Charizard's Burning Passion Pt. 2

Story by WillowJuliet on SoFurry

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#2 of Charizard's Burning Passion

((Just as I promised! A new Chapter up and everything! Hmmmm....I'll just let you get on with the story, shall I? *winks*))

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, Lisa, Charla, or any of the Charizards already shown in the episode. Of course, I'll have to give them names, but that's about it. Oh, and a few of my own characters will be thrown into the mix, just to warn you! ~_^


Charizard groaned under his breath, a growl soon following. "Stupid...Bitch..." His whole body felt a little sore, but nothing he couldn't handle. Besides, what's a little pain to a great pokemon like him? Though Charla did pack a whollop when angered. What seemed to be salt in his wounds was that she probably hadn't used an ounce of her real strength against him. Sitting up, he didn't feel like flying, not with his head spinning like it was.

Out of the corner of both his eyes, he could see the hulking figures of fellow Charizard. They ranged in different sizes, though he could tell it was a cluster. They seemed to surround him oddly, and Charizard could hear the curious sniffs of those who were the closest to him.

"Well, look who finally decided to wake up girls." A strange voice caught his attention, and his head snapped around to face whichever one of them had spoken. ...It wasn't exactly the brightest move, his eyesight swimming afterwards.

To his right was a Charizard; big surprise. But by the shape difference, not to mention the voice, it was female. Still, she towered over him, sharp teeth flashing in the setting sun. How long had he been out? This strange female didn't seem to hold any answers, just the frighteningly familiar grin. It was the same look Gila got when about to pounce on him; or commit some other idiotic act.

But no, she didn't charge. In fact, she leaned backwards, sitting down with a light 'whump'. "It's a male...I think." She damn well knew he was male! His sheath, just like all other male Charizards was visible, to signify his gender. But no, the tone...she was making fun of his size! Damn her.

"You? Think? Hard to believe." He snorted, sparks dancing on his snout as he looked on with anger. Though he had to admit, that witty comment had come out pretty fast. Charla's voice rang in his head. 'You have a mouth on you...' Charizard watched as the female's taunting face twisted into one of rage. Standing, he fanned out his wings as a challenge, tail flame growing.

'And it's going to get you hurt...'

"OI!" A call rang out, catching the large female's attention. She looked behind her, at someone that Charizard couldn't see. Low growls were exchanged, before the owner of the unknown voice spoke up once more. "Get away from 'im, Tiny."

That caused Charizard to snicker. Tiny!? She was anything but.

The female, now labeled as Tiny, turned around to glare at him with emerald eyes. "What're you laughin' about? If anything, you should have my nickname. Shorty." She huffed, before moving out of the way for someone that could command such a sizeable group.

Now that he was feeling a little better, Charizard decided to take in his surroundings. All the fire-type reptiles that were there were female, some even smaller than he! They were defiantly not from around the Valley; that or some of the females were newly evolved. All of the female's had different colored eyes, staring at him with blatant fascination. It was like they had never seen a male before!

"I guess you're right, Tiny..." A figure neared him, the silhouette of wings and the glowing tail tip an obvious give away. Though he was in for a surprise, when the Charizard stepped in front of him, he could see clear over its head! Only the tips of its horns were visible, if he looked strait on. Finally! Someone he could look down on!

"..He is kinda scrawny." Another female, though he was slightly confused as to why Tiny had obeyed her so easily. Why not just squish the bossy pest and be done with it?

Wait...did she just call him scrawny!?

"HEY!" He roared, somewhat satisfied when he saw her tense and take a few steps backwards. Charizard had to imagine how intimidating he might have looked in her point of view, "I am NOT scrawny! You should talk Small Fry!" He roared at the fire breathing reptile in front of him.

He knew he had said something wrong; the collective gasp that shuddered throughout the throngs of females made him uneasy. Charizard tensed, keeping his crimson eyes focused on the one in front of him. Some how, some way, this petite femme was their leader. And apparently, she was a force to be reckoned with.

"..." There was a dead silence. It was uneasy; sending a chill down the only present male Charizard's back.

The female stared up at him with hard brown eyes, before throwing her head back. He was shocked, tensed, and ready to receive any blow she'd throw at him. Instead of a flamethrower attack, however, something else escaped her opened mouth.

She was laughing at him.

After a moment, the rest of the females began to snicker. Eventually, it turned into full blow mirth, hitting him from all sides. He snarled, but that didn't seem to stop them. Why were they laughing? All because this puny little femme was? Did she hold that much power over them? How much? What was her secret?

