Crystal Kingdom Chapter 2

Story by LilLoveCho on SoFurry

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#2 of Crystal Kingdom

Chapter 2 takes Bethany into a whole new world she wasn't ready for. what will This Dragon guy do with her? Where are they going and what happened to Logan?

EDIT: 11/10/14 added Italic to the letter.

Not sure what exactly is going on here, Sunshine stands up and stares at the dragon guy. He is wearing a black suit with no tie, his white shirt wasn't buttoned up all the way. As she calmed herself something clicked with her, he called her 'Miss Bethany'. Why would he call her that if her name is Sunshine?

"I think you have the wrong house, the wrong girl, you might want to leave now and I won't call the cops" she told him in a calm but hopeful voice. The guy digs into his left front pocket in his pants and pulls out a paper, he starts to unfold it and reads it off to himself. Sunshine wasn't able to tell what he said as he mumbled a few words quickly. He looks down to her and hands her the paper, she looks at it and read it in silence.

"Mister Collector, we request that you collect a Miss Bethany that lives in house number 43 on Glitter Street.

_Appearance: _

  • _5 feet 2 iches tall. _

  • white/cream color fur

  • tail fur is longer then body fur

  • _feline _

  • female

Strange/uncommon markings:

  • Has dark spots on right lower hip / top thigh.

  • Other problems you may encounter:

  • May not know her true name.

  • her boyfriend Logan visits often (Do not let him get in the way)

  • _May put up a fight. _

_We have been watching her for some time now and these are all up to date. She holds a desk job at some small business place where she works 10am - 5pm. from there she often visits a comer shop down the road from where she works, it's called Starbucks. She then walks back to her place alone everyday and her boyfriend shows up every other night at 8pm most times spending the night. Other times we have noticed that he will leave her place around 11pm and stay outside in the backyard for some time. This seems to be some kind of secret from Bethany as she is usually in the bath at this time. _

We suggest the best time for you to go get her is in the morning before work because her boyfriend is often late getting to her place to pick her up. It would seem that he comes from two different places. We did some research into this Logan and figured out that he lives on 14th street but he comes from a house that resides on Hinder Street that is correctly being rented by a Miss Flow, we are unsure who this other young female is but we suspect that it maybe Logan's other lover."

After she had finished reading the letter, her arm went limp and fell to her side as she thought this all through. So it would seem that there was people watching her, and has been for some time now, then there is this name thing, and Logan, that asshole of a boyfriend has been cheating! Confused and hurt a little, but mostly just tired of all this crap, Sunshine looks up at the man with a blank look on her face. "My name is Bethany?" She asked the man quietly, he simply nods his large head. "Alright then, large sir, I will go with you wherever it is we must go. Let me just grab a few things," as she started to walk back upstairs, the man grabbed her arm, "No time for that Miss, don't worry though, there will be lots of shops for you to buy new things and enough money." He pulled her back down the stairs and out the front door into this dark green mini van.

Their drive takes them deep into the mountains, nice and green everywhere. It's the start of

fall and the air is a lot cooler up here then it was in the valley. Bethany looks out the window and smells the fresh pines, a smile came across her face as she kept looking all around. She hasn't had the time to visit the mountains but has always wanted to. Up ahead was a iron fence with gate doors right in front of us. The man comes to a stop for a few moments before the gate creeks open and he drives on threw. Bethany looks ahead and as they pull up and come to a stop, her eyes widen as she looks at the castle like building. "what is this?" Bethany asked, the man gets out of the van and opens her door. She steps out slowly looking at the great doors.

"Come Miss, this way." The man said as he walked to the door and opened it to let Bethany inside. Before she stepped inside, she took a look around outside, taking in the peacefulness of it all. Nice full green pines everywhere covering the landscape. Under the ever greens was picnic tables made of white stone. Before she could get a good look around, she was being pulled inside the castle like building. Bright light shown everywhere, what looked to be ice crystals hanging from the ceiling, glittering in the bright light. There wasn't much on the walls but for a few large paintings of nature scenes. The walls were a cold stone shade, very smooth.

"Is she here?" Came a voice from down one of the long halls. "Karel, is that you?" Without even answering, he rushed her through the hall to the female voice. She sat on a high back chair that looked very old, a dark black stone color with pillows on the chair. Bethany walked closer to the old lady. She had curly hair and it was turning white from old age, she looked as if she was in her 80's.

"Yes ma'am, It is I, Karel. I have brought her here as they asked."

"Come closer, little one."

"Hello, my name is Sun- ...I mean, Bethany. Why am I here, what is here?"

"My dear, you are the Mistress of this place. You are royal, my dear... you own this whole mountain and everything on it. Every house and every animal. Your father had died and you are the last of your bloodline."

If life wasn't already crazy, now there is this. Royalty, lost a job, had an unknown father die, and became the Mistress of a whole mountain with Gods knows what else on it. What is going on here and why now of all times.