Gildedtongue's Story Book II: Purgatorio - Chapter 7

Story by Gildedtongue on SoFurry

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#8 of Gildedtongue's Story, Book II: Purgatorio

Chapter 7

Dreamweaver yawned as shi left hir room, hir hair in a dishevelled mess as shi looked back, smiling as the snoring skunk'taur still lay in hir bed. Hir face warmed in a smile as Zool snorted a bit, scratching along hys join. The teen chakat went to finish hir morning ritual before making hir way to the kitchen. Hir parents smiled as they read over the morning paper and sipped coffee. The three laughed at some joke, smiling wide.

The laughter halted quickly as a brick was thrown into the window, spraying glass all over their breakfast and colliding with Firefoot's head, dropping hir to the ground. Dreamweaver screamed in bloody horror as Startail quickly grabbed hir daughter, making their way to the middle of the house for more protection.

Upon opening the door to Dream's room to pull out Zool, they found three heavily padded humans already inside, kicking the adolecent skunk'taur repeatedly. Zool's only response was a gurgled moan as hys hand, twisted in pain, trembled.

Startail couldn't quiet hir sobbing child as shi shoved the both of them into a nearby closet. The sounds of their four hearts deafening in the darkness, but not loud enough to stamp out the sound of heavy boots of the people looking for them. The door swung open suddenly and loud bangs rang in Dreamweaver's ear. A shower of red from hir sire coated the teenage chakat's fur.

Dreamweaver was shivering in shock, slowly looking up at the assailant. A masked figure, carrying a large bore black powder rifle chuckled. His stubbled face was seen up to the nose as Dreamweaver saw the ecstatic glee in the man.

Dreamweaver closed hir eyes, mewling in fear.


Gildedtongue gasped as hir eyes went open again. Both hir hearts were slamming in hir chests. 'A dream. Dear God, just a dream', was all shi could think. Hir trembling hand lifted up to wipe hir forehead, which was soaked from hir sweat that also drenched the pillow hir head laid upon.

It had been ten days since Gildedtongue started hir journey to the stars, and each night a new terror lay in hir land of slumber. Shi groggily went to the desk, pulling out a small single serving coffee maker to chase away the night ghouls with some caffeine.

Gildedtongue flicked on a switch on the side of hir datapad, double checking the feedback shi will give back to hir students during class on Monday. Shi rolled hir eyes slightly to hirself, trying to at least think less Hicknian (a somewhat less than flattering title of a resident of the HCKNA), and more like a proper Stellar Federation citizen. "A datapad is simply called a PADD, and days aren't named, they are numbered," Gildedtongue muttered to hirself, adding, "Yeah, like my days are numbered."

Gildedtongue put the datapad back down and stretched hir long backs, feeling a crack at hir lower back, huffing at the small release of endorphins. Shi had two more days, or cycles, rather, to finish grading the papers and shi was nearly finished anyway, so a small excursion into the ship's interior wouldn't be too harmful for hir job.

The hall was filled with humans and morphs milling to and from their posts. The 0600 shift change had begun and while the evening crew were eager to eat and get some rest, the morning crew were begrudgedly heading towards their duties. The crew of the Purgatorio was the right size that the crew could be split into four groups, the 0000-1200 crew, the 0600-1800 crew, the 1200-0000 crew, and lastly, the 1800-0600 crew. This allowed for half of the crew to be on hand at any time, without risk of a radical change of crew members, or any time with a surplus of hands.

The chakat adjusted hir shirt, still a tad crumpled from sleeping in it, but was mostly free from wrinkles. Hir mane of red headfur, streaked with grey hairs, was a bit of a mess but no moreso than some of the other waking crew members.

Shi picked up a tray with a bowl of some thick brown substance (previous consumptions told hir it was oatmeal, or at least claimed itself to be), some alien fruit that looked vaguely like a purple banana, but under the skin it was eaten much like an apple.

The chakat sat alone in a corner, watching the other people milling about, talking and laughing, though, people nearer hir own table were considerably more quiet and sullen, which reminded the chakat of the words Startail had told hir, about being a leaking source of negativity. Shi let out a small sigh and tried to feel a bit better, but it definitely would take more than that.

