Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 4 (Part 2)

Story by That Box in the Basement on SoFurry

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#8 of Pokemon: Further Evolutions

Every time I get back to uploading a part, I always have to look back to remember what tags I need to put. X3 What's up everyone? I'm finally back for part 2. And yes, your wait is over. I FINALLY got to writing yiff in this one! Still though, I feel like at this point, most of the furs that're still followin' me are more or less in it for the story, (or REALLY want that yiff from these specific characters), which is perfectly fine for me. So yeah, please don't forget to rate the story, and for you newcomers out there, do try and check out the previous parts if you can. ;]

"Now to FINISH our tour," said Octavius, "I shall TAKE you to the upper deck." Yet again, as he had been most of the tour, the Roserade-morph was far ahead of the pair. But due to how loud he was, and the sensitivity of their hearing, they could still hear him fairly well. However, Kyo's mind was not entirely there, as he was thinking about how his new life would turn out.

Living on an island, he thought to himself, Can I really adjust to that kind of life? And with pokemorphs? His tail curled around his leg tightly. How am I gonna blend in when I wasn't a pokemon to begin with? And what if they find out that I used to be human? What then? Will they try and force me off the island? Will they-

His thoughts were cut off as he felt a heavy paw on his shoulder. He turned to look, and saw Teddy looking at him.

"Something is troubling you," Teddy said.

"You...can tell?" The bear chuckled.

"I don't need the aura sight of a Lucario to see that you are in distress. Your body language tells me enough." He let go of his shoulder. "So tell me, what troubles you?" Kyo looked down at his feet, twiddling his thumbs.

"Well," he began, "I'm still worried about all this. I'm not sure if I'll be able to adjust to this new life. Plus, I'm afraid of someone finding out about my...previous life..."

Teddy sighed, and folded his arms across his chest. "Honestly Kyo, you worry too much." Kyo turned back to him, confusion spread across his features. "You should stop thinking about what is to come, and just go. Being worried about it isn't going to change anything after all."

"B...but what if-"

"You'll be fine Kyo," Teddy cut him off, "Have more faith in yourself." He patted his shoulder, before hurrying off to try and catch up with Octavius.

Faith...in myself? Kyo thought to himself, Well...worth a shot I guess. Shouting after Teddy, Kyo hurried off to catch up as well.

Once they were caught up, they had returned to see that Octavius was still going on, having not noticed them falling behind at all. "...And is where MANY of your fellow peons come to relax during the remainder of the cruise. I often find MYSELF coming here to enjoy the spray of the ocean waves." He let out a sigh, and turned to them. "Do you not sympathize with my opinion?"

"Uhh...sure," Kyo replied, "y-yeah I...like it t-"

"SPLENDID!" Octavius cut him off, "OFF we go then!" He turned around abruptly and paced on ahead. Kyo looked to Teddy, who simply shrugged. "Come along," Octavius called out, "NO need to prolong the end of our tour!"

"Coming!" Kyo called back, making his way over to the door Octavius held open for the pair. From where they were, the pair could hear the murmur of a crowd, and could tell that most of the morphs would be there, as they hadn't encountered any others along the tour. Kyo motioned for Teddy to go through first, and he thanked him. He walked through, with Kyo following soon after.

"Huh," said Teddy, looking around at the various morphs, "as I thought. There _are_more females than males. Didn't I tell you Kyo...uh...Kyo, is something the matter?" Kyo was staring out in the distance, not saying anything, still as a rock.

He shook his head suddenly, quickly turning away as he tried to hide a hard blush. "N-n-nothing," he stammered, "it-it's-it's just...I didn't...I mean...I forgot that..." His tail curled around his waist, as though trying to hide something. His eyes flicked to Teddy, giving him a very awkward look.

Needless to say, it got the message across.

When Kyo had met Teddy, the bear had been in nothing but his fur. However, due to how much he had, and the length of it, his privates had always been hidden from sight.

The same went for Octavius, albeit under different circumstances. The way Octavius wore his leaves made it seem like they were actual clothes. They made for very convincing coats, and the way his flowers encircled his wrists truly reminded Kyo of wrist cuffs.

However, the same did not hold true for the crowd of morphs before him, for not only did they walk around in just their fur, but they did not bother to hide anything else either. Absolutely nothing was left to the imagination, as Kyo could see every curve, every crevice, every hill and every fold. Each of the females' perky nipples stood out at attention, and each of their plump breasts bounced slightly with every step. Their rumps weren't very still either, as they bounced and jiggled around as well.

