Take a Seat

Story by Isarain on SoFurry

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I think this might be the first piece of smut I've managed to actually get to some form of finished in years, and hopefully I haven't lost my touch at it.

For some reason or another, I couldn't get a character description to mesh with the flow of the story, so I'll just list the basics of what Cyackle is below.

Cyackle is a mixture of a coyote and a jackal with black fur. His right eye is normally a swirling mixture of white and silver and his left eye generally is brown, though they can both shift in color in response to his mood. The rest I'll leave up to your imagination in this case to picture how you'd like him to work, and hopefully next story I use him in I'll fit in a proper description of him.

And with that said, I hope you enjoy your read.

Added 11/19/2014

I just noticed that some tags that i hadn't thought of, or even known the term for in some cases, had been added on here, and since I don't know how to find out who it was I simply wanted to say thanks here. I'm not really well versed on the terms for things that might happen in whatever I write so that bit of help with getting the right tags on is truly appreciated.


I noticed the spacing was a bit off when reading it in the browser, so I added spacing between paragraphs to make it slightly easier to read. Or at least easier for me to read. I also went back and did some minor editing on a few things. As always, i hope you enjoy the read.


It seems that editing the format to space out the paragraphs has put line breaks in places i didn't tell it to, and i'm not quite sure how to fix that.. Hopefully, it doesn't prove to be too much of a problem


After spending more time trying to edit the story to fix the strange line breaks i'm seeing, I still haven't had any success with fixing with them. I don't know if I'm the only one seeing these, but if someone has any idea how to fix them I would very much appreciate the information.

Take a seat

The recliner Cyackle spent most of his time sitting on had proven itself to be a very comfortable resting spot, but when things were quiet it lacked any sort of entertaining features. No heated seat or back, no vibrating massage, just your standard comfortable recliner. Cyackle planned to fix that lack of useful features. Various thoughts and ideas danced through his mind as he closed his eyes to focus for a moment as he used one of his favorite tricks.

"Manifest Madness." He said in a barely audible tone, and instantly the surface of the chair was coated in a swirling black layer of the ever corrupting and distorting madness. Just as quickly as that swirling darkness had engulfed the recliner; it vanished again, and much to his satisfaction the recliner started to warm up and vibrate in an ever so relaxing way. For that moment, it seemed like everything had gone just the way he wanted it to. But when manifesting one's madness to twist and distort something or someone; things don't always go as intended, because one stray thought is all it takes to change the end result. It just so happened, he had at least that one stray thought.

Just as he was starting to really relax and enjoy the new features of his chair; that stray thought made itself known as thick bands of dark substance latched over his arms to pin them to the arms of the recliner, and he almost had enough time to start swearing before a thick black band formed from the headrest to essentially make a gag before it sank into the headrest on the other side. Rather than struggle pointlessly against the chairs next move to bind his legs he tried to figure out what stray thought had earned him this twist in plans, and as he found that stray thought he let out a muffled groan. Various tentacle hentai pictures he had seen earlier had been drifting through his mind when he used manifest madness, which meant he was in for one hell of a ride on this recliner turned tentacle monster.

Before the tentachair even started to work at destroying his clothes so it could have its way with him; Cyackle was already letting the pseudo-clothing fade out of existence. Despite the gag in his mouth; a wicked smile was spreading along the canid's face, and the air around the tentacle-gag rippled for a moment as he put another trick of his to use. As spectral hands forcibly tore the gag away from his mouth with enough force to rip it from the chair; Cyackle relaxed in the grip of his former recliner as he gave an order to the thing restraining him, as if he were the one in control of the situation. "You better make this worth my fucking time." Judging by what sounded like an outraged and pained screech from the chair, he suddenly had the feeling that he might end up regretting what he just did and said. Though on the other hand; he had heard angry sex was much better than the usual fun and games, then again that angry sex usually didn't involve a recently mutated recliner turned tentacle monster.

As expected the newly made tentacle monster didn't try to gag him again, instead it formed and hooked a tendril over the front of his throat with enough pressure to make breathing slightly more difficult than he appreciated. Having been rather effectively cut off from making smartass remarks to the thing that was getting ready to defile him; Cyackle started to growl at the chair, and in response it added that last bit of pressure to keep him from breathing. He found it somewhat challenging to not thrash and panic in response to the sudden inability to breathe. As he gradually headed towards losing consciousness he started to struggle against its grip, and when he made the mistake of opening his mouth to try to bite at some part of the monster holding him it quite forcefully shoved something thick and somewhat slimy into his mouth. It wasn't until the chair let him breathe again that he regained enough focus to realize it had baited him into opening his mouth then shoved in oozing tentacle thick enough to keep him from biting it, and judging by the pleasant heat spreading through his body as he was rather effectively forced to swallow everything the tentacle put out it had decided to drug him into cooperating. As the heat spreading through him managed to make him start squirming from the pleasure of the heat; he had to admit that it was a rather effective tactic, and as more of that thick substance was forced down his throat he found himself unintentionally whining from desire.

Cyackle got the feeling that this newly made monster was rather pleased with that result, and that it was the cue it had been waiting for before it starting doing anything else. The flow of that thick drug it had been feeding him started to slow down as the tentacle dislodged itself from his mouth as the back the the chair abruptly leaned back as far as it could, and the tendrils that had been holding his legs in place gradually moved to pull them up to make his so far untouched ass readily available for whatever it was going to do. Rather than immediately lodging something hard and thick in him like he had expected; The tentacle chair used that oozing tendril to paint that thick creamy substance on his face before gradually making a trail of it down from his chest to his hips, and as it came to a halt the flow of that thick drug increased again to virtually saturate the fur on his hips with it. Rather quickly; Cyackle's focus went from trying to lick up whatever he could reach to whining and writing as the heat spread through his sheath and orbs, and almost instantly his twin lengths started to swell and press out of his sheath to drool hot pre into his fur.

