Chapter 1; The Perfect Candidate

Story by Kiran on SoFurry

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#1 of The Blue Shaman

Instructor Kayana finds the perfect student to pass on her secret

The lightning bolt left his paw with a simple flick of the wrist and a slightly strained look on his features, sending his target, a straw-filled dummy, into an explosion of burning hay and cloth.

"Very good, Kiran." His instructor said quietly.

"It's coming to me a bit easier now." The white tiger purred as he lowered his paw, shaking it out a little bit. "It still singes my fur."

"Eventually the Tempest will be flowing inside you so readily that you yourself won't even feel it." Instructor Kayana purred as she padded over to her student, lifting his muzzle in her paw to examine his eyes. "And judging by your eyes I'd say that time is not too far off, once you become fully synced with your guardian element it won't singe your fur or hurt you to call upon it any further."

"Yes instructor." Kiran answered patiently, staring into her own deep blue eyes as she searched his.

"Almost completely red, you can't see much of your original coloring left in them." She released his muzzle with a brief smile and stepped back. "Now let's try out the double-fisted approach."

"Sure thing instructor." Kiran Windstrider pivoted on his footpads to face his targets in the courtyard again. As his mind began to focus on the power growing within him, arcs of energy shot across his fur. His whole body seemed to heave as he reared back with both arms, and then launched two lighting bolts at two separate dummies, with the same explosive results.

"Ow." The young shaman laughed, shaking the heat out of his paws again. "Much more of this and I'll cook myself from the inside out before the Tempest can take me..."

A few hours later, Kiran was seated in the main hall, studying over an older book quietly as he flipped through it's pages. Next to him, a simple desk lamp lit up his small piece of the world, the young tiger seemingly oblivious to the outside world.

Kayana watched him from the doorway, tapping her muzzle in thought. Her tufted ears flicked a bit as the sable colored Lynx finally pushes away from her perch and padded over to him. She had been watching him carefully during her training of him, as she was under no doubts several other shaman mistresses had been keeping a close watch over her. She didn't blame them. Her spectrum of magic was seen as unclean, and it was only by the Priest's good graces that she remained in the temple as an instructor of the wayward souls that somehow found themselves in this patch of bare rock on the Northern tundras.

She was grateful for her ability to stay, but as part of that deal she had been asked to seek out all the Blue discipline books and scrolls in the temple library and destroy them.

The nerve of them. She snorted as she padded around one of the large tables and approached her latest student. Ah, but Kiran. He had proved a wild card. Showing up on their doorstep as a cub, his Uncle lost to the frozen Winter, he had been taken in by the head Priest and left to the Shamans to care for. At first he was assigned to help with the menial chores, but, naturally, being around magic of all shapes for those years, he had catalyzed so quickly that it was impossible to miss his potential.

And so Kayana had taken him under her wing and showed him the Red Spectrum potential within, but the more she talked to him and gathered on his personality, the more she realized he was the perfect candidate to reveal one of her deepest secrets.

And now, where they would be least suspected, in one of the most public areas of the temple, she would reveal it to him.

"Kiran." She said softly, taking her seat across from him.

"Instructor." Kiran answered quietly, finishing his passage, jotting down another note, and closing the book. As he looked up to her, static energy seemed to spike around him and across his Ruby red eyes.

Kayana blinked. "You're eyes have fully changed."

"I figured out the secret during my studies this evening, I was so close that the final step across the threshold didn't amount to anything earth-shattering." He smiled. "I didn't expect you to be awake, so I thought to tell you in the morning."

"All the better." Kayana smiled as she extended her arm and brushed her pawtips over the fur of his left hand, the jolt and brief crackle of static told the story, he was a full Red Spectrum shaman.

"I hope this will not end my lessons with you." He sighed, putting his notes together and his pencil down. "I feel like there is so much more I could learn."

"You'll be learning for the rest of your life, although you may never learn some of the most powerful abilities." Kayana rattled off, something her superiors had pounded into her head from her being just a cub.

"Dare I ask why." Kiran's ears swiveled towards her.

"Nothing you would care to hear." She sighed. "I wouldn't really call it regulations, because our talents are rarely even believed in, much less regulated in this day and age. No, I would call it more of an agreement between the High Mages and Shaman Priests to limit the powers of their students, so that should war break out, we wouldn't become weapons of mass destruction."

"Sounds pretty close-minded and stupid. What kind of abilities were sealed off?" Kiran's full attention was on her, leaning in, as if he naturally knew what they were discussing should not fall upon all ears.


"Too much." Kayana leaned in herself, crossing her bared arms over the table, it was a bit chilly in the main room and unlike her student, who wore full pants and a long sleeve shirt, she was dressed in a simple sleeveless robe worn by most Shamanic instructors.

"Some of the most ground-breaking and powerful spells in a Red Shamans arsenal have all but disappeared from the rosters, entire spectrums of magic have been branded as unfit for public use."

"The Black Spectrum." Kiran nodded.

"No Kiran, even more than that, the Black Spectrum is an abomination, with nothing but horrible attack magics and conjurations, but there are others, even some dedicated solely to pleasure and the pursuit of it, or just the conveyance of a being from one place to another." Kayana's voice lowered a bit more as she spoke.

"And what spectrums would those be?" His ears flicked.

Her sapphire eyes pierced into him. "Blue. The transportation spells do not belong to any one spectrum."

Kiran blinked. "I see."

Kayana blinked and sat back. Whenever a Shaman became an accomplished practitioner of their art, their eyes went from their natural colors to a color that matched their Spectrum. If they mastered more than one, the stronger of the two arts would dominate their eye color. Kayana was a Red Shaman and servant of the Aeoleans, she held complete power over the winds, conversely, Kiran, also a Red Shaman, was servant to the Tempest, and electricity flowed through his veins. Unlike him, Kayana had only learned a Red spectrum at the urging of the Priest, late in her career as a Shaman. Her most powerful spectrum was seated firmly in the now-forbidden Blue Spectrum.

Both her and Kiran knew the stories of their eyes, which is why she now sat across from him, analyzing his every move for a hint as to what his thoughts were.

"A bunch of uptight old scholars having a say in what magics can and can't come into being on our world." He sighed. "That ain't right."

"I agree." The Instructor heaved an inward sigh of relief, Kiran had willingly snapped at her bated remarks a few more and she'd know if he would allow her to set the hook or walk away. "But it's what we are forced to deal with."

"Perhaps." The male said cryptically. "I somehow doubt that Shamans such as myself who hold know real family ties or affiliations to any one league would see themselves as truly bound by such a statement."

Almost. Kayana leaned in again. "But it's nothing to do with the individual souls, it's more to do with them seeking out the knowledge itself and destroying it."

"They can't destroy what someone else hides away, somebody out there must have some sample of such knowledge." He hissed.

Kayana leaned in, her eyes glittering. "Why would you pursue such knowledge, Kiran?"

"Why did you?" He retorted.

She mumbled underneath her breath, and for an instant her blue eyes seemed to glow, then she reached out and ran her paw up his left arm, watching as his eyes suddenly blanked and his whole form shivered as it locked into the pure pleasure radiating from her touch. A moment later she released him, and folded her paws in front of her, smiling innocently as he shook his head to clear the fuzziness from his vision. "Because I find true enjoyment in things like that."

He was panting, and on the whole said nothing. She stood from her seat and crossed the table end to stop beside him. "I would be one of those Shamans which you seek. Tonight, I will come to your room, and bring with me what you will need, if you wish to learn, then answer your door to my knock, if not, we will continue our normal lessons again tomorrow on schedule."

"Yes instructor." He replied, and she padded away without another word.