Questions were running around in his head, and Charizard shook them free before simply glaring at her. A burst from his tail-tip seemed to quiet them, the flame growing with his anger. His temper flared, just like the flame, and he roared. "WHAT!?"

The female stopped laughing after a moment, giving the flame a glance before shrugging. Her wings leapt and fell along with her shoulders, "Eh, you got some balls on you." She spoke in a strange manner. ...more human-like than any of them. Of course, Charizard's knew exclamations, expletives and such; but she almost had an accent.

"I know...Male. I've pointed this out already." Charizard, the poor soul, didn't seem to catch on, pointing at his sheath with a single claw. He had an expression of 'no shit' on his maw.

She chuckled, "Never mind. I'm Riza." The lizard lowered herself, until her claws touched the ground. In one swift movement, she was straitening herself from the bow, a polite greeting, though not really showing him any respect.

He decided to let it slide; noticing that the females had figured out there wasn't going to be a confrontation. Almost in disappointment, they began to mutter among themselves and branched off, some taking to the air while others simply stomped away. Only he, Riza, and Tiny were left.

"Charizard." He grunted after a moment, making no movement to return her bow. They didn't seem to care, or didn't notice, both remaining females shooting a glance at each other.

He snarled, wings rustling in annoyance. "What!?"

Riza was the first to speak; laughter obvious in her voice, "Not a...very...." She searched for the word, eyes rising as if the early night sky would help her. "...creative name." It seemed she was trying to be polite; not exactly a gift of hers.

A snort, covering up a snicker. "Oh, don't fuck around, 'Za." Tiny grunted, shifting until she was standing next to the smaller female. "What happened? Your ma run out of names? Or did she just not care?" She had more to say, yet shrunk back at the look her companion sent her.

His lip curled back at the pair, "My...trainer," Charizard spat out the word, a rumble settling in his throat as he continued. "He's about as smart as a Snorlax. Just as 'creative' too." He gave them an once-over, before turning around.

"Ey!" Riza stepped towards him, "Where do ya think you're goin'? Ain't ya gonna stay and talk or something?" She sounded dissatisfied with their short chat.

He didn't even think about it. "No. You and your little Femme-brigade can have this part of the Valley to yourselves." Charizard took to the air quickly, not in the mood to deal with anyone else. The sting of his rejection returned with a vengeance, and his throat was dry. He needed to get to the 'watering hole' and quickly.

"Feh, Good riddance." He managed to catch; Tiny no doubt.

"I dunno. He's a fiery one." And that would be Riza.

He flapped away from the mysterious newcomers; they had come from nowhere it seemed. That, and he had toured the entire Valley, they weren't familiar with this territory. Maybe he should go tell Charla- No. She wasn't even a real pokemon; mission out on the Season for a stupid trainer. He could figure this all out on his own! He didn't need her help.

....Maybe Kirl knew something...





Charizard backed away from Kirl's cave, stumbling, with his claws scratching at his own eyes. It wasn't hard enough to actually do any damage to himself, but still, he really wanted to claw his own eyes out of their sockets at the moment. "GAH!" It was unusual to see the large pokemon acting like this; instead of his usual uncaring and gruff nature.

These were unusual circumstances.

"MY EYES! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT NOW!?" He bellowed towards the mouth of the cave, inches from the edge of the cliff that it sat on. Charizard was seriously contemplating jumping and not opening his wings. What he had just seen...would be forever burned into his minds eye.

Uneasy whispers came from within the cave, followed the unmistakable laughter of Gila. Kirl then sulked out of the cave, wings halfway wrapped around himself. Even then, his massive erection was visible, gleaming and dribbling precum. His tail twitched nervously, and he looked down at the ground, stopping in front of Charizard. "......"


"....I'm sorry you had to see that."

"Me too." The younger one grunted.

There was an awkward pause; the only sound was the wind whistling around the mountains.

Of course, Gila was the one to break it, her voice ringing from deep inside the cave, "Kiiirl! Hurry up! I need you..." She moaned.

The male charizard seemed to flinch, his dragonhood giving a twitch of wanting. It was obvious that he'd rather be doing other things than talking to Charizard at the moment. "Make it quick.." His tone was pleading; he didn't want to be away from Gila for too long. Her Heat had thickened during Charizard's absence, and it was intoxicating him...making his erection painful.

