Code Oblivion Rebellion: Chapter 3

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#6 of Code Oblivion: Rebellion

Here we are folks! Chapter 3 of CO! Thanks for Atriusbloom for the editing! As always read and comment! Also thank you to Nex_Canis for help and advice

Code Oblivion: Rebellion: Chapter 3- Deteors and Dreams

It had been roughly a week since the attack on Eldra, true to his promise Aidan had us all up before sunrise to grab something to eat before we headed out. Our destination was the sacred city of Greasham, the City of Earth and home of the Pious Mountain himself. I had actually heard of him in many textbooks in school but for whatever strange reason I think I might've met him before?

Anyway, I'm getting off topic. We had officially entered the new year (541AE) and it felt weird... normally I would be getting ready to enter school but here I was at what looked like a particularly seedy harbor that was doubtful to meet MODD's incredibly high standards for official harbors. As I looked around all I saw was dilapidated buildings and what looked like countless homeless people huddled up around fires. Even with the MODD issue jacket that Aidan had given me and the others I still felt cold... and dirty I hadn't had a good shower since the attack. I just continued to look around idly before something caught my attention.

"A smugglers cove...?" Dolan asked Aidan calmly which captured my attention, I had heard of places like these, places were people smuggled illegal contraband into countries like illicit weapons like the old guns that used metal bullets instead of energy weapons which had all largely been decommissioned centuries ago, and drugs. He obviously didn't feel comfortable here either... some of those homeless people were looking at us funny... "You plan to have us *smuggled* out of the country?" He demanded, ears flickering madly as he fought to keep his composure. "This is your plan?"

"Best option we got and the fastest, it'd take way to long to go through Rillotia." He stated calmly, Aidan didn't look to be really paying much attention as he also was scanning for someone or something. I eventually felt myself growing bored from their conversation so I decided to look towards the sky. Only Sappinis and Roseo filled the sky's the blue moon (Sappinis) was in it's crescent phase while the ruby moon (Roseo) was in it's full glory, Emerelis and Aurenia were both on the other side of Mortaelis probably because they were nowhere to be found. But my study of the moons was broken as Aidan started speaking. "It won't be comfortable but we should arrive in Epona within the day"

" Epona? You mean the largest port in Eastern Weleshna has smuggler coves? You'd think MODD would be able to find them." Loni said from Aidan's right side. She had been quiet on our trip, and I had seen her twiddle with what looked like two wedding bands several times before she placed them back under her jacket. Aidan just shrugged lightly as he looked around towards her towering over her seated form.

"We do, but we let a few keep running with compliance with MODD's international trade policy. Not something I've agreed with but I've personally inspected this site and they are up and up." He stated calmly. "My contact should be here shortly though so hold on!" He stated firmly as he checked his watch. As if on cue a shabby looking rat came put of the shadows, he looked incredibly greasy and gross and he had a smarmy smile on his muzzle as his dirty blond hair fell in front of his face.

"Murphy." Aidan said while holding out his paw. "Thanks for seeing me on such short notice I came to collect a favor." He said firmly. The man, Murphy looked around nervously as if worried this was a sting or something as if sensing this Aidan just smirked a bit. "This is a personal visit not MODD business, I'm sure you've heard of the Eldra disaster?"

"Yes, what does that have to do with this 'visit'? Who's the kid? I know for a fact you don't have a younger brother?" He whispered as he observed me warily which made me slightly uncomfortable. "And who are the rest of these people?"

"Nothing important, look, Manx is after the kid for whatever reason, I think he might've had something to do with Hydra's release. We need to get to Graesham and you are the fastest method I can think of, if you let us stow away into one of your boats heading for Epona I'll make sure you are paid handsomely for your trouble." Murphy just gave Aidan another look of shock before quickly shaking his head no in an almost panicked manner.

"Ain't no way! MODD has been conducting random inspections on my ships to make sure I'm not breaking any major laws! What if they raid a ship with you on it? I am not getting a Fur Trafficking charge on my ass I like having my head attached to my neck! You know the punishment for it! If you want to get to Weleshna you'll have to go somewhere else!" He said firmly. Almost immediately Aidan moved before I could blink and grabbed the rat by his shirt collar and grower right in his face, judging by the sudden darkening of his pants the rat had just soiled himself.

