Magical Guardian

Story by padfootsm on SoFurry

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#5 of Story Pad

So on Monday night, I asked for ideas for a Story Pad. Lo and behold, someone commented that they rarely saw me do anything 'adult'. This made me chuckle, as I just choose to not write it when using -other- peoples' characters. One may never know when you might cross the line. Sensual and teasing? Always. Adult? Meh.

So this is directed to tease one person, Hetzer. Enjoy it though!

Once upon a time... No, that's not quite right. That makes things sound too fantastical and this story is based on reality. Somewhat. We can bend the rules a little bit, but that's what makes stories so fun. So. Let me start again.

There was once a young boy named Mark...

"Alright, so I've got the coefficient of magical loss during the transference down." He scribbled a few notes on a piece of paper. "I think if I put the magical input at step three to four, then the output should be about right." He did a few more notes.

Standing behind him, his magic instructor stood. A good three feet taller than Mark, he watched with a bemused smirk on his muzzle, "Young Human Apprentice Mark..."

Mark flinched, "Uh, yes sir?"

"You have naught put anything on thy paper save for a few lines and scratch marks. How whilst thy know when to apply the proper channeling of magic into thy construct if thy annotations are...well, utter nonsense?"

Mark sighed and put his head against the single wooden table in the room, "We call it pure bullshit where I'm from, sir. And I don't want to write out the magical equation."

"While the concept of any particular form of fecal matter being nonsense is slightly fascinating, I am more concerned with why thy choose not to scribe thy equation?"

The human, all 5'8" of him, deflated. "Because that would require me to add, subtract, and do other stuff related to math. I hate math. Hate it. Hate, hate, hate..."

While his apprentice went a tirade on the uselessness of mathematics, the kitsune known as Ral huffed and shook his head. His nine tails twitched in anxiety, "Young Human Apprentice Mark, thy work leading up to the magic itself is just as important as thy final casting."

Mark fell backwards with a small thud, his robes bunched up around his feet, "I signed up to do magic, not math! I mean, magic is cool. Flash, boom, bang! Ta-daaaah! No one told me it would require me to actually do numbers and take notes and stuff."

The kitsune tilted his head, "Thou expected to grasp the arcane, one of the most difficult arts of crafting the nothingness and the energies beyond thine own world, without actually studying? It seems my faith in thy drive was highly misplaced."

Mark quickly got off the ground, "Master Ral, I sincerely apologize." He swept a bow and almost fell as his robe, still bunched around his feet, didn't give him the mobility it should. His master stood impassive, a white robe draped over his shoulders.

His tails weaved back and forth in consternation, "I worry for thy future, Young Human Apprentice Mark. Thy first test of mastery is on the morrow. Mine own eyes are hidden from thy test and I cannot foresee what they might ask of thou."

Mark straightened up, "I won't fail you, Master Ral. I swear it."

The kitsune heaved a sigh and then gave a rare smile, "Mine hope is placed within thy body. I wish thee luck. Now, go to thy room and rest. There is nothing more I may instruct thou in this day."

Mark nodded, his face holding a certain level of gravity as he walked out. As soon as he was out of sight, he cracked a big grin. A whole day off from class meant he could goof off for a few hours, then crash into bed. He sprinted down the spiral staircase that served as his classroom. Mark had been accepted as an apprentice five years ago. He had studied general magics at the academy for four years, then was transferred to study under a master for one year. Master Ral lived far away from anyone, choosing to contemplate nature and its 'mystic ways,' as he liked to put it. If he passed the test tomorrow, he would be given his first magic staff, crafted carefully just for him. Then he would be allowed to choose his own master to study under for the next three years.

He already had a master in mind too. His thoughts wandered from this remote outpost of a classroom he had lived in for a year to the smoking hot Master Valia. He had bumped into her while at the academy and she had flashed a gorgeous smile at him. She lived in the city, where things were exciting, kept herself fit, easily noticed by her very tight body, and wasn't above using magic to enhance her already amazing looks. She would be the best master ever. He even heard rumors that she chose one of her higher level apprentices to warm her bed every week.

He sauntered outside of Master Ral's house and went for a walk. Everything was going his way. He might even spend some of his apprentice allowance on some wine that vendor had in the tiny hamlet over the hill. Getting drunk sounded like a great way to celebrate his day off...

A hand shook him. "Mmmrgh...Not now, sleeping." Mark waved it away. The hand was more insistent this time. Mark opened one bleary eye and stared upwards, expecting Master Ral's frowning countenance to be glowering at him. Instead, a very large and muscular canine was glaring daggers at him. "Meep!" Mark tried to roll out of his bed. His movement, which would have normally put him in the corner of his room, landed him in a warm pile of sand. It also made his head feel like it was splitting open.

"Apprentice Mark. You are here to take the magical entrance exam. Stand and be recognized." The canine barked loudly. Mark was certain he was doing it on purpose. He slowly stood, keeping his eyes lowered to try and decrease his chance of being sick. It wasn't helping. "Apprentice, you are to walk to the center of this island," the canine shouted. "There, you will find a test waiting for you. Any questions?"