Staring at his normally passive friend, Charizard knew that if he kept Kirl away, the sexual frustration would drive him insane. "..I was looking for you, to ask you about a strange bunch of femmes..."

"Kirl!" Gila called out once more.

The larger charizard froze, looking back at the cave with longing. "Er...Femmes act funny around Mating Season..." that seemed to be the only thing on his mind. Though, one couldn't blame the male; his dragonhood out in the chilly air, when it could be buried deep within Gila...

"KIRL!" Charizard roared, snapping his companion out of the trance. He couldn't understand why Kirl was acting this way. He knew what the reason was, but was it that powerful? Did it have such a hold on males? In that case, Charizard wanted nothing to do with this..Season business.

How soon he had forgotten his advances on Charla.

"Whaaaat?" Kirl whined, body already halfway turned towards the cave.

"The females were strange as in, not from around the Valley." The younger pokemon knew he had a limited amount of time to speak, before Kirl would simply brush him off. "They they've never seen a male before." His voice held puzzlement; the way they looked at fascinated.

That last bit of info seemed to catch the gentle charizard's attention. "...Never...Oh no. They're back." His eyes widened, dragonhood slipping slowly back into his sheath. He suddenly felt incredibly cold, his arousal...basically dead. "Charizard...I know you don't like to listen to others..."

"Whaddaya mean I-"

Kirl interrupted him, "-But please, please listen to me when I say; Stay away from them." He shivered, body temperature dropping in his weariness. It was the same thing every year, Mating Season after Mating Season. "They're a migrating band of females...they don't even live in the Valley, they only visit during the Season."

Gila whined, voice steadily closer from the cave, "Kiiiiiiirl!"

He turned, hissing, "Not NOW Gila. You can wait a second." Kirl turned back to the inexperienced charizard, wings rustling in unease.

Charizard shook his head, scowling more than he usually did, "...I...don't understand. How can a gaggle of femmes be dangerous?"

"It's not them.." Kirl swallowed, "It's who they attract. Those females come during the Season only by instinct. Most of them don't even live through the...experience." His claw reached up, scratching his scaly cheek nervously. "None of us have been able to figure out where they come from, or how to keep them away..but when those Migrating Females come. ....So do their mates."

Charizard was more than confused, "Mates? I thought you just said that none of them live-"

"They're ruthless." Kirl continued, rushing, "The males that fly in...not even our strongest in the Valley can chase them off. So, we deal with them. They only come for those specific females anyway; it's not like they come after any of ours." The large pokemon stretched his wings, flapping to relieve some stress. He was a calm and caring soul, but it was things like this that really spooked him out. "Just...stay away from those Females, Charizard. They'll only get you killed, and they're not worth it." He clapped the younger fire breathing reptile on the shoulder. "Go find yourself a nice, submissive femme..."

"Kirl...I can't...Rubbing myself isn't working anymore!" Gila made her presence known once more; this time sounding hot and bothered. In such a way, that Kirl's erection began to grow again, no sign of wilting.

"I told you what I know...Now...Leave us alone for a while..?" He moaned, lumbering back into the cave before any objections could be voiced. A few moments later, the delighted growls and rumbles of Gila were audible.

Charizard stood there, staring at the opened mouth of the cave, more confused than he had been when he arrived. A flurry of questions spun in his mind, and he shook his head. Kirl was right about one thing; he didn't like to listen to others. In fact, Charizard damn well hated being told what to do. Why start now?

Opening up his impressive wingspan, he was off, flying back to where those females had been, when he had been knocked unconscious. It seemed faster flying to the place than from it, and he noticed something about the area that he had missed before. There was, in fact, a miniature 'watering hole' and a thick forest running through. It was like a valley within The Valley.

He landed silently, having flown over the gaggle only moments before; they were all asleep. Which was good, he didn't want to be stared at this entire time. But it was a bittersweet victory, for he also had no one to pry answers from. Shrugging, he realized that he'd rather be alone.

Dipping his neck to drink, Charizard quenched his thirst, before a second figure joined him. He didn't want to act to eager, or surprised, so he continued to drink until the water tasted bland on his tongue. "...What do you want?" He asked, with a grunt.

Riza smirked, "I should be askin' you that, Male. You are in our territory." She pointed out, folding her wings behind her in a non-threatening manner. It was clear to him that she didn't want to fight, even though her tone was somewhat mocking.

"Your territory? From what I hear, you just push your way through every year...I don't really see this as fairly yours." He griped, crossing his arms.

