Kael and Jacob the failed revenge Jacob's story

Story by freakdudebob on SoFurry

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#4 of the stories of Kael the wolf pup

Jacob lay there strapped to the cold table for countless minutes. He could not stop crying and the waiting was making it worse. He saw Kael lying there finally awake but still tied up. He heard the door open and knew that they had returned. He had no idea where they had gone and did not want to know.

"Jacob you could have told us that you're an orphan. Well now you aren't. We adopted you!"

Jacob's eyes widened first in surprise then in fear. Kael also looked up in surprise; he did not know Jacob was an orphan. Jacob then realized that now he could be kept here as long as Kael.

"You don't look happy. Why ever not? Oh well. Sarah let's get started."

"Right. I got the ear ring."

Jacob's eyes widened even further if that was possible and he began to squirm again. He began trying to beg them to stop but they didn't. they walked towards his head and then Sarah held his head down. Elise took out an ear piercer and placed it on his right ear. Jacob braced himself but not well enough. The needle went right through his ear and he screamed as loud as he could. He kept screaming as they put the ear ring in his ear. He kept screaming for another five minutes. He then reduced the scream to whimpers of pain and fear.

"Now then, that was only the beginning Jacob. You saw what we did to Kael, right? We are going to do worse to you. We took some time to research our methods and found some very interesting things we want to try. How much electricity a young panther can take without dying or fainting, where to find the largest dildo, how to break bones and heal them instantly and other things which we also bought after we adopted you. I think we are going to start with the electricity. Elise, do we have the cables?"

"Yep, right here Sarah." Elise said pulling a few power cables out of a bag. She also pulled a huge battery. "Let's get everything set up on our little brother. Here, connect these to his nipples while I set up the electric gag." Sarah attached two cables to his nipples and the muzzle was taken off for a few seconds as Elise shoved another muzzle that had a metal bit on the end in his mouth and tightened it so the metal bit would be touching his tongue. They also attached two cables to his earring. They also attached two more cables to his right ear. Suddenly, his tongue began to feel like it was on fire. Elise saw his eyes widen and smiled at him. "Right, we put some of the hot sauce on that metal piece. Oops!" he felt something clamp around the base of his member and then they both stepped back. Almost as an afterthought, Sarah put metal gloves on his hands that had a wire leading to them and did the same to his feet. "Turn it on. Jacob, you will see just how much you can take. Any higher and you would go unconscious. We are right at that fine line of pain. Have fun!" Elise said as she flipped a switch. His muscles began to twitch from the current being moved through them. His mouth still felt like it was burning but now his tongue was being electrocuted. He felt himself getting close to coming and wanted to know why. He then remembered they had clamped something around his member. A few seconds later, he came. They did not turn off the current; they just sat there. Then Sarah reached into a bag and pulled out a camera with a tripod. She set it up and began to record his punishment. Right when the camera had been turned on, Jacob came again. He was in a state of pleasure but it was mostly pain. His right ear had a powerful current going in a loop through the ring and his nipples were being treated about the same. "Hey Jacob, we also got you a cattle prod. I bet you want to feel that on your balls."

Jacob heard this and he tried to shake his head but that was beyond his control due to the electricity flowing through him. They put something else around his member; a vibrating ring. They turned it on and put it to full power. It did not take long for him to come a third time.

"Elise, you want something to drink?"

"Yeah. Let's go get some lemonade to drink."

"Have fun Jacob. We'll be back down soon." Sarah said as she and Elise walked to the door and left leaving Jacob being brought to come every half hour and he still had the current running through him. He felt his member begin to go numb as he was brought to come again. He was amazed there was no blood in this at all. It felt like there should be. The door opened again and they walked back in. They finally turned off the electricity but it took several minutes for his body to stop twitching. He was damp with sweat and dead tired. They detached his nipples from the cables and took off the vibrator. They then took off the rest of the cables and removed the metal bit from the gag. They did not need to replace it as his jaw was unable to open more than a sliver. They then picked up the cattle prod and put it on his balls. His entire body jolted at the shock. They did it two more times before he fell unconscious. When he woke again, he found he was on his stomach. He also found that he was able to move his wrists a little more than he was before. He looked around and then he saw the two girls smiling at him. Sarah walked up to his right hand and grabbed the pinky finger. Jacob had no idea what to think. Then she bent it in a way it was never meant to go. He struggled against her hold and then there was a loud Crack! His hand erupted in a blast of pain as she continued to move his broken finger around. Tears were rolling down his face as he tried to scream again and again. Elise walked up to his other hand and did the same thing. They continued to break all of his fingers and letting him bask in the pain. Elise left to get something and came back with a vial of some blue liquid. Grabbing his jaw, she loosened the gag and forced the liquid down his throat. After a few minutes, a new pain erupted from his hands as he heard and felt the bones moving back into place. It proved too much for the young panther and he passed from consciousness. When he came to again, he found he was still in the same position but he was unable to move his wrists anymore. "Ok Jacob, here comes the plug." He heard Sarah say and then something quite large forced its way into his tail hole. It was shoved in so forcefully, Jacob thought it was going to tear him in half.

"Now, I think ten pumps will be enough for our little brother." Sarah said. Jacob had no idea what she was talking about until he felt the thing in his ass get bigger. He began to whimper from the pain but then it got so big, Jacob thought he was going to die. Then it stopped. It then began to vibrate and so did something around his member. He came again in a few seconds. "Now then, last time Sarah gave her virginity to Kael and I gave mine to you so this time, we are going to do it the other way around." Elise said as Jacob was once again flipped over and Kael was picked up and chained down. Both girls stripped and mounted their members. The boy's bodies betrayed them and began to buck against the girl's. All four of them came at about the same time. Then the girls both forced something down their throats. Kael and Jacob blacked out in a matter of seconds. They woke up in their own beds. They remembered being over-excited that Sarah and Elise had adopted Jacob. The two boys looked at a clock and saw that it was midnight. They both fell asleep again unaware that in the next room, Elise and Sarah were discussing what happened to the boys a few hours ago.

"That stuff we gave them won't allow them to remember anything right? It will also heal them right?"

"Yeah. They'll never remember anything no matter. And yes they will be completely healed of all damage we may have done to them. It is good to have such loving brothers isn't sis?"

"Yeah. I can't wait till next weekend. Now I think they just need to rest. They should be exhausted after what they went through. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight Elise."