Legacy of Hunters chapter 1

Story by DarkPrinceRiku on SoFurry

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Finally got around to finishing the next chapter, and it didn't take as long as usual. Script is done by me and a friend. Also for future references, I've decided to mark all future chapters 'a' for the obvious reasons.

Chapter I

The lone wolf peaked out of the alley to make sure there was no law enforcement around, then crept out and into the nearby bar. It was dark out, and all the lights were on. Up above was a small neon sign with a wine glass lit up in red. He was completely unaware that he was being watched the whole time from across the street.

A cat with dark blue fur and a lighter blue, shoulder to back-length hair stood across the street. Her eyes glowed a silverish blue, and she wore a black tank top that came just above her snowy white belly, and below was a pink mini skirt. She wore a black collar with a pink heart centering it, and had a tiny silver bell hanging from it. She happened to notice the young wolf from across the street. She became intrigued, and decided to follow him in.

When she entered the bar, she had a difficult time finding him. The bar itself wasn't much to look at, and there wasn't that many people around. It was calm and rather quiet, and the lighting was a bit low. There were a few tables around, mainly vacant. She looked at the counter and saw a familiar red tail hanging low from the bar stool, finding it to be the wolf she had followed. He was speaking to the bartender, a male, grey rabbit, with a hint of white exposed from his chest at the 'v' of his shirt. She couldn't hear them directly, but she noticed the bartender nod and fix a drink for the wolf. After the hare left him alone, she began her approach.

She quickly took the seat next to him, resting an elbow on the counter and her hand on her cheek. she gave a comforting, soft pur as she stared at the wolf. He could feel her eyes on him, and began to feel uncomfortable. He quickly took a drink before she started speaking to him.

"Hello," she said with a seductive pur. She couldn't help but notice something about him. Something familiar."Have we met before?"

"Doubt it. I don't associate with felines."

"Have you ever tried?"

"No," he said plainly,"and I don't plan on it."

"Come on, that's no fun," she said playfully."I'm Chryselia. My friends call me Chrys. What about you?"

"Ryo." He was beginning to get agitated with her.

"Really? Where I come from, 'Ryo' means dangerous, and I like a little danger once in a while." Her bushy tail began rubbing in his face. It tickled and itched a little. He quickly brushed it away.

"Stop that! I already told you, I don't talk to cats, and I certainly don't sleep with them." A few beeps quickly grabbed his attention. He looked at the pda on his wrist and gave a sigh of relief."Look, I have to go."

"Aw, but we were just getting to know each other," Chrys pouted. Before she knew it, the wolf was out of sight and out of the building.