Playing The Part

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#1 of Spot On

Part four of the spin-off story that focuses on everyone's favorite Dalmatian, Kitten Chaser, aka Casey.

This is a mini story that will consist of somewhere near 6-8 chapters focusing on Casey's foray into the music industry. The final chapters coming up are focusing over a much shorter period of time... but more of that when the time comes!

Time wise, this story takes place between Ch 19 and 20 of More Than Friends.

Please note: rated mature for discussions and reflection on adult activities.

And now, with no more ado, please enjoy Chapter 4 of Spot On.

Spot On Playing The Part copyright 2014 comidacomida

Despite how aggressive and forward Jae was that night, the morning was completely different. Although she certainly didn't give up control she was, nevertheless, a perfect hostess. She had coffee ready to go along with some fresh fruit and rye toast. Casey had never really given much thought into what kind of nutrition rituals the rich and famous had but it seemed rather mundane. He WAS surprised when he saw Fruity Color Bombs cereal in her cupboard, however.

While he was right on track to give her no small amount of crap about it, Jae simply shrugged it off, "Sunrise likes them."

Casey made several attempts to press the issue in a humorous fashion but each and every one of his tries met with a completely serious dead-pan response reiterating that the cereal was for her daughter. She continued reminding him of that fact even as she pulled out two bowls and filled them both with the brightly colored breakfast cereal. He looked at her, ears up, "Just for Sunrise, huh?"

She simply poured the milk and shrugged, "And the gym membership is for me. What's the use of living if you can't enjoy a little treat now and again?"

The glance at him out of the corner of her eye left the Dalmatian with the feeling that the 'treat' she was referring to didn't end with the cereal. Rather than commenting he simply busied his muzzle with a spoonful of hyper-sugary-goodness. Jae left it at that, which, in the end, was probably for the best.

If Casey had expected things to get 'weird' after Jae coming on to him the previous night he would have been mistaken. The Human woman was as relaxed and as casual as she had been at any other point in time during the day... and just as in control. He had to admit that his tail was wagging far more than he'd expected it to based on the fact that she seemed to have the entire morning planned out for him. If he'd ever wondered what it would be like to be a Burb Dog for a veteran Leasher... well... he certainly got a taste of it... and he really REALLY liked it.

There wasn't any confusion on his part, though; he knew she wasn't going to be his Leasher. Whether it was just another test from her or perhaps her simply humoring him because he was such a good Burb Dog (the thought got his tail wagging all the more), he had no doubts that it was a temporary thing... but he certainly enjoyed it while he had it. Unable to avoid pushing his luck he did shout a comment down the hall as he was getting his fur brush. "You know... if you were a guy you'd be the PERFECT Leasher."

Without missing a beat, Jae called back, "If I was REALLY trying it wouldn't make a difference, Spotty."

The comment caused a faint shiver in the Dalmatian and he felt his fur stand on end; he'd heard before that older women knew a thing or two, but Jae really did seem to have all of her bases covered. Letting out a held breath, Casey adjusted his collar, inquiring of his reflection in the mirror, "What exactly did you get yourself into?"

A few minutes later, just as he was tying off his sneakers, Jae appeared in his doorway. She gave a light knock on the door, "You ready? We don't want to be more than a few minutes late."

Casey cocked his head to the side, "You mean we want to be a few minutes EARLY?"

She leaned against the doorway, "If I MEANT early I would have SAID early, Kitten... we want to be somewhere between three and six minutes LATE."

He flicked an ear as he picked up his wallet and stuffed it into his pocket, "That's a pretty specific timeline."

Jae motioned with her head for him to follow and headed back out into the hall, "I'm a pretty specific woman."

The Dog followed along behind her, tail low, "But... Chuck said that he expected me to be on time."

She laughed, opening the front door for him, "Silly Dally... we're talking about on time for ME... and in this business you are NEVER early."

His ears raised as he walked by her, "Why not?"

when she didn't respond he looked back at Jae; she locked the door, ran her fingers through her hair, pulled out a compact to check her lipstick, then casually turned to regard him, "Anticipation builds interest; interest builds attention; attention builds sales; sales build a career."

