Crystal Kingdom Chapter 2

Not sure what exactly is going on here, Sunshine stands up and stares at the dragon guy. He is wearing a black suit with no tie, his white shirt wasn't buttoned up all the way. As she calmed herself something clicked with her, he called her 'Miss...

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Crystal Kingdom

When the wind calms and the rain stops for the first time in weeks, Sunshine looks out her window and frowns at the clear skies and the bright blue color. Clouds as fluffy as her pillows on her bed, she looks back at her bed with a sad face. Sunshine...

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Darkness before Light Chapter 1

Insanity You wake up in the morning and you think about this person. "Is he online?" You ask yourself, you only know him online. He tells you that he likes you and that it goes deeper then just friendship. You start having the same feelings too...

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Darkness before Light Chapter 2

Starting up her computer as the sun goes down for the day, Aiko thinks to herself if she really wants to do this. The answer comes quickly as she logs online. She does a quick search for free online games and comes up with one called Gaia. She clicks...

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