Unstable Serenity - Chapter 12, False Accusations

Story by Maxidella on SoFurry

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Max's POV con't

Guantanimo Bay - 36 Hours Later

"I'm not a terrorist!" I exclaimed.

But no matter what I did to try to explain myself, my accuser kept torturing me. Similar to when Zarith was torturing me, he used the waterboarding technique. But it was different this time... I was being tortured by my own country. I was betrayed. They think of me as someone who did something very wrong, but the reality was they were wrong. But how could I prove it to them?

"You betrayed our country! You're a traitor, and a terrorist!" He shot back.

My torturer was Master Sergeant Wolf, he was a tall wolf who stood tall and lithe. He also looked like the kind of guy you didn't want to mess with, even though he wasn't as built as the other personnel I've seen roam this facility.

Wolf had a look of hatred in his eyes, and he stared at me like I was a traitor to my own country. But why would betray America? I have absolutely no reason to run off and help the Cevenda do whatever it is they're doing.

"You need to listen to me damnit! I have key information that will help us win this battle!" I shot out.

"Okay then," Wolf leaned closer to me "tell it!"

"You're just gonna take the information and blindly go after these guys, I've been there and I've seen them and how they operate. I know things that you don't!" I exlplained.

"So, you think that we're just gonna let you and set you free to warn your friends that we're coming, huh!?" He shot back.

"Listen! I don't even know if they survived the attack that Russians did back in Georgia!" I exclaimed.

"What the hell are the Russians doing in the states!?" Wolf grabbed me by the next and pinned me to the torture table. Although I was already strapped to the damn thing, he held he in tigher.

"No, no, no! Not the state! The country! Georgia! That little war-torn country that's constantly facing hostility and attacks! The Cevenda have already started their land claims there! Viktor told me about their operations and I can help stop this madness if you would simply let me go!" I finished.

"Who's Viktor?" he asked me in a low-toned voice.

"That's not important! Listen! You need to listen to me! If I stay here any longer they will slip right through our borders!" I shouted.

"Then why don't you tell me what's going on and then we can take care of it!?" He added.

"Becuase then you will keep holding me here!" I shouted.

Wolf banged the back of my head against the table that I was strapped to.

"God damnit! You are a traitor! You won't even tell me their plans!? Huh!!? You are working for them! I can smell it!" He yelled.

"I am not a tr-" he cut me off.

"Your probably working for them and the Russians. How else did they get so rich?" He asked rehtorically.

"Please!" I begged. "Give me a chance! At least let me speak to my commanding officer!"

"Your commanding officer? So... Zarith Quilz? Or General Evvi? Or how about both? You traitor!" Wolf slapped my across the face.

"No, no, no! Commander Patterson! The excecutive officer onboard the USS Ronald Reagan! The ship I was stationed to off the coast of -" I stopped myself before saying anything further.

"Off the coast of what?" he leaned in.

"Not important" I said. "I just want to speak to commander Patterson, please!"

The wolf paced around the room, back and forth, taking eight steps before turning around and pacing again. His snow white fur was clean and shiny, and it reminded me of the winter days that I used to battle through back at home. He stopped and pondered for a moment to think about what just happened, and then approached me and stared right at me in the eyes.

"I'll be back," he said. "If you dare try anything funny, I'm not gonna even think about helpin' you... Ever! Understand?" He growled.

"Understood," I replied.

Wolf left the room and I was the only one left in it. I wondered if he would ever consider what I was trying to say, or if he would just get more torturing supplies.

The wolf returned into the room with a shark. This shark was buff, buffer than I had ever seen in my entire life. I have seen really big and buff furs, but this guy was absolute huge and terrifying. He stood about nine feet tall and had to weigh roughly over 700 pounds. His ocean blue skin was smooth as silk and he looked very handsome in his army camo combats.

"This is major Ritterkson" Wolf intruduced me to him. "...And sir, this is our suspect."

"We could have met on better terms, Lieutenant" the major spoke. His voice was soft yet deep, if it could read me a bedtime story I would fall asleep instantly.

