Episode 9: Welcome to Stuff Em'z

Story by ThatOneNetwork on SoFurry

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#11 of Stay for the Party (Season 1)

Written by. ThatOneFurry770 ~ https://thatonefurry770.sofurry.com/

Also readable at the Sofurry group ~ https://www.sofurry.com/groups/view?id=4218



Chapter 3: Bigger Plans

Part 1/3: Welcome to Stuff Em'z

"Lucas had earlier mentioned a new restaurant in town. Both Lucas and Connor go over to see the new restaurant, which turns out to be a place called Stuff Em'z. This place concentrates on one thing only: Fattening foods and fattening men!"

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Chapter 3: Bigger Plans ~ Episode 9: Welcome to Stuff Em'z

"Did I tell you about the new restaurant in town?" ~ __Connor rest a paw upon Lucas' head, "No... Tell me about it..."

Connor and Lucas both entered the restaurant, the second they stepped inside wonderful smells and sounds of greasy fat foods and the smacking of eating burst into their noses and ears. Conversation, eating, and overall; FAT. This restaurant concentrated on a few things: fat men, fat food, fat fun. It's what it was all about. With every corner and inch they saw of the restaurant was eating, munching, stuffing. Almost every body in the room was either chunky, obese, chubby or maybe even thin, the ones who want to become like the others surrounding his smaller frame.

The place was called Stuff Em'z,

and now Connor understood why.

Both gazed at the scene for a moment until Connor broke the silence between the two, "How on Earth did you find out about this place?" he said, already turned on by such a miracle, pinching himself to prove he was actually dreaming. But he was awake. The only thing he felt was his own attempt to accept it wasn't real.

Dumbfounded, Lucas chuckled with a grin, "I knew you'd like it. I found out about this place while I was walking around town. I saw the sign saying Stuff Em'z: 'Official hotel/restaurant of fat men and fat food' and I was like "EXCUSE ME." so I ran inside and saw what I least expected to be real." he threw his arms out to the gorging crowd, "Fat men eating fat food!"

Connor laughed to himself, almost afraid of something, his face already feeling a bit red, likely because of something he had dreamed about, and holy crap here it was. He was about to take a step forward until someone tapped on their shoulders. The two turned around and they saw a squirrel, smiling at them.

For a second Connor could have sworn it was Wesly from the library, but the next second he saw some differences. He was a different color of eyes, Wesly's were blue as the other were emerald green, glimmering at every angle. Wesly was slim, as this one had a basketball belly. He was wearing a tight pair of shorts which were green and bulging around his crotch, and his shirt (also tight against his belly) was red and had the main Stuff Em'z logo, which is a fat man eating a slice of pizza, rubbing his belly in a silhouette.

_His name tag admitted his name as Mark. _

Connor gasped lightly, staring at the tag and then moving his eyes to the squirrel's. He was going to say something, but the squirrel spoke first, "Welcome to Stuff Em'z, gentlemen! My name is Mark and I'll be assisting you today." he said with a smile, his somewhat chubby cheeks giving him the most adorable look, "Have you men been here before? Are you carrying Stuff Em'z ID?"

The wolf sighed, "No, we aren't. We're new here, and holy crap," he looked around himself once more, "this place is, so far, a dream come true."

Mark nodded his head, "I said the same thing when I got my job here. It's a great place. As you can see, I've been using this place for my advantage." he winked, rubbing his belly and carrying a clipboard in between his armpit with the other, "Wanna feel it?" he asked the both of them.

Connor gladly reached over and rest a paw onto it, chuckling as he made a circular motion around it's warm, soft, covered flesh, "It feels good, wonderful even..." he blushed, a tent around his crotch, even Lucas joined in but didn't say anything, just chuckled to himself and gave it a soft pat.

As Connor continued to rub, making Mark moan softly, Mark continued, "You say you don't have a Stuff Em'z identification?"

Lucas shook his head, "No we don't... is that bad?"

"Heavens, yes!" the squirrel said, but with a goofy smile, "You guys can get signed up for free!"

That word echoed in both of their skulls, "FREE?" they both said in shock.

Mark nodded his head, "It's insane, right? The only cost is the food and the room service, unless you guys get special plans and memberships that get either give you discounts or coupons, and even access to free stuff!"

Both Connor and Lucas turned their heads to one another, then back to Mark, "Sign us up!"

Episode 10: The Tour

**Chapter 3: Bigger Plans ~ Episode 10: The Tour** * * * _"And that ends out tour. Thank you so much for signing up for Stuff Em'z and we hope you come back in often!"_ Both Connor and Lucas got a good tour around Stuff Em'z after signing up for a...

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Episode 8: Smooth Move

**Chapter 2: Sorting Things Out ~ Episode 8: Smooth Move** * * * _The doors opened, and three people entered Henry's after waiting outside; just to get a copy of Nick's book._ Nick sat at a small table in the corner of the library, where many...

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Episode 7: The Little Girl

**(NEW FORMATTING)** I'm sorry if this is confusing some of you, but I keep changing the formatting because Sofurry's writing system doesn't wanna seem to keep it's form when I upload the story. So this is the last format update as it is simple enough...

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