Power of Suggestion

Story by Lampwick on SoFurry

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Chip is totally taken by a dumb-ugly stable hand - it must be that incredible perfume of horse manure. This is a weird story that came out of nowhere and probably should have been left there.

Chip flushed and averted his gaze as the object of his furtive attention caught him looking and grinned. The stall Chip was standing by was empty, but he turned and made a show of examining the worn water bucket and soiled straw. Maybe the kid would think it was just a passing glance. Dammit. It was stupid to have come here, especially so late. Nobody else was around - even most of the horses were still out in the pasture while their stalls were cleaned. He needed to get out of here before...

"Hi." A pleasant-sounding voice came from directly behind. Gut clenching, Chip turned around and found himself looking into large, pale blue eyes. Shit! The boy was just inches away, practically touching. His breath was warm and seemed to carry the same urine and manure odor that wafted from his obviously unwashed body.

Chip backed away a step, only to be stopped by the stall. "Oh! Uh, hi." His cheeks burned, fueled by embarrassment at being caught and also some fear that the young man might be offended. "Uh, sorry. Didn't mean to bother you." He glanced to the sides, trying to work out some way to salvage dignity. "I was just, uh, looking around."

"Lookin' at me." The boy grinned, further revealing prominent buck teeth that were stained brown and green. He was probably close to 20, but the soft, unfocused openness of his expressions made him seem childlike. There was no hint of anger or even concern. "You don't gotta leave."

Up close like this, Chip could see all the details that he had only gotten glimpses of before. The broad, upturned pug nose with a crust of mucus around the inside of one nostril, a scattering of freckles across the nose and cheeks, enormous ears sticking out through a tangled mop of brown hair that was matted with old straw and dung. Jutting brows and a low forehead made him look a little like a Neanderthal. The kid was ugly with a capital 'ug' and probably somewhat retarded as well. And, dammit, Chip was incredibly attracted to him. It made no sense. Yet the moment he first saw the kid three days ago he had been mesmerized.

Swallowing, Chip tried to force back the combination of fear and excitement that had his guts in a knot. He had to get out of here before he made even more a fool of himself. How could he have thought he wouldn't be noticed? "I, uh, um." What could he say?

"I seen ya' before." The boy did not move, still grinning. "Nobody else here now. It's OK. I like you too." And with that he started to work his mouth in a curious fashion, lips pulled closed over the huge front teeth. After about five seconds he opened up to reveal a pool of saliva floating behind his lower lip and then leaned forward.

Chip should have pushed away or turned his head, but found himself accepting the open-mouthed kiss with his own lips parted, allowing a flood of warm spit to enter. When the boy pulled back, a string of drool connected them a moment before parting to dribble down both chins. Chip closed his mouth and swished the thick saliva around in his mouth before swallowing. His mouth felt curious, a little tingly and slick, and there was a bitter aftertaste.

"Come on." The boy took his hand and tugged gently, moving towards the back of the stable. Feeling dazed, Chip let himself be led. Part of him was screaming that he needed to get out of here, that this was wrong, stupid, dangerous. But so much more of him wanted to go with the boy, to do whatever he wanted. He felt himself flush again as his eyes wandered down the lean, dirt-streaked body to the ragged shorts that were the boy's only clothing. Enough bare skin showed through holes in the fabric to assure no underwear was present, and a large bulge in front promised something very special behind the straining zipper.

However, it was Chip's zipper that came down first. The boy's free hand pulled first at the belt buckle, and then opened the fly of Chip's jeans. Then he pulled the T-shirt free and tugged it up. They were still moving across the stable, heading towards a large opening in the back. Fleeting fear of being discovered was not enough to keep Chip from helping pull off his own clothing. There was a chance this was some kind of setup, but he could no longer resist.

By the time they reached the opening, Chip had only his briefs and socks on. The boy stepped on the toes of his socks, allowing Chip to pull them with simple motion of each leg. Chip's briefs were tenting with a growing erection, and he had to stretch the waistband out to slide them down. Another step and he was totally naked.

