Sasha's Story: The Visitor

Story by MatheauStratford on SoFurry

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#2 of Sasha's Story

Yay, here it is, FINALLY! The next installment of Sasha's story! This story contains sexual content, so if you are not 18-21, turn back now. Enjoy the read!

The day started like any other. Sasha woke as soon as her son began to stir and whimper. He was still far too young to speak, but his mindspeech was progressing rather nicely. "At least I know that he has his mommy's smarts." she thought, nuzzling her baby. "But you look so much like your daddy....." Those large crimson eyes that stared up at her made her heart melt far more than the words that drifted into her mind.

"Daddy.....Come home?" He was so young and so innocent.

upon his birth, she took an oath to herself that she would never lie

to him or hurt him. She would never raise her paw to him in anger or

swat him, even for punishment. And yet, part of her wanted to lie to

him now, while he was young. Tell him that his father had died in a

terrible accident..... Though that would probably lead to huge

difficulties when her father called him son every time they were

together, and she HAD promised that he could visit and that she would

bring him to see the family. Perhaps she should reconsider her

father's offer to move back in with them...... Not for herself of

course, but for young Matheau. He deserved to be happy and have

playmates, and a good childhood. As it stood, he didn't even have a

father to brood over him, the way that she had when she was

young...... "Mamma?" The soft voice in her mind made her snap her

eyes open and look down at his son.

"What is it, my son?" She asked lovingly, lowering his head

to nuzzle him. "Are you hungry?" She knew that he was, but he was

also very sad. He had seen his father but briefly, just after he had

hatched. He wanted to see his father again, she knew that much. It

saddened her that he would never have a true father son bond, like he

should. And there were some things that only a father could teach

his son, such as some things only a mother could teach a daughter.

She guided him to her breast and winced as he began to nurse from

her. Her milk was drying up and his teeth were starting to come in.

Very soon now, she would have to start chewing up meat and feeding it

to him to get him used to it. She hummed softly to him while he

nursed, rocking him slowly in her arms when she heard it. Heavy

wingbeats, and they were approaching her cave. It was most

definately not her father or her mother, and she removed Matheau from

her breast and set him down, hissing and getting in a defensive

crouch, ready to protect her son against anything. "Stay behind me

no matter what, my heart."

She bared her teeth as the noise manifested itself in the

form of a large silhouette landing in the mouth of the cave. The

dragoness snarled and growled menacingly as the shadow began moving

closer to her and her defenseless son, who was now hiding behind one

of his mother's legs. But the female's growls faltered slightly as

the mysterious figure began to come within reach of the fire's light.

Her eyes now rested upon an incredibly handsome male dragon striding

towards her. Even though she was in a protective mode, she could

detect not the slightest hint of threat from the drake.

"W-Who are you?" the dragoness asked warily, but unable to

keep a note of genuine interest from entering her voice. The male

stopped his advance and smiled at her, green scales shining. He gave

alow bow of his head to her and her son.

"Hello dragoness, my name is Bakkaran...... I am a friend of

your mother's, and she told me that I might find you here." When her

body tensed up, he backed up a small step. "I mean neither you or

your son any harm. I am just here to talk, that is all. Your mother

told me that you were beautiful, but then again, you are most

certainly your mother's daughter." Sasha was of course flattered by

the compliment, but she was more worried for herself and her son.

What would happen in Bakkaran suddenly turned violent?

"I am flattered that you would say I have my mother's looks,

for it fills me with pride. However, you have come uninvited into

the home of my son and I, and you've still not stated your purpose for being here. If you will not do this, I will have to ask you to

leave, Immediately." She tried to sound firm, but she couldn't take

her eyes off of him. It was then that she noticed his gaze was not on her, but her son.

"As I said before, I just came to talk and meet you in

person. Your mother told me enough about you that I was interested

and had to meet you myself." Now Sasha was starting to piece it

together! Her mother must have met this dragon somewhere along the

line, and told him about her and her son to try and set them up

together! But why would she do such a thing? She had told her

mother that she wanted to raise Matheau alone! "Hello little one,

what is your name?" The question snapped her back to reality, and

she couldn't help her instincts, putting more of herself between

Bakkaran and Matheau.