Even the males had nothing to hide, as their cocks protruded from their furred or scaled sheaths, some rather flaccid but many hard and erect, pulsing with every beat of their heart.

They shamelessly walked around with nothing on, as nude as they were when they were born. And who could blame them? They were used to this, having been pokemon all of their lives. Morphed or not, they were still pokemon. It was very clear that none of them cared, as they conversed with each other as though it were just a normal day.

"AndwiththatitistimethatIconcludethetourandleaveyoutoyourselvesLADIES!" Octavius strutted away, arms out to his sides as he approached a random group of females, "I AM NOW READY FOR YOUR PRAISE!" They looked to each other in confusion as he approached them.

Kyo jumped slightly as he felt a heavy paw lay on his shoulder. Turning to look, he was once again looking into Teddy's eyes. "Worry not," the larger morph said to him, "given time, this will seem natural enough."


"Mmm," Teddy grunted with a nod. "I do not deny that it will take a while, and I do not doubt that it will be difficult," he let go of his shoulder, folding his arms across his chest, "but in the same way you adjusted to your new body, you will find this as normal eventually."

Kyo let out a sigh, uncurling his tail from his waist. "Thanks Teddy, you really do have a way with words ya know?" Teddy chuffed, a smile across his short muzzle.

"And if you want," he continued, "I can remain with you for the remainder of the trip."

Kyo nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that thanks."

"Very well then," Teddy raised a paw, pointing a single finger upwards, "I shall accompany you for this trip."

Just as he said that, a trio of giggling Lopunny-morphs came up to him. "'Wow,'" one of them said, "'an Ursaring-morph. We never got to meet any of _those_before!'"

"'Yeah,'" said the other, "'our master was so selfish. He never let us play with any of the other morphs.'" The trio began to laugh cutely.

"'So big boy,'" said the third one, approaching the larger morph and putting her arms around him, "'how 'bout you play with us hmm?'" Before Teddy could object, the trio whisked him along, dragging him away as they laughed and eyed him up.

"Uh I-I shall have to give you a rain check on that promise!" Teddy called to Kyo, "My apologieeeeeeeeesssssss................" Kyo only stared, mouth gaping open and cheeks bright red. He shook his head, and managed to close his mouth before putting a hand over his forehead.

Couldn't at least...manage for a minute? Ughh.

"'Excuse me?'" Kyo jumped suddenly as he felt a finger poke at his back. "'Oh, gosh. I'm sorry, did I startle you?'"

Kyo turned to look, and saw that it was a female Umbreon-morph, judging from her sleek black fur, her bright red eyes that bore into him almost hypnotically, the yellow rings encircling her ears, shoulders and shapely hips, her alluring curves...her plush chest...her pink, puffy nipples...her-

"'Ahem,'" she cleared her throat, "'my eyes are up here buddy.'" Kyo snapped himself out of his trance, shaking his head and quickly turning away, cheeks reddening to an even deeper shade.

"S-sorry," he apologized abruptly, avoiding eye contact with...her, "I-I didn't mean to do that, I-I swear." She giggled cutely, folding her arms under her chest, pushing her breasts up slightly.

"'No worries,'" she replied, "'it happens a lot to me anyways.'" Kyo let out a quiet sigh of relief, and returned his gaze to her, doing his best to maintain eye contact. "'By the way, I really like the color of your eyes.'"

Kyo found himself blushing again. "Y-you do?"

"'Mmhm,'" she replied, nodding, "'most Feraligatrs I've met have had yellow eyes.'" She moved in closer, her short snout almost touching his. "'I wonder how they got yours like that...'"

A moment of silence passed with the attractive morph just staring into his eyes curiously. Kyo curled his tail around his waist again, as he felt himself getting rather "excited" from having such an attractive female so close to him. Kyo cleared his throat awkwardly.

"'Oh, sorry,'" she apologized sheepishly, backing up slightly, "'couldn't help myself.'"

"I-it's alright," he replied, turning away and scratching the back of his head, "it..." he chuckled, blush slightly fading, and his tail uncurling from his waist, "it happens to me a lot." A few seconds passed before the dark type recognized the imitated words, and she let out a laugh.

