Between A Rock and A Hard... Something

Story by Amethystine on SoFurry

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A jet pilot 'earns their wings', in a manner of speaking.

Disclaimer: This story contains sexual interactions of a somewhat unusual kind (human and non-anthro avian), as well as macro/hyper, transformation and pregnancy content, so if you're a kid who shouldn't be reading this, or are more normal than I, and don't like that sort of thing, don't complain afterwards.

Between a Rock and a Hard.. Something. - by Amethystine

"Five by five, I read you loud and clear, home base."

"Roger that, Alpha One, what's your ETA on the target?"

"Approximately 60 seconds. Bombing run initiated."

"Confirmed. Enter radio silence until mission complete, Alpha One."

"Roger. Entering radio silence. Alpha One out."

The pilot's jet streaked across the night sky, unseen by anyone below.. not that there were many out there in the barren desert of the middle east. Oh, sure, there were some nomads, but the brass had ensured that this route was the best way to approach the target city. Just some mountains and desert to traverse, and.. boom, there you were. 'Boom' being the operative word. They had said it was an oddly quiet portion of the map, probably due to some native superstition or local legend about travellers not returning from that region.

'Or _this_ region', the pilot thought as the mountains came into view. The pilot angled the plane slightly to aim between two peaks, flying low to avoid most radar detection. As the fighter slipped between the dark, jagged shapes, it briefly disappeared into shadow, out of the moonlight. The pilot peered forward in an attempt to spot the city in the distance now that the mountains had been overtaken, not noticing the additional shadow that glided over the aircraft.

The operator of the war machine could just make out the city's scant lights in the distance, and was about to start the final attack run, disengaging the locks on the rockets and missiles to be launched, when an unearthly sound erupted all around the jet, penetrating the cockpit and making the pilot jerk backwards.

The noise was a deafening screech that rattled the pilot's head inside the wide-visored flight helmet. The plane slowed as the one controlling it became disoriented and flustered, even after the noise stopped. The sudden deceleration was all the opening the nearby predator needed, a giant airborne shape bore down on the comparatively smaller flying machine, distorted in the dark of the night. Another mysterious screech accompanied by the all-to-familiar sound of scraping, grinding, squealing and breaking metal.. both of which were heard before the jet was brought to an abrupt halt and wrenched apart violently. Home-base detected a break in radio silence in the form of a piercing scream, then nothing but static.

Joanne woke up to a throbbing head and a throbbing erection. Although, only one of them was hers! She shouted in surprise and threw herself backwards, landing on cold hard stone. She realized her helmet was gone, as was much of her flight-suit. Her short cropped hair and feminine features revealed for all to see due to the absence of her helmet and the large slashes in the protective military clothing. All this exposure led the young female soldier to be even more shocked and unsettled at the sight of a large male organ pulsing directly in front of her. There she was, practically stripped naked, and that thing was right there. Slowly, it occurred to her to do more than stare at the cock and began to look up, to see who or what it belonged to and exactly who or what had done this to her. Some might say her slowness to react in this way might have been a sign of something, but she certainly didn't think so!

"Now what the hell do you think you're doing...?" Her tirade trailed off as she saw a couple important things: The shaft wasn't exactly normal in appearance. It was also bigger than she thought, being farther away from her than her initial groggy viewing had led her to believe. She was on a cold, rocky outcropping, high on a mountain. Lastly, and probably most importantly, the 'equipment' was attached to the largest bird she had ever seen. It was gigantic! It looked like an eagle or some other kind of bird of prey, but as big as a whale.. and not one of those little killer whales, either! Or maybe even bigger! She was speechless, her eyes once again dropping to the most unbelievable part of all this. That monstrous cock. Was that.. thing.. attracted to her??

It squawked loudly and spread its wings slightly before taking a step forward, dipping down to peer closely at his (for it was clearly a 'he') catch. It was obvious to Joanne now that this giant avian had been the thing that attacked her plane, before. In a diving maneuver, that great beast could have been able to overtake her plane and latch onto its wings with those steel traps it called feet. Before she could contemplate things farther, though, the huge bird beast lunged forward, flapping his wings and bobbing low to angle himself down, spearing his maleness at her.

What Joanne didn't know, of course, was that this creature was known as a 'Roc', a giant bird of middle eastern legend, who was said to have wings grand enough to block out the sun. All she knew was that he had an avian prick that seemed like it could do the same, especially as he tried repeatedly to jam it into her, stretching his leg forward to rip more of her flight-suit off until he finally managed to wedge his leaking head in between her legs, his pre pouring out onto her, making her shiver, despite its warmth.

She had just begun to appreciate how cold it really was up on that mountain in the desert at night, when a warmth spread over her body.. besides the hot breath coming in huffs from the randy raptor's beak above ('raptor' as in 'bird of prey'). And besides the steaming, sticky slime that was smeared over her sex. An unnatural glow filled her being as the mythical beast began to affect her. It first, she just grew, letting the wild bird actually begin to worm his 'wild bird' into her sex, outgrowing what was left of her clothes, she should have been even colder, but she was slowly becoming comfortable with the temperature. That was about the time she realized she was growing a thick set of feathers. Downy plumage billowing out over her flesh as her form swelled, the layer of feathers making her seem even larger, faster.. especially when she ruffled them up, which happened often, considering her mindset.

Screams and shouts became squawks and screeches as her batting arms became uselessly flapping wings. She may have been bigger, big enough to start to take the massive maleness.. but nowhere near large enough to fight him off, her growth halting before she reached his size, so his intrusion still felt as big as it had appeared to her formerly small self. She remained mostly human in shape, but with several avian accessories, as it were.. an enormous anthropomorphic female bird.

He then began in earnest and pumped her fill of himself, driving into her with bestial abandon, no longer even thinking about anything other than the rut. Not much time passed before he filled her full of his 'birdseed' (Sorry, I couldn't resist.). She plumped immediately, looking more like a fat chicken than a sleek bird of prey. She was held there all night and awoke to find that the gunk had hardened within her! At least, that's what it felt like. She was actually bearing one gargantuan roc's egg, and could not move for the weight of it.

And so her life went on. She dreamed of being able to fly away once she had borne out the oppressive ovoid, for now she had wings and no need of a man-made flying machine.. but her new 'mate', whether by design or simply because he was an amazingly amorous avian, made sure that she was never light enough to achieve lift off, always filled to the brim with him, his seed, or his spawn.

The strange justice that had befallen her was not lost on the new roc. To be bound to the ground as a bird after a life of flight as a human, bringing new life to a part of the world where she had helped to take some of it out.. it seemed the world had an odd way of balancing itself out.

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