The Surprise

He opened his eyes and saw chrys there, between his legs, his cock deep in her muzzle. pepper moaned lazily. "wakey wakey!" said chrys with a grin.

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Running With the Pack (part 1)

"when did you first know, chrys?" kumi asked. "that same night," chrys told her. "before we got to free perking." "seriously? and you never told me?" chrys laughed again.

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A Weekend By The Lake

"whoa," said chrys. "with sights like that, who needs fireworks?" said pepper. "did you make a wish?" said chrys. "of course," said pepper. "what for?" asked chrys.

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Come As You Are (2014 update)

chrys reopened the door and they entered together. "hey, chrys! you made it!" shouted the asian cowgirl behind the bar. "hi, kumi!" chrys called back. as they approached the counter chrys addressed her friend again. "kumi, this year's is way too easy.

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Broken Moon (2014 update)

"of course," chrys agreed. "i'll see you at 6:30." "great! be sure and tell mr. fuzzy i said hi.'" "i will. bye, kumi." "later, chrys." chrys smiled as she hung up the phone.

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A Burden to Share

Finally stepping into the shower, chrys let out a sigh as the warm water flowed over his fur.

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Supta Konasana

As he was recovering, chrys heard the sound of the lock turning.

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A Winter Under Siege

chrys crawled into the fort, and immediately she gasped. it was warm, really warm inside.

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Everything You Bargained For

chrys gently pushed you back from the table. she and mala both melodramatically slammed their feet onto it once more. the soles glistened with sweat but were otherwise clean.

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Legacy of Hunters chapter 4

chrys and dalian must've still been out. it was a bit of a relief to him, as he didn't feel like dealing with the overzealous cat. he had only just finished setting up chrys's room, and began setting up sylvia's.

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After the Beach

"s-so chrys, h-how've you been? i didn't s-see you much the last w-week of school." kono managed to say faintly. chrys smiled and shrugged lightly. "i'll tell you later. for now just try to focus on breathing." chrys said.

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