"Listen here you worthless rat! You owe me for not sending you to jail when I caught you smuggling weapons! Now either help us or I'll personally inform the newly instated Elemental Lord of Metal of your crimes and see how you enjoy a nice long prison sentence!" Murphy just started shaking in fear at the prospect until he finally just broke.

"I'll help you! I cannot ship you personally but I know someone in Rillotia that could maybe help you! His name is Morrison! He operates in a tiny coastal city called Vineheart! He is working under MODD's radar! If anyone can get you into Epona it's him!" Murphy said in a panicked manner. Vineheart huh? I think I heard of that city... it was the birthplace of the current Elemental Lord of Wind. Plus the fastest route would pass through Vernati and hopefully Crosstown! Immediately seizing the opportunity to return home at least temporarily...

"We should take his offer! Like he said, it's to risky and you are officially a deserter according to MODD! If we can avoid the possibility of getting caught we should take it!" I said before suddenly becoming shy. "Plus we'd pass through Vernati... I'd love to visit Crosstown before we left you know? Say goodbye officially." I said, refusing to cry. Aidan almost immediately softened however as he placed his paws on my shoulder.

"You sure kid?" Aidan asked me kindly. I could only nod in silence. Something in my gut told me to go back home. Maybe it would help me find closure? Aidan had somehow managed to collect my Dad's ashes and placed them in a small urn. Spreading them at home would seem fitting especially since none of the dead received a proper funeral. At least from what I saw, they could've had a ceremony after we left.

"Yeah, I'm definitely sure, I want to spread Dad's ashes back home, he's deserves that." I said, my eyes felt like they were burning from the unshed tears. It still hurt to think about it, even after a week. I owed the man everything... he saved me and gave me a home... I missed him. "Plus I should tell my friend Emily I survived." I then added. Aidan didn't say anything for a few minutes, it looked like he was contemplating something in his head. His golden eyes seemed to be searching my blue ones before he snapped back into focus.

"Have you looked at the thing your dad left you yet?" He asked me firmly. I could only shake my head before looking away. "Why not? He then asked. It might have answers to your past?"

"I know, I'm just scared I think. I'm scared I'd be different person you know? That I'd be 'Jacob Reaper' and not Kaelan Littlsea..."

"Is there really a difference? Both are you after all right?" I could only shake my head. I didn't know, I had always wondered about my past since I had no memory. Everything from before me waking up at our house was a blank but then again did I even want to know? Especially after learning that I had been experimented on?

"I don't know, but let's go, best head out now eh?" I said while motioning towards our transport vehicle. The new Elemental Lord had been nice enough to loan it until we reached our destination. It was a medium to large tank-like vehicle with a large version of the Eldra units insignia on the side. It was surprisingly roomy but slow. Aidan typically was the driver but sometimes Flint or Dolan would take the wheel. The tiger himself was currently leaning up against the said truck and was talking to some strange beaver guy.

He was a funny guy actually, lot less serious than Aidan, from what little I knew he was from Crescentia and had been attending college in Sinra for Medicine (which was odd since he seemed so silly to be a doctor. Though there were a few occasions where I noticed he was particularly down, probably thinking of his boyfriend... he didn't talk about him often but then again I couldn't really talk about dad much.)

"Right," Aidan said calmly then raised his voice a bit louder. "We're heading out! Everyone get back into the transport!" He orderer. Flint was the first to move quickly saying goodbye to beaver and stepped in. Elena had never actually left the transport herself and Loni and Dolan were next just leaving me and Aidan outside. With a nod from him I stepped into the transport and sat myself next to Flint who gave me a huge grin and a pat on the back.

"Guess it's a no go huh?" He asked.

"The guy refused, said MODD was doing random inspections, didn't want to risk the one with us being raided and tracked back to him. He has a contact in Vineheart though. Says he operates under MODD's radar." I explained as Aidan entered the vehicle and turned it on.

"Vineheart? Wouldn't we pass through Vernati? You are from there right?" I could only nod. "Guess we'll be making a stop at your home?" Again I nodded and he just gave me a sad smile. "You want to see it one more time huh? To give you closure?"

"Yes," I said sadly as I looked as we gradually exited the smugglers cove. I had no idea what the city was called, all I knew we were somewhere in southwestern Salmarta. Not to far from the Rillotian border. It was actually quite different from the terrain in the north. It looked much flatter by comparison. "I want to spread my Dads ashes at home, where he belongs." I said looking down. "Plus I want to say goodbye to my friend Emily, in case I never see her again."