Shi nursed on a cup of coffee as someone padded up to hir table. Shi glanced up, seeing the smiling, cocky fox'taur standing before hir. "Now, this looks a bit odd, a kitty trapped in the corner," Thallon gave a smirk, "Mind if I sit down?" Gildedtongue responded silently with a shake of hir head, letting the fox'taur alight himself upon the floor opposite of the chakat. "So, shir Tutor, how have studies been going for you?"

Gildedtongue smiled a bit, feeling a bit better with someone taking interest with hir as shi set hir cup down, "Well, if you must know, it's one hell of a challenge. Sometimes I feel like I'm a bit over my head, but..." shi shrugged and smiled, "I suppose it is best that I get used to it."

Thallon chuckled warmly, looking over the chakat, "Mmmm, well, no matter, sounds like you're having fun, though." The chakat blushed softly and nodded, enjoying a challenge that was a strain on hir mind, not hir patience. The fox'taur leaned back, looking over the feli'taur, "Though, you've been spending far too much time at work, and people have commented that they've only seen you in passing from your room, here, and the classroom."

Gildedtongue blushed lightly, looking down, "Well, I don't want to get in anyone's way. You all seem a bit busy."

The fox'taur shook his head, "Honestly, en route, the only ones busy are the engineers making sure the drives don't fall off." The fox'taur chuckled to himself, thinking softly, "But, come now, all work and no relaxing makes for, ah, Wanderer to be a dull chakat." The fox'taur offered his hand to Gildedtongue, lighting a roguish smile, "C'mon."

Gildy tentatively grasped Thallon's hand, looking up slightly before feeling his grip strengthen, pulling hir out of the room rapidly. Shi couldn't help but give a slight giggle as Thallon ran through the hallway. Gildedtongue's feet barely had time to touch the ground in each bound. Shi cascaded against Thallon's frame as he stopped, looking up at the training room door, "All right, let's see what you can do."

Gildedtongue's face skewed in confusion as shi went in with Thallon. The fox'taur letting go and went over to talk to a middle aged man sitting behind a mesh barrier. The chakat studied the room, most of the paint had been chipped away or peeling, but had been kept in largely good condition. Some benches dotted the walls, broken by small end tables. A few magazines lay sprawled on the tables, probably dating back decades. The chakat started to move to look at one before feeling something pressed into hir hands. Shi snapped out of hir daze to look at a grinning Thallon, then down at the long rifle shoved into hir hands, "Um, methinks our interpretation of relaxation seems to be a bit different, Mister Rosefur." Gildedtongue blinked softly, looking over the long weapon.

Thallon gave a short chuckle, "Well, possibly. Though I wouldn't worry yourself in trying it out. It's merely a laser tagging device, and you'll be on your own for this one." The chakat nodded, testing the weight of the rifle and looking over the components. It seemed like the only movable parts was the trigger, a dial, and what shi figured was the power pack compartment. Thallon lead hir into a large, empty room, lined with a yellow grid. Several crew members following hir inside, giving hir a small bit of panic. The fox'taur rested his hand on hir shoulder, "It's okay. Just a bit of target practice." The fox'taur went over to a small console, turning it on. The air felt thicker as ozone filled the room.

The holoroom was an older model of the popular holodeck. The images created were simply images projected into a thick mist of air. This allowed for less need for replicators and force fields, thus were cheaper and less power hungry.

Three small spinning diamonds came into existence, making quick, yet predictable motions in the air. Gildedtongue could hear the crew muttering behind hir, a few wagers being made behind hir back. The chakat sighed to hirself, pulling the rifle to shoulder and gazed down the iron sights. Shi wasn't exactly sure what shi was doing, or even how to aim the bloody thing, but shi was certainly put on the spot to give the crew members a bit of a show by imitating films and videogames. Shi exhaled slowly, trying to steady hir hands, pulling the trigger.

Nothing happened. The chakat blinked a bit, pulling it a few more times, looking confused at the long arm. The crew behind hir were roaring in laughter as the chakat heard small amounts of FedCred coins being exchanged with a joyous tinkle. The chakat's ears hid well in hir red headfur as Thallon calmly walked over to the chakat, showing hir the thumbswitch, moving the weapon from Safe to Semi-Automatic. Fully Automatic the next click upwards.

Gildedtongue blushed and mouthed a thank you as shi returned to the fighting stance. The diamonds continued to flit around the air before hir. The chakat took aim at the shape and gave another tug on the trigger, this time the rifle lanced out a beam of light, hitting wide, and giving Gildedtongue a sharp kick in the shoulder to simulate recoil. The gathered crowd continued their laughter as more money was heard being exchanged.

