Chapter 18: Mega Aurora

Story by RagingWolf2124 on SoFurry

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#18 of Wolf: The Legendary Half Breed

RagingWolf2124- Kept you waiting huh? (Smiles) Before any of you read, give credit to Beta Reader and Writer of the Pokemon story "Love Born From Flames" to NoyaSenpai who helped edit the chapter and made it much better than before.

*Audience claps and cheers before diving straight into the new chapter*

Intro Song-** Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Music- Heavens Divide.**

Narrator- Wolf & Aurora have finally set a goal for collecting the 7 Magical Orbs of Sinnoh, they plan on bringing both their parents back to life. Their love for each other has also grown stronger than before, what is in store for them and the rest of the Eternal Wolves? (A.K.A: The name of their team if any of you forgot.)

Outro Song- Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Music- Heavens Divide.

Wolf's POV

I never thought she and I would go so far to express our love for each other. I feel so... Happy to have her with me as she slept in my arms; utterly exhausted from making love last night. Oh Aurora, since the day I found you alone, afraid, and crying, when you were just a little Riolu, I couldn't let those Mightyena kill you... From that fateful day when I took you in, our bond simply grew, and grew... You ended up changing my life forever that day, I honestly never thought things could get better. But when you confessed your love to me only a week later, and evolved into the beautiful Lucario you are now because of it, my life peaked... I ended up meeting new friends, Inferno, Rose, Raiden, Sapphire, and Fang. You all mean everything to me; you're not just my friends, but also my family... I owe it all to you... Aurora.

"Mmm... No..." Aurora stirred in her sleep, her body involuntarily beginning to toss and turn.

"No... You can't... D-Don't hurt him..." She mumbled slightly louder, tears now streaming down her face.

"NO... DON'T KILL HIM! NOOOOOOO!" The Lucario yelled frantically.

"Aurora, AURORA!" I shouted as I tried to shake her from her nightmare.

"NO!" She screamed before shooting up, sweat and tears flowing down her face. It took her only a moment before she noticed me next to her and latched on to me as she cried into my chest.

"Oh, Wolf..." She whispered as she continued to cry.

"Aurora, what's wrong?" I responded softly as I rubbed her back.

"H-He killed you... R-Right in fr-front of me..."

"Who did?" I began to question.

"Mer-Merciless..." She was barely able to choke out, my eyes widened.

"Fir-first he tor-tortured you... Yo-you yelled in so-so much pain... As he ki-killed you sl-slowly... With me wa-watching, absolutely hel-helpless as he laughed so sadi-sadistically... Then, he killed me!" She finished. I lifted up her face and dried off some of her tears with my hand.

"He's not going to kill you or me Aurora, he's inside me and he's never coming out." I reassured her.

"Yes, he will! He's going to kill Inferno, Rose, Fang, Sapphire, Raiden and then you! I can't live without you, Wolf! What are we going to- mff!" I stopped her fear driven rambling as I planted a deep kiss on her lips which she instantly melted into.

"I promise that I won't let anything happen to you, Aurora. If he thinks he can kill me then he's wrong, because if he did that he would also die since he is a part of ME."

"But... Wolf..." She replied, still worried.

"Listen to me, nothing is going to happen." I assured her with a smile. She then returned the smile, and ceased her crying.

"Hey, Wolf..."

"Yeah, what is it Aurora?"

"I love you..." She said as she grasped my hand.

"I love you too, now come on, let's wake the others and keep last night a secret to us alright?"

"Okay... And can we, uhh... Do it again... From time to time?" She asked shyly, a blush beginning to emerge on her face.

"Only if you want to, Aurora." I said smiling. We then got dressed as she put on her blue shorts and her cream colored fur back into place on her breasts. I put on my regular attire, as usual.

During Breakfast...

"What do you mean we're not challenging the Gym yet?" Inferno asked.

"We just can't yet Inferno, we have to train and get ready." I responded sternly.

"He's right Inferno, besides let's enjoy life here for awhile." Rose chirped as she scooted closer to him. Lovebirds...

"Uh, why are you getting so close to me?" He nervously asked as he began scooting away a little bit.

"It's because we're friends!" She replied cheerfully, scooting closer again. He seemed uncomfortable, but stayed where he was.

"Sooo, where do we train?" Fang interrupted.

"The clearing in the forest, where else?" I announced somewhat sarcastically, never breaking my smile. "Anyways, how were the Pokeballs?"

"I enjoyed sleeping on the outside better than the inside..." Raiden frowned; everyone laughed.