"I guess you two are close?" He asked curiously.

"We've been friends since I started school. I still wasn't fully normal at the time. Having no memory of anything really sucks so people avoided me but she approached me and just started to randomly asked if I dyed my hair." I snorted amusingly.

"I was wondering that, do you? I don't know many black furred wolves with blond hair."

"I'm a natural blond, I know a few kids who bleached their hair and I somehow got blamed for it." I said in an annoyed tone as I looked back on the less stellar memories. "There was this one guy, James Dawson, Alsatian really burly., you know your stereotypical footballer He seemed to delight in making my life hell, tripping me in the hallways. Making fun of me and accusing me of trying to perv on him."

"Nice guy." Flint stated sarcastically at that before Loni decided to chime in.

"Did you have other friends? Other than this Emily?" I could only shake my head at that. I knew a few people but they were always more Emily's friends than mine, but I really didn't care about them and I'm sure the feeling was mutual.

"I generally kept to myself besides Emily, I was always more focused on school than other things. I was actually going to apply for Worldriders after I graduated. You know to see the world?" Flint just last out a sharp whistle in response.

"You certainly are an ambitious pup, not just anyone can get into their boot camps, even fewer can actually pass them. My cousin joined them after he finished school, said it was hell." He said before turning towards Aidan. "What was MODD boot camp like?" Aidan didn't really say anything, he just kept his focus on the road which made the tiger pout before he turned his attention towards Loni "What about you Loni, how'd you get to be a reporter for Shellington news?"

"I've always been interesting in reporting news. I grew up in Shellington, I remember when I was a little girl there was this huge case about a MODD scientist being murdered and his 5 year old son went missing. Left a young widow and a 10 year old son." She stated which perked my interest.

"Do you remember the researcher's name? Or the boy's?" I demanded, the lioness seemed caught of guard but frowned and shook her head.

"I'm sorry. Don't, it happened 10 years ago after all and I was a young girl myself at the time." She said. "Why do you ask?" I just shrugged at her question. I didn't exactly know why I was so interested. Assuming the kid was still alive he'd be my age... or at least roughly my age. Dad always insisted that we would celebrate my birthday on the day I woke up. So I didn't even know my actual birth date.

"It's nothing," I just whispered out as I eventually turned my focus to the window and stared outside it and watched the countryside whizz by. It really was hard to believe that what happened really happened. But pulling up my sleeve I still saw that black and gold brand on my forearm. Dark and Time... those two elements were mine to control. I had always heard time was by far the most trickiest element to control and that MODD took strict caution when assigning someone a Time Glyph due to the potential mishaps that could happen if someone continued to mess with time to much. Speaking of time users...

"Hey Dolan, you said you served in the Duesima military right? Did you ever meet the Clockwork Knight?" I asked curiously, Vladimir Alkaev was always among my favorite of the Elemental Lords. The middle-aged Laikas always seemed to emanate an aura of calm. Dolan shook his head and snorted derisively at my question.

"I know old Vladdie alright, we were in the same unit during the war. He was an selected by the seal when the previous Commander was killed in combat. Hadn't seen or spoke to him since left for Greasham. Old Xavier Stone is usually put in charge in training a new Elemental Lord. From what I heard he's currently tutoring the new Elemental Lord of Space, some 20 year old named Rex something."

"Rex?" I asked that name sounded so familiar somehow... almost instantly I was hit with a blindingly painful headache. Much like the ones I had back in Sinra. I was so focused on my pain that I hadn't even noticed that Aidan had swiftly pulled over and stopped the transport. I just whimpered in pain as it continued. No, this wasn't ANYTHING like the headaches in Sinra, if anything it was worse! The few moments of clarity was flashes of a young brown furred wolf with silvery blond hair. He looked like he was laughing at something, his eyes closed as he clasped his chest while he did so. In the background were two older wolves, a male and female, possibly his parents who seemed to be happily watching the scene before them.

I could however make out a few voices but through the pain they sounded very muddled. "What's wrong with him?" One voice asked, it sounded masculine but I couldn't specify who it was but it sounded concerned.