Gildedtongue's embarrassment slowly rolled into rage as shi focused on the holographic shapes again, hir thumb pushing the selector up once more as shi shouldered the training weapon, starting to spray the back wall. Beam upon beam of light splattered against the simulation while the motor in the stock pummeled against Gildedtongue's shoulder harder and harder, bruising the muscle underneath. Diamonds popped up and exploded with each hit, sending up new targets. Gildy let out a scream, continuing to hold down that trigger, feeling each blow against hir shoulder.

Shi didn't know how long it had been since the simulation had turned off, but shi was stirred back to the real world by a hand on hir free shoulder. The training rifle whirring and clicking while hir finger held the trigger in a death grip. Shi blinked softly, looking at the other crew members, many whom were dead quiet by that time. Shi swallowed a dry mouth again, licking hir tongue around hir mouth in an attempt to wet it. After a few moments shi managed to speak, "So, um, how did I do?"

"Well, I won't give you points for accuracy, but you managed to complete the simulation pretty damned quickly." Thallon gave a chuckle and a smile, tugging the faux weapon out of Gildedtongue's hands. The chakat looked idly at hir palms and fingers, the contours of the weapon imprinted deep into hir skin, a reminder of how tightly shi held it. "Maybe if you're interested, we can come back alone for more precision shooting."

Gildedtongue nodded mutely, feeling Thallon's arm wrap around hir shoulders, guiding hir out of the holo room, the other crew members giving the two wide berth. The chakat couldn't help but blush at their reaction in hir shame. A few more murmurings followed the two centauroids but were hushed, at least to Gildedtongue's ears, when the door closed behind them. Thallon smiled, approaching the quartermaster, handing back the rifle, "You might want to recharge this, and, ah, give it a slight once over. Wanderer here had some steam to let out." Thallon smiled, giving Gildedtongue's shoulder a soft pat. The chakat winced, the feeling of the bruising starting to get noticeable as the adrenaline started to wear thin.

The fox'taur guided the chakat back to the galley, smiling a mischievous vulpine smile. Gildy would normally feel defensive at the expression, but at this point felt unusually at ease, finding his handsome face and confident stride to be rather appealing. "Stuffing me even more, aren't you?"

Thallon chuckled, walking into the medium sized eatery with Gildedtongue, shaking his head, "Just making sure you're keeping your day cycles in check. Your metabolism is good at keeping a clock." he smiled, "Besides, I think you've been to the two most entertaining rooms on this ship."

Gildedtongue nodded quietly before smiling softly to hirself, "Well, I suppose, though, I guess I haven't seen where you do your work." Thallon cocked his head, then let out a small chuckle, popping the top of a soda can before grabbing a few sandwiches and another can for Gildedtongue.

"That so? Well, if you want to check it out, I'm sure we can do a quick run over there." Gildedtongue nodded quietly, remembering shi still had some more work to do, but supposed it could wait just a little more.

Thallon's nigh cubbish energy kept up as he pulled hir through the spine of the ship, stopping halfway to head into the belly hangar. Gildedtongue remembered the large catwalk and felt a twinge of vertigo, gazing several stories down to the bottom of the ship. Piles of ore and resources filled the bulk of the ship, having been on a pick-up run on Terra. Both centauroids made their way through the clanking catwalk before making it to the mech's landing. The vulpine popped open the canopy, letting Gildy get into the vehicle first before slowly resting atop of hir lower back. The whole thing was rather cramped as Thallon closed the hatch above them.

A few flicks of various switches and buttons and the machine's HUD flickered up. Thallon typed something out on a keyboard and the word "Simulation" flashed on the screen. The whole viewport flickered for a moment before it phased into a lightly forested environment. "All right, Gildy, now, just think of this like driving a car, a really big car." The chakat underneath him blushed slightly, giving a small chuckle.

"I actually never have driven. Never really had a need for it." The chakat's embarrassment leaked over to Thallon, who only returned a chuckle.

