Cold Venom (RP)

Story by Khaesho Scorpent on SoFurry

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#4 of Role Plays

Another RP, but this one's different! This one was done with the fantastic Dracasis as my partner. If you're not checked hir stuff out, do so NOW! So much hot, kinky smut... shi's really into rapey things, so most of her work tends towards that nature, but if you like things a little forceful, she writes some of the best smut I've ever read. And I got to RP with her <3

Anyways, since I fanboy over Dracasis juuuust a little bit, I put a little extra time polishing this RP. I burned out all the blatant spelling errors and grammatical mistakes, in hopes that you enjoy it.


It should be said that this is probably the darkest thing I've uploaded. It involves a morally ambiguous Naga using his paralytic poison and the threat of death to rape and impregnate an innocent dragon. No dragons were hurt in the making of this work of fiction, but if you don't like messy hemipene rape, then this isn't for you.

Also, this is VERY MUCH non-canon and very out of character for Khaesho. I'd have used a different character, but I was on Skype, and using my Skype name was easier.


The party had been fun, nothing fantastic but worth getting dressed up for. The black dragoness stretched her wings out to take flight but then paused for a moment before stepping back into a more normal posture as she thought twice about it. A walk would be nicer, the warm spring air under the moon's light would be nicer to enjoy on the ground anyway. Brushing her long feral red dress, the large dragon set a comfortable, casual pace down the street. Her path took a turn past Kiko's accessories and the big black nose turned to examine all the pretty things within. The silver collar-necklace she wore around her neck was getting a little scuffed so the platinum piece draped around the mannequin's neck within the closed shop certainly caught her attention. Next time, she thought to herself, grinning a little with a bit more bounce to her step.


A dark shadow followed her down the street, a blot of darkness against the concrete. He waited until she was past the shop, until she was crossing in front of an abandoned alley. Then he made his move.

He slid fast and hard up on her right before shouldering her roughly towards the alley. His mouth opened and he hissed savagely as he sank his fangs into her shoulder, shooting a moderate dose of his venom into her veins. Capitalizing on her confusion and surprise, he pushed harder, rolling her off her feet and just into the lip of the alley where the darkness pooled around their bodies.


Her first reaction wasn't to flee, that would be her second mistake of the evening. Little could truly threaten a dragon other than another dragon and the pretty girl was certainly unused to the sensation of being shoved bodily about. She yelped and scurried backward as a pinch of pain blossomed in her foreleg, a small welt of blood growing at the point of attack. She didn't have her feet beneath her and the narrow gap between the buildings obscured the use of her wings leaving the dressed dragoness in a precarious position. She didn't feel the venom yet, the sharp needle prick sensation still fresh in her mind as she swung her rear around defensively and growled, trying to get a look at her attacker.


Khaesho's dark scales where silhouetted against the street behind him, but his softly glowing eyes remained visible. Those pale whirlpools of silver and blue twisted ever so slightly, spinning softly in his skull.

"I'd calm down and shape up if I were you. That was venom I just injected into your blood stream, and if you want to live, you need the antidote from me. You should already be feeling a little short of breath; my venom will work through your body and paralyze your diaphragm. You'll be fine... for a good half hour, maybe. Any longer than that and it'll get harder and harder to breath, until you can't feel your lungs and you asphyxiate. Play nice and do what I say and I'll give you the antidote."

He wore a black leather coat with deep pockets, and from one of these, he withdrew a vial of clear, amber liquid. He held it up so she could see through it, and then smiled wickedly as he tucked it back into his pocket.


She continued to growl, her back arched, ready to pounce should he give her reason to. Though she didn't verbally respond to his explanation, her glowing green eyes shifted from him to the bottle. It was just a ruse, had to be, she told herself. The confidence in her deliberation began to wane as she felt a tingling in her forearm. He only had to wait, seconds becoming minutes as her paw came up to touch the minor wound on her other arm. She could feel a crap developing in places there shouldn't be one. It had felt like a snake bite, what was he? Judging by the silhouette she had to guess he was a Naga. Was he telling the truth, could one simple quick bite do so much with so little?