"I don't know, I just told him the name of the new EL of Space and he went into these seizures..." Another voice stated. Obviously Dolan. "What's weird is that he seemed to recognize the name before it happened." He stated thoughtfully.

"You mean Rex Reaper? Well they *do*have the same last name do you think...?" Another voice asked, this one feminine. "I mean it's possible, Reaper is hardly a common name."

"I met him actually, I went with my Dad to his affirmation ceremony. Met his Mom also, she seemed nice but neither mentioned a sibling so I just figured him an only child." Aidan? Must've been Aidan... "Okay, we're setting up camp. Everyone get everything set, I'll take care of the kid." I felt arms scoop me up and take me out of the transporter, by then I had started to stop shaking and was slowly began to come too.

I let out a pained moan which made Aidan pause for a second. "You okay kid? What happened?" I could only moan out a bit still tired from my fit though thankfully my head had slowly abated enough to where I could open my eyes. I winced as the sunlight hit my eyes but they thankfully recovered quickly.

"Was I really having a seizure?" I asked, my voice sounding scratchy, even to my ears.

"Yeah, you just started going into fits of seizures, what happened?" I could only shrug, still too tired to talk much. "But we'll have to delay our trip another day, we aren't too far from the border. We should be there by midway tomorrow, I got everybody else getting the camp set up." He said as we still continued walking. "I'll help the others once I get you laid down, you need to rest or else you might have another seizure."

"I think I saw something from my past..." I said weakly. "I saw a boy, around 10 years old or so. I don't know who he is but I know I recognize him from somewhere."

"Really? Seems your memory might be returning, but how do go feel kid? You gave us all a scare."

"I feel like crap honestly." I said tiredly my head didn't hurt near as much but I still felt exhausted from my fit. "Sorry for worrying you though!" I stated shyly as he continued to carry me. "Um..Aidan, can you put me down? I can walk and I gotta pee!" I stated awkwardly. Almost as soon as I said that he swiftly let me down. Quickly I rushed past everyone and found myself in the bushes. Looking around I saw nobody so I quickly unzipped by pants and let out a quick piss. It felt nice, being able to take a nice long piss but my mind eventually started to drift back to Aidan how it felt being in his arms.

'Guess this is what having crush feels like...' I thought to myself awkwardly. It was strange, I had never really taken an interest like the one I had with Aidan before. He was amazing and so strong! I thought to myself blushing. 'I definitely have a crush on him.' I just sighed and fixed myself before walking out of the bushes. I had managed to avoid being caught nude so far, I wasn't completely comfortable with my body especially my... endowment. Sometimes bigger is not better when you aren't wearing baggy pants, I hated it when the guys in the shower would stare!

I just kept on my mind abuzz with thoughts. It was still strange,coming to grips with the fact I was gay. (My crush on Aidan certainly confirmed that fact.) Mortaelis wasn't totally homophobic... especially in countries like Rillotia. But plenty still looked down on us. Which was hardly fair. I just really hoped Aidan wasn't one of those people.

"Are you alright Jacob?" A kind feminine voice asked me. I winced a bit at the name as I turned to see Elena sitting near an already started fire. In front of her was a pot of what looked like soup. It smelt really good and actually made my stomach rumble. But ever since Eldra nobody was really sure what to call me. I wasn't so sure either so most of them seemed to switch between names. "You prefer to be called Kaelan still?" She asked as if sensing my plight. I just shook my head but she merely patted down on the place besides her. "Sit down, you look troubled, did the fits hurt you.?"

"Not really, I didn't see that much. Just a young boy." I whispered. "He was laughing at something with two furs in the background. I couldn't make out their faces well but I guess they were the parents." I said calmly. "They looked happy and it felt like I was there, was that my family?" Elena just nodded as she continued to stir the pot a thoughtful look on her face. She just continued to silently stir the soup for several more moments before she finally decided to speak,her eyes lingering in mine.

"Maybe, do you remember anything else?" I just shook my head, I didn't really have much time to see anything but what what little bit saw fascinated me. And that wolf looked so familiar. "That sucks," she said sweetly while returning her focus on cooking. "Any other flashbacks though?"

"No, just that random scene honestly." I stated irritability. "I have no idea what it means and the context behind it and it's driving me crazy!" I mutters tiredly. "Are the tents up? I'm tired..."

