then got into position to shove my dripping cock into his twitching ass. As I ground my hips into his he moaned then looked up at me with trusting eyes. He nodded and i took that as my invitation to press myself into him. He cried out at first when my head penetrated his virgin hole, and I stopped half way.

"Are you okay?" I groaned out.

I was afraid to admit that his tightness felt good and his flexing muscles only made it better.

"Just...lemmie get used to it a bit." He moaned out.

He was panted and trying to relax. I looked aver to Chad who then came around to sit in front of Nate.

"Nate I want you to focus on sucking my cock okay?'

Nate nodded then licked at his black, barbed cock. After a bit of sucking and Chad moaning he loosed up and allowed me entrance to the hilt. I could now hear him moaned more out of pleasure than pain and he even lifted his head to watch and encourage to "pound his tight ass". Driven by instinct I humped his ass while Chad humped his face.

I must admit watching Nate suck Chad's think full cock was getting me and combined with his rhythmic flexing of his ass was enough to make me blow a load right there, but I slowed my pace to make it last. Then I felt his ass clench around my hard cock and when I opened my eyes he was cumming all over his stomach and chest, letting the large golf ball size balls empty his hot seed over his body. I heard Chad grunt on soon Nate's throat was working greedily taking on most of his seed before Chad pulled out and shot the rest on his face.

After watching that I could no longer hold it in, Nate looked up at me moaning with cum dripping from his face and begging me to fill him and fill him I did as I shoved my whole length into his ass and shot load after load into his virgin ass. With a groan I fell back pulling out and then laying on the floor. Chad made his way around and spooned my right. When Nate gathered his strength his then spooned my left. We lay there for a bit laughing and just holding each other letting our cum drip, soak, and spill as we enjoyed the afterglow.