"What do-h you want?" The breath that gave voice to her words felt hard to grasp, the poor girl licking her lips to wet them. It was difficult to stay brave with such a looming threat. Perhaps she could overpower him and take it anyway? Her survival instincts shied away from that option for now...


"Patience my pet. Patience. What I want is for you to follow every command without question. If you're a good little girly, you'll get your antidote. I don't want your death... no... What I want is much more... ssssensssual..." He slithered forwards, between her forelegs and then up under her dress. He looped a coil about her middle, loving the seductive slide of his scales against hers. He had to fight his lust down; this wasn't quite the time, or the place. Both were quite close, but they were too near to the main street. He pulled himself back from around her, withdrawing from her form.

"Walk deeper into the alley, far enough back that none will hear anything."


The black dragoness took a half step back as he approached, eyes wary of his intent. She lifted a forepaw defensively but it felt heavy, clumsy as his scaled hide rolled across her form in a way that made her stomach churn uneasily- or was that just the venom. She had a chance to run, perhaps she could get far enough away to seek shelter from another but fear kept her grounded. Venom that could kill her coursed through her veins and the cure was within arm's reach, she'd rather take the chance with whatever it was he wanted than with her own life. She wasn't quick to obey but in the end she did as she was told, backing away from the imposing reptile, step by step. The area was far from clean, twin dumpsters cordoned off the area she was being corralled into, grime and litter tucked into the nooks and crannies. Worn bricks and disheveled piles of trash attracted critters that scurried away at the larger creature's approach. She huffed, panting a little feeling warm and short of breath...


Khaesho followed slowly, either not noticing or not caring about the grime that smeared against his belly. Once they were far enough back that they ran no risk of being noticed, he pulled a small syringe from his pocket, filled with the same amber liquid. "Good girl. I'm going to give you a -small- amount of anti-venom. It should be just enough to keep you from dying while I have my fun."

He poked the needle between two scales on her arm and depressed the plunger just a little. It stung, but she thought she could feel that wonderful antidote flowing through her body. She could still hardly breathe, but it wasn't getting any worse now.

"Good... now. I am the master, and you are the pet. Pets don't need clothing... so take your dress off."


Again, she recoiled from the needle, unsure of his intentions even if he said them aloud. He didn't care, her body being punctured by the syringe either way. At least he seemed to be keeping his word, the sensations neither advancing no receding. Her heartbeat was still heavy and her breathing labored but it gave her hope. The prideful part of her mind refused to submit, woe that it might be the death of her but the deliberate part of her that wanted to survive eventually gave in. It was almost torturous though, stripping before this stranger, her pretty dress removed one button at a time. Normally her garments weren't meant to keep her modest but, in this instance, she truly felt 'naked' as it dropped around her legs. Now all she wore was the silver band around her neck, tail tucked between her legs as she watched him carefully, the tightness in her chest a constant reminder of the power he had over her.


Out of the light, her eyes would begin to adjust to the darkness. She'd be able to see the contours of his face, an almost ghostly visage against the dark alley.

"Good... sexy... now, turn around and lift your tail, show yourself off to me."


The black dragoness cringed, though the action made her chest cramp a little. She didn't want to do this, heavens above this was not how she expected to end the evening! Again her mind rattled through options, ways out of this situation, fight, flee, anything! It was the way he waited that made her so unease, the way he did nothing to keep her here as if he knew he had all the cards. His poisonous leash was as good as any shackle and her will shied away from fighting. She might have whimpered if she could have found the breath but simply closed her eyes instead, concentrating on breathing as the rush of her heart wasted precious air. She was a gorgeous thing, tip to tail a prime example of her species. It would be hard to mistake her for a model perhaps but she was a fine catch, fine indeed as the pink of her slit came into view beneath that tentatively raised tail, outlining her nicely in the darkness.


The shadow of a mouth smiled, though she couldn't see it. Her lips were oh so warm and inviting, so he slithered forwards until his cool breath slid across her exposed flesh. He grabbed her tail by the base so he could haul upwards and push forwards, lifting her ass high into the air and pushing her shoulders down into the ground.

"Keep your ass high, and try to not scream. I doubt you have the breath to make much noise, but it would be irritating."

He lifted his own tail then and teased it along her folds. So close, her scent overpowered him, and all the willpower in the world couldn't stop him from getting an erection then. His two pronged breeding tool poked slick against her leg, pre-lubricated and ready to force his young into her belly.

