My New Master - Ch 2

Story by doublegeiger on SoFurry

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#2 of My New Master

Here's Chapter 2 for 'My New Master'

Hope it's ok!

CH. 2

'How long has it been...' I woke myself up with the thought. My body went numb what feels like hours ago. I was hoping it was all just a big nightmare but that would be too easy, wouldn't it?

I forced my dried eyes open. They sealed themselves shot from all the tears over the hours. They were too blurry to make out the clock above my head. The last 24 hours have been hell and I feel I just gave up on Things changing. Moving my hand, I could tell I was still strapped to the chair being pounded from both ends. At first it was awkward, then turned agony in mere minutes. But soon that faded away and was replaced with no sensation. The hardest part was trying to find room to breathe. The 24 hour clock slowly counted down while the sign underneath blinked, 'OBEY YOUR MASTER'.

I finally manage to focus my eyes well enough to see the clock.




*beep beeep*

There was a chime, then what felt like a heavy weight coming off my mouth. The straps were gone, and before I knew it I was lying on the floor. My eyes focusing, I looked around the room. I had heard some people enter and make a ruckus earlier and now I can see what it was. Another girl was hooked up to another machine being pounded relentlessly like I just was.

Forcing my eyes to look up I could see her clock was only at 23 hours and some minutes. She was still trying to fight the intrusions. I couldn't really think straight but all I wanted to do was stop her poor torture.

Gasping for air, I tried to call out but no voice came. My jaw had locked open hours ago and the muscles were stretched in place. So I crawled over to her legs and try to unbuckle one of the straps. Her toes head scratch the floor many times and were curling open and close while I helped her. The moment I undid her strap I felt the swift kick from her in the face. Still numb from the previous experience, I didn't feel much pain from the strike.

"Oh oh! We got a naughty nelly in here!" Chimed a familiar voice. The skinny dog who tied me to the chair yesterday.

I rolled away and tried to force myself to my feet. I was petrified that he was going to put me back in the chair. Halfway to my knees, I suddenly felt something in my crotch.

"Whoo! You're all loosened up! I know it's a little short notice but we have a special guest in our top floor suite that needs some loving! We'll get you cleaned up and ready in no time!"

Soon he was on the phone talking to someone. "Yep she's well stretched, no she doesn't need training. He likes the fighters."

I wasn't even listening to his words but trying to move my openly locked jaw back. With a lodging pop, it fell back into place after almost 24 hours being stuck. It was almost painful being back in its normal position. My muscles were stretched and could easily open it back to its gaping point.

Before I noticed what was happening, two girls had taken my shaking body and walked me to the door and back on the elevator. The cocky dog waved me a find farewell as if nothing was wrong with the situation.

...I just wanted to go home...

As we rode up the elevator the two girls were staring at the ground, silent and still. I had no strength to fight even them, but maybe...

" m..." I started before the doors popped open and was carried out onto a rooftop suite overlooking the city. The sat me down and I finally got a good look at them. They were twin snow foxes covered in latex from top to bottom covering their entire body. There were ball gags in their mouths and pinhole dots for eyes to look through. They both looked as though they were struggling to breath around the gags but stood as though nothing was wrong.

I watched them walk back onto the elevator and disappear. Looking around terrified I saw I was sitting on a silky red bed. Behind me I heard the pouring of a sink making me spin around. I was looking up at the enormous body of an elephant wearing an evening robe. Upon turning around I immediately recognized him.

"...mis...ter ...Mayor?" I choked out? To which he chuckled.

"Why, yes I am." He hummed in the sweet voice I knew from his many speeches. How could I not know him. He was famous for protecting the week and fighting corruption. He was known to me and many as the sweetest man alive.

Just upon seeing him, my eyes began to water. He put down his glass and came to my side wrapping a gentle arm around me.

"Shhhhhhhhh. It's alright." He hummed so gently.

I collapsed under his arm. Finally, the heavy weight fell off my chest as I felt hope for first time since I entered the building. 'He was here to save me!' I sang in my head. 'I'm finally safe.'

"There, there, now don't you cry." He continued. I felt his weight shift and felt his hand on my back. I had forgotten I was naked and was going to cover myself when his hand moved down.

"You're such a beautiful girl..." His voice was growing a little raspy as his large finger slid under me and would have slid right into me if I didn't jump up.

I spun in horrified confusion to the Elephant towering over me even when sitting. His robe was now open with a sick the size of my leg hanging down off the bed.

"Now now, don't be scared. I just want to touch you," came his voice and suddenly his large hand was wrapped around my arm pulling me back in.

I still had little strength to fight and tried to pull away. With no effort he pulled me back alongside him on the bed.

"Now let me taste you..." Was the last thing he said before his large tongue slid up and down my small body. His saliva was left in large wads across me as he hummed and rubbed me against his humongous dick.

'Why was he doing this?! What happened to the sweet mayor I knew?! Is there no one sane in this building?!'

Within moments, he pressed the head of his cock against my entrance and began pushing. It felt like trying to fit a house into a car. It wouldn't budge and as much as I fought, his strength out did any fight I gave.

With his fingers, he forced them one by one into me with no time to waste until three of his massive indexes were painfully stretching me.

My arms were both held above my head while I just sobbed and kicked. He paid no attention to my cries and kept pushing, smiling the whole time.

Soon he pulled them back out and picked me up by the torso and replaced me upon his shaft. Looking down I couldn't see any way for it to fit. He paid no heed to this view and began to lower me. The head forcefully slid right into my wrenched vagina.

I let out a squeal of pain as he kept trying to fit more of his cock into me. My hands clawed at his, but did little to stop him. His free hand was now stroking the base of his shaft as he moved faster.

My mind was racing as his dick was both dislocating my legs and breaking my pelvis. I couldn't take much more when I heard him take a deep breath.

With a loud trumpet of his trunk, he yanked me down on him as I felt my gut forced back by a great torrent of cum. It was as painful as the first forced entry punching my insides around.

After a few pulses he yanked me off and threw me across the bed. I laid there trembling in pain, my right leg was dislocated and stuck in an odd angle.

I was nearly in shock, both dizzy and horrified that the Mayor I looked up to could be so vile...

"So tight... That's what I love coming here for." He chuckled as he lit a cigar. "Well that's a good break. I best be getting back to my public." He stood up shaking the last of his seed over me.

I twitched at the spray. His huge load was enough to cover me head to toe, leaving me writhing on the bed looking up at him. His face almost looked hearty and loving. He was shaking off his cock when he started stroking it again.

"Well if you insist, I suppose we can have another blast. I can't say no to such a look~"

The look I was giving him was pure horror. This time, I swung at his out stretching arms but was easily overpowered by him. He lifted my swinging body back into the position. This time he was positioned over my other hole.

Without any warning I was being bombarded again by his girth. My ass was stretched to uncomfortable lengths but he paid no attention. He rolled over so he was laying on top of me, burying me beneath his massive belly. I was being crushed and losing air as my insides were turning to mush. I couldn't even breathe enough to start crying.

Slowly between the pumps, the lights were going out. I couldn't see, breathe or feel anymore. Everything just went black...