"I think they should be, you not staying up for dinner?" I just shook my head. "You sure?" She asked, she sounded concerned but I just shrugged her off. I still felt tired from the fit and I thought a short nap would help. "I'll save you some, the Transporter has a built in cryo-unit, so it should stay fresh until you decide to eat it alright?" I nodded and thanked her before I got up and walked away. I passed the others not really saying to anyone, my mind still running around in circles.

We had stopped near a forest. Most of the trees were bare except for the many towering pines that were scattered around. The tents were centered near a lake, which I assume could be used for bathing. There were 3 tents set up,they were one of those tents that had a matter expansion field that made the inside bigger than what it looked like outside. Thee tents themselves looked like the dome tents you used to see in old movies, but inside I knew it was roughly the size of a small living room. I shared the tent with Aidan mostly, the girls had their own, naturally and Flint and Dolan had the other. I stepped inside and saw my sleepingbag already out. It had been a long time since I had gotten to go camping so I was still getting used to roughing it.

I really couldn't wait until we got to Crosstown though, hopefully I could spend at least one night in my own bed. I just sighed and shook my heard wildly, this was stupid, I had no reason to truly complain the bags were actually quite comfortable. Deciding that a good nap would be for the best. Slowly I stripped until I was in my boxers. (The tents were designed to keep a constant temperature so I wasn't worried about getting cold) and snuggled into it and swiftly fell asleep.


Next thing I knew however I saw myself sitting inside what looked like a small house. It looked quite quant and nice, the walls were a nice beige color and the room looked very well lit. I wasn't alone however, sitting on a couch was two wolves, one looked to be in his late 20's with light brown hair and startlingly pretty blue eyes. He looked so familiar for some reason. Sitting next to him was a pouting 5 year old. The boy had the same blue eyes but with golden colored hair instead of brown.

The kid looked like me, had to be, we had the same basic facial structure. "I don't know why I couldn't go with Mommy and Rex." The boy said, the elder man just sighed, seemed the boy(me?) had said that several times before.

"I already told you, your Mommy had to get school-clothes for Rex and couldn't handle both of you at the same time." He chided lightly. "Now stop pouting Jacob, they will be back before you know it." He said before kissing his(my?) forehead. "That's why we got yours yesterday and Rex stayed behind." The boy just nodded and pouted a bit before smiling at the elder wolf.

"If you say so Daddy." He said before snuggling up into his fathers arms. It reminded of the times I did that with Dad. 'Stop it! He's gone, nothing is going to change that! No matter how much you wish it.' I thought to myself sadly. "I'm hungry Daddy, do we have any more of the cake Uncle Xavie sent us?" He asked innocently while batting his eyes. The man just chuckled and patted the boys head.

"I'll go check," the man said before he lifted the boy up. "I love you Jacob, you, Rex and your mother make me the happiest man alive." He told him sincerely before taking something out of his pocket. "I want you to have this." He said as he took out a golden pocket watch... my pocket-watch. But right before the man was about to hand it over everything suddenly froze!

a voice from nowhere stated, starting me a bit. Floating behind me was a small white wolf, he had an almost chibi like build with an oversized head in comparison to his body. He wore white robes that were wrapped around his small figure. I knew that voice!

"You! You were the voice from Eldra? The one who guided me during the fight with Hydra." I shouted out. "Thanatos was it?" I asked him. He merely nodded but didn't say a thing. Desperate to keep the silence away I swiftly pounced into questioning. "What's going on! Who is that man? Is that me? What is going on!?" I shouted out, I was confused, and anxious to figure out what was happening. The wolf... Thanatos's didn't answer me however, instead he stayed silent and continued to look at me intently.

"Answer me will you!? Why am I seeing this!" I stated tersely. He again stayed silent for several moments before he broke, with a small sigh he began to explain the situation.

"Yes, the child is you." He answered softly. "Now watch and keep quiet." He ordered as everything suddenly started back up. The boys eyes widened significantly at the sight as his little paws shakily took the offering. He looked at it in awe for several moments before he finally found his voice.

"Your watch..." he stated shyly. "You love this watch." The elder just chuckled and lightly kissed his forehead.

"Yes I do, but I want you to have it son." The man said in a loving voice. The boy just hugged him, something the man quickly recuperated in turn. However the moment was ruined when a loud knocking came from the door. The man just glowered at the door, obviously he hadn't expected company. I just stood there, a sudden feeling of dread filling my stomach. I could only wrap my arms around myself a bit as I continued to watch everything unfold. "Strange, we weren't expecting company and I didn't hear your mother pull in." He said to the younger wolf. "Wait here Jacob, I'll see who it is." With that the man got up and walked towards the door.