"'You sure are full of your differences aren't you?'" she said with an amused swish of her tail, placing her hands on her hips, "'Not only are your eyes a different color, but you wear clothes, and you speak English.'" Kyo's smile faltered slightly. He did his best in maintaining it. "'Can you speak in pokemon tongue at all?'"

"Uhhh," Kyo began, "nnnnno actually..."

"'You can't?!'" the dark type said in surprise, stepping back in a double take, "'Like...not even a little bit?!'" Kyo shook his head. "'Wow...that's...interesting. Did you never get to learn?'"

"Well..." Kyo scratched his head, trying to come up with something. Come on Kyo, just think of something... Suddenly, an idea popped up in his head. "It's because I was a sheltered pokemon," he finally answered her, "Ever since I was hatched, I've been around humans, so it's only natural that I learned their language first." The Umbreon-morph put her paw to her chin thoughtfully.

"'Hm, that's pretty interesting,'" she said inquisitively, prompting a small sigh of relief from Kyo, "'I guess that explains why you wear shorts.'"

"Yeah..." said Kyo, "I'm...still not comfortable with...walking around with..." His blush brightened again, and he turned away. The other morph laughed in amusement.

"'It's alright,'" she assured him, "'given time, it'll feel natural enough.'" Kyo smiled, chuckling slightly.

"Heh, that's what my friend told me earlier."

"'Oh, you have a friend with you?'" she replied, looking around, "'I don't see anyone.'" Kyo shook his head.

"He's...away right now," he told her, his blush brightening even further, "he's...getting to know someone right now..." The Umbreon-morph let out a soft giggle.

"'Oohhh, I see how it is,'" she replied with a smile, "'He must be getting to know a lot, isn't he?'" Kyo's blush had gotten to the point where it looked like his actual scale color. The other morph let out another soft giggle. She tilted her head slightly, a sultry smile crossing her muzzle, before moving in closer to him. "'You know...'" she began, running a paw up the side of his arm, "'if you want...you can get to know me better...'" Kyo drew in a sharp breath as she stroked her hand down his back. "'I'd love to help you adjust to our way of life...'" she whispered into his ear, before lowering her muzzle down to his neck and taking in his scent.

Kyo gulped, trying to hide a tent that was quickly forming in his shorts. His tail curled around his leg tightly as he tried to inch away. "Uh-I...uuhhh," he stammered, gently trying to push her away without touching her more "feminine" parts, "I-I-I-I don't th-think I'm...uhhh..." He struggled to find the right words, as he found difficulty in forming words in the first place. "I don't think I'm...q-quite ready for anything j-just yet." The Umbreon-morph smiled, her eyes closed as she continued to take in his scent, moving along with him every time he moved away.

"'Oh come oooonnnn,'" she said teasingly, walking her fingers up his shoulders, "'You'll never get adjusted if you don't get in a little practice._And besides,'" her eyes locked with his lustfully, "'it's been _so long since I've been with a male. Most of them have been so busy with the other girls that I've been left neglected.'" She nuzzled into his neck, wrapping her arms around him. "'Won't you help a girl in need?'" Kyo caught his breath as the Umbreon-morph licked at his neck and grinded against his crotch.

"I-haahhhh, I-I'd love to," he replied, trying to push her off, "b-but I'm really not qu-hAHh...r-ready for this yet." He reached back with his tail, and managed to pull her arms away from his back. Quickly disentangling himself from the dark type, Kyo dashed off in the opposite direction, not wanting to look back.


"32...33...here it is," Kyo said to himself, ceasing his steps. He moved closer to his door, and punched in a number combination on the number pad. A click was heard, and he swung the door open, quickly slipping inside and closing the door behind him. He let out a sigh, leaning against the door.

So_that _happened... he thought to himself with a flick of his tail, Man...talk about sudden advances... He made his way over to his bed, and sat down. Well, I can't be too mad at her. After all, it's normal for her, as well as every other morph here... He fell back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. For a while, he didn't do much else, simply letting his adrenaline from his previous encounter fade. His mind eventually drifted back to what Shino had said to him.

Kyo, try to keep your secret on the down-low, understand?

Easier said than done, he thought to himself, It's hard enough adjusting to becoming a morph, and adjusting to a pokemon lifestyle isn't any less difficult... His tail flicked slightly in irritation. Sheesh...I wonder if the guy...gal...psch, person before me went through all of this as well... He thought for a moment, before mentally kicking himself. Duh, of course shi did. If anything probably went through worse, considering the herm part of hir... He let out another long sigh, swinging his tail to and fro.