The human uncovered his ears, "Do you take pleasure in doing this to me?"

The canine, some form of wolf-mix, grinned at him. "The utmost pleasure. It's pathetic wastes of space like you that make me hate my job of facilitating this exam. Now get moving."

Mark nodded, scooting past the hulking wall of fur and muscle. He covered his eyes and tried to formulate some thoughts. There was a bright light overhead, meaning the sun or some sort of simulated sun. There was sound beneath his feet. He glanced over and saw water and waves. He was on an island.

Ahead of him, there was even a path, obvious to anyone who was looking for it. The canine snarled, "Well? Get moving! I don't have all day."

Mark waved him off and stumbled forward. Why had he thought that three bottles of wine was a good idea? The merchant had offered him a sample of some new wines he had in. Then he was asking why he was celebrating. Then he said he would offer him a deal for his graduation. It had all happened so fast...

The walk into the island felt like eternity. The path was narrow and it didn't split, not even once. Both sides of the path had thick green vegetation, but no branches stretched over the path itself. It was hot and humid and there was very little in the way of shade. It may have been minutes or hours, but the human found himself in a clearing suddenly. He glanced back the way he thought he had come, but didn't see the sandy path anymore. He was hungover, drenched in sweat, and felt like his head had hammers pounding on it. He glanced around the clearing, looking for some kind of mage-type who would test him. There was no one.

He spun around in a slow circle. There was no one here. "Hello," he croaked out, trying not to shout, but still trying to be heard. "What do I do now?" Again, no answer. Master Ral had told him little of the test. He had said it would be a means to evaluate how much he had learned, whatever that meant. Should he start casting spells, seeing if he could get off the island. He had no idea.

Without warning, a window opened in the hot sky. It shimmered around the edges brightly, forcing Mark's already painful migraine to intensify. He covered his eyes carefully and watched as best as he could. A face appeared in the middle of the window and spoke, "Apprentice. You are to create a guardian for yourself. You have one hour, after which you will be attacked in some manner. If your guardian defends you, you pass. If your guardian fails, you die. One hour. Best of luck." Then the window closed in upon itself and it was gone.

Mark stared at where the window had been, his jaw hanging open. He had to create a guardian? That was freaking impossible to do in an hour! He wanted to shout and yell, but knew that no one was there to hear him. He looked around him, the sun bearing down on him without remorse. There were no materials nearby other than sand and a wall of shrubbery. He could make some kind of sand golem, he pondered. He picked up a handful of the sand and watched it slide through his fingertips. The soil wouldn't hold enough consistency to defend against a gnat, let alone whatever they had cooked up. Still defending against his pounding headache, he tried to find some other kind of material to use. His eyes fell upon the sand he had just sifted through. There, wiggling in the sun, was a worm. He reached down and picked it up daintily. By itself, it wasn't enough, but it gave him a magical base.

An idea struck him. He began to push some of the brush and vines aside that created the wall around his clearing. The noise was almost unbearable, but after a few minutes, he found an orange lizard with a white belly sunning itself on a leaf. "Alright... They want a guardian. I'll give them a freaking guardian." With that, he began to craft his spell, using the worm and lizard as his primary components. If he had thought about it, he might have tried to calculate his spell out perfectly and control it like Master Ral had been trying to teach him for months. Carry the one here, subtract there, and deduce just how much power he should channel into his spell. He didn't do any of that. Instead, he crafted his spell by pouring out every ounce of magical power he had, pushing the single goal to 'protect him' onto his new creation.

It took him fifteen minutes of crafting before his spell weave was finished and ready to be activated. He set the trigger off and stepped back, expecting a creature to step forth that would be ready to fight against whatever they thought to throw at him. Something did step forth. It wasn't what he expected at all. Mark wiped the sweat out of his eyes, trying to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. "Oh gods," he whispered.

He slowly leaned back and stared upwards at what he had wrought. The creature was massive, easily four to five times his size. It had the head of a lizard, slightly anthropomorphized to make it seem more 'human', sorta. Mark's head suddenly cleared as he watched two very large spheres hang from her chest. She bent over at her waist, leaning in close to study her new 'master'. He had infused in this creation the desire to protect him. He wasn't 100% sure what he had done, but he had created a live guardian.

Her eyes were a deep yellow, and she smiled at him. It was a sly and enticing smile. Mark suddenly hoped he hadn't put his thoughts of Master Valia into his creation. As she stood back up, he realized that his guardian was even more beautiful than Master Valia. She had everything he could ever want. Long, sensual legs that stretched upwards, a nice curvy body with wide hips, a very large bust that included two very pink and very erect nipples, and a huge...

Mark coughed as he saw what hung between her legs. His legs? Her legs? Its legs? In his initial awe over the beauty of his guardian, he had somehow missed the huge package hanging between his...her...legs. It was a hermaphrodite.

"Oh crap," Mark whispered. "Earthworms. The base for my spell... They can be both genders. I think. Damn it, damn it...why didn't I pay closer attention to Master Ral! He tried to teach me about this sort of thing."