I followed him into the hallway and to the door. Not saying a word he opened the door and saw what looked like two MODD officials. Their uniforms looked much like the ones Aidan wore but the insignia on their shoulder looked a lot different. "Why are you here? I'm off today and I didn't call for any officials." The man said in an irritated fashion. "So please leave, my wife and eldest son should be back soon." He stated coldly.

"I'm sorry Mr. Isaac Reaper, we aren't here for you, we are hear to take custody of your younger son, Jacob isn't it?" The man's... Isaac's face immediately fell then contorted into a vicious growl which didn't seem to phase either of the masked men much.

"Like hell you are taking my son! What gives you the right to barge into my house and demand my son!" He spat out viciously. "Now leave or I'll call the cops and lodge a complaint to Xavier! Does he know you are here?" One of the men just shook his head and calmly explained himself. I couldn't tell what species he was, his uniform covered all distinguishing features. But he gave me the creeps.

"We are not here on Greasham business, we are here by orders of Fransisco Manx himself. I am sure you are aware of the incident regarding your son in Greasham during your stay two months back correct? That your son had managed to sneak into Greasham's R&D department. Your son had wandered into a room with an unstable and extremely powerful weapon, and when he had been found he was unconscious and the weapon was missing." He stated calmly. "There is speculation that weapon might have merged with your son. We are here just to make sure the boy is okay." Isaac didn't seem impressed though.

"You mean you want to experiment on him, over my dead body! Get out or I'll call the cops!" The man snarled. I had been so absorbed in the conflict in front of me that I hadn't even notice my younger self enter the hallway.

"Daddy... who are these people? Why do they want to take me away? I don't want to go anywhere." Isaac seemed to jump at hearing my younger self's voice seemingly he hadn't been aware either.

"Jacob! I told you to stay in the living room!" The man scolded before his features softened. "But you aren't going anywhere,I was about to escort these gentleman ou-" Isaac said but before he finished I saw something blast through his chest, right below his heart. I just watched in shock as I saw him reach for his chest and see blood. "Jacob... run..." was the last thing he said before he crumpled to the ground.

"NO! DADDY!" The little me cried out as he ran towards the limp body. "Daddy wake up! Please wake up!" I couldn't watch no more so I angrily turned to towards Thanatos.

"Get me out of here! Isn't it bad enough that I lost the only father I knew but to rewatch my biological father be murdered right in front of me!?" I asked as I felt my eyes begin to sting from unshed tears. "But this is how it started huh? They took me because they thought I came in contact with some strange weapon? What weapon? Why did they want me?" I asked frustrated.

"The specifics of the apparent weapon were unknown, only that it was highly unstable and powerful. Merging with you seemed to apparently stabilize it." He stated wistfully. "What they wanted with you I do not know, I only have the memories you have locked with I your subconscious." He stated kindly before slowly turning around. "It is almost over, you might as well finish watching this memory." He said before the memory continued.

"Sorry Isaac, but you gave us no choice." One of the men said cheerfully. "Now grab the brat!" He ordered the other man who hesitated briefly before reluctantly obeying the order.

"I'm sorry kid, got no choice. The big boss wants to see you." He said before cautiously walking towards the younger me. "Now stand still I'm not going to hurt ya I promise." Just as he was about to grab him the younger Jacob bit down hard on his hand causing him to cry out in agony. "He bit me! The little shit bit me!" He hollered before other smacked him down.

"Don't be a whimp!" The other snarled out. Before smacking my younger self knocking him out. "Stupid brat, now bag him up! We got a plane to catch!" The man said before kicking Isaac's corpse. "Stupid man, should've let us had the brat, you got another son anyway." He stated before walking away as everything started going black.


"Hey kid! Wake up will you!" Was the first thing I heard coming to, Aidan's voice... why was he yelling at me for? Groggily I opened my eyes and saw him tower over me. Seeing my eyes open even if it was just a smidge seemed to relieve him greatly. "'bout damn time! I've been yelling at you for at least five minutes! You had me worried damnit!"