"Okay, fine. Well, played a videogame?" the chakat nodded, "Good, then this should be even easier." Thallon wiggled slightly, getting comfortable on top of his friend, resting his hands on Gildy's as he navigated them to the hand controls. "So, these are for your torso, pull the left forward and the right back to turn right, and the opposite for left. Both forward and you'll tilt down, both back and up." the 'taur said, guiding Gildy's hands through the motions. The image on the viewscreen scanned and panned as the controls were used. The chakat nodded, feeling somewhat good about this. Two hands certainly were easy enough.

Thallon smiled a bit more, "And at your forefeet, should be four pedals in a bit of a cross with a large top." Gildedtongue nodded, looking down over hir breasts to the worn, metal plates below hir. "You've got heels, so put them on the ground and rest your toes on the forward pedal, yeah, both of them." The chakat nodded and moved hir forefeet how shi was told, yelping and jumping as the whole cockpit vibrated as the image on the screen showed hir lurching forward a step. Thallon laughed loud, feeling himself setting on Gildy again, "Okay, careful, things are a little touchy." Gildy nodded quietly, trying to calm down again. "The levers on either side are for left or right movement, and since this is an old clunker, for you to actually turn, you have to be going forward or back to do so. So, just move your left or right paw to the right pedal in the direction you want to go in." Gildedtongue nodded as shi did so, going forward and right, expecting the cockpit's movements now as the images moved around.

"That back one is important. Tap it once and it'll do an emergency stop. Hold it to go into reverse. Really important to do narrow turning." Gildedtongue nodded, looking over the pedals, then back up at the screen. Shi closed hir eyes for a moment, gathering hir thoughts before shi started to take some practice walking in the simulation. The cockpit continued its gentle rumbling to feedback hir movements as shi looked around the empty world.

"So, is this all that there is to this simulation, Thallon?" Gildedtongue asked, looking back up at the vulpine.

"Well, there's also various obstacle courses, some cargo loading training, as well as some combat protocols, but I guess I figured you were kinda done with guns and such for the moment." The male above hir chuckled softly. His fingers moving along hir forearms quietly as Gildy drove the robot around, trying to avoid trees and other shrubbery, but found that hir new metal feet knocked them over or crushed them easily, or at least in this virtual world.

"So, where did you get this thing?" Gildedtongue asked, looking back up at Thallon, "I don't think that these sorts of things are all that common, and not exactly something you just go to a garage and pick one up."

Thallon nodded and laughed, amused by that thought as he found himself hugging Gildedtongue tighter, "No, no, we didn't do that. At least from what Sal and the Captain tell me, they found this hunk of junk frozen over on a run to Io. Obviously it needed heavy repairs, as well as modifications to remove the weapon systems, scanning systems, targeting systems, system systems, and the ilk, but as soon as they did all of that, this has been re-designated from a combat and scouting mech to a powered load lifter, thus the cannons on the arms have been retrofitted with lifting claws, and the chin laser hard-point has been refitted with a small tractor beam." Thallon looked up at the roof of the cockpit with a sneer, "One that never actually seems to work."

Gildedtongue nodded and stopped hir movements, using the back tap, causing the cockpit to rustle a bit more. The chakat's eyes went wide as shi felt the fox'taur's crotch grind against hir hindquarters at that point, making hir face alight in blush. Shi coughed and smiled lightly, "Ah, heh. Th-thank you, Thallon, but, ah, I think I should be going now."

Thallon gave a small chuckle, "Mmmmph, I don't know, something rather nice about laying atop of a chakat in heat." His body gave another wiggle as Gildedtongue responded with a tremble and a happy purr. Hir enjoyment was cut short as Thallon's words registered, 'That's why I'm feeling more friendly, dammit,' shi cursed, 'damned hard to keep track of the days out here.'

The chakat looked for the canopy opening, muttering various apologies, most in English, but a fair bit in Latin. Thallon chuckled and pushed a few buttons, terminating the simulation and let the cockpit open above the two, stepping out and letting Gildedtongue get out as well, "Heh, I guess I shouldn't have been so forward." the fox'taur recended.

"Oh, no, it's, it's all right." Gildedtongue smiled, climbing out as well, keeping hir hind end pointed away from the other 'taur as shi backed up. "I just really need to get my work done and I don't want to take more of your time." Shi yelped as hir posterior touched the cold metal guard railing, nearly jumping a metre into the air. Both 'taurs laughed at the predicament, one in nerves, the other in genuine mirth.

