Merry Christmas to my Little, Naughty Slave Kitty

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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Part of the Christmas gift for my favorite feline! Merry Christmas, Kitty :3 I hope this goes well with your other presents and that you have a merry, horny, and cheerful Christmas!

"Mmmm--ahh..." Jacob whined as his arms stretched above his head in a soft voice still tinged with sleep. The white fur of his fingers that stretched down onto his arms jutted out from the covers, which pulled high to his chin and gleamed in the pale morning light. With the curtains parted slightly, sunlight streamed in and glittered brilliantly off the blanket of snow just outside the glass. Eyes still shut, he arched his back with a slow stretch and rolled over, squirming towards the warmth of his lover on the winter morning... except only a discarded pillow lay in her place.

Both eyes popped open in surprise, peering out through the veil of white hair that hung into his face to survey the bed. The blankets were tangled around him, engulfing him in the heat he craved as he slept and pillows spilled off the edge, discarded by their shifting bodies the night before. Both lips curled slightly and his shoulder rolled to look beneath the covers for the towel, kicked aside as she slept that had tried to lessen the impact of her mess. A dazed glaze glossed over his eyes at the recent memory, bringing it rushing back.

"Mmm... Merry Christmas Eve, Kitty. You want a sneak peak of your present?" Soft, golden fingers stroked down his arm and curled around his wrist to pull him up to her body. Her height, keeping her just a few inches above him, meant his head tucked just beneath her chin while her arms encircled his slim, faintly feminine waist. Her full, rounded breasts, covered in downy fur peeked out the top of her nightgown- a silky white number with lace lining the V-shaped plunge between her otherwise bare bosom. Soft fingers inched down to his back, kneading along the place where his muscles had ached from sword fighting. Then, gentle lips pressed to the top of his head and began to work down onto his neck and chest while her hands guided him backwards onto the bed.

Suddenly, her teeth lightly nipped at his neck before a breathy voice crooned into his ear. "Do you want a sneak peak, kitty cat?" His head bobbed, letting her start to peel his shirt over his head while her hips pressed into his, grinding with a steady, sensuous rhythm. He felt the heat radiating from her crotch the through the thin fabric of her gown even with his own pants still in the way, blocking their contact.

Leisurely, she kissed down his neck and over his bare chest while two hands had striped him from the waist down. Velvety fingers caressed his cock, gently starting to glide down his length before she lowered over his body, suckling the tip lovingly with her tongue licking over him like an ice cream cone in conjunction with her pumping hand.

Returning the favor had required the towel...

The recollection cut off with a sad sigh, looking back at the empty place she left by his side. Slowly, he rolled out of the bed with his hair covering one eye while he padded into the bathroom. One hand flicked on the light switch, and he cringed as the spotlights above the mirror glared at his sleepy face. By the time his toothbrush swished through his mouth, he started to mumbled to himself around the minty foam. "She's probably wrapping last minute gifts for family or toffee... She said something about toffee... or was it cookies? Cupcakes?" He spit into the sink, watching the cloud of used paste spread out through the sink's basin before restarting the brush on the opposite side of his mouth, filling the room with the slight sh-sh, sh-sh of the bristled scraping over his molars. "Or she's making breakfast like her mother used to." He recalled a mention of her mother's eggbake, prepped early Christmas morning to eat once presents were opened- her favorite meal of the year, and Jacob brightened slightly at the thought she hadn't left him to prepare something for someone else, but maybe to make them breakfast to share, together.

Rinsing his mouth, Jacob ran his slender fingers through the long tendrils of his white hair, letting it spill down his back once the tangled were gently tugged out. Once again, his mind started to wander while he fished out a brush and began to massage out the stubborner kinks.

"Jacob? Where is the butter? I swear to God there was butter here five seconds ago!" The canine wore an apron over a long sweatshirt rolled up to her elbows, with shorts too small to show beneath the oversized red sweater, with a massive christmas tree spread across her chest tiny, battery-operated lights twinkling across the fabric pine. In one hand she held a spatula, flinging little flecks of sugar across the kitchen while in the other she clutched onto a bowl, sloshing the melted butter inside with every fluttering hand motion.

He merely nodded to the bowl, smirking at her before she glared. Once she'd poured the butter into the mixing bowl with the sugar, she'd tackled him from across the counter with kisses that landed over his cheeks until she seemingly accidentally found his lips. Fingers combed up through his hair, lovingly clutching onto him till the oven, having preheated, let out a loud beeping alarm that dragged her back to her baking.