The dragon-like creation bearing both genders watched him. He decided it was a she, since she had the shape of a woman. She seemed very interested in her creator as he stomped around, fuming at himself. He pointed up at her, "You're going to be able to protect me, right? Then you'll be done and gone! Do you hear me? I pass, then I dispel this magic." The dragoness creature gave a sweet sound, like a 'chrrrrrr' and leaned back over to pick him up. Mark wanted to protest, to throw a bolt of something at her. He found one small problem though. In his haste to create a guardian, he had spent every single bit of magical energy he had. He was depleted. He couldn't light a candle if he wanted to.

The warm hands wrapped around him softly and lifted him upwards, like an adult lifting a small baby. She pulled him into a hug, smooshing him between her mighty bosom. "Well...I guess you're not...too terrible." She made the same sound as before, smiling at him happily. Mark sighed and settled into her embrace. He wasn't going anywhere. His guardian was here to stay until the test was over. He might as well enjoy it. He put his arms out on either side of her curved breasts and settled in. She didn't seem to mind. She even seemed to appreciate it, nuzzling him lightly in return.

Time ticked by. Mark had no way to track how much of his time had passed, so he simply was left to his own thoughts. "Hey, missy," he began. "You wouldn't happen to have anything to drink, would you?" He said it in jest, his thirst growing as his hangover diminished. She tilted her head at him, curious. Mark waved his hands and opened his mouth. "You know, drink? Ahhh...! Delicious water? Goes down your throat...?" She studied him, then understanding seemed to arrive on her face. She nodded, picking him up. "Oh? You do? That's awesome. Whereeee..." His words trailed away as she moved his face to her nipple.

"Wait, I mean, no...!" She wasn't about to be deterred by a simple thing as his wants now. She shoved his face into her thick nipple. He marveled for a moment at the areola, which was huge, but then quickly focused on the immediate problem. His guardian was pushing his face into a nipple the size of a spigot. He got the feeling if he didn't drink, she would keep pressing him into it. Well, he thought. Might as well take advantage of the opportunity while one can. He opened his mouth around the nipple and suckled. He didn't know why, but he had hoped for something cool and glorious to hit his lips. Instead, a warm bitter milk filled his mouth. He pulled away, sputtering.

" No, no. I think not, Ms. Guardian." He waved his hands and shook his head at her. She tilted her head, puzzled. He had asked for something to drink and she had obviously given it to him. A new look crossed her face and she nodded to him again. Mark felt her paws start to lower him. He wasn't sure what she was thinking, until he saw the sheath hanging between her legs. She was moving her there. "The nipple," he screamed. "I'll take the nipple! Yum, yum, delicious!" After drinking enough that she seemed satisfied, Mark rested in her cleavage once more. He wasn't thirsty anymore at least. There was that, he supposed.

When all seemed to fade into a dull haze of boredom, Mark heard a rustle in the bushes. His guardian put one claw over him and snarled. At last, his test would... The canine from earlier walked into the clearing with a huge smirk on his face.

"Congratulations, Apprentice Mark. You have passed the exam. You will now proceed to the shore and be transferred back to your home with Master Ral."

The human wanted to scream at the canine, but only asked, "Where was the attack that was promised?"

"Oh, that was just to put pressure on you. We watched to see how you would react when you knew danger was imminent. While your initial magic was...interesting, but not enough to pass. The situation that followed was hilarious enough for us to let you get by."

Mark turned a shade of bright red, "So...that's it? I'm done?"

The canine nodded, "Just dismiss your guardian and you're free to go."

"Quick question...what if I can't dismiss her right now? I'm sorta tapped out." He waved to the guardian, who had relaxed a bit, sensing this new guest wasn't a threat.

"Since you can't dismiss 'her', then she must travel home with you. Have fun with her. She seems like a real keeper, kid."

"Wait, so you're sending both of us back to Master Ral...?" The canine gave an exasperated sigh and nodded. "Oh no... He's not going to like this."

"Not my problem, kid." He turned and walked away, the path reappearing in the foliage. Mark looked at his guardian and just pointed. She nodded and walked.

At the shore, they were teleported to the front of Master Ral's country home. The kitsune stood there, waiting for him. "Well, mine apprentice," he began, not even disturbed by the giant dragoness in his yard. "Didst thou pass?"

Mark nodded, "I did, sir. But...I think it was a close thing." He looked back at his creation and realized that, while she wasn't a terrible creature, he had made her without much thought to the how or the why. He just did. He turned back to Master Ral, "Sir...I would ask permission to stay with you for longer. I have...well, a lot to learn it seems."

The kitsune's tails danced back and forth, which Mark knew meant amusement, "I am glad to hear thy ask of me such a thing, my apprentice. It shows wisdom. I do have one small requirement if thou wish to remain with me though."

"Yes, sir?"

The kitsune smiled, "Thou will have to keep thy creation as she is. No unmaking of such a gentle soul. Doth thou agree?"

Mark nodded after a moment, trying to appear reluctant, "Aye, sir. I agree."

The orange dragoness, understanding what had transpired or not, leaned in to begin to lick Mark.