Spyro the Relaxing 2: Chapter two

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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#11 of Spyro the Relaxing

Disclaimer: If you are under 18, you are under aged and need to stop reading. I don't own the Spyro characters but I did create Gera, Mia, Joan, Sam, Jolt and this stories main character Cirus. In addition, Gold-heart was a character that someone request that I added. Also in this story, I will add another character to the mix named Milenko and he was also requested.

Author's note: I am getting better and trying even harder to get even better than that. I am taking more time on my chapters and trying to lengthen them with detail. I really hope everyone likes it.

Chapter 2: Unwritten Legacies.

Some have prophecies foretold about their destiny and greatness, others half to find or make their greatness on their own. Some even pray for the chance to be great, but for young Cirus it was different. He was about to inherit his fathers legacy by taking on Spyro's failure to permanently defeat the dark master and keep him destroyed. It wasn't Spyro's fault for the dark master continues ways of coming from the dead, but Cirus knew that he wasn't going to let this chance get by him to prove himself to his father.

Cirus looked down at Sam as he saw her blissful look. He could barely believe that just hours before he had mated for the first time with her, and he felt guilty for leaving. He slowly lifted his body off hers and headed out the doors of his room. He tiptoed past Joan and Mia's room and then her mother's room.

"Where do you think you are going?" Someone asked.

"Jolts what are you doing awake?" Cirus asked.

"I can ask you the same thing." Jolts retorted.

"I'm going to fight the dark master." Cirus said walking away.

"I go where you go bro." Jolts said before opening the door for Cirus.

"Fine, but if I say run you run, got it?" Cirus said seriously.

"You don't half to worry bout that, I always run from danger." Jolts said with a laugh.

"Can you keep up slowpoke?" Cirus joked

"I can but the question is, can you?" Jolts replied.

"Let's find out." Cirus said jumping from the balcony and soaring into the sky.

Cirus did a little spin move in the air showing off.

"Your grandma teach ya that, Cirus?" Jolts asked trying to push Cirus's button.

"No but watch this." Cirus said as he started an airborne maneuver.

Cirus flew high into the sky and right when he was about to perform his little move he froze. He looked into the distance and saw light. Jolts flew up and looked in the same direction.

"What is that?" Jolts asked.

"I know fire when I see it." Cirus growled. "Jolts go back and warn Cynder that a fire is heading toward the temple."

"What are you going to do?" Jolts asked.

"I have all the elements on my side and I tend to put out that fire." Cirus said before heading off.

Jolts paced back and forth unsure what to do, "Should I stay or should I go?"

Jolts repeated that phrase over and over and knew that if he went with Cirus he would be useless. He needed to warn Cynder and the others so they don't burn in their sleep if the fire reached the temple.

Cirus raced toward the flames and began feeling the heat on his scales. He landed right beside Silver River and watched the forest burn in a blaze. Cirus froze in fear when he looked at the fire. One side he felt the coolness of the river and the night. The other side of his body was searing hot from the flames. Then he thought of Spyro. He growled in anger as he roared, "I will prove myself."

Cirus blew at the flame but he became confused as a lightning bolt darted from his maw instead of ice as he intended to do.

"What in the world?" Cirus questioned.

Then Cirus looked up as a large mushroom like tree came crackling down in flames. It seemed to fall in slow motion as it fell. He couldn't move though. Then his whole body swooped off the ground. He looked from the land quickly passing under him to the thing that saved him.

"Gold-Heart." Cirus said looking at him.

Gold-Heart looked at Cirus before finding a good place to land.

"Help me put out those flames." Gold-Heart said rushing toward the fire.

Cirus watched as Gold-Heart leaped up in the air with his angelic wings with a second pair of demonic wings. This time he didn't have his black knight armor on. His skin was a dark green with red marking covering his face. He looked much like a dragon but stood upright and wore a brown vest and seemed to be unarmed at the moment. Where Cirus stood, he saw the mushroom forest ablaze on the other side of the river. Everything on this side of Silver River was untouched by the scorching flames. Gold-Heart landed on the other side of the river and began to breathe ice at the trees. Cirus ran over easily leaping the river and began to breath, searching himself for his ice ability. He felt his throat cool with the ice as he finally starting cooling the forest. Suddenly he saw something run through the darkness of the forest. He and Gold-Heart had finished off the fire and Cirus didn't waste any time after to race after the figure he had seen.