Man...it must've been hard for hir... How did shi manage to do it? His snout fell onto the pillow, looking off to the side of the room. Changing into a pokemorph, and_becoming a herm. Hah, makes my situation seem...easy..._ He furrowed an eye ridge. Easy...yeah...all that's happened to me is the morph part. Other than that, nothing at the level of getting another gender. He stood from the bed, and moved over to the port window.

Heh, I suppose that doesn't give me much of an excuse, huh? He smirked, leaning his shoulder against the wall. That settles it. If shi could do it, then I can as well. No point in giving up if I haven't even tried. He flicked his tail with a happy smile. Where to start though? Hmmm... He propped his arm up against the window, leaning his head against his hand. I guess I should get my stories straight first. What was it I said to that Umbreon again? Oh that's right, the sheltered pokemon excuse. That at least covers why I don't speak pokemon. What else...

His tail swayed gently behind him, swishing from side to side. Oh wait...there's still...that... He looked down at himself, primarily, at his shorts. All of the morphs walk around nude... A moment passed with him staring at his only piece of clothing. ...M...m-maybe I don't have to do that... He looked back out the window. But...then I won't blend in... He looked back down. He reached for them, stopping at the band. But...I-I won't blend in anyways, considering I can't speak pokemon... His hand began to retreat back, before he stopped. _But then...it'll just be harder to adjust...and..._He reached for it again, only to stop for a second time.

Several minutes of this passed, before he let out a frustrated sigh, shoving his face into his hands. UUUUUrrrghhhhhh! Why is this so difficult?! His tail flicked several times in irritation. Okay, no more hesitating. He reached down, and looped his thumb around the band of his shorts. On the count of three, I'll take em off. Okay...one...............two.............. He prepared himself to slide them off before hesitating. ....................t.................two and a half.................... His heart began to beat a bit faster. ................Two and three quarters............. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. ................Three.

Before he could stop himself, he slid his shorts down to his ankles, stepping out of them and flicking them off of his tail. He stood there for a moment, not opening his eyes, not moving. A blush rose to his face as he stood there, his maleness completely out in the open. Wh....why am I so embarrassed? he asked himself, No one's even looking at me yet...... He opened his eyes, and looked around the room. He went over to his shorts, and picked them up. He shook his head, and went over to where his bag was. Just in case...I'll hang on to em... Just in case. He opened up his bag, and dropped the piece of clothing inside.

Closing his bag, Kyo took a deep breath in, and a few seconds after let it out. He patted his thighs rhythmically, before standing up and making his way to the door. He stopped in front of it, once again giving himself time to prepare for what was to come. Holding his breath and closing his eyes, Kyo opened his door and walked through.

Only to quickly turn around and close the door behind him...

Kyo leaned against the door, breathing heavily. Okay...second time's a charm... Breathing in deeply, he turned around and opened the door again.

Before closing it and turning back around.

Okay...okay...this time for sure... Closing his eyes, he faced the door again, opened it, and walked through.

And backpedaled back into his room and shut the door.

This time...this time's the one... Once again, he found himself conflicting with himself over and over again, moving back and forth through the frame of the door.

Stop. Dancing. With. The door! he scolded himself, leaning against the door again, Just go out there and get it over with! He turned and opened the door, walking through, before turning back around, closing the door, and walking away from it. UUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I can't do this. I'm just gonna have to wait till tomorrow. With his eyes still closed, he went over and leaned against the railing of his room, listening to the sounds of the ocean waves.

_...Wait..._He opened his eyes, and was met with the sight of his door. More specifically, the outside of his door. He turned around, and instead of seeing his room, he saw out to sea.

He was outside of his room.

Well...shit._He shrugged, and looked around again. _Wow, I was in there for a while. It's already late. It was indeed rather late, as the sun had already begun to set, causing an orange glow to envelop the sky. He looked around the boat, not finding any other morphs around. Shrugging to himself, he decided to make his way to the upper deck. Once he was there, he still found himself to be the only morph around.

