The Creation Of Xrohne Chapter #1

Story by Xrohne on SoFurry

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#1 of The Creation Of Xrohne

this will be the first upload of The Creation Of Xrohne. or me, whichever you prefer. It is not meant to be a vanity publishing and should not be treated as such. please keep an open mind to what you read in this story. The Cheetah in this story is none other than Cheetahs, without whom my character and town would never have gotten it's name. If you like what you see or want more please drop a like and a rate. If you are reading this currently, forget about this chapter, and read chapter #1 revised, that's the better of the two, sorry if it caused any inconvenience

As James (some 20 years of age.) who looked like something you might see from the movie The Watchmen, With his black fedora slightly facing down on his head, and had bluish-green eyes, dirty blond hair, was wearing somewhat worn out blue jeans and a long black Australian Outback long coat. Sat down on the train he thought to himself that maybe this time, it would be different, that maybe, his life would change for the better out in the country. The train was one of the New-Age trains, with a darkly tanned leather interior and shatter-proof glass to protect against the winds that occur while travelling at 300 or so kilometers an hour. In front of him on the back of another seat, was a 15 inch plasma TV so as to make the ride a little easier on the average man. Yet another one of the perks of riding First Class. On the side of his seat, on the armrest was a neon blue and green console.

As the train started to approach the wall that divided country from city, he realized that if he did get out of the city, and it didn't work. Then he had nothing, or no one to come back to, and that this literally was (in essence) a one trip pony. As the train approached the wall it started to slow down, soon though it would really open up, as the laws of the city don't allow it to go over 90 kilometres an hour. It stopped when it reached the wall. He could see, from his vantage point. The Conductor and the Gate Guard conversing and passing each other papers, then with a light grinding noise, the gate in front of the train split into 4 curved parts and seemed to be revolving into the wall in a counter clockwise formation.

Then once it had completely opened, the train started to go to its full speed which took a minute or two. Three hours later he arrived in Willow-Wood that had a population of some 75 people. The first thing he thought was that he didn't remember seeing a wall protecting this town from wild animals, and he was very curious as to why that was. Was it because they were comfortable around them? Or because they could fend them off? He wasn't sure. But one thing was for sure; the Train Station looked old and run down. What paint was left on the Station was peeling off, the metal was heavily rusted on the support beams, the Metal Grate floor boards had holes the size of watermelons in them, and the roof looked like it was about to collapse.

The luggage claim was just as bad, the weighing scales were corroded with lime scale, the conveyor belt you put your luggage on was very creaky, and the glass that the ticket checking man was behind was covered in at least three years of dust. After he got through the Item Check-Out and walked out of the run-down Station he took his first real step outside of the safety of the wall he had lived behind his whole life, and with that, he took a deep breath, and the first thing he noticed was that the air was cleaner than it had been behind the wall. When he looked around he noticed that there was tree's. actual trees! For the first time he had seen a tree, and it wasn't the leafy kind he had heard of in school and books, but a new kind to him, the base was very wide and the farther it went up the skinnier it got. The branches were covered in spiky looking needles, and the whole tree was green.

As he tried to pull a name up for it he remembered that it was called a coniferous tree, or in simpler terms, a Pine tree. As he started to walk down the road he put his ear-buds in as to listen to the new IPhone 21 that had just come out a couple of weeks ago. While he was walking down the gravel road that lead to Willow-Wood he had this feeling that made him feel like he was being watched and after what seemed like a couple hours of walking (it had only been half an hour), he finally made it to Willow-Wood's town square, where most of the buildings seemed to be. What he found curious was that there were maybe a total of two people in the square at the same time as he was. Even more curious was the way they looked, they both had kind of squinty like eyes and a long pointy nose, (a trait he would soon realise that all of them had) they both had hair the colour of cream, and their clothing choices were, as to put it, eccentric. What the first one was wearing, whom he had decided was a female included a light red jacket, tall hiking boots, and jeans that looked brand new. And the second one who was a male wore almost identical clothing. The jacket for instance was blood red, as of the womans' was almost a light shade of pink. His pants were still blue-jeans but were almost the colour of his hair, yet the womans' were a deep shade of blue, and their footwear was identical, so much so that it looked like it was down to the very fiber.

"Hello over there." He shouted across the square.

The two people glanced at him as if noticing him for the first time. Then they each turned in the same direction and walked away through the alleys. As James started to walk away along the sidewalk he started to wonder what was wrong with those two people, suddenly a hand shot out and pulled him into a building.

"What do you think you're doing walking about in the day like that?" A voice hissed at him.

"I might just ask you the same fucking thing." James retorted.

"Fair enough, fair enough. Oh wait, let me get the lights so you can see better."

With that the mysterious voice flicked a switch and the room was basked in light, and James jumped back in surprise in front of him stood a magnificent Cheetah. He had astoundingly golden fur and spots of the darkest night, and his face had ne'er a blemish on it except for the two black smudge like lines that ran down to the bridge of his nose.

"Y-you're a Cheetah." James said with fear creeping up in his voice.

"I am aware of that friend. But you, are obviously a full human." The cheetah said with curiosity creeping up in his voice.

"W-what do you mean by that exactly?" James asked while starting to go into a huddle that was beginning to appear like he was curling into himself.

"By that I mean that you have no taint of an animal, fictional or real, on you whatsoever. So that means the other members of this town have not discovered you yet." The cheetah said while beginning to pace around the room.

"Well," James whispered, "two may have seen me, but I'm not sure as of yet."

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