
Story by Amethystine on SoFurry

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A man wishes harm upon a woman, and vice versa. But who wants to escape whom.. and who will get away?

Stay tuned after the story for the Naughty Version of the story's ending! :P

Disclaimer: The violence/death in this story isn't supposed to be sexy, maybe just the power that one holds over the other. It isn't some big deal, I was just hit by inspiration and I wrote it. And of course, no minors or easily offended people allowed! You know who you are.


by Amethystine

She knew she had to do something, he was going to hit her again. He came at her as she lay there on the floor, defenseless.

She screamed and flopped backwards across the wet tile. "No! Please, stop!"

He paused to hold his ears for a moment, but was only angrier at her loud, shrill cry.

"You slept with my brother, you whore! You monster!" he shouted and began to bear down on her again.

'Look who's talking,' she thought.

Although, it was true, she had. But the brother, now dead, was the better, more caring man. _Was_ being the operative term.

She rolled over and crawled as best she could along the bathroom floor, heading for the tub, the thin layer of water on the ground making her progress squirk and squeak.

The large, powerful man growled, "Oh no you don't, get back here!" he shouted, sneering, kneeling down on her lower body and making to smack her again.

The terrified woman shrieked again and did the only thing she could, she kicked. Hard. Her wet skin managing to slip out from under him and connect firmly with his head. He tumbled off of her. She turned and resumed her clumsy race to the tub. Thanks to the brute's earlier actions, her body wasn't exactly cooperating with her and she had to drag herself feebly over the cold tile.

Gasping in a small triumph, she grabbed the thick lip of the tub and hoisted herself forward, her naked breasts rubbing over the firm white plastic of the built-in shower/bath before resting her front on its edge. She begins to pull herself up to sit on the edge of the overflowing water basin when there was an immense weight on her back. The man was holding her down! She grunted and reached out for something, anything, as he chuckled over her. The bastard was enjoying this!

She panted and stared at her vague, shimmering reflection in the rippling water, also seeing his. She was beautiful. He was not. The bottle of shampoo that had sunk to the bottom of the tub came into focus as she watched his arm raising up above her to smash her head against the wide edge of the tub. The shampoo was beautiful too.

She darted her hand down and snatched it up, using her thumb to snap open the big bottle's flip-open top as she pulled it from the water and deftly slid her grip on it down to its middle by letting go and re-catching it with the same hand. The smooth plastic giving under her dainty fingers, she knew she had it right where she wanted it.

She squeezed as hard as she could and shot soapy shampoo into her attacker's eye behind her, breathing a sigh of relief as a great weight was lifted off of her shoulders, literally and figuratively, as the jerk reared up and roared in agony, clawing at his face to scrape the sticky ooze off. She kicked once more, shifitng herself up to grab a handhold on the otherside of the tub and tugged herself in, laughing and splashing happily in. Hearing this, the man grabbed the a towel holder and yanked it off the wall, hiking it up over his head, squinting out of one eye, ready to bring it crashing down on her pretty face.

She looked up to him and smiled, "Ah, ah, ahhhhh.." she said softly, almost scoldingly.

He froze, immediately. Calming to a placid state and relaxing his tensed muscles, he stared at her naked form with his clean eye.

"Silly man, drop that thing and come down here, let me clean you up," she told him, idly wiping her face with water drenched hands.

He did so and she giggled a bit as it dropped to the ground, clattering. He almost collapsed to his knees in front of the tub, appearing defeated, or perhaps eager to be close to her. He leaned his head over the flooded tub, the faucet continuing to gurgle and pour warm water out endlessly. Neither cared about the water.

"Sorry, dear, but you gave me no choice, here," she murmured quietly as she lifted her hands and started to wipe his goo stained cheek and lips, adding, "why don't you just dip your head down into the water, sweetie? That'll be much easier.."