I guess everyone went into their rooms, he guessed, Well, quality time to myself I suppose. With nothing much else to do, he walked over to the front, leaning against the railing. He closed his eyes, enjoying the spray of the ocean as the boat sped through the water. Wow...how long has it been since I've been able to do this? He smiled to himself, facing his head upwards. Far too long for...me... His smile faded as he suddenly caught a strange scent. He took one sniff of the air, and the scent nearly overwhelmed him. He suddenly felt dizzy, and his head felt light. He gripped the railing of the boat, afraid of losing his balance. What...is that...? His body suddenly began to feel hot, and his cock began to twitch and harden. He gripped the railing more tightly, slowly opening his eyes.

Off to the side, he could see a Grovyle-morph just at the entrance of the upper deck. This one was very obviously female, judging from her B-cup breasts and her lower lips, which seemed to be dripping wet. She was leaning against the frame of the door, breathing heavily and eyes clenched tightly closed. She was squeezing her legs together, and her arms were pressing against her body. She had a very distressed look to her as she flicked her two leafy tails suddenly and randomly, occasionally letting out moans of discomfort and arousal.

She must...be going though the same thing I am right now, he thought to himself with effort, his mind progressively fogging and becoming harder to think, I should...try and help her...try to...put her at ease... Before he realized what he was dong, Kyo made his way over to the grass type. When he reached her, he propped himself up against the door with his arm.

"H...hey," he said to her, gently patting her on the shoulder, "are...are you alright?" The reptile jerked upon his touch, snapping her eyes open and locking them on his. He paused for a moment as her eyes bore into him. It took a minute for him to realize he wasn't saying anything, and quickly recovered. "I...I noticed that...you look like you're in need of some...help." The female continued to stare at him, heavily panting.

"'I...'" she began, "'I feel so...hot... C...can you really help me?'"

"I...I can try," he replied, "I think that we're going through the same thing right now. Come with me and we'll go to-Gah!" Kyo was cut off as she suddenly pounced upon him, bringing the two of them down to the floor with a thud. "H-hey, w-what do you think you're-Mrph!" Kyo was once again cut off as the Grovyle thrust her muzzle into his, locking them in a hungry kiss.

She parted her lips from his, a trail of saliva connecting them, and spoke with a very desperate tone. "'Please help me, I don't know what's going on, but I want this. I...I think I need this.'" Kyo looked up at her, opened his mouth to speak, only to be rendered speechless as she grinded her crotch against his now exposed and throbbing cock. Out of desperation, Kyo placed his hands on her stomach in an attempt to push her away, but as he did this, he found that he just couldn't push her off. The female held him down fast as she began to feel resistance, deepening their kiss and grinding against his cock harder.

Kyo's eyes rolled back as thrills of pleasure were sent up his spine with every movement of the Grovyle's shapely hips. In another desperate attempt, Kyo moved his hands to her thighs, trying to get her to stop. However, this only further encouraged her, making her grind even harder against his cock, her nether lips parting slightly with every upward motion. She snaked her tongue into his mouth, exploring it and rubbing against his own. She parted the kiss briefly only to come up for air, and then dove back in. She moaned into his mouth as her clit rubbed against his very sensitive cock. Her pussy was very, very wet, and it only became more so as Kyo's cock began to leak pre-cum.

The Grovyle parted their lips once again, and looked into his eyes. "'I...I'm sorry, but I can't stop myself. I need to be bred. I need a male. I...I need your cock!'" Removing a hand from his shoulder, the female shifted her hips slightly and took hold of his throbbing member. More thrills of pleasure shot through Kyo as she took hold of it, and angled it up slightly. She pumped it several times before pressing the head against her dripping entrance. The two morphs moaned out loudly as both of their sensitive pleasure organs pressed against each other, with Kyo's cock just barely parting the Grovyle's nether lips.

Having waited long enough, the grass type raised herself over Kyo's throbbing member, the tip still just barely poking into her, before driving her hips downward, and taking all seven inches of him into her fleshy tunnel. The pair moaned out again as their hips met with a loud smack, both of their eyes wrenching closed. Their heavy breathing turned to panting, and the Grovyle gripped Kyo tighter, both with her hands, and with her slick pussy.

"'YESsssssss,'" she moaned out in ecstasy, throwing her head back and up towards the night sky, "'OOHhhhhhhh legends abOVE I need thissss...'" Her head went back down, locking their muzzles together again, and she slowly began to draw her hips back, not ceasing until only the head remained inside. She held it there for a moment, wrestling her tongue with Kyo's, and drove her hips back down. Another loud slap sounded out as the pair moaned into each other's mouths. With their muzzles still locked, the grass type slowly began to pick up the pace, drawing her hips back and forth in a circular motion.