"His name is Matheau, named after his father." Sasha

answered the question, starting him in the eyes. "He cannot talk

yet, but his mindspeech is developing very nicely. If you want to

talk, Bakkaran, you will talk to me and not to my son, understood?

To us, you are still a stranger." Her voice was a little colder than

she had actually meant for it to be, but she couldn't help it. Her

anger at her mother for trying to set her up without her consent

irritated her, and she told some unknown dragon where she lived! She

and her mother were going to have words over this!

"Please, allow me to apologize." Bakkaran said, giving a bow

of his head. "I did not mean to offend, I merely wanted to greet the

young one. I know that paternal instincts are a strong thing, and I

won't stay and bother you any longer......But I would like to ask if

there might be a time that you and I could meet alone and talk?" she

was both amazed and impressed, for he worked fast, straight to the

heart of things. Normally she would have laughed in his face and

sent him on his way. But that is not what happened, nor until he had

actually left did she really realize what she said to him.

"I'll take Matheau to stay with my parent's this afternoon..... Meet me back here this evening."


"Ooooh, so your going on a date with him after all?" Beijore

asked with a chuckle, keeping one eye on the scampering, playing

forms of young Matheau, Matthew, Beijara, and Aurthur. "Im glad to

hear it. You need to take yourself out of that cave every once in a

while, my daughter. And if you need to, you can leave Matheau here

for a few days." Beijore gave a sly wink to her daughter. "Besides,

Matheau will be more than estatic to see his son.....You know, the

one bad thing about them having the same name is that no one will

know who is being spoken to, so I think it best we call him Matheau

Jr, don't you?" That was reasonable enough. Still, Sasha couldn't

help but be angry, at least a little bit, at her mother.

"First, it's not a date mother, we are merely meeting as

adults to talk. Secondly, why did you tell him where I live?! I

didn't even want Jocelyn or Aurokhan to know that, and now a

complete stranger knows where I live!" After the inital rush left

her, and she finally got a chance to breath, she noticed that her

mother was grinning at her in amusement, fluttering a wing as though

to cool her off. sasha's cheeks burned, and it was only at that

moment she realized she was blushing, and quite brightly.

"Finished?" Beijore asked with an amused chuckle. "You

know, I haven't seen you with that look on your face since you were

little. You had that same exact look every time you looked at

Aurokhan when the three of you were 'playing' together, and even when

you looked up at your father. Did you know that I was actually

jealous of your father when you hatched? You didn't come to me like

a hatchling usually does. You went straight to your father and got

in his lap, for he was still a human at the time. I shouldn't have

been, but I was. You and your father were always close, Sasha, and

you always will be. But you have to realize that you cannot keep

yourself in the past and keep doors closed. You have to look to the

future and think about what is best for everyone, not just yourself."

Sasha mulled that one over, and didn't fully understand, but she

thought that she understood parts of it. Her mother clearly saw that

she was confused. "Don't worry about it too much right now, Sasha,

you will understand when the time comes. Now, off with you, you have

a date to get off to!"

Her mother gave her a playful swat on the rump with her wing

to push her along, but just like when she was a child, Sasha had to

have the last word in as she was leaving. "It's NOT a date!" Her

mother's chuckle echoed back to her as she left.


She was sitting outside on the cliff's edge when Bakkaran

came into view. Apparently, he also thought this was a date, because

she could see that he had bathed, even at a distance just by the way

that his scales sparkled. "This isn't a date." She told herself

over and again. "This is just a meeting of adults to talk." She

could tell herself that all night, but why was her heart fluttering

so? The sun was just going down, the lower curve of the glowing orb

just touching the horizon when he actually arrived, backwinging

carefully so as to not throw dust in her face. Not that it mattered,

for she hadn't bothered to bathe.

"Greetings again, Sasha. It is good to see you again, though

I hope that this time you will be a little more relaxed with me here

and be yourself." She realized that she HAD been a little stiff

before, but who wouldn't have been? She was protecting her baby,

after all, and she hadn't known who he was. "You seem very uptight,

Sasha, why don't you relax? You don't have to be nervous around me,

I promise that I don't bite." She almost giggled at that, but kept

herself from doing so, looking at him.