"Why were you yelling at me?" I asked irritatingly. "I was just taking a nap!" I stated while sitting up, thankfully I was still covered from the waist down though, considering I was still in my boxers which unfortunately did little cover the fact I had a serious boner going on. Not for the first time I cursed the fact I was oversized down there.

"You were making this awful, moaning sound and was jerking around like mad, thought you were having another fit. Were you having as bad dream or something?" I just nodded, I wasn't sure how much of it was a dream per se but it was certainly awful. "What was it about?" He questioned lightly as he sat down next to where I was laying. Having him so close made me blush and unfortunately only worsened my boner problem.

"I saw my dad... My biological one, I saw him being murdered right in front of me. The bastards shot him when he refused to hand me over, apparently they wanted me because they thought I came into contact with some secret experimental weapon." I said sadly, bunching the sleeping bag around me. I was surprised when I felt Aidan hug me tight.

"I'm so sorry, must've been horrible." Was all he said. My face was immediately on fire and my hormones were going completely haywire with him being so close. It felt so weird, having my crush hold me in such a manner he was so close... I knew exactly what I could do, something I wanted to do since I met him. Before he could pull away I quickly pushed our lips together into a kiss.

Aidan immediately recoiled however and swiftly pushed me away much to my disappointment. "What the hell!" He asked, it wasn't angry thankfully, but it certainly was shocked, and somewhat uncomfortable. "What was that about?"

"I... uh... I really like you Aidan... a lot.." I started awkwardly. "I mean you saved my life after all and I've had a huge crush on you since we met." My blush simply refused to go away it seemed. "I just... I've never really had a real interest in anyone before..."

"So you want me? Uh... kid... You do realize you are underage right? I could get into serious trouble if anything happened." He stated. "You're a good looking kid but you should probably find someone by our own age."

"You do realize once we cross into Rillotia you'll be considered a deserter right? Commander Rogers explained that fact, that he can continue to cover for you as long as you are within Salmarta's borders but once you leave them he can no longer do so. You sleeping with me would be the least of your crimes." I pointed out.

"I know but fact remains, you're 15, I'm 22. That is a big age difference you know, seven years..." He said, he looked uncomfortable... and somewhat guilty.

"Aidan, I understand your concerns, but I know you want this as much as I do." I said while slowly getting out of my sleeping bag revealing my boxer-clad form. Gently I got close to him and then started whispering his twitching ear. "You won't hurt me, I want this and I can heal. Let yourself relax." He was shaking now, I could tell obviously torn between his desire and principles. Judging by the growing lust in those golden eyes it was clear which one was winning.

"Ah fuck it!" He stated, before he quickly pinned me down to the ground with his far greater mass. "If you want a fuck then I'll give you one!" He said before roughly removing my boxer's leaving me fully nude to his eyes which seemed to widen quite a bit as he saw my engorged member. "Damn kid, you're bigger than me!" He stated while he lightly stroked my foot long pole. "Would've never thought a skinny guy like you would have a foot long dick."

"Yeah... I used to get stares after gym class... I hated showering afterwards." I stated sourly.

"Stupid teenagers being stupid teenagers right? Know exactly how you felt, I joined MODD when I was 16, so my highschool years were mixed with boot camp you could say and MODD recruits don't change, even after completing their training." Aidan said before quickly undressing himself. "But enough talk, let's fuck!" He stated before removing his own undergarments before pinning me again. I moaned out as I felt his searing hot penis rub against my inner thigh. "Gonna fuck you good, yes I am! But let's loosen you up first. If I'm going to pop your cherry I'm going to do it right!" He stated before he practically bent me in two and buried his muzzle into my ass.

I could only squirm his long canine tongue buried itself deep into me, even brushing my prostate a few times making me go wild as my pre stained my black fur with streaks of white. Eventually he started adding fingers, that actually hurt a bit. As if sensing that he stopped his rimming to look me in the eyes before telling me to relax. I just nodded shakily, now thankful that he hadn't just stuck himself in.

Gradually I allowed myself to loosen up and let his fingers move around inside my ass. By then the pain had slowly started to go away and began to slowly be replaced with a slow burning pleasure deep within my belly. Smiling, Aidan slowly removed his fingers from me leaving me feeling strangely empty. Grinning at my dismayed expression he moved himself to where his penis was right against my virgin hole.

