Alternate Resources

Story by Lampwick on SoFurry

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The first of what could be a series of stories featuring the Mythics - aliens who inpsired the creatures of Greek and Roman mythology on an earlier visit. Minotaurs, centaurs, nymphs, satyrs - here to gather samples of different animal life. And if they can't find just what they want naturally, they can make do with alternate resources. Feel free to work up your own stories.

Luke winced as he stepped on a twig. "Shhhh!" Carter's hissed warning was louder than the twig, and Luke rolled his eyes. At this rate, they'd either spook the horses grazing calmly in the pasture or alert the sentry they had snuck in to see long before they got close.

He paused and looked down, trying to pick his way through the scattered leaves and fallen twigs that covered the edge of the woods. They had ridden their bikes four miles, and then continued on foot the remaining three miles to this remote and forbidden area. If they were caught, they would be in serious trouble for trespassing.

He could make out dozens of animals in the pasture. There were all different types - horses, donkeys, mules, even a couple of zebra. It was a grassy Noah's Ark of equines, examples of almost every breed known to man. He and Carter were not here to see them. They had come to see the owners. The Mythics.

Luke had been a first grader when the aliens first appeared. He remembered everyone being scared, schools closing, people staying indoors. Their ship had landed far out in the Gobi desert, a dull white box the size of a football field with no discernable form of propulsion. The armies of a dozen countries had surrounded the huge box with weapons, targeted it with missiles, and shivered in fear as every form of communication was tried. And on the 27thday, a hatch opened and the first of the Mythics emerged.

Initial shock was replaced by growing certainty that this was not the alien's first visit. For the first one out was 8 feet tall, covered in black fur, and walked on cloven hooves. A classical minotaur. He was followed by small, goat-legged satyrs, some green-skinned nymphs, a unicorn, a griffin, and...

"Hello, boys." The deep voice resonated in the air behind them. Luke and Carter spun and looked up into the broad, coarse-featured face of a centaur. He stood about 7 feet tall, his horse body a pale gray flecked with black, with mottled pink and black skin covering the human torso. His featured were elongated, with a wide mouth and broad nostrils, and his eyes were large brown orbs set near the edges of his skull. There was a definite equine cast to his features, but Luke though that he could pass for a homely human. If you didn't look below the waist.

"Uh, hello?" Luke swallowed hard and looked around. The centaur had somehow slipped between them and the woods without making a sound, and now stood with his arms folded across his chest, regarding them with a slight... smile? "We aren't here to do anything bad! We were just... curious." Carter elbowed him in the side, probably upset that their rehearsed 'got lost in the woods' excuse had been abandoned.

The centaur regarded them for a moment and nodded. "You carry no weapons, only a couple of devices that will record images. And you went to great effort to come here. Many miles by bicycle and on foot. I think we can excuse your curiosity, and even show you some hospitality." He gestured towards the herd. "We are gathered in the center of the pasture. Come." The big creature started towards the herd, not looking back.

"We should get out of here while we can!" Carter looked back towards the woods. "We saw a centaur! Let's run!"

But Luke was already following. "You can run if you want. I'm already grounded for a month when my parents find out. Geeze, Carter! Hardly anyone has seen a myhic up close! We're gonna meet a bunch of them!"

Torn by indecision, Carter finally followed his friend. The two sixteen year-olds had been best friends since kindergarten, and he wasn't about to abandon Luke now. Besides, it had been Carter's idea to sneak into the restricted area - he'd never live it down if he back out now.

The centaur ambled slowly, but they still had to walk fast to keep up as he worked through the milling herd. A few of the animals snuffled at the boys as they came close, and one fuzzy gray donkey started to follow close behind Carter.

The pasture was bigger than they thought, and it took about ten minutes to reach the middle. Both boys stopped and stared as they emerged from the herd into an open area several hundred feet in diameter. A huge ring was marked out in glowing, pulsating lights, easily a hundred feet across. And the ring was full of Mythics. The pulsing illumination reflected off horns and hooves, green skin and fur. The centaur stopped and gestured for them to enter. "Come along, gentlemen. I am sure you did not risk so much just to gawk from a distance."