"Where are you going young dragon?" Gold-Heart asked running next to Cirus.

"I saw a figure run this way." Cirus replied.

"It might be the dark master." Gold-Heart pointed out.

"Good." Cirus said under his breath.

Cirus galloped to a stop as he eyed a cave. He could smell that someone had entered the cave. It smelt like a dragon but this figure also had a mixed bloodline just like Gold-heart, Sam, and her sisters. Cirus squinted his eyes so he could see.

"So this is the son of Spyro?" A deep voice echoed.

"Yes, tell me, are you the dark master?" Cirus asked.

"Yes, well what little that's left of me anyway." Dark master replied.

"Do you have a name or do I just keep calling you the dark master?" Cirus questioned.

"You can just call me the dark master young one." Maverick replied.

"Ok dark master, I don't want to fight you so surrender." Cirus demanded.

"If you don't want to fight then you surrender." the dark master replied with an evil chuckle.

"Tell me something dark master." Cirus said lightly trying to keep the dark master from attacking at the moment.

"I guess I you can ask one question." Dark master said seeming to get a kick out of the young dragon.

"Did you take over that body that you are in?" Cirus asked.

"Yes, I found this body through another realm and brought it here because it seems to sustain my powers since he breathes all the elements." The dark master claimed.

"Ok, tell me something else, why does that body look so much like the humans in the stories of ancient past?" Cirus questioned again.

"ENOUGH, I am growing weary of these questions." The dark master snapped, "As much as I would like to play twenty questions with you I really need to go and secure the foundation of my powers." The dark master said as he tried to leave the cave.

"STOP." Cirus roared, "You are not going anywhere."

"Out of my way, you insolent twerp." The dark master barked.

"Never." Cirus said blowing fire out of his mouth, "Damn, I meant to use ice."

Gold-Heart pushed Cirus out of the way as the dark master shot ice from his own muzzle. The dark master went to the opening of the cave and turned to face Cirus and Gold-Heart.

"I will see you when I get ready to kill the both of you." The dark master said grinning.

Right as the dark master turned to leave a large dark black dragon with a red underbelly landed crushing the dark master. You could hear the dark master cursing as darkness left the body of the figure he had captured.

"MOM?" Cirus asked shocked.

"Why in the hell did you leave the temple?" Cynder roared as her overprotective self, kicked into hyper drive.

"I just..." Cirus started.

"Just nothing, you are in so much fucking trouble." Cynder roared out.

"Please Miss Cynder; he just wanted to prove himself to his dad." Sam stated as she walked into the cave.

Cynder sighed looked at her little boy. Cirus could see sadness and fear in her eyes as she left the cave.

"Are you ok?" Sam asked Cirus.

"Yea I'm ok but is my mom?" Cirus asked jokingly.

"She is just overprotective." Sam said nuzzling Cirus's cheek.

"I wish my mom was like yours, Sam." Cirus said frowning.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"Well my mom is all about punishment and hard work while you Gera is lenient and very open with you." Cirus pointed out.

"Yea but your mom you can talk too." Sam said before she realized what she said.

"What, is there something that you need to talk about?" Cirus asked.

"No." Sam said leaving the cave with her head hung low.

"Cirus was it; I will see you next time." Gold-Heart said with a grin before leaping into the air and flew off.

Cirus began to leave the cave as he then looked at the human like dragon on the ground. He sighed as he realized he couldn't just leave him their. Especially since the dark master might try to take him over again. Cirus put him on his back as he took off into flight followed by Sam and Cynder. Cirus looked back to see Gold-Heart take off in the other direction. The temple came into view as the sun also came into view. The morning sun rose and lit up the sky. Cirus hadn't had but an hour's sleep and the same was probably the same for Sam. It took all of Cirus's power just to keep himself and the two-legged figure on his back.