"Let us get something straight, Bakkaran." She said levelly.

"This is not a date, and I have no intentions of mating with you or

become mates, is that understood?" Bakkaran looked hurt, whether

from her words or from the tone, she could not be sure which. She

almost felt bad for a moment. Almost.

"Sasha, I don't know why you would think such a thing. I

have just met you today. If I desired only to mate with you, I would

have made that known from the start. As for becoming mates, I would

rather get to know someone before I make that kind of commitment.

Now, rather than talk about things like this, why do we not move on

to more pleasant topics and enjoy the night together?" Sasha was

surprised, really surprised with him. He was unlike any dragon she

had ever met before. He was gentle and caring, and he didn't want

her just for her body. Even living here alone, she had had offers

while out hunting for her and her son. They spoke of her beauty and

how they would love to have her as their mate......But it was all

hollow words, or 'smoke and mirrors', as her mother used to say. She

thought about it briefly before she nodded.

"Alright, Bakkaran, we shall talk then. But about what? I

am not used to being called out to talk at night by a varitable

stranger, even if you do know my mother." She sat down and curled her

long tail around her body and looked up at the stars. "Why don't we

talk about you, rather than me, hmmmm? I don't know anything about

you other than your name. Where you came from, your family......"

Bakkaran sighed heavily, and stretched his wings out wide

before settling himself comfortably on his haunches. "I don't

usually like to talk about my family....." He said quietly, and when

she turned her head to look at him, he could see that she was going

to speak and held up his claw to stop her. "It's alright, Sasha.

You have asked a fair question, and I will answer it. When I was

hatched, I had two brothers, a clutch of three males. My mother was

of course disappointed, for she wanted a daughter, and my father was

disappointed because he wanted only one son, not three. Perhaps he

was lazy and just didn't want all the work of raising three sons,

since it would fall mostly on him." He sighed again and lowered his

eyes. "From that day, I felt that nothing I could do would satisfy

my parents. I was last in the pecking order, so to speak. But my

parents were more interested in their own devices rather than us. My

middle brother died from an accident that my parents could have

prevented. My older brother.....He starved to death, leaving me. I

was so thin I thought that I would join my brothers soon, so rather

than wait to die, I left my home cave."

Sasha tried to keep her emotions in check, but with each new

detail that was revealed, she grew more and more horrified. She

thought of her parents and was much more greatful to them for raising

her the way that they had. She could never imagine a mated couple to

treat their hatchlings in such a way. It was barbaric..... And then

she thought of her own son. "I swear that my son will never, ever go

through anything like that. I will not baby him, but neither will he

suffer like Bakkaran has." she thought to herself. "I would rather

die than see him suffer."

"Later on in life, as I started to grow into my scales, as

the saying goes, I learned a lot of new things. I had my share of

both pleasureable and less-than-pleasureable experiances, but that is

life. I followed my own path using my mind and my heart, and very

rarely was I ever set astray." Bakkaran chuckled softly, shaking his

head. "However, you can imagine the hilarity of it later when I had

become full grown and found my wings and look as I do now that a

dragoness approached me and showed her interest in wanting to be my

mate. The funny part? It was MY MOTHER! I could hardly believe it

at the time, and all I could do was laugh at her, and tell her she

deserved whatever life deemed to give her for what she had done to me

and my brothers."

Sasha did laugh at that, but not wholeheartedly. There was a

part of her that wanted her father to take her as his mate when she

had found out that she was pregnant with his child, after all. But

she knew that would never be, he loved her mother far too much, and

she didn't want to see them seperated over her. "So where do you

live now, then?" She asked him, trying to steer clear of any more

painful subjects.

"Actually, I tend to wander. I don't usually stay in any one

place for a long stretch of time. With dragon hunters around looking

to make a name for themselves, it's better safe than sorry. Today I

live down by the river in the forest. The shade and the trees make

very good camo, especially since I am green. But you never know,

tommorrow, I may be on the other side of the world looking for my

next safe haven." She didn't know why, but when he said that, she

felt her heart lurch. "Hmmmm? Is something wrong, Sasha?" She

started as he realized he was looking at her with concern.