The boy grinned and tugged at his own shorts. They came open suddenly and fell down to reveal a package that made Chip actually gasp. He had heard the expression 'hung like a horse' many times, and even fantasized about the cause of the boy's bulge. However, his imagination had not been so literal. Nestled between dirty, muscular thighs was a heavy black animal sheath and swollen black testicles that were fully equine in appearance. And as he stared, the shaft began to push out, sporting a wide, flat equine tip.

The boy grinned even wider when he saw Chip's expression. "You're gonna be real happy about this."

He pulled again, drawing Chip outside into a muddy area outside, just behind the main stable. There were a lot of flies here, and more than a few swarmed around them. The boy did not seem to notice the pests, or the strong stink of the manure pile off to the side.

Chip did notice the stink and the flies, and the pounding of his heart. He felt flushed and cold and terrified and thrilled. They were outside now, though this part of the stables faced away from where any people might be. But what if someone... he didn't care. When the boy let go of his hand, Chip stood there and felt himself start to grin as stupidly as the boy. A stained hand came up and pressed the top of Chip's head. It was not a hard push, more encouragement.

He took the hint and dropped to his knees, close enough that the partially erect pink and black shaft emerging from the boy's sheath pressed against his mouth immediately. The flat flare was hot, and dribbles of thin liquid streamed from the wide opening. Chip licked the fluid, then let his tongue swirl over the broad cap. It pressed harder as the boy stiffened, pushing between Chip's lips and teeth. Too big! Chip felt a moment of panic as the huge organ pushed further in, threatening to gag him, stretching his jaws wide and making it hard to move his tongue.

The boy held Chip's head and rocked slightly, nostrils flaring as he sucked in air. Chip felt his own nostrils expand as he breathed hard through them, mouth totally filled. Back out an inch, then back in two. The massive shaft slipped further in, forcing Chip to lower his head, create a longer passage. The boy was thrusting in and out now, while Chip did his best to lick and lubricate with his flattened tongue. Groping blindly, he found the massive swollen orbs swinging close to his chin, and cupped them as they throbbed. It seemed to go on forever, but he realized it was only a minute or so before the boy came with an explosive blast. Thick semen suddenly filled Chip's mouth and squirted from the corners, then ran out his nose. The boy shuddered again, and Chip was afraid he might drown in cum as the stuff threatened to force its way into his lungs. But he managed to swallow instead, convulsing slightly as he struggled to draw in air.

The boy pulled out much easier, apparently having stretched Chip's jaw muscles. There was a third ejaculation as he came free, splattering Chip's face as he gasped. It took two more swallows to clear his mouth and throat, and a coating of the slick, slightly salty fluid remained. Chip held onto the boy's legs to steady himself, panting as he watched the heavy equine shaft draw back into its fleshy black cave. He felt dizzy and confused, but also very happy. It didn't matter if they got caught. Looking up, he saw the boy grinning at him, a string of drool oozing out one corner of the partly open mouth. Then the boy leaned past and picked up something from the ground behind Chip.

He knelt in front of Chip, still grinning, and held out a hand to reveal to fresh, greenish lumps of horse manure. They had a strong smell that attracted more of the flies. His grin widened and he picked up one lump with his free hand and held it up to Chip's mouth. Confusion increased, but Chip no longer cared about anything. He opened at the obvious prompt and had the still-warm manure pushed into his mouth. The boy then popped the other into his own mouth and chewed.

Bitter. Like the boy's saliva. Chip forced himself to chew, and the lump broke apart easily into a pasty mat of digested grass. It took willpower not to gag or spit it out, but after a few chews the strong flavors weren't so bad. At least he knew how the boy got his breath. The boy swallowed, and Chip did the same. Another grin revealed teeth clogged with greenish manure, and then the boy suddenly leaped on Chip and knocked him backwards into the manure pile.