Her smirk fell, chocolate brown eyes flashing. "Shut up. You've just got petty rumors to go on." Riza turned, causing a slight breeze to roll his way, along with her scent. She would be in Heat very soon. He could sense it, as could she. "Besides, the other's don't dare come near us. They're too afraid of Raksha."

"Of who?"

She turned her head to the side, only enough to look back at him. "The band of Males that follows me and my girls. Their leader is named that's what we call the rest of them. Why bother with names..?" Every sentence, word, syllable spoke of her deep hatred for these charizard, her tail tip flaring without her noticing. How could she, when her eyes flashed dangerously at him, never leaving his form, as if he would attack her.

Charizard grunted, claw rising to scratch at his forehead, bored, "If you hate them so much...why mate with them?" It was such an obvious answer...

...Easier said than done.

She growled, "It's not like we CHOOSE to mate with them." Riza glared, tail tip only glowing as her scowl deepened. She even went as far as to raise her wings in a threatening manner, though he had made no move to go near her. "Do my girls choose to be raped, forcefully, viciously?" Flames licked at her maw as she spoke. "Do they choose to be so used, that most of them only mate once, before dying!?"

As he listened, he realized just what type of situation that these femmes were in. He was a hothead, yes. He had a temper, an attitude, and not many (outside of the Valley) dared to cross his path, yes. But Charizard never knew of such ruthlessness; had never experienced it. The mere thought of what these Males were doing made him slightly sick to his stomach, though his face remained blank as he listened to her rant.

"No! Yet year after year, we suffer for their pleasure. Our eggs are either; damaged when a female survives long enough to birth them, or they simply never hatch. We're lucky if we're able to rip a healthy egg away from its dead mother...That's the only reason why we haven't died out." Riza snarled, rearing on him, and pointing a claw directly at Charizard. "And your Valley...They simply sit back and ignore us. We're not their problem." She snarled, though from her impressive anger, he could sense something else.

"..You're afraid." Charizard noticed, not keeping his observations to himself. Though he now realized why she should be. If these Males were as large as the ones in the valley, Riza was sure to be crushed under the weight of her un-consensual mate.

"Feh. Whateva." Her accent returned, and she calmed down; cautious to give more of her emotions away. Sitting down, she stared up at the moon, the wind blowing gently in the night. Riza looked over at the pokemon standing near her, huffing when he seemed lost in thought. "And don't bother tryin' to help us. ...We've still got time."

"Hm?" He was snapped out of his train of thought. What Charizard really had been focusing on was that it was such a waste for a spitfire like Riza to be used and tossed aside. He also wanted to know where the faint scent of cinnamon was coming from. "Time?"

She nodded once, "Yep. It's only the beginning of Mating Season." The female looked down at the water, cocking her head to the side and gazing at her reflection. "The Raksha only come deep, deep in the middle of the Season. Where some females willingly present themselves...just to have their Heat end. And most of the time, it ends their lives." She muttered, as an after thought.

He moved closer to her, settling so that they were at a comfortable distance apart; the faint smell of Cinnamon wafting around his snout. Charizard soon realized that it was simply Riza's scent. Not yet in Heat, but close. Tantalizingly close... Before he knew what he was doing, he leaned over to lick along her neck, simply bathing her.

"Wha?" She gave a start, in the same trance he had been in earlier; her thoughts fluttering away from her. Riza wriggled a bit in protest, until his tongue reached behind her horns...that was a spot no charizard could really reach without help. "Oooh...A lil' to the left.."

He obeyed, rumbling when she didn't put up much of a fight. If felt nice to simply be able to wash her like this, her spicy aroma swirling around his mind, gripping him in a reverie of sorts. Charizard traveled from her neck and horns, down to her cheek, before pushing his maw against hers forcefully.

Though it wasn't to say she didn't enjoy it, entwining her tongue with his. But why was she acting this way? It couldn't have been her Heat, it was still to far away. Could she have been honestly attracted to him? To a male? But he wasn't like the Raksha..not from what her mother had told her; when she was still alive.

Riza gave a draconic purr, though it stopped when she felt something slick rub against her stomach. Breaking the kiss, she looked down, only to see Charizard's dragonhood out and twitching. She was surprised to have had such an effect on him. But it pleased her all the same. Placing both claws on his chest, she pushed him away, backing up some.