"I don't have to do this. I could slither off and leave you here, helpless. Beg for it. Beg for my cock in your juicy twat. Beg for me to impregnate you so I'll heal you to save my own young."


The exhale that escaped her lips as she was yanked into a more prone position was almost painful, the poor girl looking back over her wounded shoulder as he got a good taste of her scent. She was everything the dirty reptile could have asked for; complacent, pretty and deliciously fertile. She couldn't have known it was her time but the idea of bearing this creature's eggs gave her a burst of energy. She jerked forward, forcing him to restrain her with a yank of the tail. It was a mistake, the burst of adrenaline using up what precious oxygen she had and making her dizzy. In short order she was dragged back into her original position but somewhat worse for wear. "You... can't..." She exhaled pathetically.


He coiled his body around her neck and pulled down, forcing her muzzle into the refuse. He squeezed a little, restricting her already precious airflow down to a trickle. Fury blazed in his eyes as he pushed one dark digit into her love tunnel.

"I'm sorry; I must not have heard you right. I ordered you to beg. So. Beg."


She trembled, struggling to keep herself under control, the fight or flight response on the edge of stealing her consciousness.

"Please..." The word was raspy as she took a slow long gasp. It felt like another dragon was sitting on her chest but she managed to squeeze the words out; "Please... have your way with my body." As difficult as it was for her pride to accept, she meant every word. With her life in his paws- or coils as it were, she was willing to give up even her womb to save it.


He laughed darkly as she finally accepted her fate. "That's a good little bitch." He didn't care about her. He didn't care about anything. He just wanted to get her gravid, and this was faster than trying to seduce a girl. "Now stay still and make this fun."

He unceremoniously shoved one shaft into her cunt, thrusting deep and hard until his member was soaked in her warmth. His second shaft remained pointing up into the air, a rude pennant of primal lust. He licked his own flesh softly, tenderly as he started thrusting into her rear.


Her soft folds spread comfortably around the snake's shaft, his fat flesh wedging in deep. She wasn't wet, at least not yet, her soft folds gripping tightly around the invading cock making his intrusion even more satisfying. The coils holding her to the ground squeezed and relaxed as he began enjoying the tender draconic pussy he'd been so graciously given, his pre-cum smeared across her bare walls with brazen disregard for her situation. Mercifully, as the brutal rape continued, her natural lubrication began to kick in, easing the intrusion as he casually fucked his new 'pet'. He had a perfect view of her unprotected sex as it swallowed his hemipene again and again, her silken flesh worked this way and that in whatever manner pleased the great beast the most.


He fucked her hard and fast, thrusting his cock home with relish. His bumpy cocks were riddled with odd protrusions and lumps which rubbed against her walls lusciously, sliding quicker as she started to self-lubricate. He waited until his cock was drenched with her fluid, then he pulled the dripping tool free. He spun his tail around, so that the slickened cock sickled her anus, then pushed both home again. His uneven tool pried her pucker apart, pushing up into her rectum in a gross mockery of the breeding happening scant inches lower. He was apparently done with the games, intent only on fucking her until she milked his cum.

It continued for some time, wet slapping sounds carrying out through the air until he squeezed her with all his coils and thrust his hemipene deep. His cocks exploded with his seed, shooting it hard enough that she felt the impact of it against her interior walls. He filled her hot and messy, shooting a generous load into her body. Her egg chamber soaked in the virile fluid, and her ass was a slickened mess. He pulled out slowly, teasing her with the friction of that last act. He hurriedly licked his cocks clean before they shrank back into his tail. Then he took a moment to look over his work. He'd seeded her fertile fields well, she was sure to have a full clutch of his brood. His thick cream slid from her lips as a sticky reminder of how he'd used her, running down her thighs in a slow pearlescent stream. He pulled the syringe out carefully.

"The rest of the antidote, as promised. I wouldn't want the mother of my eggs to suffer unduly. Enjoy my clutch."

He pushed the needle into her shoulder and emptied the before yanking it out. It would take a few minutes for it to spread into her lungs, finally allowing her to breathe normally again, but by that time, the dark stranger would be long gone.

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