Cookies had been followed with eggnog, apple cider, and cocoa with freshly baked 'samples' of the baked treats, all while Youtube played a crackling fireplace in the background. She'd cuddled closer then too, mixing kisses in between every sip while she prattled on about gifts left to wrap for whom, what paper to use, where she'd left the bows, how much she loved eggnog, and other random tidbits in her excited Christmas-themed rambling. Snacks had preceded the gift wrapping, stretching painfully into the night before she'd initiated their romp with a thank-you for his patience. Which inevitably led into a thank you for... all sorts of other things.

Jacob smiled, turning towards the stairs to head into the living room. Listening at the base of the steps, he didn't hear music of evening humming from the kitchen to suggest she was baking. In fact, he barely heard anything but the faint hum of their space heated, an early present for the cold-sensitive feline. Looking up, the glow of their Christmas lights danced on the ceiling of the living room in a swirl of red and green from the twinkling bulbs wrapped around their quaint, plump pine. "So much Christmas..." he mumbled, shaking his head with a faint, affectionate smile on his lips before he heading upstairs.

In front of the tree, he found the missing canine. Draped across the couch, she grabbed his eyes immediately dressed as an achingly naughty Santa-girl. Starting at her toes, red fishnet stockings stretched up her long, slender legs until thick, black buckle-themed garters capped them off high on her thighs. Then, dainty velvety red, garters connected to a fur-trimmed red skirt. While a belt cinched off at her waist, barely peeking out the sides of a perfectly wrapped box with an oversized green bow perched on top of the shimmery red paper. Black gloves, stretched from fingertips to past her elbows, held onto the box gently while a fur-lined bikini top contained her straining breasts, just barely. The shape of her nipples poked out against the velvety smooth fabric while her boobs pushed together, creasing to form fur-lined cleavage. Atop her head, appropriately, sat a red Santa hat with thick fur-trim and pom-pom ball tip while her floppy eyes jutted out from the side.

His lips went dry, mouth slightly agape for a beat before she moved fluidly off the lounge and stepped towards him with a slight click from red pumps on her feet, lifting her up another few inches taller than him. A coy smile hovered on her lips, dotting the dimples in her cheeks before she held the box out slightly and spoke softly. "Come 'er. Open it."

Curious, Jacob stepped forward with a flick of his long, snow-white tail behind him and grabbed the edge of the bow tied on top. Pulling the ribbon slowly, the bow unfurled from the package and fell towards the floor, twirling through the air like a dancer on stage. Then, he gingerly grabbed onto the lid and lifted up, baring the contents inside.

Cradled on a cushion of sparkling tissue paper, the box held two items. First, there was a thick collar with a large O-ring and a tag hanging below it. Jacob leaned closer, plucking up the accessory and lifting it with both hands, eyeing the heart-shaped tag in metallic silver. "Slave," it read in a simple text engraved into the metal. Instantly, his cheeks started to color. The pale shade of his cheeks brightened up with a rosy glow, not unlike the glinting bulbs of the Christmas trees. Even the tips of his ears colored, spreading the heat from up his neck to the ends of the triangular appendages. Holding the collar, his eyes directed to the massive bottle of lube with a twinge of confusion, one eyebrow lifting up and his mouth creasing at the edge. Why'd the box contain lube when they already had a collection of lube downstairs the the bedroom?

Answering his question, she moved the box from its centered position over her crotch, revealing the shapely curve of a hard, red, plastic cock jutting out from her groin beneath the curve of the garter belt, with a knot bulging at the base. Setting the box down, a hand ran over the harness on her hips and along the length of the strap-on's cock with a smile. "What do you think? Ready to be my present?"

Jacob swallowed, feeling his throat and lips suddenly dry with a rush an anxious excitement. A sudden flood of blood seemed to race out of his head and down to his own crotch, inflating his own cock within his boxers. The fabric seemed to cage him in, tenting him out as she grinned, pleased to see his reaction. Stepping closer, a hand slid down his side to grab onto his hip with a tight grip; not painful, but powerful. His eyes darted up to meet hers- seeing her expectant expression with both eyebrows slightly raised.