"What?" The two-legged man asked in shock as he looked toward the ground.

"Just stay calm." Cirus demanded.

However, the two-legged man didn't stay calm and fell off Cirus's back. The two-legged dragon fell to the earth and he screamed his head off. Out of reflex his wings stretched out and the air beneath him caught his fall. He slowly glided in circles to the ground. Cirus, Cynder, and Sam rushed to his side to aid him.

"STAY AWAY." The two-legged dragon demanded.

"We only want to help." Cirus said reassuringly.

"What are you?" the creature asked.

"I'm Cirus and we are dragons." Cirus replied. "What are you?"

"I am a human and my name is Milenko." Milenko answered.

"Milenko, why do you look like a dragon?" Cirus asked.

"A dragon?" Milenko questioned.

Milenko looked at his body while sitting on the ground. He was an anthro dragon with jet-black scales with a silver underbelly. His claws were a shade of grayish silver and he was amazed as he eyed his black wings that also had a silver underside. What scared him the most was the bloody gash on his side?

"You should really let us help you." Sam said in a sweet voice.

"Fine, since you dragons seems so nice." Milenko replied.

"Milenko if it reassures you just think, if you couldn't trust us then why didn't we just kill you?" Cirus said pointing out.

"Just help me please if you're going too." Milenko said as he tried to help Cirus get his body onto his back.

They were all just in front of the temple so they walked the rest of the distance. They stepped into the temple to heal their friend. The guardians welcomed them back as they placed Milenko to the ground next to a wall. Milenko groaned as he breathed.

"Tend to his wounds Volteer." Ignitus said handing him a dragon made first aid kit.

Volteer carefully wrapped bandages around his chest and squeezing it as to keep the gash from staying open. Milenko flinched as Volteer gave a final tug to the bandages before stepping back.

"All better." Volteer said smiling.

"Far from it." Milenko groaned.

"What's going on?" Mia asked as she came in the room with her sister.

"We stopped a fire and saved this fellow." Cirus said pointing to Milenko.

"Sup." Milenko said with a tired grin with a small wave.

"Hi." Joan and Mia both said smiling.

"You can take my room Milenko." Cirus said, "Can you stand?" Cirus asked.

"I can try." Milenko said trying to stand.

He made it to his feet with a grunt and slowly followed Cirus to his room, "Where will you sleep?"

"I have a place, don't worry about me." Cirus said grinning at Sam.

They helped Milenko lay down on the bed and left him to rest. After they left Milenko sighed thinking of the last memory he had before changing into a half dragon. All he could remember was smoke consuming his body and blacking out. He growled in frustration before letting the exhaustion consume his body as he drifted off to sleep.

Cynder had taken Cirus out on the balcony to talk to her unruly son. Sam waited in the temple watching Cirus and Cynder from afar. She was glad she wasn't out their on the balcony because it seemed that Cynder's anger was about to burst at any moment.

"Cirus you can't just leave like that, you have responsibilities." Cynder said with a soft claw on his shoulder.

"YEA LIKE WHAT, taking care of the sisters or taking the stupid guardian training, THEIR NOT EVEN HERE, DAMN IT." Cirus roared at his mother.

"Cirus I understand your frustration, and I..." Cynder started before Cirus interrupted.

"DO YOU REALLY MOTHER?" Cirus roared loudly.

"If you're going to listen to anything I half to say just listen to this, I love you and I see so much of your father in you. You need to do what you feel that is right." Cynder said before slowly standing to leave.

Cirus was too upset to answer but he just stayed their as he looked at the morning sun getting higher and higher. Just then, Sam came onto the balcony and Cirus barely noticed.

"Cirus." Sam asked concerned.

"WHAT? I mean what." Cirus said realizing whom he was talking too.

"Cirus are you ok?" Sam asked.

"Yes I'm just so dang angry." Cirus said lowering his head.