Luke felt a touch of unease at the mention of risk. This area had been fenced off with dire warnings and legal threats posted every ten feet. He and Carter had ignored them all, sliding carefully between barbed wire fencing and avoiding any of the roads so that posted police sentries would not see them. Not that the mythics were thought to be dangerous, just very, very private. Over the entire decade they had been on Earth, only a few had been photographed, and only a select few had seen them in person. Which was why Luke and Carter had decided to sneak into the temporary campsite that the mythics had set up within ten miles of their town.

A minotaur strode over to stare down at Luke. He towered over the boy by a good three feet, his odor a powerful sweaty musk that was not really unpleasant. Luke averted his eyes from the groin almost directly in front of him. Mythics did not wear clothing, and the minotaur was spectacularly male. Forced to look up, Luke saw the bovine features twist into what he hoped was a smile. "Welcome, young one." The voice was incredibly deep and resonant, Darth Vader in the bottom of a well. He reached out a massive hand and tousled Luke's blonde hair. If a human had done it he'd have been mortified, but from an 8-foot tall minotaur it was OK.

One of the satyrs scampered over to peer at Carter. It bleated like a goat and poked at his friend's chest, nowhere near as intimidating. He was actually shorter than the boys, and looked a lot like a boy himself if you discounted the goat hindparts and rather full white goatee.

One of the nymphs came over to Luke - she was exotic looking, with green, leaf-like hair and unblinking eyes that were solid dark green. She ran a hand down his arm, her palm smooth and cool. Then she looked curiously at his jeans and tugged at the fabric. Luke flushed and hoped that she would not explore too much further.

The satyr took Carter's hand and pulled him towards the center of the circle. As they came by, the nymph took Luke's hand and led him along as well. The minotaur and centaur followed, forming a rather solid wall of furry flesh behind them. Something metallic glinted in the light just behind the Mythics and Luke's stomach clenched as he recognized the source - the bicycles they had left hidden in the woods miles away.

Luke was suddenly very aware that they had taken great pains to cover their tracks - no one knew they were here, or would ever guess they had come here. As if reading his mind, another satyr squatting near the bikes nodded at him and made a gesture. Both bikes darkened, then crumbled away into dust.

The basso voice of the minotaur rumbled pleasantly. "You will be welcome additions to our herd, young ones. It will be a good life for you., and this will fulfill our needs."

Luke spun to look up at the creature. "You collect humans?" His voice cracked from fear, and he thought he might piss himself.

"Not this trip." The nymph giggled, her voice slightly buzzy, as if she was speaking through a kazoo. Or a blade of grass. Her hand brushed his jeans again, and like the bicycles, the cloth turned dark and disintegrated. It appeared that the satyr had done the same to Carter, for both boys were totally nude in moments.

The centaur stepped forward, still smiling. "We are collecting different species for transplant and seeding on other worlds. Equines this time, though we have been unsuccessful in obtaining the needed mates for two of our samples." He nodded at the gray donkey that had followed Carter, and now ambled forward to snuffle and then lip at the boy's arm. "It appears that she has made her choice."

"Her choice?" Carter stared at the animal that rubbed her muzzle up his arm, and then against his belly and crotch. His eyes widened as her lips found and pulled at his genitals. "This is crazy! I'm a human! She's a donkey! It doesn't work like that! You need..."

"Another donkey." The Minotaur nodded as he spoke. The satyr nearest Carter made a gesture, and Luke saw his friend's go rigid. The donkey continued to rub her muzzle against Carter's crotch, and standing behind her, Luke saw the folds of her cunt clench and release several times. They looked slick and loose now, and her tail flicked off to the side.

When the donkey shifted and angled her rump towards Carter, Luke was fully erect himself. But he only had eyes for the swollen black organ that stuck out from his friend's groin. He did not know what a donkey dick was supposed to look like, but the thick, foot-long shaft with a flat cap that continued to lengthen was sure not human.