"I-I am" he murmured, voice soft while his eyes snuck down to eye the dildo poking out from her harness. In a cheerful cherry red, the surface was smooth, but with the slightest flair at the tip. Though slim, the girth easily surpassed the mere finger he'd taken before, while the length matched that of his own shaft. Feeling her eyes on him, he looked up again to meet the canine's eyes, glinting with an eager green. She stepped another inch closer, letting her warm breath tickle against his skin before a hand cupped beneath his chin. Her thumb swept along his cheek, stroking over the smooth skin tenderly before she bent and mashed her lips into him. Her lips pressed into his hungerly, kissing him with a fierce passion. The smooth surface of the strap-on's dildo slid against his leg, rubbing against her thigh where his own shaft throbbed and pulsed inside the confines of his boxers. Once their lips were tangled together in the kiss, the hand at his chin fell down and glided along the soft fur of his slender, lithe frame and arced back to slide down his body till she cupped his ass and pulled him flush to her. Her crotch ground to his thigh, rubbing the dildo along the fabric of his boxers while her breasts grazed to his chest, the fake fur tickling him just slightly when she shifted and rubbed against him.

As they kissed, her free hand migrated back to his other ass cheek, starting to knead roughly over the soft, tender flesh of his rump while it secondly held him up to her. Her dull claw tips teased through the fabric, dragging down his butt and cupping over the curve before a hard, groping squeeze. A soft moan broke from the feline's lips, bubbling out into the canine's before she pulled back to nip his lip once. Then, her mouth moved down to his neck, nipping at the skin and gently tugging it with her teeth on the scruff of his furred throat. A growl leaked out from the back of her throat, low and powerful while claws prickled on his asscheeks. "Whose are you, kitty? Whose slave are you?" She rumbled into his ear before nipping the sensitive edge lightly.

"Y-yours." He murmured, flushing with his tight groping on his ass and the dominant growl underlining her normal voice. Suddenly, a hand clapped down on his ass in a hard smack, sending heat blooming across his butt cheek with a red glow. A little moan burst into the air, blurting out from his lips.

"How will anyone know you're my slave if you're not wearing your collar?" She moved back from him, stacking her hands onto her hips before it cocked to the side, toe tapping impatiently until Jacob looked down to the sturdy leather collar in his hand, the tag clinking lightly to the ring when he moved. Once he'd connected the dots, she smiled and stepped closer to take it from his hand.

With her heels lightly clicking on the wood as she stepped to him, she clasped the collar onto his throat, hooking her pointer finger into the ring and giving a light tug once it'd been secured on, making him jerk forward. "Mmm... I'm liking this already." She crooned, licking over her lips with a playful, yet devious gleam in her eyes. Her hands dragged down his body again, this time hooking a thumb on either side of his hip when she reached his boxers and peeled them down of his butt, revealing the soft fur of his bum. Her clawtips raked through the plush fur, slowly drawing tracks along the curvature of his asscheeks before she groped him closer, grinding his hard shaft against her warm, furred thighs and up to where her pussy was bare, glistening wetly beneath the garter's skirt. She grinded to him, dragging his cock along her slick lower lips as her lips returned to his, kissing fiercely while two hands toyed with his ass. When he'd pull back or try to break from the kiss, a hard smack fell down over his ass cheek, keeping him flush to her till the canine pulled back to bite down on his neck, just above the collar. Murmuring hotly in his ear, her words rumbled into his head. "Now, whose slave are you?"

He hesitated a beat, and she spanked his ass cheek hard enough his slender hips jerked forward into her. The smack echoed back in the room once, and heat spread out over his ass cheek and left it throbbing with a pulsating beat. "Who do you belong to?"

This time, he spoke quickly. "I'm yours, mistress." She softened, petting her fingers in a caressing massage over his sore ass cheek while her lips pecked over the bite mark, licking and nuzzling him. "That's what I like to hear." One hand snaked down to his throbbing hard cock, sliding her fingers down around him in a tight grip and starting to pump along his length while her lips pressed back into his with a deep, sloppy french kiss. Her tongue traced along his lips, guiding them open so she could lean in and explore his parted maw. Between kisses, she pulled back and ran a hand down her shaft and guided it along his thigh so he felt every inch brushing past his bare leg. "Just imagine this inside you... filling up your ass..." She cooed with delight, dragging a tongue along the edge of his sensitive ear. "It'll be a tight fit, your first time taking something like this. It'll be snug." Her voice lowered, rumbling with a gruff huskiness from building arousal. "But I'll make it fit... every inch. I wanna hilt inside your ass." A little bark seemed to break out of her lips before she kissed him again, hungerly this time while her hands started to pull his asscheeks apart, kneading them roughly and exposing his tailhole to the cool air in the living room.