"Alright, Gi-Wanderer. I'll see you later?" Thallon asked, cocking his head to the side. Gildedtongue gave a blushed nod before retreating into the spine. Hir pace felt light and easy while hir tailtip swished rapidly back and forth, leaving a red blur. Ducking into hir room quickly, shi leaned back against the wall next to the door as it closed with a clunk. Hir ears red with blush as both of hir hearts pounded against hir sternums.

"For Chrissake, you're at least twice his age if not more, and he's got you blushing like a teenager." Gildedtongue chastised hirself, slowly regaining hir composure. Shi started to groom hir back fur, smoothing the ruffled hairs that the fox messed up with his laying on hir. Hir fingers brushed over a wet spot just above hir tail where his crotch would have been. Hir fingers trembled slightly, bringing it up to hir nose to inhale, bringing hir lusts right back to the forefront. "Oh God." shi muttered at the musks before picking up a change of clothing and made hir way to the communal showers, hoping the ship had an ample supply of cold water to take the edge off.


The chakat made hir way back towards hir quarters, fur still moist, but hir mind considerably more at ease as shi felt hir hormones a bit more in check. Gildedtongue nodded slightly to a human and a lynx morph chatting in the hall. Both treated hir with a wide smile and wave. Gildy had to admit it being rather odd to be surrounded by such friendly faces. Shi would have liked to have said it made hir feel better, but truthfully it made hir even more tense. Undoubtedly decades of putting up defences against just about everyone shi's met had hardened hir heart enough to put a thick coating of doubt on each person shi sees. Gildedtongue made a mental note to try and work that out before planetfall as well. 'That and everything else I need to work on.'

The teacher went back to grading, chewing on the butt of hir stylus as shi thought, going through the report printed on the screen of the PADD as hir thumb scrolled through it. Dr. Wu's child certainly used plenty of creative arguments in his writings, but at times he needed to be reeled back. Shi jotted a note on the report that shi means to speak with him after class.

Hir eyes shut as shi rubbed them through hir lids. Shi wasn't used to this sort of eye strain, but blamed it mostly on the ships' interior lights. They were dull and soft and shi apparently became too used to the bright fluorescents of the Kingdom's lights. Shi had two more papers to go through so shi decided to just take a break, walking over and flopping on hir bed. The chakat's form went limp on the mattress, hir limbs all akimbo, taking up most of the surface as shi sighed. Hir tail twisted curiously as shi rubbed hir tail tip along hir inner thighs, kneading along the muscles in self massage.

The chakat let out a hiss as shi felt the long hairs of hir red tip brush against hir swollen folds, shuddering in bliss as hir fingers moved over hir breasts. Shi figured shi had enough time to indulge hirself in some sin as shi kneaded over hir nipples, frowning a bit at hir own form. One nub more inwardly pointed than the other, thanks to the chest wraps shi wore in school through puberty, designed more for binding than support. A hand reached for the nightstand, pulling out a box of condoms shi found earlier, sliding one of the sheathes over hir tailtip before returning it to hir entrance, teasing hirself a few more moments before gently pushing inside.

Shi found hirself purring, hir mind racing through hir events as shi found hirself with a fantasy to enrich hir actions finally. The young 'taur holding hir in his arms. That kiss that he stole from hir. The memory of his weight and motions above him. Hir breath quickened as shi ran his voice through hir head more and more, biting hir lower lip to keep from making noise in hir self-love. Hir tail moving along each of hir buttons as hir fingers squeezed hir nipples hard, finding hirself needing to milk them to get any stimulation from them, but enjoying it all the same. Hir claws on hir legs lashed out into hir mattress as hir whole body tensed. A strong warmth courses through hir body before shi collapsed once again. Hir chests both heaving as hir eyes were open, staring blankly at the ceiling. The chakat's eyes felt heavy as shi nestled more in the bed, yawning widely. Hir energy now well spent as shi decided to take a nap before continuing hir work.


Gildedtongue was awoken by the sound of a fierce knock on hir door. The chakat looked around bleary eyed for a moment before snagging a t-shirt from hir dresser, going to answer whoever was there. Hir face twisted in a scowl as shi opened the door. "Yeah what?" shi snarled initially, then caught hirself looking into the monocled eye of the security chief. The large badger staring back, then smirked at Gildedtongue's face running a gambit of expression from annoyed, to embarrassment and now a meek sense of happiness. "I'm sorry, do come in, Officer Holbrock." Gildedtongue muttered, backing up.