Casey kept in step beside her as she strolled casually to her car, "Where I come from being late is rude."

Jae winked at him as hit the button on her key ring to unlock the vehicle, "You're obviously not from here."

He found himself watching her hips as she got into the car, "You can say that again."

Closing the door, the woman smirked, lowering her window, as she patted the seat beside her. "If you're so worried about being on time, why aren't you in here yet?"

He let out an inadvertent, faint yip and he trotted around to the passenger side and went to open the door; it was still locked. Her smile never faltering, Jae unlocked it and motioned him in with a 'come hither' gesture from her index finger. Casey felt his ears warm but he complied quickly. "You aren't an easy lady to figure out... you know that?"

Her smile widened, "The same can be said for mystery as anticipation."

Casey put on a seatbelt. "It leads to a career?"

She started up the car and pulled out of the driveway, "It leads to things that lead to a career... if you use it right."

The trip to the studio was surprisingly upbeat. Jae maintained a playful attitude which lingered throughout the drive and she continued discussing all of the many idiosyncrasies of being professionally famous... especially when it came to one's producer. While Casey gave it his attention he found it all to be dubious at best... almost. "Diva."

Jae glanced at the Dalmatian, "Hmm?"

"You're making it sound as if acting like a diva is--"

The woman came to a stop at a stop light and glanced his way, "Expected? Normal?"

He flicked an ear, "By-the-numbers."

Jae laughed aloud, turning the car onto the street that led to the recording studio, "Didn't you know that being a singer also comes with an element of acting?"

Her response was enough to get both of his ears up, "Huh?"

She pulled the car into a parking space and turned the engine off, "Casey... let's get real here for a moment..."

When she turned to look at him the playfulness was still there but there was a sudden element of seriousness, "Uh... okay?"

She rotated her body in his direction as much as the seat would allow, resting her elbow on the steering wheel, "Are we in a corvette?"


She cocked her head to the side, hair falling almost seductively across her shoulder, "And my house is a big Malibu mansion?"

The Dog embarrassed himself by squeaking out a fait hiccupy, blurted laugh, but followed it up quickly with, "Well... it's not in MALIBU, no, but--"

Jae continued regardless, "Or a multi-million dollar condo in New York?"

Casey's laughter ceased, "I... uh... didn't you get one of those back in the 90s?"

She smirked, "Yes... yes I did."

It took him a moment but he slowly put two and two together, "That's the kind of thing people expect from divas... isn't it?"

Her smirk turned into a full on smile, "Sometimes you aren't just selling yourself, Kitten, dear... sometimes you have to sell the image."

He blinked, getting out of the car as she did, "So... you're saying in order to be a big star you have to--"

She shrugged, "Act like a complete bitch... wallow in self-entitlement... make a few select people hate your guts. It's not pretty and you won't always like doing it but it helps people take you seriously."

Casey really didn't know how to feel about it. There was a span of several seconds where his feet failed to move him forward but, suddenly, Jae was there, taking hold of is arm, laughing, "Casey... my dear, sweet Dog, I am just messing with you... there's no reason you have to be a complete and total asshole just so long as you're good at playing the good guy."

He followed along beside her, arm still in her grasp, "Good guy?"

She nodded, "There are plenty of stars out there that get all of their publicity of being the exact opposite of what the entertainment industry expects. Personally, given what I know about you and how horrified you looked after my little speech, I think you'd be best at aiming for that kind of an act."


She laid her head against his shoulder, chuckling, "Nobody is a good guy, Casey... not when you've been in the industry long enough... but some are just better at hiding their dirty little secrets. I'm positive even YOU have a few of those and I'm sure you'll have more before it's all said and done... it comes with the territory."

The Dog swallowed at how suddenly tight the hallway felt. Chuck was there pouring what, based on his jitters, was likely his fourth or fifth cup of coffee. He looked up at them as they entered and set the mug down without even bothering to glance at a time piece, "Ah... there we are... right on time."