She growled into the kiss, horny and eager for him. Little nips tugged his bottom lip and while her tongue traced his teeth and danced against his own, tasting the sweetness of his saliva. Her grinding intensified, rocking his hips back into the grip on her ass. He felt the strength of her body, pushing his cock between her thighs to rub to her sex, dribbling with her own liquid excitement. Breaking the kiss, she panted hoarsely into his ear before giving him a nudge down and stepping back. "Get me ready for you."

Her hand settled on his shoulder, giving him a guiding nudge again this time with more power behind it while her other hand stroked along her plastic cock. He settled onto his knees in front of her, head tipping up with his silky white hair spilling down his back. A hand swept up the length of hair, holding it against the back of his head around her hand, giving her a handle for him. The other hand lightly flopped the cock head to his lip and dragged the tip against his cheek slightly over the red blush that burned his cheeks. "Why so blushy, kitty? Are you embarrassed to be my little pet? My slave?" A devious, predatory grin spread over her face, showing off the slight point of her powerful canines before her grip on his hair tightened slightly. "Come on, Kitten. I wanna see your mouth all full, knot your mouth, maybe even get that throat to bulge for me..." She pushed against his lips, parting them and sliding the shaft into his mouth. The smooth red plastic glided against the top of his tongue and pumped in between his lips. The faint taste of the girl's flavor clung to the length from the few leaked drops of her excitement that caught the shaft along with the sweet taint of the plastic along his tongue. She bucked her hips slightly, gliding the first couple inches out of his mouth and back in before pulling back, watching him lean forward to draw his tongue up the length of the smooth red shaft.

From above, she watched his mouth work over the lengthy cock, slowly spreading the glistening wet gleam of saliva over every inch before he slurped over the tip, drawing the head into his mouth with a suckling suction. His eyes tipped up, hair pulled back to show his gaze plainly locked up onto her from below. Her hand lightly pushed him, starting to work his mouth down into a bobbing motion that worked along his cock and allowed her hips to thrust along with the motion of his head, pushing the tip deeper into his mouth. Saliva gathered at the corner of his mouth, drooling and leaking out onto the cock each time she pulled out of the grip of his mouth and dribbling onto the carpet beneath. The sight of the mess forming on his chin and smeared over the skin, she slammed faster into him and bucked past the entrance of his lips till the tip grazed the back of his throat.

Tightening the grip on his hair and cradling the back of his head slightly, she pumped down into his throat, a shudder running down her spine at the sight of him below her. A deep blush burned over his cheeks while his heart raced inside his chest. Inside, his tongue lapped along her length, bathing it in spit while the tip pushed down into his throat, using his lack of a gag reflex to her advantage. "Mmmph, you look so sexy with a cock down your throat, Kitten." She growled, voice rumbling in her throat while her hips pushed up flush to his mouth and rubbed the knot against the opening of his lips.

"Gonna take the knot like a good boy?" she teased, smiling a devious, dazed smiled as the knot pushed to the pucker of his lips. She pulled back to make him lean towards her crotch and popped the knot passed his lips with a wet noise. The tip of the shaft rubbed deep in his throat, filling his mouth with her red cock. "Mm..." His eyes peered up to her, wide and attentive as she licked over her lips. "You look fucking delicious on your knees, taking my cock. You like mistress's cock down your throat?" She pulled back, letting him pant against the tip of the head with hoarse bursting exhales before she shoved herself back past his lips, quivering at the little pop! his lips made as they pushed around the plump bulb of the knot and stuffing his mouth too much to speak.

"Hmm?" She teased, easing back and staring down at the tendrils of spit connecting his lips to her tip. "Do you like mistress's cock down your throat?"

His blush deepened, the red opening wider like a flower blooming, then his head bobbed with a shy nod. The canine raised her brows, "Say it, Kitten. Do you?"

"Y-yes, mistress." His cock throbbed, precum starting to bead at the tip at the sight of the powerful female standing over him, taking charge in such a way. Her legs were slightly parted, jutting her cock out in a proud mildly masculine stance while her breasts jiggled in their skimpy talk, juxtaposing the feminine and masculine.

"Yes, mistress, what?"