Oh no. No. Not again. A female couldn't be rejecting him already, not when Charla had just done so. He watched her movements closely, stepping backwards with caution, ready to dart out of the way if she charged at him. But no, she was moving differently...smoothly, confidently. He growled curiously, "Riza, what are you- ..." He stopped, body stiffening when she bent down, long reptilian tongue snaking out to touch the tip of his cock.

It was pure bliss. Her warm tongue felt like the softest silk, running up and down his member slowly. She hadn't been at it long when the first few beads of precum began to gather at the head of his impressive shaft. Charizard didn't notice it; hell, he didn't notice anything at all, other than her pleasuring him. He groaned, wings opening wide and stretching, his head thrown back.

Riza stopped, hearing a grunt of displeasure from the large male before her, staring at the dribble of pre that had made its way down his cock. She had never done anything like this, and the female didn't know what was driving her to satisfy him so. Her tongue poked out of her maw cautiously, running up the underside of his red dragon hood. She let out a small rumble, the taste was so different, yet not in a bad way at all.

He backed away, and she was beginning to have some doubts on her skill. It wasn't her fault she was so inexperienced; he was probably dissatisfied with her. Instead, he leaned against a large tree, halfway sitting up, shaft pulsating. "That's better." Charizard growled, his voice rumbling with thundering lust. Standing up had begun to get difficult, she was too good.

She let out a small sigh, lumbering towards him before bending foreword until her front claws touched the ground. There she began her work again, eagerly catching any pre he offered on her tongue. Not before long, Riza pressed closer, and took half of his dragonhood into her mouth.

Charizard was panting, his claws scrabbling the soft earth next to him, beads of sweat appearing on his forehead. His wings were out, hanging limply on either side of the tree. His whole body tensed up when she slipped him within her hot mouth. It was all he could not to roar, knowing that the others were near enough to hear that. "Ri...Ri..Zaa.." He grunted, hips bucking on their own accord.

That had surprised her; such a strong male was pleading, begging practically for her. She lowered her head even more, taking him all in, before suckling like a new born. It was soft, Riza couldn't fathom how sensitive he was, though she added her tongue and had him shaking. Not to say that she wasn't enjoying it either. Hearing him moan her name in such secret, the danger of being found out, it was as delicious as he was.

Yet she craved something more. Heat or no, Riza wanted...needed him within her. And not just her gaping mouth, either. She retreated from his shaft, stopping so suddenly and without warning that the cool air cause a stream of pre to shoot out.

Charizard sat there panting, so close to his peak it was almost spiteful for her to simply stop. "W-Why..?" He managed to voice, before a scent like no other hit him. His crimson eyes closed, and he growled so loudly, it was as if he was roaring without opening his mouth. It was spicy, enticing, he needed it. Opening his eyes, they were met with hers, brown and holding within her a craving..for him.

He gathered his bearings, standing up and wrapping her within his wings. She didn't object, and he hadn't expected her too. Her surrounded him; and now he could understand what had Kirl so mystified. The unique aroma of a that was your very could never tire of it. He licked her neck, wings loosening around her when she began to back up.

Riza growled, "Charizard.." There was no mocking of his name now; she could scream it to the heavens, and it would be the most beautiful name she had ever heard. "Mate me.." She pleaded, eyes softening and taking on a chocolate brown tint. "I don't want to have a brute come and use my body..I want you."

Was it possible for two to fall in love so quickly?

He thought about it, a miraculous feat indeed, when he simply wanted to agree with Riza and take her. Charizard looked within himself...he didn't love her. He couldn't. He had never loved anyone before..and he had known a few others for many months. Still, the male did not love. It had to be impossible for him to fall for this stranger, this Riza.

Yet, he also felt an anger burning deep within himself. How dare some pushy, ruthless males simply barge in and take what they wanted. If he didn't mate her..she was sure to be chosen. Her fair shade of light orange and almost white belly was to capture the eye of any male. That made him furious; nobody was to touch her.

Nobody but him.

He lowered his neck, eyes level with hers; forehead against forehead. Charizard didn't love her...but he cared for her. Of course, he would never admit this to her, or anyone else. At least, not verbally. But she still could be his, and only his.

Using his claws, his wings released their loose hold on her, and he slowly began to turn her around. He didn't reply, simply moving with surprisingly gentle movements. When she was completely turned from him, he pushed against the space in her wings, an elated moan escaping her.

Riza didn't know what he was doing, yet did. It was in her blood, passed down from female to female in a situation as this. She lowered herself to the ground, wings pushed against her back and out of the way. Her powerful leg and claw muscles would keep her off of the ground during what would be the most pleasurable experience of her life. She felt her tail being lifted, the cool evening air hitting her exposed pussy.