Saldura nodded as shi stepped in, holding a large tray with covered foods that shi placed upon Gildy's desk, moving hir PADD to the side with the back of hir hand. "Not a morning person, I see?" shi asked, getting Gildedtongue's nod. "That's fine, I'm not much of one myself, but, one must be able to put on a professional face, no?" Gildedtongue blinked slightly. The badger herm shi initially met was all business, warm, but with a professional distance to it. This one seemed downright flirtatious. Saldura handed Gildedtongue a cup of warm liquid. Shi sniffed at the tea before sipping it, some alien leaf with a slight black pepper taste to it, but the contents were ample enough to wake the groggy centauroid up fast.

"No, and yes," Gildedtongue said, blinking the last of the sleep from hir eyes. Shi took another sip of hir tea before setting the cup down on the desk, seeing the other items on the tray, a pair of overstuffed wrapped tortillas, by the smell of it with egg, some sort of sausage, and peppers. Shi reached for one, looking into Saldura's eyes for permission. The badger cocked a snide look and nodded softly before the chakat took one and started to eat it.

The taste was indescribable. Everything in it tasted different, some how. Shi had eaten plenty of breakfast burritos before, but this was something else. The meat had a certain tang to it and the peppers had a mild flavour to them all. Shi managed to swallow a mouthful before asking, "What is this?" and going for another bite.

Saldura grinned, leaning on the desk as shi murred quietly before speaking, "Real, natural grown meat and vegetables, none of that replicated stuff you've probably processed your whole life."

Gildedtongue froze in mid bite, hir eyes wide open as shi looked inside. Sure, it looked just like most of the food shi had eaten, but computers, trying to maintain perfection and idealism in their replication programming had forgotten the enormous variety that nature had given everything. Shi had never eaten a "bad" meal hir whole life, the replicated foodstuff always cloning the finest of materials, so this difference made hir tastebuds come alive with new and interesting sensations. The chakat devoured hir meal vigourously, scarcely coming up for air, feeling a bit sheepish at how fast shi went through the food. "Heh, I take it you like it," Saldura said smugly.

"Yeah," was all Gildedtongue could mutter before sipping another mouthful of tea to go with hir hearty meal. Feeling much more awake and hir hunger pushed well out of hir needs shi looked back at the badger herm. "So, why offer me such a meal?" shi asked, cocking hir head, "I know the fox and wolf'taurs ate such food, but it certainly wasn't commonplace where I was, and I'm pretty sure even less so on a ship travelling across the stars for months at a time. Forgive my curiosity, but you've certainly piqued it."

Saldura laughed and sat down on Gildedtongue's bed, smiling at the other occupant, "Well, for starters, I heard you missed supper, and you need to eat, as I'm sure we've nailed that fact into your head." Gildedtongue nodded and rolled hir eyes at that. "Secondly, Thallon told me about yesterday, and I wanted to make sure you know that I harbour nothing ill about it, in fact, I was hoping that he would have done something to help you relax."

Gildedtongue blushed at the badger's frankness, coughing lightly as shi still felt the pangs of hir second day in heat rise. Shi coughed a second time to clear hir throat, "Well, I was in heat at the time, you know."

Saldura nodded and smiled, "Yes, I knew that. We do have condoms on board for a reason, you know." Shi chuckled softly. Gildedtongue stood up and walked over to the nightstand, picking up the opened box shi grabbed one out of last night before tossing it to the badger. Shi caught it deftly with one hand, looking at it, "Jericho brand condoms. We made sure they they would be the right size for a centauroid occupant, you know."

Gildedtongue sipped hir tea again before sighing, slightly to cool hir mouth, and slightly in exacerbation. Shi sorted hir thoughts for a moment before speaking, "I chose Gildedtongue as my name during my coming of age ceremony, my birth name, however, is Joshua." Saldura nodded, crossing hir legs slightly as shi listened to see where this was going. "Named after those condoms you have in your hand, the hero who with his army, tore down the walls of Jericho, the invincible fortress." Saldura opened hir mouth in a questioning protest before Gildedtongue lifted hir finger, "The odds are astronomical, I know especially with modern prophylactics. Ninety-nine point, a bunch of nines and a three at the end, I remember. But, take in consideration how many times people have sex in this galaxy, and how many times people have protected sex in this galaxy, and how many times people have protected sex when fertile in this galaxy." Gildedtongue looked at the ceiling, moving hir head slightly as if to stir the calculation in hir brain, "You've got to say that there are certainly at least hundreds of unplanned pregnancies a year at least. Simple statistics." Saldura nodded, processing that information.

