Everwinter: Lure of Attraction (XXX)

Story by Raedwulf on SoFurry

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#20 of Everwinter

This lewd mini-chapter is part of the Everwinter series but can be read (and enjoyed) by anyone without needing to know any backstory.

There's no plot-relevant information within so those that don't like it can just skip ahead to the next chapter.


Chapter 16,5 - Lure of Attraction (XXX)

788 I.C, February 14, Dracwyn: Inner City Tavern, Evening

I reached into my pocket, fetched the key, and pulled it up. Talwin bolted forward in an instant, snagged it from my hand, and threw me a sly grin.

"You're eager," I mused while he unlocked the door, pushed it open, rushed inside, and threw himself on the bed.

"My paws hurt, my legs feel like lead, even my ass is numb," Talwin said while he stretched and pulled at the sheets like a cat.

I removed the key that Talwin had left in the lock, pushed the door shut, and locked it behind me, "Oh?"

Talwin reached for a pillow, rested his head on it, and glanced up with a cheeky grin, "You're not tired?"

"Exhausted," I answered and walked over to the nearby desk.

"Mm," Talwin murmured.

I glanced back at the bed and noticed that Talwin had now flipped onto his back.

His tail squirmed between his legs and his shirt had pulled up to reveal ridged layers of fur along his abdomen. There was a shift in the aether and his plain brown fur started to change. It grew a vibrant blend of white and gray that mixed with hints of brown and black. In moments he had the vivid texture of a coyote and deep auburn eyes to herald the wilderness within him.

Talwin reached out with his arms, "Join me?"

The open invitation stood in stark contrast to what I was used to. Sex was meant for establishing hierarchy and offspring. It was a violent ritual of biting, struggling, and dominance. Yet here was a male, pleading to me.

Talwin's ears perked and he tipped his head in wonder, "What is it?"

"In a moment, I just need to write something down," I said with a smile and placed my backpack on the ground before I fetched Rastlin's tome.

Talwin bolted from the bed, stepped behind me, and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Don't mind me."

I tried to focus on the tome while Talwin's blunt claws traced along my pants and eased the shirt up. Tender fingers burrowed through my fur and came to rest on my abdomen. His finger twirled in a brushing motion, and the pads kneaded my belly.

My tail squirmed and my concentration slipped, "Talwin."

"Yes?" Talwin pushed his hips against my back, and he nuzzled my neck.

"Just a minu-" My voice trailed off when I felt his hand slip into my pants, and came to rest against the fuzzy sheath within.

"What?" Talwin teased while his fingers traced down the sheath, and cupped the orbs below.

I gulped and tried to stem the budding sensation in the back of my mind, "I-"

His hand shifted, he rolled my balls in his hands, and his padded palm rubbed against the hardening shaft.

"Damn coyote," I growled.

Talwin's hand eased up, he gripped my belt, and moved to my front. With a smile he looked down, pushed a claw against the button of my pants, and popped it open.

"Want me to stop?" Talwin whispered and looked up to meet my eyes.

My heart picked up pace, it thumped inside my chest, and I looked into his auburn eyes, "You ask that, while pulling my pants off?"

"Yes, so?" Talwin asked with a coy grin and began to wiggle my pants down.

My tail squirmed against the fabric, slipped free from the restraints, and began to wag. The fresh air and ease of movement felt nice on my back, and every thump of my heart sent jolts of energy rippling through my body.

Without warning he leaned in, placed the end of his snout against my lips, and held it there. My restraints were slipping, my tongue lapped at his muzzle and he did the same. I moved the tome to the side, dropped it on the table, and embraced him in a gentle hug. I could taste him, my nose could smell him, my hands could feel the warmth of his body.

I like this...

Talwin's hand moved to my loincloth, and his fingers took hold of the string keeping it in place. He eased back, broke the kiss, and sought my eyes, "I want to see the real you, Avery."

With a thought I severed the spell, and it evaporated like smoke. My blond fur began to darken and in moments it grew to become pitch black with a reflective glint.

"There," I whispered.

My insides brimmed with heat and I could feel myself panting while my mind began to stir with lewd thoughts. I wanted to feel his touch once more, the embrace of his muzzle, bobbing with eager.

Talwin pulled at the string, the loincloth loosened, and I felt a brush of fresh air against my groin when it dropped to the ground. I felt along his shirt, caught it, and pulled it up. Talwin obliged, raised his arms, and I slipped it off before throwing it aside.

I trailed my hand through his finely textured, drew a deep breath, and caught the scent wafting from his body. The familiarity of it filled me with joy and the growing hint of musk urged me on.

It made look down and I noticed my own arousal. The black sheath hung against the webbing and bobbed with every beat of my heart. The edge of the sheath had stretched open and the tapered end had inched out.

