Legend of Zelda: Mirror of Parallels Part 1

Story by Xidon on SoFurry

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#1 of Legend of Zelda: Mirror of Parallels

The Legend of Zelda: Mirror of parallels

Chapter One: Link yiffed a girl and liked it

Link's eyes flashed open as the first rays of the sun passed through his bedroom window. His head turned to face the window and he watched as the sun slowly rose up from behind the mountains in the distance. The land, once covered in the darkness of the night, was now coming alive. The green of the trees and the grass in the plains below returned, and flowers seemed to light aflame with color in the morning light. Birds flew by, chirping and singing their morning songs. Out in the middle of that plain...there stood a single tree with a house built in the top of it. The house was woven so well into the branches that it almost seemed as if the tree had naturally shaped itself that way. The leaves hid nearly the entire house from view, but part of it were still visible. There was also a ladder made from boards nailed into the gnarled trunk of the old tree. No one knew what kind of tree it was, but many knew that it was one of a kind. What baffled people the most, though, was that there could possibly be someone living in that house. No one thought that it was even possible to live in what they considered a run-down place.

However, on the inside, it was far from run-down. It was a single room house with a basement in the trunk of the tree. Upon walking in, you would see a perfectly clean, open room. There was a large, plaid carpet laid out in the middle that a table sat on the edge of. A single chair rested opposite the side that the carpeting was on, and upon sitting in it, your back faced towards a giant bookshelf with at least a hundred books all lined up in neat rows and arranged in alphabetical order by author. Then, a few feet away from the table, directly opposite the chair, was a ladder that led up to a bed. Near the bed, there was a picture of the person's family, and a sword and shield lying on top of a drawer right behind the head of the bed. There was a small window in which the light shone through, and at a certain time of day, part of the basement was illuminated just enough to see without a lantern. Down there was a stove, and all of his food supplies. He also had a bunch of other tools and such down in the basement as well, but those were in darker corners that had yet to be re-explored.

The person who lived in this house was a young wolf named Link. He had dark gray fur going all the way down his back, with a lighter gray on his front going all the way down. He wore a green tunic as his style of clothing. Golden chain mail hung on the inside of the tunic to protect him during fights, and he wore black boots and leather gloves that allowed his fingers to show. He wore a green cap that reminded many of a stocking, and no one knew his secret to keeping it on his head at all times during the day, even when he performed acrobatics and the such that would have sent it flying off of his head. He didn't think of himself as much, but he didn't really care.

However, on this particular morning, something was disturbing Link. He was in a horrid nightmare, one that he couldn't just wake up from. He was standing before a castle, the once magnificent walls stood ruined before him, the gate torn open and the wood beginning to rot, producing an absolutely repulsive stench. Soldiers near the gate were all dead, impaled on their spears and some mercilessly mutilated. And standing just inside the archway...was a shadow of himself. There was no choice for him to take other than walk over to this shadow of himself. There was a perfectly clear mirror that he found himself staring through, and the figure on the other side looked at him with glowing red eyes. It asked, "So...you think you have the strength to combat your parallel?"

Link asked, "What do you mean? I am strong enough to deal with any threat !"

The shadow laughed at him, and the laughter was filled with malice. It said, "Oh, what a fool you are. I thought that my parallel would be smarter and wiser than this, but oh ho, no! You are a fool to think that you could face your own parallel and win!"

Link figured that this thing reminded him far too much of himself...in an evil way. He tried to push back, but something held him there. Something about the mirror...I can't stop myself! he thought.

The parallel laughed again and said, "It is useless to resist the pull of destiny. Soon, your destiny and mine shall cross. Then, I will crush you like an ant under my heel!"

Link tried to move but could not. The parallel seemed to grow huge, and the words, "Crush you like an ant under my heel!" rang through the land around him. Then, he let out a scream of terror as his massive heel came down towards him, but right before he was crushed, the nightmare ended. He sat up with a low gasp and looked around. It was a normal morning, just like any other. His fur was slick with sweat, his heart was pounding, and he was panting rapidly. He told himself, "It was just a nightmare...just a nightmare...it wasn't real."