A Half Hour Later...

Rose's POV

"Oooooh! I think I messed up, Sapphire." I blurted out as I sparred with my friend in the forest. Everyone else was sparring against each other.

"Just don't make him feel weirded out; Inferno will get more comfortable with you if you let your friendship grow, Rose." The Buizel responded.

"I know, but I want him to know that I am his friend and care about him." I said in a slightly more quiet tone, now beginning to feel sad.

"He knows that you and him are friends, but if you want it to grow closer, then just tell him. But only when you're feeling ready."

"I will, I love that monkey!" I shouted bursting with confidence.

Sapphire's POV

"How is your luck with Raiden doing?" Rose asked me.

"It's been going great; we've been really close lately." I flashed her a smile.

"What do you guys talk about?"

"Well, he talks about what it was like being raised in the carnival for the majority of his life."

"Really, what did he do there?" She asked.

"He performed really great tricks and stunts there. He was a very happy Shinx, and the man who offered him as a prize won against everyone he came against... Until Wolf, that is." I replied feeling happy that my trainer was the one had won that battle.

"By the way, did you know that I was the one who fought that Mime Jr?"

"You!? You're the reason he's here with us?"

"I don't mean to brag... But yup, it was all me!"

"Thank you, Rose. You're officially the best!" I surprised her with a huge hug.

"Awwwwww, you're pretty great yourself." She smiled, and we resumed our training.

Raiden's POV

"Who's stronger between you guys and me?" I asked.

"Well, it's obviously me." Fang bragged.

"Big talk for such a small Pokémon... You're going to be eating those words!" Inferno shouted back at the tiny shark.

"Really, cause Dragon is the best type. You don't stand a chance!" Fang snorted.

"I think you're mistaken, because Fire and Fighting types are." The Monferno snapped back barely able to contain his smile.

"I hate to break it to you two, but Electric types are where all the hype is at." I announced.

Aurora's POV

"Come on, Aurora! I know you're better than that!" My mate, Wolf taunted as I fought against him for the first time. It was much more difficult to land a blow than I would have thought. He managed to either dodge or block everything that I sent his way, yet I knew he was still holding back.

"I can't, I'm not good enough!"

"Yes you are, you have to keep pushing yourself to grow stronger; it's the only way you'll be able to succeed!" He encouraged me. I kept pushing and pushing, hoping to land a hit, but to no avail.

"I can't, I'm too weak!" I shouted as I started to feel hopeless.

"No you're not! You're a powerful Lucario, and I know you can become even stronger Aurora, I believe in you!" He was right, I couldn't give up. I kept punching and kicking, giving it all I had until it happened. I managed to hit him straight in the face with my fist really hard. His neck was whipped to the side, but he didn't fall back, he just took the punch. Then I noticed the blood dripping from his nose when he turned his head back to face me.

I gasped. "Oh my Arceus, Wolf I am so sorry!"

"Don't worry about me, Aurora, I know you didn't mean to." He smiled and wiped the blood off.

"But, but... I hit you!"

"Hey, it's alright, don't beat yourself up over it." He said as he placed his hand on the top of my head. "Your improving a lot, I'm proud of you." I couldn't help but smile from his praise.

"By the way, I'm currently only using 25% of my power to test you." He informed me.

"25%, how strong are you!" I shouted back in disbelief.

"Well, let's just say that over many years of training, I've become much more powerful than the average Pokémon could be."

"So... I'm weak?" I assumed as my ears began to droop.

"No, you're strong, but if you want to be even stronger than you have to train hard, especially if you expect to be able to successfully Mega Evolve." He explained whilst scratching me behind my ear. I then started to wag my tail happily as he planted a kiss on my cheek and wrapped his arms around me.

"Can I really become just as strong as you, Wolf?" I asked now feeling much better about myself.

"We'll never know unless you try, now come on let's set up our picnic." He announced as he grabbed my paw.

Sapphire's POV

Everyone was eating peacefully and having a fun time together. I saw Raiden sitting away from us; I walked over to him and sat down.

"Hey, Raiden." I said smiling.

"Hmm? Oh hi there, Sapphire." He said.

"What are you doing here sitting by yourself?"

"I was just looking at the sunset, it really looks beautiful when it goes down, don't you think?" He asked me while his tail wagged.

"Yeah, it does..." Now was probably my best chance to confess. "Oh and Raiden? There's something I have to tell you..."

"What is it, Sapphire?"

"I'm really happy... That you're my friend." I said. Darn it, why do I have to be so shy!?