"Yes, mistress I love your cock down my throat." He leaned forward, licking the tip again and lightly kissing it as if to prove his statement. She crooned with approval before a finger hooked into his collar again and guided him up onto his feet. Her fingers stroked down his neck, gently teasing beneath the collar and tugging on him to pull him into short, hard kisses while her opposite hand sunk down to her shaft. Pumping lube from the gifted bottle into her palm, she started to massage the clear globs over the length of the red toy, making it glisten wetly.

"Why don't you show me where you want this?" She asked with slight grin, continuing to nip and kiss along his jawline and to his lips. "Show me that ass of your kitty~" Her hand patted onto his ass, nudging him towards the couch, and once he started towards it, she spanked him with a quick swat. The touch brought out a gasp from the boy, a shaking little moan warbling out of his lips. He climbed onto the couch, showing off his nude feline body, lithe and slender. His long, toned legs pushed up onto the arm, knees resting angled down onto the seat and leaving his pert ass raised up above his heels. His tail swayed behind him, the thin white appendage swishing slightly while he looked over his shoulder lazily, a flash of his stubbornness showing in the mild curl of his lips up into a smirk.

Soft, quick clicks clacked over the floor softly beneath the girl's heels as she strode up behind him, swatting a hand down over his ass cheek again and sending heat bursting over the skin as it reddened, creating a pink glow under his smooth white fur. A cry echoed once in the air before a slight look of surprise widened his eyes, but the canine merely flashed a toothy grin. "I told you to show me. With you tail waving around I can't see much, now can I?" Her hand swatted his opposite cheek, lighter this time before her voice deepened in a powerful growl. "Now lift your tail! Face down! Ass up!"

His tail shot up into the air, swaying white like a flag for surrender as his ass wiggled higher in the air and his cheek rubbed the side of the couch down low. Letting his head face forward, eyes wandering over their Christmas set-up, Jacob could hear her stepping closer from the soft clack of her heels before a hand stroked along the curve of his hip. Her fingertips seemed to glide very lightly over the soft fur, caressing down along the natural V-shape of his hips down to his crotch and tracing along the crease where his thigh met his crotch without going far enough forward to touch his aching, dripping length of back enough for his ass. Her other hand joined in, gliding over his back as she stepped another inch closer. He could feel her presence behind him, without anything but her hands sensuously feeling along his thighs and stroking up his back. "Mmm... My kitty is so cute" she whispered, leaning over him.

His blush colored his neck a soft pink, "Niii!" But, she only chuckled and eased back, sliding her fingers down his ass cheeks to his thighs and pushing his legs further apart- spreading him open slightly. Between the line of his ass crack, she could see his pucker peeking out, tightly squeezed shut like a rosebud, not yet bloomed. A finger traced down between both cheeks, grazing over the hole with a fleeting touch before she leaned down and her lips pressed onto an ass cheek, kissing him lightly on each one.

"Who's my kitty? My slave?" she crooned, letting the air of her words wash over his ass. Her tongue drew over her lips, wetting them enough he could feel the press of her kiss inching closer to his tightly puckered hole before a hand suddenly ran up the length of his cock from behind, making him twitch and drip precum out onto the couch. "Someone excited..." Then, her fingers slid up and squeezed his balls gently and her nose snuffled to the lower half of her ass to breath in the masculine musk. "Someone full of cum..." One hand moved away, falling back to the lube bottle again and refiling her fingers with leaking globules that dripped down the line of his asscrack before she began to direct them, rubbing over the tight star with an idle, light pressure. Her teeth suddenly grazed lightly to his ass, nibbling on the soft skin beneath the silky fur, and he jumped slightly, mewling from the little bite. "Someone sensitive..." She paused, fingertip suddenly zeroing in on his asshole and starting to push to it with noticeable pressure, rubbing and massaging over the puckered edge with a steady pressure. He tensed slightly, quivering with the building excitement of her fingertip starting to push into him and part the tight entrance of his ass open to begin stretching him in preparation for the cock jutting from her crotch.

Then, she spoke in a lower, husky whisper. "Who is it?"

The feline tensed, feeling her penetrating him for the first time, though just with her finger, the sensation of yawning out around her fingertip filled him with a increasing pleasure. The slight chill of the lube contrasted with the heat flooding his body and the dark blush burning on his cheeks and down his neck. The finger writhed in just slightly, rubbing the slick covering against the walls of his virgin ass, sliding up deeper with each consecutive entrance to work the slick substance into him till it oozed down the line of his ass and caught in the thin, velvety fuzz of his balls.