He got up in bed and got into his tunic. He always slept naked, as he didn't mind doing it and he lived alone all the time. He slipped down the ladder leading down to the floor, and noticed that something wasn't right. One of his books had somehow fallen out of his bookshelf, and landed perfectly on the table, facing towards where he would normally. Something told him that this was just an accident, and that no other factors had been involved. But as he sat down and looked down at the book, something told him that there probably were other factors involved. The book had landed perfectly, and was facing him as he sat down, waiting to be read. The title was The Mirror of Parallels.

Something about it just caught his interest and he decided to open it up. As he read it, he forgot all about breakfast, becoming so absorbed in the book that he didn't even notice his stomach growling. The book reminded him eerily of his dream. It said that the mirror of parallels was basically a veil that once had hung over the land for generations. It had separated two worlds, in which many things were completely different. The land was different, people were different, and sometimes even certain weapons were different. As the day wore on and on, he finished the book at about midday, and then he realized how long it had been. The book hadn't actually been that long...and it didn't have that many details on all of the possible differences...but it had quite a few. However, Link could barely remember any of them.

He stood up to put the book back and noticed something. There was a mark on the bookshelf, and it looked like a magical rune. He closer examined it, and he found that it resembled Zora text, but it was strange and twisted. He couldn't make out what it said, even though he had the knowledge of the Zora language and writing. He put the back on the shelf, right over the rune to see what would happen. Much to his surprise, the book flopped out of the bookshelf and landed on the table. Now he knew what had caused the book to land perfectly on the table. He looked at where the rune had been again, and saw that it was suddenly gone. He figured that it was supposed to vanish after the first use and leave no sign behind. However, he remembered the mark vividly, and decided to write it down to refer to later.

He climbed down into his basement and found himself a scrap of old paper and a pen. Then, he noticed that his ink was nearly gone. He sighed and did the best he could, drawing the letter with as little ink as he could. He managed to write it down, but it was very hard to see unless you looked at it really close, and even then it was hard to distinguish what it was. However, he couldn't blame himself. The ink had been almost out, so he couldn't really make the letter clear. However, he could trace over it with more ink later on and make it more visible. It was just a matter of finding someone who had ink, and buying some.

Link climbed out of his basement and began to head outside, when his stomach growled, reminding him of food. He was about to head back down into the basement, when he heard a scream down below. He stopped and immediately climbed up to look out his window. Through the leaves of the trees, he saw three figures down below. There were two men chasing, and catching up to, a young, nearly naked, woman. He snarled at the sudden injustice he sensed and picked up his sword and shield before hading to the door of his house. He kicked it open and dropped down a long fifteen feet. He rolled upon landing and stood up. He saw the two men getting ready to rape the woman and called, "Get away from her bastards!"

They looked up, and when they saw him with his sword and shield drawn, they stopped. The female stood up, covering herself and backed up against the tree. Link walked towards them, growling angrily. One of the men, a smaller cat, began backing off, but the other one, who was a large lion, roared at him. Link wasn't fazed, and yelled, "Bring it, you son of a bitch!"

The lion pulled out an ax and charged at Link, who stood his ground. He swung his ax straight down and Link merely stepped aside. With a quick lash he cut his chest, and the lion recoiled in pain. He was about to advance, but he noticed the other cat closing in rapidly. He performed a backflip, barely dodging a knife that was aimed at his throat. He landed near the naked girl, and barely caught sight that she was a cat, a damned beautiful one at that. He didn't have time to take a good long look at her, because the lion was running at him full speed. He charged, surprising the lion and causing him to hesitate. He stabbed him in the groin, and blood gushed out. The lion roared in pain and stumbled backwards, dropping his ax. His partner rolled up and stabbed at Link, who crouched and moved his shield in the way before bringing his blade around and swinging at his groin area. The cat leaped back, but not fast enough. The tip of his still slightly erect penis was cut off, and he yelled in pain and arched his back. Link used this opportunity to finish him. He ran up and stabbed his blade through the cat's throat, and then pulled back, watching the blood gush out. Then, he turned and threw his blade into the head of the lion, and he stopped moving. He pulled his bloody blade out from between the lion's eyes and said, "Filthy bastards..."

The female cat stood up and said, "I thank you, kind warrior...I thought that they were going to succeed..."