"I am too, Sapphire." He coiled his tail around my own; my heart rate began to skyrocket.

"I want you to know that I care about you a lot." He said with a smile. It felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest...

Raiden's POV

"From the day I first met you, I've been getting more and more attached to you, and as time passed on, I started to realize my feelings, feelings that I had for you, Sapphire."

"Raiden... are you..?" She began to blush. It's now or never, and now's my chance!

"Yes, Sapphire, the truth is... I..." Before I could finish...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" I spun around to hear Wolf screaming in pain as he gripped the sides of his head. Oh no...

"Wolf! No, please! You have to fight him!" Aurora shouted as he squeezed his head while she held on to him, everyone was terrified for what was coming.

"It... hurts! I-I can't!" He yelled as his eyes kept turning from Brown to Dark Red. An aura started forming around him which kept switching from Blue to Dark Red. I ran over to him, worried so much about my best friend who was losing his mind to his Evil Self, Merciless.

"Wolf, you can't let him control you, you can stop him!" I shouted, but almost instantly he released his grip on his head, and let his arms fall limp before he crashed to the ground, landing on his knees.

"W-Wolf, a-are you alright?" I pawed at his face, but he then grabbed me by the arm, and suspended me above the ground as he stood up.

"HAHAHAHAHA, WRONG! I'm not your beloved Wolf anymore!" He intimidated as I tried to force myself free of his grip, but to no avail.

"Stop it, let him go!" Sapphire yelled as she took a defensive position on all fours.

"What are you going to do about it, child? I am more powerful than you, and your friends stand no chance against me." He taunted back at the Buizel. Sorry about this Wolf... I then bit him on the hand.

"AH! Why you INSOLENT Luxio!" He then kicked me across the field, I hopped up and charged for him with Tackle, but he grabbed my head before I could make contact and threw me again, this time sending me crashing into a tree; I saw Sapphire running towards me as I tried getting up.

"Raiden, are you okay?!" Her eyes were full of fear as she helped me up.

Aurora's POV

"Everyone, we have to attack him together! But make sure nothing lethal enough that it can harm Wolf!" I shouted, but when we tried he kept dodging and knocking us back, we couldn't touch him. I tried to use Bone Rush on him, but he caught it as I tried to whack him in the back of the head.

"Nice Bone." Then mocked me as he snatched it out of my hands and broke it in half. Without a seconds warning, he let loose an explosive punch straight into my stomach; I fell to the ground, winded.

"That's right! Now bow to your master, you filthy dog!" He proceeded to kick me in the ribs while I was down.

"Get off of her!" Inferno yelled as he rushed him with a Flame Wheel, but Merciless side stepped out of the way of the attack and kicked him from behind sending him face first into a tree.

"Leave my friends alone, and stop controlling my mate!" I shouted in anger. He kicked me again; my eyes began to flood because of the pain.

"Shut up! He is my vessel to control; I take orders from no one!" He snickered. It felt hopeless; I was going to die... But then I remembered.


"You got me a necklace!?" I said overjoyed.

"It's not just any necklace, it's a Mega Stone called Lucarionite." He said.

"Mega Stone? Lucarionite? What is that?" I asked.

"It's a legend discovered in the Kalos Region, It is something that will allow you to Mega Evolve... into a Mega Lucario, a form much more powerful than your current one." He explained.

"This will make me... Stronger than before?" I said looking at the stone which mesmerized me.

"It will and this Key Stone is the item that will activate it, but there is a problem." He said.

"What problem?" I asked.

"We must train together and train using that form, because if our bond isn't strong enough then you will lose control and go mad." He warned.

"Then what are we waiting for, train me!" I said.

End of Flashback...

I then jumped out of the way and spoke to the team who gathered behind me, it was risky to use the Stone, but what other choice do I have?

"I have a plan; I need you all to distract him." I implored.

"What, why!?" Fang asked me.

"The Key Stone hanging from his neck activates my Mega Stone, if I could get close enough to touch it; I could Mega Evolve which would give us a good chance at beating him!" I insisted.

"We'll do our best Aurora, be ready to get that Key Stone!" Rose announced as we all charged for him. He had a little bit of trouble trying to keep us off him, but when I attempted to grab the Key Stone, he grabbed my arm.

"Ah, ah, ah. I don't think so, foolish girl!" He blubbered, but before he could hit me, Raiden bit him on the leg.

"AAAAGH! I've had enough of you!" He screeched as he grabbed him by the neck. In his moment of distraction, I launched for the Key Stone, and then it happened.