Nipping his ass again, she straightened and he peeked back briefly to catch her eyes hungerly pouring over the sight of his ass. With his head tipped down onto the couch, his butt raised up high in the air with the snowy white fur of his ass catching some of the glow from the Christmas bulbs and dancing with red and green lights. Lube glistened on his tailhole, dripping down the length of his asscrack and tracing wet lines over his furred balls. Her tongue tip swept over her lips, a bright look of excitement flaring in her eyes as she carefully rubbed the tip of the toy along the lubed crack, using her fingers to scoop additional lube onto the plastic length and coating it copiously before it continued to tease him. "Do you want it, Kitty? Do you wanna feel this inside you? Filling you? Stuffing you with every inch-" A horny growl broke her voice before she continued with an even more tense tone. "Do you want to be fucked, taken, claimed?"

The feline's blush seemed to flare again, the fire of its red hue fed with her dirty words, and his head bobbed eagerly. "Yes, mistress!" For a moment, he hesitated before adding, "I want it! I wanna feel you fuck me." His ass tried to grind back against her cock, though instead he felt her ease back away from him, leaving just her hands on either side of his ass.

"Convince me. Beg for it." Her voice rumbled low in her throat, filling his mind with the low, growly tone. His fingers kneaded over his ass, seemingly patiently waiting for him to fulfill her order while her dull claw tips prickled along his ass, raking through the fur and lightly patting, smacking his rump to watch its slight jiggle. "Mmm... hurry up, Kitty. You have such a perfect ass." Her voice lowered a register into a growl that scraped roughly against his ear with a teasing lick up the back of his neck. "I can't wait to destroy it."

He shuddered, feeling his heart seemingly explode with a burst of additional excitement and making it race even faster. "P-please! Mistress! Please take me!" His voice went shrill, ringing through the air. "I need it. I want you to take me. Fuck my ass!"

With a coo of satisfaction, the girl pushed the tip to his tightly puckered opening and began to push gently. Her fingers gripped him tighter, pulling his ass up to her cock as the head rubbed to the tight rings of muscles with a steady pressure until he started to feel it stretch open. The double ringed entrance yawned out around the red shaft, sending a zing of pain and pleasure up his spine and making him stiffen. Instantly, she paused, rubbing along his hips while a hand crept around his body. Soft fingers stroked along his own throbbing cock, sending precum spurting out onto the couch and across a ribbon garland drooped low on the Christmas tree's pine needle-covered arms. He winced slightly, feeling his ache throb once with the intruder. His jaw tightened, clenching his teeth together with a soft whine. Both ears wilted slightly, flattening to his head before he felt soft kisses starting to dot against his backside. "Relax, Kitty... Just relax..." She started to shift slightly, easing the toy back and forth along the first half inch or so and just letting the hole stretch out with the little shifting movements.

A slight twinge of pain shot up his backside with the little tugs as she pushed the hole of his bum open wider, forcing it to spread out around her cock while her pumping hand sent bursts of pleasure out from her groin, eventually letting the latter overcome the discomfort of his ass. "Keep going..." He urged, peeking back to let his tender mistress know it didn't hurt anymore. As if testing, she gripped his hip and started to plunge forward at an achingly slow pace, dragging the head down the length of his inner walls, running the toy hard against his prostate until her hips smacked lightly to his butt, hilting into his pert ass. Her arms encircled around him from behind, one stroking along his chest and the other still on his cock. Her lips grazed his ear, nibbling at its supple edge. "How does it feel to be taken, Kitty?"

He shivered, flushing a faint pink before he clenched around the toy inside his ass, stretching him still with a distant throbbing ache. "V-very big... full..." She shifted, sending a girly cry into the air as the lithe feline arched his back and pushed eagerly towards the cock behind him, his ass throbbing with a tingly burst of excitement. His own cock continued to leak, dribbling precum out almost constantly as she pumped forward.

Slowly, the canine eased back with her fingers pushing gently on the male's ass to steady herself against him before she thrust back in, hilting him with a faint groan of excitement. He moaned with the sensation of her inside him, stretching him around her, and pumping herself into his rump. Leaning against his back, her lips lightly kissed at the back of his neck before her head tipped to the side to let her teeth graze along his tender throat, starting to bite and nip while she grinded up into his tailhole. "Nngh... You're such a good little slave... Letting me take you. You're mine, Kitten." Her teeth lightly tugged on his scruff, a growl leaking out of her throat before she hilted again, hard enough to roll his face against the seat of the couch before she bit down in a hard mating bite, claiming his ass and him at once.