Now, he got a good look at her. She was tall and slim, standing only half a head under Link. She made no effort to cover herself, which he found weird, but it gave him a chance to see her full body. She wasn't very strong looking, but she was very beautiful. She had blue fur, with a lighter shade of blue on her front going all the way down to her crotch area. Her breasts were rather large, and her hips were also sensually large. He, oddly enough, wasn't getting a hard on, even though he the sight of her naked should have been giving him one. At least, she found that odd. He never really got embarrassed by anything.

He asked, "Are you alright?"

She smiled, slightly blushing, and replied, "I'm fine, thanks to you."

She walked towards him sensually and asked, "Who are you, my brave hero?"

Link smiled and replied, "I am Link. And who might you be, beautiful?"

She replied, "Kara." Her blush was growing as she got closer, seeing as how muscular he was. He had never noticed, but he was quite muscular, and she found him exceedingly sexy.

Link asked, "I wish I had clothes to give you...but I only have my tunic. I suppose I could have you stay in my house up there and use one of my blankets to cover yourself."

Kara asked, "May I? I would love to be in the house of my hero..." She said that last part sensually, but Link barely caught on. He had no clue what sex was, and also had no clue that Kara was beginning to want that with him. He led her up the wooden staircase, and held the door open for as she went. She about slipped, but he caught her by the arm and helped her up. The first thing that Link felt was that her fur was very silky and nice to touch, and he didn't want to stop feeling her fur. But, he pulled back anyways.

He said, "Welcome to my home, Kara. Do you want my blanket to cover yourself?"

Kara was beet red now, still noticing that he didn't mind that she was naked. She replied, "Um...no, not as long as you don't mind seeing me this way."

Link didn't see anything wrong with seeing her naked, so he was confused as to why she was blushing. He went down into his basement to find some bread to bake, but found that he had some leftover steak. He called up, "Do you like steak, just out of curiosity?"

Kara called back, "Sure! You're making lunch, right?"

Link just now remembered that it was midday, and said, "God, I'm slow today." He called back, "Yeah, I'm making lunch for the both of us."

He put the meat in a pan and put the wood underneath, inside the stove. He had just lit the wood when Kara asked, "Where do I sit?"

Link thought for a moment, and then replied, "Sit in that chair! I'll just kneel on the floor while I'm eating."

He began masterfully preparing the steak, having practiced his method for quite a while. He didn't know if it was the correct method or not, but he had plenty of experience in cooking, since he had been trying to find just the right flavors that he liked instead of just making himself mediocre meals. After a while, Kara called, "Mmm...that smells good. Are you also a good chef?"

Link had just put some seasoning on it and called back, "I should be. I've had to sustain myself since I was little."

A few more minutes passed, and after he was sure that the steak was done, he moved both of the large pieces that he was cooking onto separate plates. Then, he performed a very strange, yet cool technique. He shot the plates up, and then flipped up and landed on the floor above. Then, with one motion, he caught the plates and had the food land easily on both. He set them down, and Kara said, "That was cool..."

Link said, "I'm going to get some forks and knives..."

He leaped down, and a moment later came back up with two forks and two knives. He handed her a pair, and then he knelt down by the table and began eating like normal. She watched him take his time, and as she took her first bite, she exclaimed, "Wow...this is good! This is better than the stuff I've had before..."

Link smiled and said, "I'm glad that you like my cooking."

She looked down at his chest, and wished that she could be looking down at his groin area. She had never been around another man until those two people had tried to rape her, but she wanted to be with Link...in a manner that she had seen her parents in. They had told her that it was sex, and should be avoided, because in that kingdom, having sex meant that you mated. But, she didn't care. This warrior had saved her from being raped, which was a high honor among the people that she had lived among. Anyone who saved a girl from being raped could marry if they were willing, and she was more than willing to be with Link, despite him being a wolf. He caught her looking at him with a smile on her face, as if daydreaming, and asked, "Something on your mind?"

She snapped out of it, and then replied, "No, it's nothing..."

Link was almost finished eating, whereas she hadn't even started. She quickly ate, and by the time Link stood up to take care of his plate, she had finished. He took her plate and said, "I'll wash these later...right now, I want to talk to you."

He jumped down into the basement, set the plates aside, and flipped back up. She asked, "What do you want to talk about, handsome?"

Link replied, "Come up to my bed. I first want to know where you come from."