Jae glanced at her watch and Casey did so as well purely in reaction and he noticed that they were, in fact, almost five minutes late. She looked at the Dalmatian and smiled sweetly, mouthing out clearly: "Right.On.Time."

* * * * * *

Aside from a complicated first few days the week went quickly. Chuck and Jae selected numerous songs, both classic and modern for Casey to sing. They selected different music genres and different tempos, ranges, and artists. One of the most stressful for the Dalmatian is when they chose one of Jae's very own songs: A Dusty Kind of Clean. It was one he knew well, but he really wasn't sure what to expect when he came to the end and they spoke to one another on the other side of the recording booth, intercom off so he couldn't hear what they had to say.

When Chuck next hit the switch so they could talk back and forth the announcement Casey received surprised him, "We're going to look into getting you on tour."

He was stunned at the implications, "Tour?"

Jae leaned closer to the control room mic, "Don't get your tail up to speed just yet, KC... WAG is going to start off with you doing a few opening songs for some headlining performers."

Mr. Gifford shot her a look and she smirked at him, leaning back so he could take control of the mic again, "We're using it as an opportunity to debut you and a few songs that we've secured the rights to but haven't found the right singer to perform."

Casey's ears went up, "So... you're having me perform them?"

The faintest hint of a smirk creased Jae's lips and she said something the Dog didn't quite hear because she was too far from the control board. Chuck nodded, "Exactly."

The Dalmatian shifted his weight from foot to foot, "Exactly what?"

The man switched his gaze from Jae to Casey, "If you're good enough to make a name as an opening act then you'll go on Jae's next tour with her for duets."

He froze in place, "As in... singing... with Jae?"

The woman smiled and he could read her lips, "That's what a duet is."

Chuck was much more business-like as he expounded, "First test is to find a good fit for you as an opener... THEN we look into having you join her for some of her new songs where she needs a male second... if that goes well then we look into your own EP."

Casey blinked, "EP?"

The Producer covered the mic and said something aside to Jae, who responded back. Chuck removed his hand, "You know what a 'single' is, right, KC?"

The Dalmatian nodded, "Well... I know it's a song... like, one of the things you can download from a music site."

Chuck nodded, "Close enough. And you know what an LP is?"

Casey shrugged, "Um... I guess... more than one song?"

Jae gave Chuck a little push away from the mic. "An LP is a full album... originally it meant a record, but now it can be used for pretty much anything from a cassette tape to a CD to--"

The Dalmatian cocked his head to the side, "What's a 'cassette tape'?"

The two Human immediately stopped, faces going blank as they glanced to one another. Chuck pulled the mic away from Jae, "Do you really--?"

Casey wagged, "I'm joking. I know what a tape is."

Chuck rolled his eyes then looked to Jae, but kept the mic close, "You get to play mentor."

The woman folded her arms across her chest with a satisfied grin; Casey could JUST manage to make out her words, "Only if I get final say if he makes the cut to join me on stage. I'm not going to let just ANYONE do the male part of 'Cherish'."

The Producer nodded, "That's fine... as long as you don't torpedo him like back when you mentored Derringer."

Jae leaned closer to Chuck, which was the only reason he could hear her when she lowered her voice, "Well, between you and me, I think Casey is twice the Dog Derringer was. I have high hopes for this one, Charles... very high hopes."

Casey's tail almost had time to wag before her gaze went back to him and the scheming glance he saw shining in her eyes put an end to that. Chuck excused himself and left the control room, freeing up the seat for Jae. The Dalmatian leaned a little closer to his own mic, "So... uh... who was Derringer?"

The woman flipped her hair, laughing, "He was a hopeful. Good work ethic, good attention to detail, dedicated to the craft... he just sucked at singing."

"So... uh... why did--"

She brushed her index finger across her lips, eyes gazing off into the distance as if lost in thought, "A real handsome Samoyed though... just... well... like I said..."

Casey's ears went up, " you said?"

Jae grinned, "Yes-- like I said. He was 'half the dog' you are."