My heart thumped a little harder when Talwin reached out, placed his hand on my abdomen, gentle rubbed against the sensitive tip. The sensations rippled through my insides, tickled my mind, and made my mind blur while my tail wagged with eager.

"I still remember the first time I saw you. Your red eyes made me think there was something sinister about you, a demon of some kind." Talwin whispered.

I raised my head, and looked into his eyes while Talwin kept going, "But they're beautiful, red like rubies, with depth like the ocean."

Talwin's hand moved to rub against the sheath and budding knot. It made my hips want to hump the air, while I huffed and puffed to relieve the growing heat inside me.

"You're very attractive as well, Talwin," I gasped.

Talwin smiled back and tipped his head a little, "Am I?"

"Yes," I panted.

His hand gently squeezed on the sheath. It made me groan in surprise while a trickle of pre-cum overflowed the edge and trailed down the sheath.

Talwin looked down and whispered, "I know you like girls as well, the stories you've told me, the way you look at them when we visit the taverns. Can you really be attracted to another male?"

The question angered me, it felt like an accusation, a mockery of the sacrifices I had made, the way I was beginning- no, the way I felt for him.

I reached up, caught his muzzle, and forced him to look at me, "One, I'm not looking at others. Two, what kind of talk is that?"

Talwin eased out of my grip but kept his eyes locked with me, "It's an honest question."

"I have strong feelings for you, haven't I proved that?" I asked.

"A strong bond isn't the same as attraction. When you see me, do you want me?"

Do I? Am I attracted to other males?

I reached for his pants, caught the edge, jerked him closer to me, and loosened the button. My eyes stared into the depths of his eyes and I eased my hand underneath his loincloth, and gripped the taut sheath.

A growl rumbled in my chest, and I eased his sheath down until I felt the slick shaft rub against my padded palm, "Yes!"

Talwin closed his eyes for a moment and gyrated his hips against my hand, "Would you... Could you..."

"What?" I asked.

Talwin caught my now slippery hand, and then moved it toward his back. He guided it to the base of his tail, and held it there.

"You..." I whispered.

Talwin lowered his head, "Are you disgusted?"

I shook my head, "No, it's just that..."

Talwin's other hand eased off my erection, slipped along my side, and touched the base of my tail. Two fingers began to massage the base, and it sent a pulsing sensation along my spine.

"It can feel really nice, I can show you... If you let me?" Talwin whispered.

My ears perked, "You want to... Mount me?"

Talwin jerked in surprise, looked up, and shook his head, "No! I mean... With time- I just thought- I mean..."

"Talwin?" I whispered.

Talwin leaned onto my chest and whispered, "Just... Tell me to stop if you find it uncomfortable? I won't do anything sudden, I promise."

I made a gentle nod in confusion, "All right..."

One clawed finger left the base of my tail, moved underneath, and touched my entrance. A ripple of surprise ran through my body, my fur tensed up, and to my surprise I felt my erection harden.

Talwin's touch was gentle, it rubbed, and poked against the warm flesh. It was odd to feel such intense sensations, almost as if he was inside me.

A grunt of surprise left my muzzle when he pushed harder, and his claw slipped inside.

"You okay?" Talwin whispered while more fingers joined the fray and started rubbing.

"S- sure, I'm fine," I whispered.

His claw pushed, the finger flexed my entrance, and little by little, he pushed it deeper. I raised my head, panted with the strange sensations rippling over my senses, and felt my erection strain with an almost painful pressure.

Why is this turning me on so much!?

A second finger pushed against my opening, and I felt the first hints of discomfort, "Talwin."

"Yes?" Talwin whispered.

"It's nice, but it's getting a tad... tight?" I whispered.

"Try it on me?" Talwin whispered while his second finger pulled back and the pressure eased up.

I rested my head against his shoulder, moved my hips a little, and felt our erections rub against one another. It triggered something and I felt a rush of sensation. My pucker clamped tight around his finger, I hugged him from sheer instinct, my groin tightened, and a spurt of pre-cum shot across his chest.

"Oh," I moaned and realized that I was moving my hips in a humping motion.

"Want to try?" Talwin whispered.

"Oh, right," I answered and focused on my hand.

My already slick finger pushed and copied what I had felt Talwin do. I moved it across the sphincter, poked, prodded, and felt the intense warmth. A gentle push was all it took for it to open up and let my finger inside.

Talwin's tail swished in excitement and I heard him whimper, "I meant, do you want to do it with me?"

"You mean?" I whispered.

"You're already humping my chest," Talwin chuckled.

I forced my hips to relax and I dug my nose deep in his fur, "Maybe?"

A gasp escaped my muzzle when Talwin pulled out his finger and leaned back, "Just relax."