Her eyes lit up when he mentioned his bed. Will I finally fulfill my dream? My dream of mating someone of my own choice? she wondered.

Link climbed up the ladder and beckoned her to follow. He still had his gloves on, but they were becoming sweaty, so he pulled them off. He then asked, "Which city do you come from?"

Kara replied, "Um...I come from the Hyrule castle town. How about you?"

Link replied, "I've lived in this tree house for my whole life."

Kara gave him an odd glance, and asked, "How did you manage to sustain yourself this whole time?"

Link replied, "Um...I taught myself to hunt, cook, things like that. Let's say I was grown up and responsible by the age of ten."

Kara looked out the window, and said, "That might explain why you aren't...embarrassed?"

Link asked, "Embarrassed about what? You being naked? I sleep naked all the time. I don't see a problem with being naked...except that you aren't protected from other elements."

Kara blushed again, and said, "Well, where I come from, being naked can get you in trouble. Other people often are embarrassed at the thought of being nude, or having sex..."

Link asked, "Sex?"

Kara asked, "You don't know what that is?"

Link searched his memory for a moment, and he said, "I've read books that have references to it, but I don't actually know what it is..."

Kara smiled, seeing this as her chance. She said, "I can show you. You'll love it."

Link thought for a moment, and then replied, "Why not?"

Kara's eyes brightened, and she thought, Yes! Yes! I've done it! I've finally gotten away from my mean old father's wishes!

She said, "Okay, first you have to undress."

Link found that strange, but he did as she told him. He took off his tunic, revealing his muscular chest and legs. His penis, not even close to erect, hung there before Kara. She began feeling his chest, rubbing it. She said, "You're fur feels somewhat silky, too. It's so nice..."

He reached up and began feeling her soft breasts, twisting them and working them in his hands. He still wasn't turned on, and to her surprise, his cock wasn't erecting. She wondered why, but then she figured that he believed that there was absolutely nothing wrong with what they were doing. In truth, he wondered what she was doing, but he liked it. She suddenly leaned down and hugged him. He didn't see this, but he went with it. He began petting her back, his hand starting at the base of her neck and going down her spine all the way to the base of her tail. Her hips raised a little every time his hand hit the base of her tail, and a low purr began to build in her throat. She was also rubbing his back, and then her rough tongue flicked out and she licked his neck gently, something that he really wasn't prepared for. She began licking his neck, sending a soothing feeling through him. Then, her lips met his, and she kissed him passionately. A burst of sudden surprise went through him, but it changed to happiness as he kissed back just as passionately. Her tongue tried to push its way into his mouth, and he let it, not knowing what it would lead to. As her tongue searched inside his mouth for his tongue, he moved it away, dodging it with every movement, forcing her to push harder to reach it. Finally, he moved and met hers. They rested there for a second, and then she pulled back, gasping for breath. She said, "You're a fantastic kisser for someone who's never kissed a girl before."

Link smiled, and now he was slightly blushing. He asked, "Can't we do that again?"

Kara smiled and replied, "I would love to."

She embraced him again and kissed him with even more passion than before. He met her kiss with just as much passion, and now their tongues met again. This time, he slid his tongue along hers until he reached the inside of her mouth. She pulled back a bit, but he followed and pushed his tongue into her mouth, passionately exploring her mouth. She did the same with him, and they held this passionate activity for about a whole minute before both pulled back, both panting for breath. His cock had began to rise up slightly during that, but went back down as they pulled away. His heart was pounding, and he was enjoying this. However, Kara said, "You think this is fun? Well, you haven't seen half of the fun yet."

She stood up off the bed and Link sat up to follow her, but she said, "No, stay on the bed and spread your legs in front of me."

He stopped and did as she requested. She was eying his cock with a grin, and he wondered what she was going to do. She reached out and touched it, and Link sucked in his breath. It felt ticklish when she lightly touched it. However, as she began stroking it up and down the length, a pleasing sensation went through it. It felt really good, and Link let out a groan and said, "That feels so...nice..."

As it grew longer and harder, she got more room to stroke, and he just enjoyed the ride. It finally grew to quite a length, though he wasn't sure how long it was. It looked long, and Kara seemed impressed. She smiled and said, "Now comes some more fun."

