Chapter 25: What Avi Wants
"you would strike ryo?" ryo hissed. she shook her head slowly, a dark smile widening behind her bloody nose. "to strike ryo is to ask for death."
Showing Off For Coach
ryo grinned, "go on, beg." eddy paused. for a second ryo thought he'd pushed him a bit too far. the rabbit smiled as he heard his coach sigh. "please..." he sighed, "please, ryo." ryo chuckled.
Falling in love with a Dragonite
Before ryo could walk away, ryumaru had brought his hand up and hold the human back, "wait...ryo, i have something to, uhm, tell you".
Wolf's Journey - Kapitel 21: Loderndes Feuer
„ich finde dich auch anziehend", hauchte er und küsste ryo. revans pfote glitt über ryos bauch hinab zum hosenbund. als sich die pfote auf seinen schritt legte, riss ryo die augen auf und griff nach revans hand.
Chapter 19: Fast or Slow
And ryo seemed to guess this.
An Old Sportsbag, Wet Clothes, And A Bed To Share
All kaelin did to answer was nodding as he held the back of ryo's head, pulling it closer to his own while he looked into ryo's eyes. he pushed his lips against ryo's and kissed the otter deep, probing his tongue inside ryo's muzzle.
The Preshow
Mark licked at ryo's cheek fur and gently stroked the fox's shaft while ryo worked his tail hole. on command from the fox, mark stood up and presented his cock for ryo to lubricate as well.
Wolf's Journey - Kapitel 19: Verändertes Spiegelbild
, lachte revan und zog ryo am arm. ryo nickte lächelnd und folgte revan. in der sonne glänzte das fell von revan silbern und es lag dicht um den körper des jungen. ein anblick, bei dem ryo seinen herzschlag zu spüren schien.
Wolf's Journey - Kapitel 15: Die Rückreise
Schade." ,,magst du mich eigentlich, ryo?" ,,was?" ryo fragte sich, ob er die frage nur falsch verstanden hatte.
Wolf's Journey - Kapitel 13: Sportzeichnungen
ryo griff nach seinem mobiltelefon und antwortete mit seinem namen: ,,ryo okre hier." ,,hey ryo. hier ist yuchi. ich wollte mich mal erkundigen, wie es dir so geht. wie lief die erste nacht?" ,,es war recht dunkel." ,,ernsthaft, wie geht's dir?"
Final Showdown, part 2
At a point collapsed ryo on the ground. "ryo!" said zudan and mica and ran to him. "zudan...mica...i think this is it..." said ryo. "ryo, don't go!" said zudan. "i wish i could, zudan. but i can't..." ryo coughed.
#1 of element the yazuka has declared war on one man: ryo zanza. a depressed and charismatic white tiger, ryo wants to be a cold-blooded killer.