"Hold on kid, I'm going to give you the ride of your life!" He boasted before he swiftly thrust himself in up to the knot. I caused out and held on tight, trying to ride out the sensation of my insides being ravaged. Thankfully he didn't move for a few minutes waiting for me to open up some more. "You okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked in a concerned voice. I just bit my lip and nodded. It hurt yes, but I would pull through, not like he could so permanent damage anyhow.

"I'm fine, just... sit still for awhile longer... I've never had anything up my ass before." I said. He just nodded and continued to stay still, gradually the pain slowly started to disperser as my ass slowly started molding around his 10' dick. When the pain receded fully I gave him a nod affirming he was good to go. Not saying I word he quickly pulled out and thrust back in at a rapid-fire pace. I could only moan out as he did so, his dick continuously crashing against my prostate sending waves of fiery pleasure through my body.

As I cried out he just growled, seemingly taken beyond speech. I just continued to cling to him, my head buried into the crook of his neck as he thrust. I could hear his moaning pants as he continued to gradually started to increase his pace until his knot was literally starting to knock at my ass. The prospect of actually taking the knot was something I hadn't thought of honestly, it had completely slipped my mind.

But at the same time I wanted it, wanted to be fully linked to the man who was all accounts my savior. I was so absorbed in our sex I hadn't noticed my Brand was starting to activate until it started to spread throughout my body. "Ai-Aidan..." I cried out but he pages no attention having been reduced to the feral need to breed his partner. With one final thrust he knotted me, crushing my prostate in the process and triggering my orgasm. As I cried out his name my cum splattered across both our bodies as he quickly bit down on my shoulder.

As him cum began filled my innards I saw that Aidan's left shoulder was starting to glow as a strange symbol, similar to my own Brand only his was red and orange unlike the gold and black of my own. That Brand then spread throughout his body as tiny flames started to flitter around his body. But just as quickly as it happened the symbol started to recede until his Brands topped glowing and became dormant. I was at a loss for words... did I just brand him some somehow?

"What happened...?" He asked as he recovered from his sex-fuiled haze. He gently touched his shoulder where his brand was. "It's like yours..." He stated in a confused tone. He kept touching it seemingly still trying to figure things out. "So you can somehow brand other people?" He asked. I could only shrug, I guess I could, huh.

"Guess I can, you aren't mad though are you?" I asked awkwardly. Aidan just shook his head, swiftly dismissing my fears.

"Not mad, kinda surprised though, but I think having this power should aid me in keeping you safe." He stated before he cuddled himself around me. "But let's just relax, it'll take me a bit to deflate." He said before nuzzling my cheek. "You are okay though right? I didn't hurt you much did I?" He asked.

"I'm fine, I enjoyed it a lot honestly..." I stated once again thankful for my dark fur especially when he began to strike the hair on my chest. "It's shaped like a heart, I just noticed that." He murmured. "That's actually kinda cute." Before I could say anything to in reply Flint quickly barged into the tent.

"Guys! We need you by the... um..." He shouted out before noticing that we were both naked, joined bodies. "Oh right we need you guys by the fire! I was twiddling with the transport radio and it said that a gift in Vernati had been overtaken by Inquisition forces!" Oh no... I had heard of Inquisition it was one of the largest rebel factions in Mortaelis, they were noted as followers of the Silent Lady, a religion originally steaming from the Tribal lands of the Oxis Archipelago. They were the ones responsible for Trinan Rebellion and were speculated to be the ones responsible for the terrorist attacks in Weleshna a few years back.

"What city?" Iasked almost afraid to hear the answer.

"Crosstown I think... you okay Kael? You look ill."I certainly felt ill.

Crosstown, that's my home... Inquisition just overtook my home..." Was all I said. "We got to get there ASAP! Before anyone gets hurt! You know what happens when they take over cities!" I shouted, I would never forgive myself if anything happened to anyone there.

"We'll get there, I promise." Aidan said eyes flashing. Those bastards killed my Mom during a raid on Eldra, I we them a few beatings!" He snarled out. I could only nod. "But you are right, after I deflate we'll get dressed and Flint, this is between us three got it?" He stated sharply. With a nod from us both we had our goal, liberate Crosstown. Guess fate really did want me home after all. 'Hold on Em, I'm coming just hang in there till I get there to save you!' I thought to myself as I waited for Aidan to deflate. This was going to be so much