3rd Person POV

"NO!" Merciless refused as the Key Stone was ripped from his neck and fused with Aurora's Mega Stone. A bright light then enveloped Aurora; the Aura Sensors on the back of her head grew and separated and had a crimson red color on the ends. She grew an additional spike on both of her arms and legs, and her tail then poofed outwards and enveloped the same creamy color as her torso. Along with these features, several black stripes wrapped their way up her legs, and soon the rest of her. She had successfully evolved into a Mega Lucario.

"I don't believe it... I feel even stronger than before, and I look so much more... beautiful." She whispered to herself as she admired her new look.

"Curse you!" Merciless mumbled.

"It's about time you get what's coming to you!" Aurora shouted back as she propelled herself off of the ground and punched him clean in the face which caused him to slide across the grass.

"You may have gotten stronger, but I'm still more powerful than you!" He goaded as he stood back up. "And remember, you're hurting your friend by hurting me."

"What I plan to do is beat you, not kill you; I'm not going to risk killing Wolf!" She shouted as a blue aura enveloped her body.

"We'll see about that, won't we, Lucario?" He smirked as his dark red aura formed profusely around his own body.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Music- The Only Thing I Know For Real.

They ran towards one another, hands radiating with Aura as their fists simultaneously struck each other in the face. Aurora then attempted to roundhouse kick Merciless, but he caught her leg and slammed her on the ground; when he was about to strike with his foot, Aurora quickly flipped herself up and wrapped her legs around his neck and proceeded to slam herself and him to the ground. She then put him in a hold where her legs held his arms to his sides; she put her own arms around his neck to choke him out.

"What's the matter Merciless? You look like you're having trouble!" Aurora sneered as she held her pin.

"Alright Aurora! Way to go!" Inferno cheered.

"Don't get... Too confident, girl!" Merciless murmured as he broke out of the hold and kicked her in the face, followed by a swift leg sweep; she managed to fall to her paws, and quickly remove herself from his reach by flipping backwards. This caused him to erupt an Aura Sphere towards her which she easily evaded by spinning around; back heeling him in the chest in the process.

"Do you think that I'm afraid of you, Merciless?!" She growled whilst punching him multiple times in the face. "Well... I'M NOT!" She screeched as she landed a devastating punch to his gut.

"I'm freaking sick of what you put Wolf through!" She said kneeing him in the face.

"Why on Earth should I care?! He is nothing more than a puppet for me to control, no one else in this world should dare to think otherwise!" He stammered in-between her assaults. Blood was now draining from his mouth.

"You're nothing more than a monster..." She declared as stood tall above his battered form.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE SPEAKING TO YOU AUDACIOUS BITCH!?" He roared as he leapt up and charged for her throat, only for Aurora to punch him straight in the face and cause him to whip around 180 degrees and face plant.

End of Battle...

Everyones jaws dropped as they witnessed Merciless lay unmoving on the ground, thoroughly beaten. The Dark Red Aura that had previously surrounded his body turned to a deep blue one, and then faded away completely.

"Oh my Arceus, Wolf!" Aurora announced as she realized Wolf's return, the others then joined her.

"Come on wake up!" Raiden breathed as he nuzzled Wolf's side with his head.

"Aaaagh... Why do I feel...? Like I just got my ass kicked?" Wolf muttered as he placed his hand on the side of his head.

"Are you okay?!" Aurora whimpered as she held him tightly against her chest.

"Ow, ow, ow! Watch the spike!"

"Oops... Sorry." She face palmed.

"So Aurora, you... Mega Evolved..?" He questioned as he regained his composure.

"I did, and I didn't lose my mind either!" She reported; she then reverted back to her normal state, and retracted her spikes as the Key Stone reformed on his neck, and the Mega Stone came back on hers.

"You beat Merciless..? Just like that?" He asked.

"I did!" She beamed; a smile began to form on his face.

"That's my Aurora!" He responded as he stood up and swung her around in a hug and kissed her; she laughed in happiness.

"I'm so proud of you Aurora, you did it. You actually did it! Oof, owww..." He complained as the after effect of his beat down began to kick in.

"I did, and it was all because you helped me. I love you so much, Wolf."

"I love you too Aurora, but I don't think this is the last we've seen of Merciless..." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"As long as I'm alive, so is he..." He finished.

"I'll be here to stop him though." She declared as she grasped his hand which made them both smile.

"I know you will, Aurora."

Outro Theme- Heavens Divide from Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker. All rights go to Konami.