Any hope of maintaining some kind of clear thought was out the window from the sensory overload the tentachair was putting him through, and any time he tried to say something it just came out as a needy whine. Eventually he gave up on even trying to say anything, and when he did that thick tendril came back to his mouth and started thinking lightly as it forced itself back into his mouth. Now that he could actually close his mouth at it he rather eagerly started stroking along the bottom of it with is tongue as he slowly bobbed his head and sucked on the welcomed intruder.

Being so happily distracted by the tendril feeding him more of that thick aphrodisiac; he didn't notice the three tendrils that had slowly emerged from the bottom and arms of the couch, but when they reached their destinations he jumped slightly from alarm of having something unexpected pressing against his tight ring and the heads of both of his lengths. The tendrils that had gone to his lengths gradually opened at the tip to very slowly engulf his lengths and knots in their warm squeeze, then it moved on to do something that Cyackle hadn't been expecting it to do. As those cocksheaths started to squeeze and and milk his lengths he felt something firmer pressing against the tips of his lengths, and as two ribbed tendrils started to push down and work themselves deeper into his shafts Cyackle let out muffled howl of pleasure that lasted till he ran out of breath. Those ribbed shafts were thick enough to fully plug his lengths as they gradually worked along the sensitive insides, and as the part that was coating his length and knot continued to squeeze and milk his lengths he got the feeling that he wasn't going to get to cum till it decided it wanted to let him.

As distracting as the tentacles milking and squeezing his to give added pressure to the ribbed rod like tentacle that was blissfully tormenting the inside of his length, he was still fully aware of that third tentacle that was poised to thrust into his ass at any moment. Rather abruptly he felt a mesh of tendrils surge out from the headrest to form a tight hood over his eyes and ears essentially leaving him blind and mostly deaf. Having been deprived of those two sense; Cyackle briefly started to panic before the tendril in his mouth abruptly forced itself deep enough to put several inches of it in his throat and pumped a heavy dose of the chemical it was using to keep him complaisant, and as his senses were even more heavily flooded with that blissful heat his mind left panic mode and left him trying to milk out even more using his mouth and throat. Once that brief struggle was resolved the tendril pulled fully out of his mouth to let him breathe, and right away Cyackle broke into heavy panting mixed with low moans and whines of pleasure from the tendrils working his lengths to the point where he was already on the edge of a climax.

Knowing what was likely coming next had Cyackle slightly on edge, and the anticipation of it was making him squirm and whine impatiently for it. It was most likely the whining that earned him another mouth full of steadily oozing tentacle, and as soon as he was in he went back to greedily sucking and bobbing his head on that tentacle to get more of that intoxicating cream. A few moments after that tentacle had silenced his whines that the thicker tendril near his ass abruptly forced itself into his tight rear, stretching him rather painfully as it pushed in as deep as it could manage. That thrust was the last push needed to push Cyackle over that edge into a painful climax as those thick rods in his length kept any of it from getting out. As that thick tendril started to rather forcefully abuse his ass he could feel the pressure of the pent up cum building, and as he felt that back up of seed he let out a rather pained whine. This time it wasn't his mouth that got more of the tentacle monster's intoxicating and heating creme, this time those to ribbed shafts plugging his lengths oozed it directly into that sea of pent-up cum. That sudden dose of heat was by itself enough to force his body through another climax, adding to the swelling that the rest of the pent-up cum was already causing yet at the same time the heat smothered out the pain.

The tentacle that was treating his ass like it's personal plaything had him moaning and whining delightedly against the tendril in his mouth. The faster and harder it went, the more he sucked and bobbed his head along the length in his mouth. He could feel that rhythmic pounding of his ass pushing him towards yet another climax, and as it did he could feel those rods plugging his lengths gradually pulling out of him as it drew closer. By the time the tendril brutalizing his backside was about to push him over the edge; the rods that had been plugging them finally pulled all the way out, and the tendrils that were encasing his twin lengths start more vigorously milking and stroking his lengths as they both started sucking at them eagerly. It was just as he was about to hit was hopefully last climax that the tendril inside of him sprayed a massive load of that thick cream into him, and it didn't stop filling him with it as the tentachair worked one more climax out of him.

This time rather than being trapped inside of him the tentacle squeezing his lengths sucked up every bit of his own hot cream even as the tendril in him continued to flood his insides with enough of that heat spreading cream to make his stomach start to swell. As if to make sure it milked every last drop of his own seed another group of tendrils formed to squeeze and stroke his heavy orbs, and between those teasing tendrils and the ones milking on sucking fiercely on his lengths he was fairly sure it was going to be successful in that endeavor. When the tendril in his ass and the ones draining the cum from his body finished working him; the ones gripping his lengths gradually pulled up off them, the one in his mouth pulled out of his grip, but the one in his ass stayed in place to keep anything from getting out of him yet. As the rest of the ones holding him in place slowly released him; the recliner set itself up again then the entire recliner tilted forward to drop him face first on the floor, and as it went back to its proper position the tendril that had kept anything from spilling out of him as abruptly pulled out as he lay there on the floor to recover.

Cyackle lay there for a while, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath and recover as all of the cream that had been pumped into him oozed out onto the floor. When he finally recovered enough to move he gradually pushed himself up onto his hands and knees, then used a nearby table to get to his feet as a bathrobe formed around him so he wasn't completely naked as he hobbled back to his room leaving a trail of the tentacle monster's cream behind him. As he got to the door of his room he paused to look back at the chair, and with a bit of a grin he made one last remark before going in to wash up. "Yeah, i think that was worth my time."

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