"Uhh, yes s-sir I think so" I replied.

"Take him off the table and bring him to my office" Ritterkson ordered Wolf.

"Yes sir," the wolf didn't even question it.

Wolf unstrapped me from the table, but instantly cuffed me up when I was free from the table. I guess he didn't trust me at all. I slowly got up and he handed me over to the shark, where he took me out of the room.

Walking through the facility I felt the atmosphere of the place. It felt terrible; knowing that furs were living here in pain and agony for the rest of their lives for testing America's patience. Was this what I was fighing for? The agony of our enemies? No. I was simply fighting to help keep what little peace and freedom we had left in this world, and just like every other criminal, they must do their time. It did make me feel better knowing that the major criminals of the world were locked up tightly and far away from home... Or were they?

"This is it right in here" Ritterkson explained.

We walked into his office, and it was not very big. It was a small box that could fit a desk, some shelves and a few furs, that was all. The shark sat down and told me to sit, so I sat.

"Lieutenant Maximus 'Viper' Woodland" He began.

"That's me" I acknowledged.

"Your record is phenominal! You enlisted at 18 right after high school, did your officer training as an officer candidate at the naval academy in Annapolis in Maryland, graduated and got promoted to ensign, excelled through ground school and flight school, passed with your wings at the age of 20 and received another promotion up to a junior-grade lieutenant. After doing some probationary work, you were recommended for another promotion to a senior-grade lieutenant before being stationed to the USS Ronald Reagan as a combat naval aviator. Your record is practically flawless! And here we are today, accusing you of treason and terror. Lieutenant, you need to do some explaining, this just doesn't add up" said Ritterkson.

"That's because you are mistaken" I replied.

For the next 30 minutes I explained all the events that took place right from when I crashed in Siberia to where I departed from Sochi to come home. I tried to make myself as believable as possible when explaining how the Russians wanted a better relationship with the US without sounding like a traitor who wants to enlist in the Russian army. I also told him about Steven, and how bad he was treated and how he should have freedom and peace in his life. Ritterkson told me that Steven was an illegal immigrant and that I, as an American officer, should know better rather than to take hostage of the Cevenda back to America without orders for a rescue mission.

Ritterkson picked up the phone on his desk, dialed a number and made arrangements with the Pentagon to take me state-side where I would be held in military court. Major Ritterkson was also a legal officer, and he offered to be my legal defendant within the case. I asked him if he could also get the paperwork done for Steven to have a citizenship in the US, and be free of his horrid past.

"Okay, it's done" he hang up the phone. "In two hours a C-130 will take you and me up to D.C., where we will execute your trial. In the meantime, you must return to your cell."

Without question, I got up and was escorted back to my prison cell by master sergeant Wolf.

"You lucky bastard!" Wolf said. "You should stay here all locked up. You're a terrorist who should not be given a second chance."

I didn't say anything in return. Instead I just continued walking back to my cell. This wolf was probably stationed here for too long, and is used to seeing anyone without a uniform as a terrorist. I feel sorry for him. He should go elsewhere, where he can recover his state of mind... Assuming it's not too late.

Two hours felt like all day before Ritterkson came up to me with two armed guards. Wolf was one of them. He opened the door and handcuffed me.

"Sorry, it's protocol" he apoligized.

He walked me through the facility and to the airport, where I would be put on a C-130 and headed to D.C.

"Here, we need to put you to sleep so you don't do anything funny now. Once again, I'm sorry" Ritterkson said before sticking a needle in my neck.

It seems that I keep on getting needles in my neck. Moments later, I fell unconscious.

Zarith's POV

Damascus, Syria

"We can't hide forever!" Exclaimed Henry.

Henry was my good friend, he and I worked together along with the Syrian government a few years ago in efforts to tame their people and stop the rebellion. But I eventually got tired of it and started my own organization. The Cevenda Liberation Front. Where furs would gather from all corners of the world to help fight off corrupt laws and bring justice to where the law had taken it from, like in America, with their gun laws and letting furs run wild with them. Or in Sudan, where homosexuality resulted in the death penalty. I cared not for any religion, but I was still a terrorist according to the Americans and Europeans... And now the Russians.