Relax? I'm hard as a-

Talwin nudged me along, turned me around, and eased me onto the bed. I leaned back while he caught my shirt, eased it off my arms, threw it aside, and gazed down on me.

Our scents were heavy in the air, it reeked of musk, and my instincts screamed at me. I needed something to fuck, to touch, and the more I panted the deeper his scent burrowed into my mind.

My own shaft throbbed with desire, pre-cum dripped onto my chest, the growing knot strained at the sheath and made me reach for it.

"Don't," Talwin ordered and leaned over the bed.

I pulled my hands back, raised my hips a little, and found myself longing for his touch, "Please?"

Talwin eased his legs onto the bed, loomed over me, reached down and gently guided my shaft. I watched in anxious curiosity when he eased his rear down, and gently maneuvered the shaft underneath his tail.

It was strange, perplexing, yet the screaming instincts and raw lust made me moan in desire.

Talwin grew a grin of delight, and eased his body down. The tip pushed at his entrance, the pressure grew, and opened up to swallow my shaft.

Warmth and pressure enveloped my shaft like a sock being threaded on top. It was tight, intense, and my knot popped out from the restraining sheath with a trickle of glinting lubricant. I worked my hips, while Talwin moved his hips up and down.

Every motion made me growl and moan, it lured me in and made me eager to do more.

While the sensation pleasured me there was something off and irritating about it. The position felt awkward, I couldn't work my body, Talwin set the pace, and it made me feel like a spectator. I reached for his hips to gain more control, but found it difficult to reach while on my back.

"Eager?" Talwin teased with his tongue dangling by the edge of his muzzle.

"I'm..." I manage to sputter between my constant panting.

Talwin's ears perked in wonder, "You don't like it?"

The sensation grew in my chest, it demanded action, I needed to follow it, "Talwin..."

"Should we stop?" Talwin asked.

I couldn't resist any longer, pushed myself up, and wrapped my arms around his chest. Talwin let out a gasp of surprise and I pulled him tight until my knot pushed hard at his entrance.

Talwin wrapped his arms around my back in surprise, "Avery!"

I eased to the left, pulled my leg back, eased to the right, and set my foot down on the ground for a better grip.

"Avery?" Talwin whispered.

I leaned forward, pushed Talwin onto his back, held his shoulders, and looked into his eyes, "Mind if I take over?"

Talwin blinked in surprise and shook his head.

I pulled back a little, felt a brush of cold air against my shaft, and then thrust forward.

Talwin tensed, his eyes widened, and his muzzle opened wide, "Don't stop."

It felt better, natural, I was almost on all four, and I set the pace. Whether it was a male or not didn't matter, it just felt nice, and I wanted to share the feeling. I let my body do its thing, my legs pushed, my hips supported it, and my arms pulled with every thrust.

I panted beside his muzzle, and I felt pressure build in my groin while my shaft pulsed with spurts.


I pounded my hips, worked the knot against his opening, shifted side to side in an attempt to force it in, and kept humping in a pace that had me panting like a wild-dog.

Talwin held onto my arms and chest, but with every hump we were slipping toward the edge of the bed. I needed to pull him back but the thought was discarded for the sheer need of another push.

In my frenzy I leaned to the side, pushed hard, and felt a sudden plop when part of my knot slid inside. It triggered a frantic instinct that made me pull on him in eager.

"Ah! Ah! OH!" Talwin moaned, and with a pop the knot was forced into place.

Talwin's claws dug into my back, I hugged him tight, and lifted him off the bed in my arms. My hips worked in a frenzy and made him bob up and down while the knot rubbed against his insides.

The peak surged within me, my jaws closed around his shoulder, I held him in place, and didn't dare breathe when more and more of my body locked up in the throes of pleasure.

My shaft pushed so deep that I hilted him and was pushed over the edge. I growled with a rumble in my chest while my crotch tensed and my balls pumped.

Wulfkin seed rushed through the pipes, blasted into his depths, and I felt a numbing bliss soak my mind. It pulsed and pumped while my body shuddered and my vision blurred.

It made me stumble back and I landed on the bed with a heavy thud while gasping for breath.

Something wet soaked into my chest and I could feel a pulsing warmth. I reached between us and was met with a tangled mess of warm flesh, draped fur, and trickling juices.

Rather than disgust I reveled in it, the closeness, the scents, the raw musk of seed, and the bestial but alluring freedom of it.

I grasped Talwin's hard shaft, felt him shudder with a whimper, reached down, and caught his throbbing knot in my hand.

Talwin squeezed my head, nuzzled my neck, and kept whimpering while his shaft kept pulsing.

I leaned in by his ear, and whispered, "Believe me now?"