His ass clamped down, almost too tight for her to wrench herself backwards before pounding back forward again. He could smell her own arousal in the air, thick and leaking onto the fabric of her garter and the floor beneath with her ignored pussy. Sweat started to prickle at her brow with the increasing power of her thrusts, bouncing into his ass and hilting every time before easing back so the tip popped past the second ring on the way back in. The knot at the end of her cock kissed to him, pushing partway in on her deep, hilting thrusts, but staying the rest of the way out, not allowing him to tie to her. Her breath tickled the back of his throat, the faint mint on her breath catching his nose in the mix of everything else in the room- the pine tinted scent of sex.

Soft, working grunts left the girls lips, only making him blush deeper and moan louder with every thrust that pumped into his ass. Her fingers still wrapped around his cock, just gently sliding along his length while her focus obviously locked on his ass, working herself deeper into him and grinding the tip to his sensitive, cry-inducing prostate with every draw backwards.

In a hoarse, husky voice, the girl crooned into his ear. With the hot rush of her exhale tickling to the insides of his triangular ears. "Are you going to cum for me? Are you gonna cum with my cock stuffed up your ass? I wanna feel you, Kitty." A horny growl pushed past her lips, "I wanna feel you clench down on my cock when you cum. I wanna knot inside you..." The knot kissed the the stretched hole of his ass, pushing against the clenching muscle. Her teeth grazed down his neck again, nipping and teasing along the sensitive flesh of his scruff while a blush deepened on his cheeks. His heart raced faster, balls churning, and his ass indeed clamping down around the dildo inside him nearly tight enough to trap her inside.

"Do you want the knot? I want to hear you ask for it, beg for it like a naughty slave. Like the naughty kitty you are." She ground into his rump harder, dragging the toy along the feline's inner walls and slamming back in- hard enough that his hips rocked forward and smeared his leaking cock tip over the couch. The tip pushed deep into him while the knot pushed up to his hole with every thrust, teasing it open just slightly before it pulled back away, constantly reminding him of the fat bulb that'd go into him soon. "Do you feel the knot? Kissing to your tight, dirty hole? It's big...and I'm just waiting to shove it into you.." Her voice cut with a low moan, feeling him push back, shivering to her groin.

"Say it, Kitty. I wanna hear you." She nipped his ear and bucked into him harder, sending their slapping bodies claps into the air to echo back. Faintly, she grunted with every thrust, feeling her hips quiver with the exhaustion of keeping up the fast, hard pounding.

Jacob moaned in response, voice shaking with a breaking, hard cry. His voice strained high in pitch, warbling girlishly in the air. "I want it! I want you to knot me! Puppy! Mistress!" She slammed forward, grinding the knot to him without giving it the final push to pop into him, still just mercilessly teasing. "Please, mistress. Please. I want to feel your knot in my ass."

Her fingers, her soft fingers furred in smooth, velvety fluff, tightened on his cock and pumped faster along his length, grazing a fingertip to his heavy balls with every one of her gliding motions down his length. Her body leaned over his back, letting him feel her breasts grazing and pressing to his shoulder blades while her hips grinded to his butt. Her free hand tightened on his hip, holding him steady before she slammed forward, at last pushing the fat knot to the ring of muscle with a grinding, humping, bucking motion that, with a hoarse grunt, finally forced the knot into him- stretching him out widely to fit around the bulge.

He cried out with the sudden girth of the knot, feeling her entire length stuffed inside him, filling his ass completely while her hips continued to gently grind and rock against him. She shifted the length inside him as much as she could with the knot tying them together and her hand on his cock, pumping his throbbing shaft hurriedly, sending him over the edge while he moaned. His voice echoed out in the room as his face grazed the seat of the couch as his cock spurted. Pleasure crashed over his body and sent thick ropes of cum over the fabric of the couch, weaving a mess of rich, white jizz. As his orgasm lingered on, still sending cum spitting from his tip with weakening intensity, he grinded back to her shaft and bucked into her hand- trying to feel the most on both sides until he collapsed down over the arm of the couch.

"Mmm..." A pleased sigh rumbled in the feline's ear as soft kisses dotted along his ears and neck from behind while gently hands rolled up against her in a hug from behind. "How was that, Kitten?"