Carter stared down at himself in amazement, then grinned at Luke. "Is this cool or what?" Luke was too dumbfounded to speak as his friend moved behind the female and positioned himself. What was wrong with Carter? He'd been turned partly into an animal! If the change bothered his friend, there was no sign. Carter thrust his new organ into the black folds with a grunt and began a rhythmic thrusting. A nymph and satyr moved to each side and started stroking him with their hands, drawing shadows that spread across his skin. No, not shadows. Soft gray fur like that of the female he was busily mounting.

Luke moved around to stand in front of the boy and donkey. Carter's expression was mix of pleasure and amazement as he leaned further over the donkey's back, his legs and back altering, arms rounding. His face pushed out in time with the thrusts, and ears stretched out and up. More animal than human now, Carter's thrusts grew more rapid, and the change accelerated. Luke watched, too fascinated to look away even as he saw his best friend finish the transformation to a jackass. The eyes went last, blue human eyes full of amazement and intelligence, bright with wonder and pleasure swelling into liquid brown orbs that dulled with the mind behind them. As the male shuddered with his last ejaculation, Luke saw the last trace of Carter fade into his new donkey existence.

"You see?" The minotaur rumbled pleasantly. "The transformation is quite enjoyable. And you will be just as content with your new life as he is."

The two donkeys snuffled each other, and then wandered off to graze together. Luke watched them in silence, his throat dry and heart pounding. Then he jumped as large fingers prodded his butt. "Hey!"

The centaur grinned, showing broad teeth. "Your turn, my young friend. I think you will be very pleased by your mate." Luke heard a slow plodding and twisted to see a huge light brown horse with black mane and tail approaching. It was some sort of draft animal, heavily muscled and thick bodied. "You gotta be kidding! I'm way too small for her."

The centaur and minotaur both chuckled as the equine approached, but it wasn't until the animal was almost on him that Luke saw why. HIS shaft was already dropping, twice as big as Carter's and still swelling out. Realization dawned and Luke stumbled back, trying to distance himself. The minotaur was behind him and grabbed his shoulders firmly. Luke struggled as the stallion leaned its head forward to snuffle, and then lip at his face.

Luke stiffened as the muscles in his nose and mouth quivered. The minotaur's fingers began to massage his rump, a very pleasant pressure that seemed to move inside him. "You will need some help, of course."

There was a flood of thought from the stallion - he knew it was from the horse, though he did not understand how. An overpowering wave of instincts, the need to mate, the sense of belonging, a core essence of animal existence. Was this what Carter had felt? Luke wanted to fight, to resist the tidal wave of equine life that crashed over his thoughts. If he was older, more experienced, he might have had something to hold on to. But at 16 he lacked the foundation to stand against the pressure, and the pure simplicity washed away worries and cares.

Luke relaxed suddenly, his future clear and easy to comprehend. In his mind he was already a powerful mare, matched perfectly to the stallion. Fingers were deep in a new opening now, and his body expanded and shifted rapidly as he eagerly accepted the new identity. His purpose for life was to be a mare, to continue the breed, to... be a horse? A faint flicker of uncertainty cleared Luke's thoughts, though the transformation did not stop.

He was far enough along that the stallion was snuffling his slick cunt. Her slick cunt. There was no going back, no return to the pale, weak body that had been his human form. It was hard to even picture what he had looked like as a human. What was so great about being human? Her thoughts were interrupted by a hard goose from the stallion's nose and a lick of her juices. These mythics would take good care of them. Make sure they were healthy and happy. Even now the minotaur and centaur were stroking her, telling her without words that she was a magnificent mare.

The stallion slid over her back in a sudden motion and scored a hit the first time. Luke whinnied in pleasure as the massive black shaft drove deep and the weight of the stallion bore down over her back. Her vision distorted as eyes began to change, and the last of Luke was absorbed into the new and much simpler identity of a Suffolk Punch mare.

The centaur and minotaur stood back as the horses completed their mating, pleased. The transitions had been made with a minimum of fear and total acceptance. That was the art of translation at its best, no regrets and no concerns. So much easier with the young ones. The centaur signaled the ship to come for pickup. This expedition was finished and they could send the animals off to other worlds eager for new life. And then they could start on the next item on the shopping list. Some of the endangered animals on it would be hard to find naturally, but he was sure they would have no trouble luring some alternate resources.


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