Kyo's hands were still firmly planted on her hips, as he could not find the strength to push her off. So, instead of resisting, he simply held on to dear life as her hips went back and forth...back and forth...back and forth. Her pace quickened further. She moved in a way that caused her now swollen clit to rub along Kyo's cock as she went faster and faster...back and forth...faster and faster.

Their lips parted again, allowing them to gasp for air as their moans of bliss became less subdued and restrained. The horny female rubbed her head against Kyo's neck, her eyes clenched tightly closed as she bounced her hips on his lap. Her vaginal walls clamped down around his cock as it penetrated her again and again, in and out...faster and faster.

Suddenly, without warning, Kyo thrust up into her, meeting her on her downwards stroke. Her eyes snapped open as she let out a yelp of surprise. Before she could recover, he thrust up again, bouncing her hips up even higher and almost causing her to dismount. The Grovyle took hold of his shoulders and propped herself up with her arms, allowing her small breasts to bounce and jiggle with every slap of their hips. Kyo simply couldn't control himself anymore. His body was moving on its own, and he couldn't do anything about it. All he could do was clench his eyes closed and allow these newfound feelings overcome him. The Grovyle quickly resumed the pace she had set, driving her hips down in time with Kyo's upward thrusts. Wet, loud smacks echoed down the hall as the pair fucked each other raw, with their hot and sensuous moans doing a fair job in filling in the silence as well.

"'Harder,'" she begged him, "'ooohhh LEGEnds please harder. I'm getting so close. I'm getting so CLOSE!'" Almost automatically, Kyo did as she said, thrusting his hips up harder and prompting a surprised squeal of pleasure from her. Instinctively, he began to thrust faster, his hips almost becoming a blur. The Grovyle's moans and yelps became higher and higher as she was brought closer and closer to a sweet and intense climax. Kyo wasn't too far behind as well, as he could feel the familiar sensation at the base of his cock begin to creep up towards the tip.

"HAAaahhh," he breathed out desperately, "I can't last...much longer..." His hips now a blur, Kyo fucked her as fast as he could, bouncing her up and down his cock with every slap of her hips. The Grovyle gripped his shoulders tightly, trying her best not to fall off as she came closer and closer to cumming. She cried out as her clit brushed against his cock again, sending thrills of intense pleasure up her spine. Her slick walls squeezed down on his cock tightly, letting out lewd squelches with every thrust and bounce. She was dangerously close to finishing, and Kyo wasn't too far behind either.

Unable to hold off for any longer, Kyo makes one final hard thrust into the grass type. He gasped out hotly as his cock squirted stream after stream of his warm, watery cum into the grass type's tight pussy. She cried out her name as the first stream shot up and into her, and soon followed him into blissful orgasm. Her walls pulsated and squeezed, milking Kyo for all he was worth. His orgasm had seemingly no end to it, as his cock continued to pump his seed into her, much of it spilling out from her and onto his lap and the floor of the upper deck.

The Grovyle stuffed her muzzle into his again, locking them in a hungry and passionate kiss. She pressed herself down on him, wanting to take as much cum as the Feraligatr-morph had to offer. Her thighs squeezed down around Kyo's, moaning into his mouth as she felt his watery seed shoot up through her cervix, overfilling her womb, and leaking out around Kyo's member.

His body jerked and shook with every squirt, eyes still clenched tightly closed. Then, just as he thought it would never end, the streams finally began to lessen, and eventually came to a stop. Kyo collapsed as his spent body was allowed to rest. Their muzzles however still remained locked, as the Grovyle came down from her high as well, her walls still pumping whatever was left. She soon finished as well, and collapsed on top of him. She eventually separated their kiss, and rested her head against Kyo's neck. They laid there in his pool of cum, the sounds of their heavy breathing filling the area as they relished their afterglow.

The Grovyle nuzzled up against him, wrapping her arms around his body and pressing her chest into his. Kyo's arms fell to his sides, making a small splash. His head fell back, causing his snout to dip in his juices. Reflexively, his tail snaked around the grass type's leg, curling around it in an intimate embrace. Their breathing steadied as they gradually relaxed themselves. None of them had the energy to speak, let alone think. Kyo couldn't think about what had happened. He couldn't think about what he had done. He couldn't think about why he had done it. All he could do was lay there, let his eyes droop, and follow the exhausted morph to a deep, dark sleep.