Even though I was not religious, we still had allies in the Taliban, al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, but never really worked side-by-side, similar to the Nazis and the Japanese in World War Two.

"No, but we can yell. And we can yell very loud!" I began.

"What are you getting at?" Henry asked.

"If we blow up a few buildings, cars and capture a few furs, then we can send a message" I explained.

"What kind of message?" Henry asked.

"Ohh, you know! A 'don't fuck with us' kind of message" I replied.

"Well, we're already doing that and the West is still fighting back" he said.

"That's because they're stubborn! They're playing with fire and they're gonna get burned!" I replied.

"Zarith, may I ask why you are targeting small cities and towns in America? Rather than the ones that matter?" Henry asked.

"What ones matter?" I ask.

"Ohh, you know... New York, washing-" He got cut off.

"They all matter! You're just jumping the gun! You see, we need to understand how they react to a threat in small towns. If we make ourselves unpredictable, then furs living in smaller American towns will be afraid! And all parts of America will be in fear!" I explained.

"Well, what business do you have in Israel then?" He asked.

"Israel is an ally to America, not to mention an enemy to most of our fellow friends we have in Iraq and Afghanistan" I replied.

I sat down, thinking for a moment. What now? I almost lost half my organization when the Russian army raided Tbilsbi and tried to kill me. I know! I'll hit them back! I'll go for the Kremlin, and take out those damn generals who sit down and order their men to go kill us! I gave it some thought for a moment. I wasn't able to lay a finger on America just yet, but I have done some damage in Israel, Georgia and Russia. I'll show them who not to mess with!

I may have had a big ego, but it's the only thing that's driving me forward for my cause.

"Sir!" William came rushing in. "Sir, sir, sir! You need to come here... Quick!"

"What's the matter, William?" I ask.

"Sir... It's Charlie... He's not doing so good!" He explained.

"God damnit!" I hollered in a rage. "Where is he!? I want to see his now!"

My demands were met quick, as William showed me where my son was being treated. He laid there, on his bed, still breathing, but barely alive. As I came closer to him I could see that all life has left his eyes.

"F-father!" He spoke in a raspy voice.

"Charlie!" I shed a tear and took him by the paw.

"Father, it's too late... I-I can't make it any further" he said.

"No... No son, you listen here now!" I was almost balling my eyes out now. "You're not gonna die today! I swear! You're gonna live! I'm gonna give you a new heart and you're gonna live!"

"Dad... It's too late" he coughed.

"No!" I yelled in a rage. "William! Do something, get the doctors, find someone... Anyone and heal my son!"

"S-sir... There's no one who can..." He replied.

"D-dad..." He was sobbing now. "I-I can't make it any further"

"No... Son, please!" I spoke quieter now.

I started to cry.

"Dad..." His final words echoed in my ears.

"No... Charlie... No, no no Charlie no!!" I cried.

Charlie could no longer hold a grip on my paw... It was that moment when I realized...

He was gone.

Unstable Serenity - Chapter 11, A Hero's Welcome

Max's POV Throughout the helicopter ride to the north, all you could hear was those loud rotorblades, and feel that vivid vibration. After the whole fiasco that went down hours earlier, we were all dead tired, and I could see Steven sleeping on my...

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Children of War - Prologue

Years ago, life was wonderful. Birds would sing in the trees, flowers were pollinated by bees. Children would play in the park, 'till the day goes dark. Church bells rang, while birds sang. Flags held high, in the bright blue sky, and every sorrow was...

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Unstable Serenity - Chapter 10, A Nation for Liberation

_Moscow, Russia_ Max's POV "What do you mean the American embassy closed!?" I yelled at Viktor. "You see Max, the Americans got a plane, and left. It's that simple" Viktor replied. The two of us were occupying a diplomatic room in the Kremlin,...

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