He sighed, feeling her wiggling the knot slightly to work it out of his ass. "It was... so hot" he mumbled, peeking back at her only to be kissed fiercely as the knot tugged out from his ass, sending a barking yelp out of his lips.

"Good, because now it's my turn to cum." Her eyes flared with a sudden glow of lust before she pushed him back on the couch while he rolled onto his back to stare up at her. She climbed over the arm of the couch, still wearing the strap on with her cock jutting up into the air as she moved to his cock. Her bare, leaking pussy grinded to his shaft, sending him from a softening half-mast to a suddenly pulsing hardon.

A little gasp fluttered from her lips at the first touch of his tip, sliding between her sensitive lower lips- puffy and swollen from her building arousal while teasing him, a long stint of teasing and foreplay for her. A hand glided along his chest, moving up to touch his cheek once tenderly before she dropped over his length and a moan bloomed out from her mouth. The sound of her noises built louder with every additional inch she sunk over him. He moaned with her, feeling her incredible heat around his cock; the rippled walls of her sex clenching down on his own sensitive dick.

Impatiently, she started to ride over his cock, for a moment so focused on her own pleasure he felt a surge of feeling: the feeling of being used. The way she balanced herself on his lap with one hand on his chest while her other hovered in front of her sex, starting to rub and circle over her puffy, pink clitoris and her hips bounced her hurriedly over him. Her quick, wet noises filled the air, slapping out with the clapping of their bodies along with the whimpering moans from her lips, the sound of finally being filled after waiting so long.

A deep blush covered his cheeks at the feeling which she seemed to pick up on once her eyes found his face. "Unf..." she grunted, a soft pink coloring her own yellow fur. "How does it feel to be used, Kitty? To be my slave? Taken? And ridden for my pleasure?" Her voice lowered into the rough, aroused register that had puffed into his ears before and he moaned, suddenly feeling her clench tighter around him. Her juices dripped and spurted out of her, leaking copiously over his lap as she hovered already at the edge of orgasm.

Jacob smiled slightly, drawing a hand up to cover her clit, starting to rub his thumb over the sensitive nub as she spasmed over his lap. A cry broke through the air above them. "K-kitty!" A strain rang through her voice, the tension of orgasmic proximity. She shuddered, clutching onto his hip while she rode faster, slamming the his inflating knot into her with every bounce, popping it back and forth out of her stretched pussy lips as it grew with his own building orgasm. "Fuck! Kitty! Ah! Kitty, kitty, kitty..." She groaned, finding her words slipping away with every moan. "Kitty, I'm so close. Moan for me. Cum with me, Kitty. Mistress wants you to cum, needs you to cum."

Another cry screamed through the air, her voice starting to warble with a breaking sound as she clenched even tight on his cock. His barbs flared, dragging along her walls with her fast drops down. Her breasts bounced in their skimpy top, nipples poking out above the top of the fur trim while the hat that had miraculously remained atop her head tipped further to the side and started to droop off, yet stayed hooked on one drooped ear. "Kitty! Cum with me! Fill up your mistress! Fill me up! Knot me." She groaned, squealing and whimpering in random, explosive intervals as she dropped over the knot, finally big enough to tie onto her and trap her over his prickly, throbbing cock.

As her orgasm hit, his followed soon after. Her juices spurted around his cock, leaking against the knot while his cum shot up into her. String after string of white cum streamed into her sex, filling her with a sloshing mess as she collapsed against his chest. Soft lips pressed into his jaw line, tiredly kissing to his mouth before she lay her head against his shoulder.

Gently, her fingers rubbed under his collar before straying down to press over his chest where his heart still raced madly. He could feel her, still gently squeezing on his plump knot as her breathing calmed against his neck. Then, she gently kissed the red bite mark on his throat where she'd claimed him, marked him as her own. "Merry Christmas, my little, naughty Slave Kitty."

Then, she drifted to sleep and he cuddled her tighter to his chest, letting her drag him back to sleep as well. Later, they'd wake up and open the presents stacked beneath the tree, the presents ordered online and shipped expressed, wrapped with ribbons and bows, and covered in pine needles broken from their tree, but Jacob knew nothing would top the present he already received that'd worn them both out and then lay sleeping in his arms.

Before he slept, he kissed her ear and whispered back: "Merry Christmas, my Puppy Mistress."