My Grand, Frozen Heart-FINALE

Story by Enur47 on SoFurry

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The amber floodlights of the highway were bright in the dark background. The only sound was of the humming of my car, driving to a place in mind. I know I wronged Neath, and that it was my fault. I let myself be impatient for him, for everyone. I always have been an impatient lad. Not caring if I have to even step on people if I am behind schedule. But since I had a slap of reality from Malice, I realized that people won't do your every whim. They have things to do, too. Turning into the neighborhood, I saw that he lived in the nicer area of town. His was moderate in comparison with the other houses, but one thing stood out. His front door was open. I pulled up on the curb, and cautiously walked to the door. All the lights were on. Everything was very neat, and almost symmetrical. Like the couches, two pillows on each side, red by the armrest, beige on top and next to it. The stack of neatly straightened magazines sat in the center of the coffee table, with two white vases to either side holding a single rose, and two white tulips. Looking to the left, I saw an upright piano along the back wall. But on the floor, a black shadow of a figure swayed. The light appeared to be from the loft. When I looked up, I saw what the figure was. It's grotesque manor made my jaw drop and hands lifted to cup my muzzle. My eyes watered because of what had happened. His corpse even looked at me, with a wicked grin across his frozen face.

-end of part 1-

The funeral was small, but we still made it formal. His father, Rob Shrewd, was there, along with our boss, Grant, Precious, and I. When it was time to look at the open coffin, I approached it wearily. Pink and white carnations with orchids sat on the end of a grey, open coffin. The insides were covered with white cloth surrounding it. He looked as if asleep, with a tux on and hand held one another at the waist. Neath looked happy. When the burial came, I went to talk to Precious, who was standing by the tombstone.

"Hey Precious" I said.

"Hi Malice" She said, looking up and flashing a quick smile. She was wearing a black dress, which made her white fur stand out. "I just want to let you know, that I'm there for you if you need to talk to someone, okay?" She said. I just mouthed thank you and lightly squeezed her fluffy shoulder.

"Miss Seren?" Asked a police offer, who was holding an envelope. "It's from the house, and it had your name written on it. I guess he left it for you." I took the envelope, and opened it. A lump clogged my throat when I saw the first sentence.

"Dear Malice and Grant, I just want to say that you guys were the greatest people I have ever met, and no one will compare close to you guys for being so kind to me. For grant, it wasn't your fault, you didn't know of my past, or both of you for that matter. When I was young, my mother died, my father went a bit berserk. He'd do things to me that weren't normal for a father and son to do. He also didn't take care of me, so I had to take on most of his responsibilities. But I learned that he helped me become the man I was, and that lead me to you guys. I don't regret him doing those things, because I would have never met you guys. Even though he did bad things to me for 11 years, I still love him because he is my father."

Anger rose to a point beyond boiling my blood. I was infuriated, bewildered even. I was ready to sock him in the face!

"Where is he?!" I said, throwing the paper into the cop's face and searching frantically.

"Malice..." Said Grant with an uneasy voice.

"Where the fuck is h- hey!" I said, walking towards Neath's father. He didn't turn, just went on to his car. "Hey Rob!" I exclaimed sprinting towards him. When he turned, I had jumped and hooked his face so hard, he spun and fell on his back. Next thing he knew was that I was on top of him, punching his face and screaming. Moments later, Grant was pulling me back. "Why would you do that to him!" My eyes watered and my throat swelled. He just laid there, propped on one shoulder.

"I was drunk and depressed!" He sobbed, "I just been using him as a distraction of reality."

"Well the reality is that he is gone because of you! You killed him!"

"I did not!" I was infuriated with him. He had gone way beyond knowing what he had done. What I was going to say would put him behind bars for a long time.

"You are a pervert." I said under my breath.

"What?" Grant asked, letting me go.

"You are a pervert!" I yelled lunging at Rob. My teeth were clenched and mouth foaming. I was ready to kill him. To see him die.

Halloween Special

The road grew more and more foggy on the campus as I walked towards the dorms. I knew it was Halloween, so I tried to get to my room as quickly as possible, since people around here like to pull pranks on each other and get drunk. Especially now that...

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My Grand, Frozen Heart Part 5

I was humiliated, torn to shreds. What happened at their apartment confirmed that I can't trust people. First, my father, who destroyed my life. I felt like I had no reason, for all people wanted with me is to use me, not caring about my emotions I may...

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My Grand, Frozen Heart Part 4

Grant was kneeling down, his groin close to Neath's parted legs and groin. That was the first thing I saw when I opened the door. My jaw had dropped. I left for five minutes, give or take six, to get Neath and myself a drink. "The fuck are you doing...

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