", i'm fine, Bakkaran, i've just never been away from

Matheau this long......." That wasn't really what the problem was,

but it wasn't exactly a lie either. "I need to go to him,

Bakkaran..... But perhaps we can meet again tommorrow afternoon?"


They met every day or evening for a week straight after that,

and with each passing day, Sasha felt it happening to her. Slowly at

first, but the more she learned about him, and told of herself to

him, the faster it happened. She was falling in love with Bakkaran.

Just the thought of seeing him made her happy, and the thought that

he might one day disappear made her upset. What if she didn't act

fast enough, and he left without saying goodbye? Her heart couldn't

bear it.

"You see, I knew setting the two of you up was the right

thing to do." Beijore said with a triumphant gleam in her eye. "I

could see that he was a good dragon with a good heart, and that he

was exactly what you needed, Sasha. He has exactly what you are

missing, and the two of you together make a whole, just like your

father and I do."

"Yes, but mother....... What if he leaves? What will I do

then? I mean, I told him that first night that I had no interest in

taking him as a mate or mating with him, and now....." She sighed

sadly. "What happens if it's too late? What if....." It was then

that her father appeared from the bedroom, staring at her intently

and startling her. She hadn't even known he was home! She thought

he was out on his morning flight or hunting.

"Sasha, it sounds to me like you need to stop worrying about

the 'what-ifs', and take control of the situation." He settled down

next to Beijore and nuzzled her neck before kissing her softly and

laying one of his paws over hers. "Had I been asking myself what if

all those years ago, I might not be here right now with your mother,

and you wouldn't be here either. But I am, and you are. So sieze

the opportunity, Sasha. If you have found the love that you have

been searching for, don't let it pass you by, or you'll regret it for

the rest of your life." Sasha's eyes were brimming with tears, and

all she could do was hug her father and turn to run out of the cave

to wait for Bakkaran.

"You know, sometimes I question if you are really as dumb as

you act sometimes, Matheau." Beijore said, nudging him playfully.

"I think what you told her just now was exactly what she needed to


"What I told her, love, is nothing short of the truth. There

was a time way back when that I had doubts too. That one question,

'what if' can win you everything, or lose it for you. I asked myself

that question a few times back before we became mates, and had I

waited any longer to act, I may have lost you forever."

"Well then, i'm glad you didn't honey." Beijore said

affectionately as she kissed him.


"Sasha......I have truely enjoyed our time together, but

tommorrow I am leaving to look for a new home." Sasha's worst fears

were coming true. She had waited too long, and now he was going to

leave! But there must be something she could do...... "I wish

things were different and we lived in a safer world so that......!"

Sasha threw her arms around his neck and dragged his lips to hers,

kissing him fiercely and cutting off his last words. She poured

every ounce of her love for him, her burning passion into that kiss,

tears running down her cheek. When she broke the kiss, she layed her

head against his chest and wept openly.

"You can't go, Bakkaran! I won't let you! I love you, and I

want you to stay here with me and with Matheau! I know I said I had

no interest in you, but that was before I got to know you!" Her arms

squeezed around him, hanging onto him in desperation. "I truely love

you Bakkaran, and I want you to be my mate....... Please..... Please

don't go......" Her voice failed her as she cut off into more sobs as

his paws broke her hold on his neck and brought her closer. His

arms wrapped around her, and he tilted her head up to him so that she

could look at him through tear blurred eyes, and then he kissed her,

softly and tenderly.

"I never knew you felt that way, Sasha...... I love you too,

but I thought you still held no interest in me, that is why I was

going to leave. I couldn't stand to be near you anymore, knowing

that I loved you so and thinking that it was not being returned." He

kissed her softly again, and took one of her paws in his own and

squeezed it lightly. "I will not leave. I will stay here with you,

my darling Sasha. We shall raise Matheau.....our son, together."