He moved slowly, sensually, pulling her tail out of his way, though carefully. When he looked down, it made him even harder, her cunt dripping for him. Apparently, while she was working on him, Riza had become more than a little exited. Charizard lowered his head, breathing in the deep perfume of her sex, which charged him and also intoxicated him. If such a thing were possible.

"Charizard..." She moaned his name, the wait killing her.

He needed no further encouragement. Lining himself up with her slick opening, he pushed the first few inches within her. If her tongue had been bliss, then her warm sex was his heaven. Charizard growled more ferociously than he ever had before, pushing into her until he was hilted. He had met a barrier of sorts, and somewhere in his mind it had dawned on him that he was her first.

Her only.

She craned her head backwards, arching off of the ground in a pain laced delight. He was so large, it was a wonder that he could fit completely inside of her. Riza felt herself being stretched, and purred her happiness, rocking some. The reaction from him was gold. She felt her hips being grabbed in his firm claws though they never pierced her skin. Instead, he pierced her cunt, beginning to thrust in and out slowly. "Ch..Cha.Charizard!" She praised him, trembling beneath the strong male.

He wouldn't have replied if he could, focusing on the newest sensation, and the far best in his entire life. His thrusts became mighty, making them both stifle cries of ecstasy. Charizard knew they could have picked a better spot, but at the moment he could have cared less. They were joined, and he strived to make her shudder and crumble into oblivion. He also strove to his own peak, her velvety insides stroking and milking him. How could she be so tight?

Riza stiffened below him, and he felt her walls tighten around his pulsating cock; she was so close. Growling, he added more force behind his rocking, reaching deeper inside of her each time. He didn't know when exactly it happened, but suddenly, she screamed his name, flames exploding from her mouth.

"Charizard!" Her body rode out her first orgasm, and Riza almost sobbed. He was making her feel so good; she strove to push him over the edge as well. The aftershocks of her orgasm still trembled through her body, yet she also began to move back and forth. Her pussy tightening around him, it became almost painful for him to continue thrusting.

Every muscle in his body locked, save his hips, as the rhythm he had established became lost. He pounded within her mercilessly, mewling cries only causing him to speed up, until he felt it. Charizard had his head swimming, spinning; a white flash impaired his vision. He never thought it possible, his body convulsing, cock shooting thick ropes of his seed inside her. And still, he managed to keep pumping, head thrown back to face the starry sky as he roared. His mouth heated up, and a flamethrower of unimaginable size shot from his mouth, signaling to the sky. He had mated.

A few minutes later, she reached her second orgasm, and she was used up. Only before meeting him, had Riza been a virgin. Their escapades had tired her out. She began to slump some, and with a whimper felt him pull out. Looking back at him, she saw his dragonhood slowly slide back into his shaft, limp and spent.

Charizard thundered over to her side, where she had decided to curl up at that spot. There was no real reason for her to move...the girl would probably ask about the ruckus in the morning anyway. He bent low, laying down as well, his tail cradling her slightly smaller form.

It was silent, save their deep breathing, Riza already half asleep. Yet she wanted to stay up with him, watch the moonlight shine from his crimson eyes. "....I love you." She nuzzled closer to him, her own tail snaking around the base of his.

She was a warrior. Not the strongest of her group, but certainly the most knowledgeable, and she could, indeed, hold her own. It wasn't every day she opened herself to some male, mated with him, then voiced how much she adored him. Though it wasn't simply adoration, it was love. Her eyes drooped as she waited for his reply, though none came. Too tired to be distressed, she gave a great draconic yawn, before slipping into a peaceful slumber.

Charizard watched her the whole time, eyes not even softening when she expressed her love. He grunted to himself, laying his head on hers and rumbling contently. He didn't, couldn't love her..could he? Though he couldn't leave such a declaration unanswered...

Charizard shifted slightly, tail curled against Riza, before his eyes began to close as well.

"...I'll protect you, Riza. That's all I can promise." He whispered to her, before falling into a serene sleep, uninterrupted by dreams. Tomorrow, he would begin working on a plan to help Riza's girls escape the lust of the Raksha.

But for now, they merely slept, resting in the afterglow of their passion.

((*fans face* Izzit hot in here, or is it just me? ^_^ Please, tell me what you think! Be brutally honest if you must! ~_^))