He mmmed his agreement and slid his face down into the bathwater, letting her fingers stroke at the now foaming hair cleanser, the shampoo cleaning off easily. The woman hummed as she worked, and when she finished cleaning his face, stroked over his still half submerged head, running her fingers serenely through his messy hair.

After a short while, the man, easily three times her size, tried to lift his head.

She stopped humming for a moment to say, "Ah, ah, ahhhh.." again, the man stopping and waiting. "Just stay right here with me, honey."

He did, and she simply continued to hum a nameless tune, tenderly rubbing over his head as his body tensed, tighter and tighter, then suddenly slackened, his limbs slumping, slowly at first, then completely. Dead.

She stopped humming soon after. "Oh, all done then?" she asked, rheatorically. She knew, of course. She coolly pushed his head out of the water and away from her, letting the big form flop onto the floor with a wet slap and a couple of thuds as he rolled onto his back, a blank and contented look frozen on his face.

She sighed and laid back in the tub, pushing her tail up at the other end and letting the wide, sturdy tailfin flex under the flow of the faucet, mmming melodically in her enchanting tones as she stretched her long, green fishtail and relaxed, floating calmly and planning her next lovers. Curling her flexible fin up a bit more to let her upper body sink into the water, she puzzled over how to dry her tail off to regain her legs with all the water on the floor.. she shrugged and sighed a bit, oh well, she'd think of something.

Sitting back up, she looked over at the body on the ground. He had called her a monster. The nerve! She pondered that. She guessed that a siren could be considered a monster by some people, since humans didn't seem to like when animal parts and human parts were together.

She stuck her tongue out at the inert form, splashing the already wet corpse with her tail and giggled, "But mermaids are too pretty to be monsters, silly!"

***And now, the naughty version of the second half:***

After a short while, the man, easily three times her size, tried to lift his head.

She stopped humming for a moment to say, "Ah, ah, ahhhh.." again, the man stopping and waiting. "Just stay right here with me, honey... in fact, why don't you be a dear and make yourself useful while you're down there?" she said with a new smile spreading across her lips, resuming her humming.

He did, and she simply continued to hum a nameless tune, tenderly rubbing over his head as he dipped it farther into the water, pressing it down into her crotch, making her moan softly. Her musical murmuring continued as he began to probe her sex with his tongue, quickly moving to delve it into her slit and tongue her fiercely, his body tensing and working harder as his lungs cried for air, he ignored them to further please her. She moaned and gripped his head with both hands, arching her back and lifting her snatch up at him, letting him mouth and suck on it with her whispered encouragements.

His movements became increasingly frantic as his body squeezed the last ounces of oxygen from his lungs, the woman simply panted in delight as his death throes drove her to climax, partly thanks to their fervor, partly thanks to the feeling of power over him. She threw back her head and practically sang as she orgasmed powerfully against him, clutching his head as it shook against her.

As she climaxed, his body tensed, tighter and tighter, then suddenly slackened, his limbs slumping, slowly at first, then completely. Dead.

She settled soon after. "Oh, all done then?" she asked, rhetorically. She knew, of course. She coolly pushed his head out of the water and away from her, letting the big form flop onto the floor with a wet slap and a couple of thuds as he rolled onto his back, a blank and contented look frozen on his face.

She sighed and laid back in the tub, pushing her tail up at the other end and letting the wide, sturdy tailfin flex under the flow of the faucet, mmming melodically in her enchanting tones as she stretched her long, green fishtail and relaxed, floating calmly and planning her next lovers. Curling her flexible fin up a bit more to let her upper body sink into the water, she puzzled over how to dry her tail off to regain her legs with all the water on the floor.. she shrugged and sighed a bit, oh well, she'd think of something.

Sitting back up, she looked over at the body on the ground. He had called her a monster. The nerve! She pondered that. She guessed that a siren could be considered a monster by some people, since humans didn't seem to like when animal parts and human parts were together.

She stuck her tongue out at the inert form, splashing the already wet corpse with her tail and giggled, "But mermaids are too pretty to be monsters, silly!"