She opened her mouth and then closed it around the head of his cock. She sucked on it as she pulled her mouth up it, and then she went down again. She began a bobbing motion, sucking on his cock and rubbing the base of it with her hand. His muzzle spread into a grin as he let go along. The good feeling increased, and he realized that it was beginning to be like he was going to pee, but something wasn't quite right. He didn't know what it was, but he figured that, as it was about to come out, he should warn her. He said, "Something is going to come out..."

Kara pulled her mouth off and said, "I want it. I think I'll drink whatever you have to offer."

She began to bring his cock deep into her throat. As her tight throat muscles sucked on it, and her tongue swept across it, it was only a matter of time before he climaxed. He let out a loud groan as he let out the liquid that was gathering inside his cock. She swallowed most of it, but some of it came out of her mouth and landed on back on his cock. It was white and thick, and she seemed to enjoy its taste. She looked up at him, smiling. She said, "You've made me dripping wet..."

He looked at her, but he didn't see anything wet on her. But then, she got onto the bed and spread her legs, and he saw a wet, red mound between her legs. It was wet, with clear juices around it. Link stared at it, and then he began to rub it. She gasped as his finger touched it and began rubbing it across it. Her hips rose up as he rubbed it, and she said, "Oh...Link...don't stop...that feels so...so good..."

He then decided to do what she had done for him. He leaned down and gave her one long lick across her slit, causing her to gasp aloud. He tasted the sweet juices in her slit, and grinned as he went back for more. His tongue pushed into her slit and began lapping at her inner walls, going at a fast pace. Kara leaned back and cried, "Oh! Link! More!"

As she neared the edge of her climax, she said, "Oh, Link, I'm going...I'm going...to cum!"

Link didn't know what that meant, but he went with it. He went so far that his muzzle practically penetrated her slit. Then, she climaxed, letting out a loud moan. White hot cum coated his muzzle, and he pulled back in sudden surprise. It tasted sweet, which was a nice surprise. She asked, "Are you ready for the final stage of this great thing?"

Link asked, "Sure! What is it about?"

Kara asked, "One thing...would you be willing to be with me forever after this?"

Link thought about that. He hadn't been with anyone else before, so this would be the perfect chance for him to change that. He replied, "Um...sure! Um...forever? You mean for as long as we live?"

Kara smiled and replied, "Yes, my love."

Link realized that he loved her. She had captured his heart, and he had captured hers. He figured, Why not? I mean, there won't be anything bad that'll happen...sure, I don't know her too well, but that can change...

He leaned in to kiss her and said, "Sure. I'll mate you."

His cock touched the top of her slit, and he stopped for a moment. She said, "Push it in. You'll love the feeling..."

Link slowly pushed the head of his cock into her slit, and then suddenly it slipped all the way in. She gasped as it penetrated deep into her, and so did he. It was so warm and wet inside her pussy, but it was also quite tight around his cock. He began pulling back, but then he pushed it back in, and then began repeating this. Kara said, "Yes...yes...fuck me, Link...oh God! I didn't know that it felt this good!"

He felt his climax starting to come again, and he increased his speed. He formed a rhythm that Kara went with. She was grinning, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she began panting. She was moaning out of pleasure as he pumped her, but just when she thought that it was good where it was, Link found that he could go even faster. He did so, maximizing his pleasure as well as hers. She moaned, "Oh! Link...fuck me! Oh, fuck me! I'm...going to cum...."

Link said, "I think I want to cum with you..."

He felt the climax coming, and he did his best to hold it back for as long as he could. Then, he couldn't hold it back. He shouted, "I'm cumming!"

He met her with one final thrust, and both let out shouts of pleasure. His hot seed shot out in thick strands into her, flooding her womb. She came as well, her white hot cum covering his cock. He stopped cumming, and found that he was extremely tired after his second ejaculation. He was breathing hard, and so was Kara. She smiled and asked, "What do you think, Link?"

Link replied, "Oh God...I just want...to do this more..."

Kara licked his cheek softly and said, "There'll be many more chances to do that, Link. Remember, we're together now...forever."

Link smiled and kissed her. He then embraced her, and then they both slipped off into sleep, his cock still buried in her warmth. Before she passed out, she thought, I beat you, father...