The Dalmatian had a very strong feeling he knew what she was talking about, but he was willing to overlook his first inclination, "So... he didn't make the cut because--"

The woman rolled her eyes, "Because he wasn't a good SINGER, Casey... Jesus Christ-- didn't we already discuss that most of this job is about the ACT? It's perfectly possible to SEEM completely superficial and vacuous while still having a brain. Besides, the act will get your foot in the door and get you attention, but once you're inside with all eyes on you then you'll have to be able to perform... and Derringer just couldn't perform."

Casey fought to keep his tail from tucking, "But... you think I might?"

Jae leaned forward across the control panel as she gazed at him through the window, "Kitten, my dear... I KNOW you can."

It was the strongest show of confidence in him Casey had ever seen. "...kay."

* * * * * *

When the weekend finally came Casey found himself in an odd sort of Limbo. Despite it being Saturday, Jae brought him back to the studio so he could have some free time learning the machinery, terminology, and activities that would be peripheral to his task as a singer. She showed him some of the basics then excused herself to run some errands, promising to pick him up at five. When he asked if she meant five after five she only smiled and provided a very straight-forward, "Right.On.Time." He planned for five after.

While his original expectation was that he'd have the studio basically to himself he was mistaken. Several times a few others wandered through but most of them were staff members he had met in passing so nobody so much as blinked. Some of the production staff who had gotten to know him a little better gave him a smile, a quick wave, or, in one case, even a friendly "Hello". Nobody really bothered to stop and chat-- until Angus.

The big Mastiff had wandered by carrying a huge stack of what looked like black metal pipes but he came back unburdened a minute later, "Ah! Thought I saw ya in here, Dog."

Casey found the right switch and turned off the control console, "Yep. Jae says I need to spend some study time working with the equipment."

Angus laughed, plopping his bulk down in the studio's lounging sofa, "Yea? Well, take it from me, ya get more of a chance in the industry if ya know your stuff... the more ya know the more positions ya getta work."

The Dalmatian glanced at his visitor, "You mean, in case I don't make it as a singer?"

The Mastiff laughed heartily, "Well... okay... I'm talkin' shit in yer case, Dog-- peeps like you just need'ta focus on whatcha do... it's more advice for us 'lil people' on the sidelines that don't got the talent... "

A smooth voice called chidingly from the doorway, "I wouldn't call you 'little', A... and you have all the RIGHT talents."

Angus' tail began beating on the sofa immediately and he sat up, "Oh! Talk about timing!"

A handsome-looking black man with very close-cut hair made his way into the recording studio. He was dressed casually but Casey knew from his experience in modeling that all of his clothes were definitely 'on' brands. The Human smiled as he moved to take a seat on the arm rest of the sofa where Angus was lounging. He had a ready smile on his face and held out a hand. "So... THIS is the KC I've heard so much about?"

The Dalmatian couldn't help but smile at the man's welcoming bearing and he accepted the shake, admiring the firmness of the man's grip. Angus spoke up before either of them could say anything further, "Casey, this is my Leasher Tyler. Ty... this is KC. Rumor has it he's workin' his way up ta do a duet with Jae."

Tyler smirked, "Wow... lucky Dog."

Casey found himself blushing, "Yea... I guess so."

The Human turned to Angus and reached his hand forward, sliding his fingers through the Dog's collar before pulling the large Mastiff's head closer so he could plant a kiss on his muzzle. Despite Angus' imposing size and alpha-male demeanor he was surprisingly compliant, and, as far as Casey was concerned, appeared to be completely under his Leasher's control. The Dalmatian found that in and of itself incredibly hot... but when Ty glanced his way and winked before standing was even more alluring.

Angus wore a sheepish grin as he followed Tyler out, the Human still holding the front of his collar; Casey didn't miss the very large tent in the Mastiff's jeans. "Catch ya later, Dog... ride's here."

Tyler called over his shoulder, "Good meeting you, KC... Angus and I have plans for the evening but I'm sure we'll see more of you later."

Casey, forced to adjust his own tent was hoping that would be the case.

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