"Well, I suppose you're right. Heh, so, you should at least know that the chances of it happening again in a genetic line is astronomical atop of astronomical." The badger smirked hir lips tightly.

Gildedtongue shot back another smile, "No, it's the same, that's faulty logic." Saldura shrugged lightly and Gildedtongue nodded, "But, you're right, the odds of it happening is not exactly one to be overly concerned about. I guess I'm just a bit cautious."

Saldura smiled softly, standing up in front of the chakat as shi slowly opened hir uniform, revealing very little underneath except salt and pepper fur and flesh. Gildedtongue's ears almost exploded in hir blush as shi quietly watched the stripping before hir. Hir eyes stop at a thickly furred patch of brown pubic fur surrounding a plumped sheath and heavy scrotum. As Saldura let go of hir uniform, the whole thing fell in a heap around hir ankles. The chakat whimpered slightly as shi looked back up into Saldura's eyes just as shi disconnected hir monocle, smiling wide, "Well, if you're concerned about probability, then how about a zero percent chance of cubs between a biped and a centauroid?"

The chakat's mouth was opened wide ready to answer but only breath came out. Saldura smiled wide, closing the chakat's maw with a kiss as shi pulled off the chakat's top, breaking the kiss for a moment to pass it over hir head. Gildedtongue looked into Saldura's eyes for a moment before whispering, "Thank you." The badger herm just smiled back, running hir fingers through Gildedtongue's flesh, hir purple toned erection throbbing in the air for the chakat to see and smell before the security officer got to work.

The badger's fingers caressed over the chakat's flanks as shi moved around hir, looking over hir new lover. The morph's tiny tail flitting rapidly behind hir while shi whispered words Gildy couldn't make out. The chakat groaned softly, leaning into the hands, expertly kneading over hir fur and flesh, massaging hir worries out of hir body. The chakat's tail raised slowly, exposing hirself intimately to this new friend, swallowing a lump in hir throat as hir lustful blush had a twist of shame in it as well. Saldura looked into Gildy's face, shaking hir head quietly before hir fingers caressed over the chakat's sacredness.

Both hermaphrodites sighed in pleasure as Saldura took the next moment to mount Gildedtongue proper. The chakat feeling the thick length of hir lover spreading hir wide as the badger groaned in lust. The symphony of flesh slapping against flesh filled the room, accompanied by the moans and growls of the participants. The chakat's long tail slowly entwined around the badger's middle, holding hir close as shi whimpered lustfully. The two groaned as Gildedtongue felt Saldura's claws dig into hir flanks, feeling one last firm push before shi felt a warm rush enter hir belly. The chakat biting down a roar of pleasure as hir body trembled blissfully under the badger.

The taste of breakfast no where near met the pleasure that hir new-found friend gave hir that morning. The chakat wasn't sure if it was hormones or lust or love or just being at the right place at the right time, but after the badger collapsed on hir back, shi at least knew that it certainly felt good. Gildedtongue groaned lightly, smiling back at hir lover before slowly stepping on hir bed, not letting the badger fall off of hir back as shi lay down, purring all the while. Shi closed hir eyes gently, stretching long, "Well, certainly a good way to wake up."

Gildedtongue's Story Book II: Purgatorio - Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Gildedtongue spent the rest of hir day off continuing to grade papers. The badger herm had gone back to hir own duties after bidding the chakat a good day with a promise to see hir again in the evening. Hir mind went back and replayed...

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Gildedtongue's Story Book II: Purgatorio - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 The metal doors leading to the spinal hallway slowly shut, obstructing Dreamweaver and hir family from view. Gildedtongue felt a lump in hir throat swelling as hir eyes blinked away some tears. Trembling hands lifted hir bags as shi took...

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Gildedtongue's Story Book II: Purgatorio - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 "Not exactly the friendliest response to someone trying to help," the green-eyed chakat on the other end blinked a bit. Shi looked older than Gildedtongue, but had aged softer, more grandmotherly than Gildedtongue had. "I suppose...

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