This section must have had the latest dumps, for Chip felt it squish warmly against his back as the boy landed on top of him. A coarse laugh from his attacker prompted one of his own, and Chip twisted into a wrestling match that lasted a long time, and left them both totally covered in horse manure and straw. They were a tangle of muck-covered arms and legs, flies swarming over everything.

The boy shifted and pushed Chip down, sliding over so that Chip was face-down in the muck with the boy laying on top. After the wrestling match, Chip didn't think anything of it. At least until he felt the hard prod against his anus. They were both slick with manure, and he could have easily pulled free. But Chip braced himself instead and raised his butt in the air, making it easier for the boy to enter.

Penetration was brutal and shocking in its intensity. It felt like the boy was shoving his arm up into Chip's body. The pressure and pain were almost overwhelming, but as the boy drove in deeper, thrusting hard, the pain faded. He could feel the massive flare, the thick organ pushing incredibly deep within him. Chip cried out in pleasure as the massive cock pulsed within him and jetted hot liquid inside his gut. The boy gripped his shoulders almost painfully tight, bucking in release. The powerful orgasm lasted much longer than the oral sex, and by the time the boy shuddered in a third and final release, they were both exhausted. The boy collapsed on Chip's back, both of them panting,

After the pink and black equine cock had pulled free of Chip's anus, he rolled over on his back so that he was facing the boy. He felt so sleepy. Curiously, the boy looked more alert than ever before, and under the smears of manure and straw his features were nowhere near as ugly as Chip had thought. Even his teeth looked much more normal when he grinned and picked up another fresh lump of manure that he held over Chip's mouth.

"Not far to go now." The boy pulled the lump away as Chip opened his mouth wide. "You know, being stupid isn't all bad, but maybe you'd like to stay a little smart." He stood and then helped Chip up. Weird. The kid looked taller than Chip now. Hadn't he been shorter? And he sure didn't look ugly at all. In fact, he looked sorta familiar.

The kid took Chip's hand and pulled him over to a large pond next to the pasture. The night was calm, leaving a still surface that made a good mirror. Chip stared at the surface, puzzled by something but not able to quite figure out what was wrong. After about a minute, the boy chuckled and pointed at the reflection in front of him. "That's you now."

Chip squatted closer and peered at the homely, filthy young man staring back at him from the water. A broad, upturned pug nose, big buck teeth, freckles, big ears, jutting brows and sloping forehead. None as pronounced as the boy's had been, leaving him below average in looks, but not remarkably so. But the reflection mimicked his movements. And the stable boy was nice-looking, taller and a little older.

Comprehension finally started to creep through the heaviness of his thoughts. Chip poked at the water, creating ripples that scattered the reflection. "Me... I... am you?"

The boy nodded his head. "Yes. Isn't that what you wanted?"

Chip frowned as the surface stilled and he saw himself again. An ugly, retarded stable boy? Why would he want that? But as he looked, that strange attraction returned and he grinned. "Yeah. I wanna be you."

The boy held up the lump of manure. "You're almost there now. Eat more shit and you'll be just like I was, just as ugly and stupid as I was. Or you can stay like this - not as smart as you were, but not retarded, either."

He lay the manure lump down and walked into the pond, where he started washing himself off. The boy looked very familiar now. He was Chip! He cleaned up very quickly, and admired himself in the moonlight. "I was just after the big dick and balls when I swapped out thirty years ago. I didn't think anybody would ever want the whole package, but here you are." He grinned at Chip. "You fell for me hard! So now you pretty much got what you wanted, and I get to take over for you."

The boy finished washing off the manure and straw and stepped out of the pond. They were stark contrasts now, him bright-eyed pale and glistening clean and wet, while Chip was caked with shit and straw, the hint of a cloud passing across the light in his eyes. "I gotta get dressed. Come on back with me. If you go all the way I want to watch."