"I think I have something that might cheer you up." Sam said taking Cirus's muzzle to her lips.

Cirus eagerly kissed back and this time kissing her seemed, well energized. His anger was replaced with lust for his dragoness. He needed her and he wanted her right their. His member was already bulging from his sheath and was awaiting some kind of release. Sam pulled back and grinned at his apparent arousal.

"I know what you want." Sam said seductively.

Cirus didn't blush but instead smiled.

"Yes and I think we should find somewhere away from the temple so we don't get caught." Cirus said licking her muzzle before jumping from the balcony.

Cirus didn't notice how fast Sam had kept up with him. He looked over his right shoulder to look at her but just then; she flew by him on his left. He almost fell from the sky from her tail swaying in front of him as he looked ahead. His arousal flared up, as he smelled her apparent arousal. It was something that intensified his throbbing member that was very sensitive against the air swishing by his length. She landed first by the silver river and Cirus didn't bother to slow down as he pounced on her. He pushed her hard as he mounted her from the back. Her front arms were forced down as she rested her head on the ground. She moaned as she felt his member pressing against the folds of her woman hood. Cirus could barely stand all this stress. He thrusted into his lovely Sam as he gripped her stomach with his claws. He was surprised to feel bumps in her fur on her stomach. He slowly thrusted as he whispered, "Why are their bumps on your stomach?"

"My dad told me that since I am part Cheetah that I might grow breasts." Sam replied moaning as Cirus started caressing them with his hands.

Cirus picked up his thrusts ready to use her for all that she was worth. She screamed his name as she felt his hard shaft drill in and out of her tight entrance. He didn't know why he did this but he bit her neck as he pounded away into her depth. She was glad they weren't in the temple because everyone would have heard. Even small animals came out to see what was making the noise. He let go of her neck and she brought his muzzle into a kiss as she brought her head around. The kiss didn't last long as Sam roared out in and orgasm. She was kinda disappointed as he stopped.

"Why did you stop, you didn't cum did you?" She asked curiously.

Just then, she felt his member leave her entrance and was placed at the base of her tail. She gripped the ground and gritted her teeth as Cirus pushed into her tail hole. He grunted feeling the vice like hole grip his entire member except for the knot at the base of his member. He rested for a moment as she adjusted to his size. She tensed up again in pain as Cirus thrusted in and out evenly from her second passageway. She didn't ever think that she could get pleasure from that hole but it seemed increasingly pleasurable as the pain subsided. Her vaginal juices rolled up her stomach as they touched the ground from her chest. She grinned at Cirus's expression as she looked at his face. He was lost in himself as he pounded into his love.

She screamed out having yet another orgasm as she thrusted into the air under her as he kept drilling her tight anal tunnel. Cirus's member pleaded for the release and soon it would be all over. She pleaded as tears ran her eyes and her energy within her body flickered as she felt sleep rushing to her. The only thing that kept her from blacking out was her third orgasm that was quickly nearing her. This was it, Cirus plunged one more heart filled thrust deep within his dragoness sending both of the dragons into bliss as they coated each other with cum. He kept thrusting violently as his member shot load after load filling his lover. His anger when he snapped at his mother intensified every single feeling as he slowed to a stop. His knot tying with her as she gave another yelp as pain shot through her again. Cirus fell over bringing her with him as they lay their with his stomach to her back. Cirus licked her neck lovingly.

"Why was that so much better than the first time?" Cirus questioned Sam.

"For one I don't know where you learned to do anal and for two angry sex can be the best ever." Sam said smiling at Cirus.

"Thank you for being mine." Cirus said bringing Sam into a kiss.

"And thank you for letting me be yours." Sam replied laying her head down to rest.

Well what did everyone think? I checked over it twice and used spell and grammar check which isn't worth shit. Anyway some bad language in this one but I think its necessary to show how angry they were. Just think if you cuss all the time then cussing don't mean anything, but if you only cuss when you are angry then people know when to get the hell out of your way. Enough rambling and on to the next chapter.