Zoe and Zana's Kinky Bet

Zana followed them sheepishly, clearly nervous as she watched her sister start to seduce rampancy. reaching the edge of the bed zoe immediately pushes rampancy down.

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The Unexpected Duties of a Dragon Slave, Chapter Three (Finale)

But, it was still incredibly overwhelming, and she felt practically skewered to her very core as she wriggled and spread herself open to his rampancy with lewd abandon.

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NJ Legion Iced Tea

Violently severing large chunks of code might have been wonderful stress relief, but it didn't actually accomplish much. She was still a machine. She... she couldn't love Michael. He was out there, a biological marvel of reactions and chemicals. She...

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His appetite had already shown just how rampant it was ready to run, and consequences for that rampancy? why would the draolf care about those... he could just eat those too.

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Finis Viae; Terminus Viae

When they returned to the central chamber, vigilance was no longer in his projected form, and his rampancy induced episode seemed to have passed.

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Revised Psionics Write-up

It's similar to rampancy in completely artificial ais. mental fatigue: some are born with psionic ability, but not the ability to use them.

Legacy of the Precursors, Chapter 3: Destiny

He was not thrilled with the strange little machine, it gave off all the hallmarks of an ai suffering from the long term effects of rampancy, but it also seemed that it might have the answers they desperately needed.

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Walls: Exodus 22 - Twisted Depths

Complete and utter rampancy, soon followed by a rapid descent into gibberish as the neural circuits break down.' 'excuse my ignorance, but why is this so difficult?' i wondered. 'the creation of an ai is a recursive process.

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Dance Academy Cockfest - Chapter 3

Tracey's attractions were clear, although the rampancy of the bunny's sexual energy made it easy enough to conclude that he was just a hyper-horny teenager with an exhibitionist streak. "alright!

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Walls: Exodus 27 - Miserere mei, Deus

It'll destroy itself in the fires of its own rampancy." "... why would maxwell need _your_help to develop an ai of sorts?" i wondered.

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Walls: Reboot 1 - The Ring

They depend on us to provide the input they need to remain stable, and keep them from drowning in what is otherwise a sea of rampancy."

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The Journey's End

Obviously this mystic beauty was an artificial intelligence, and was probably degrading into a state common among unsc ai known as 'rampancy'. "the meddlers seek to activate the halo network." mystic beauty rambled on.

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