Chip shuffled after the young man as he strode back to the stable. The boy picked up Chip's clothing and started to dress, turning back to nod at the manure pile. "That's the way to what you wanted. Only tonight, though. After tonight, you're set."

Chip stared at the shit and moved close to a fresh-looking pile near the edge. The boy came over and squatted in front of him, picking up one of the greenish lumps. "Come on. I want to see how far this can go. Open wide."

A silly grin spread over Chip's face and he opened his mouth wide to accept the manure, which he then chewed and swallowed. It still had the same bitter flavor, but he sorta liked it. It was hard to think clearly. Chip felt confused, thick headed. The boy pushed another lump into his mouth, and the confusion lessened. He wasn't able to think so good, but that wasn't so bad. He didn't need to think good to shovel shit.

The nice-looking young man fed him two more lumps of manure, then grinned and tousled his matted hair. "I'd say you are where I was now. Damn ugly and dumb as a rock." Chip felt his coarse features and rubbed at his massive sexual equipment. A happy grin revealed his protruding buck teeth stained with manure, and he started to masturbate himself. The young man laughed. "But there's way more we can do. Keep going, buddy!"

Chip allowed the young man to feed him another half-dozen lumps of manure, watching in fascination as body hair sprouted, he felt the Neanderthal features grow dominant, and the sense of dull contentment and sexual pleasure dominated his thoughts. The nice young man was helping him, making him into what he wanted.

The young man grinned as Chip grunted in pleasure, spraying the floor with yet another load of spunk. "No need to worry, to care, to think. Let it spread through you. Feel the warmth, the bones, flesh, muscle all turning green and brown and soft."

Chip's skin was darkening, and the semen turned greenish-brown. He felt warm all through now, muscles getting oddly weaker, but the pleasure distracting him from care. He heard the words and accepted them without thought of the consequences. An internal pleasure built as other sensations started to fade away.

The young man picked up another lump of manure, which the masturbating boy ate without pausing. Then another. And another. "That's it. Nice fresh horse manure. You feel it all over, don't you? Spreading, changing." The young man chuckled. "Horse shit. You are horse shit."

Chip was barely conscious now, the sensation of warm numbness making him sleepy even as he built to a sexual climax. Horse shit. A big, steaming pile of green horse shit. It seemed like an strange thing to be, but that is what the nice young man said he was, and the nice young man was helping him become what he wanted to be. So he must want to be horse shit. Acceptance was easy, and his thoughts dwindled, focused on the last remaining sensation.

The soft blue eyes turned greenish-brown, then the bestial creature masturbating itself began to sag. Its skin took on a moist glistening, and hair dissolved into a stinking mass. The young man stepped back to avoid the sudden eruption of horse shit that spewed from its crotch. It arched back, a cry of final pleasure turning into a gurgle that was cut off as the humanoid shape collapsed into a pile of fresh green manure that steamed slightly in the cool night air.

"Wow!" The young man stared at the shit for a full minute until he was satisfied nothing else was going to happen. "I didn't think you'd let me take you all the way, buddy. Pretty cool trick, though." He chuckled as he stood to leave. "I'll have to try that again sometime."

Giving the motionless pile a satisfied smirk, the new Chip strode out of the stable. Let whoever replaced him clean up that shit.

The Promise

Andy slipped into a dark corner behind the bleachers, waiting for the last of the noisy crowd to exit the tent. He pressed against the worn canvas as a group of kids from school passed by, but none of them even glanced towards the shadows where he was...

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By Lampwick Bradley settled on the grass, having carefully chosen a spot where the grass was both dry and free of deposits by the local residents. Several of the large, shaggy goats were already wandering over, curious about the young human. He...

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Side Bet

(Note: This story was inspired by a 2004 line art drawing available here: [http://e621.net/data/78/4d/784dde028351c388dc4a707af43fbfb9.jpg?1226134962](http://e621.net/data/78/4d/784dde028351c388dc4a707af43fbfb9.jpg?1226134962)) Pete felt the pat on...

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