Legacy of Hunters chapter 1

I'm chryselia. my friends call me chrys. what about you?" "ryo." he was beginning to get agitated with her. "really? where i come from, 'ryo' means dangerous, and i like a little danger once in a while." her bushy tail began rubbing in his face.

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Legacy of Hunters chapter 4

"i'm chryselia. but everyone calls me chrys." "nice to meet you. so how do you know ryo?" "i met him in a bar, then i followed him and snuck on his ship." "oh," she paused for a moment, "interesting."

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Legacy of Hunters chapter 2

Chapter II As Ryo left the bar, he circled around into the alley he came out of some time ago. He hopped on to his bike and drove off further back until he came into a large open area. The only thing in sight was a large star ship, though it was only...

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