Her heart pounded with joy to hear him call Matheau his son, and she

pulled her paw from his. Her wings beat and she took to the air,

slowly gaining height. She never thought she would mate or become

mated after what happened with her father, but here she was, making

the beginnings of a mating flight. Bakkaran was not far behind her,

and she beat her wings faster to climb higher, and he followed. Soon

they were spiraling around each other, their tails touching each

other's sides, gazing into one another's eyes until they reached the

peak of their climb. Bakkaran took her into his embrace, and she

immediately folded her wings, putting her love and trust into him.

He then folded his wings, and their perilous plunge began.

She could feel Bakkaran's cock against her thigh, and she

moaned softly, wrapping her paws around his shoulders, and clutching

tightly, nuzzling against his neck, taking in his aroused scent. Her

body became heated, and her pussy dripped with need. Bakkaran

shifted his hips and drove into her, filling her for the first time

in what seemed an age to her. She roared out in pleasure as the fat

dick speared her folds, grinding her hips against him in an attempt

to get him deeper. "It's been so long since i've mated,

Bakkaran......" She whispered into his ear. "Pound my pussy and

make me feel like a dragoness again." She nipped at his ear, and

that seemed to be all the encouragement that he needed, because he

began to buck his hips hard, fucking her hard and deep, his arms

circled tightly around her back. She roared out in pleasure once

again and worked her hips against his so that she brought her hips

down upon him when he thrusted upwards into her. Her tail entwined

with his, and she sucked on his neck while he fucked her, taking her

body roughly, growling and grunting in pleasure. The air whistled

around them, and she could feel her heart racing. Her breasts

against his muscled chest, she could feel his heart beating in time

with her own. "Bakkaran!!! Oooooh Gawwwds! Im gonna cummmmmm!"

Her talons sank into his shoulders as her pussy spasmed, soaking his

balls in her juices. She gasped in surprise as she found his teeth

latching onto her throat, marking her as his own, and she moaned in

bliss when she felt it. His cock throbbed hard inside her tight

pussy, and she felt the flow of his hot cum coating her insides and

filling her womb with delicious warmth. She let his shoulders go,

and felt his wings open, making her shiver as her hot scales met the

cool night air.

They seperated at last, and Sasha flew back to his side, her

mate's side. They landed down in a lush green meadow, and Sasha

spoke no words. She lifted her tail in open invitation, her pussy

still dripping with their combined juices. Bakkaran eagerly accepted

as he mounted her, his claws clasping together under her belly, and

his still throbbing cock rubbed against her slit, the head caressing

her swollen clit. She growled over her shoulder at him, and moaned

as he slid into her once again. Her mind was in a state of euphoric

bliss as Bakkaran's thick, hard dick pounded in and out of her

swollen pussy. She hadn't even known she was in heat, so long had it

been since she mated, but now that she was, she was hungry to be

taken. She pushed her hips back against him, lowering her head to

the ground and moaning as her talons ripped at the earth. "FUCKKKK!

BAKKARAN FUCK ME HARDERRRRRR!!!" Anyone in the valley could have

heard her, but she didn't care. She was newly mated, and wanted her

husband to have his way with her. Bakkaran snarled in her ear which

made her that much wetter, and he pounded her pussy with hard, deep

thrusts. She was on the verge of another orgasm when she looked back

at him. "Fill meeeeeeee!" She hissed, wanting to feel his warmth

inside of her again. She didn't have to wait long, for he raised his

head to the sky and roared mightily as he came, filling the sky with

a bright arc of flame and thrusting hard inside of her and holding

himself there as he emptied his load inside of her womb.

He dismounted from her, and they collapsed next to each other

in bliss filled exhaustion. He draped his wing over her and she

snuggled against him, rubbing his chest lightly with her paw,

nuzzling beneath his chin. They rested that way for several long

minutes. "Come, my love, let's go home." She said softly. We have

to pick up our son too." Her father was out hunting, but her mother

was there when they arrived to pick up little Matheau, and she

nuzzled her mother, and Beijore gave her a nuzzle and her

congragulations on their mateship. Matheau was still sleeping, so

she cradled him to her breasts and carried him as they started home.

When they were just about home, and his eyes opened up, they turned

to the smiling Bakkaran.

"Daddy came home?" He asked hopefully, and she felt her

heart fill with joy as she nuzzled her son lovingly, for she could

finally say; "Yes my love, Daddy has finally come home."