Confusion part 6

Story by zenman on SoFurry

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#6 of Confusion...

Note: David is XtigerX's character so please ask him if you would like to use David.


The talk:

The next morning the two teens were cuddling each other.

"Hey." David said warmly trying to wake Zen.

"Five more minuets." Zen rolled over

"C'mon we have to go to school."

"I don't wanna." David got out of bed and picked Zen up. "No, put me down."

"Ok." David placed Zen on a hard surface.

"Where are we?" Zen didn't want to open his eyes

David giggled and turned on the shower. Zen leaped from the shower floor in to David's arms.

"That wasn't nice."

David giggled and took Zen back into the shower and they washed off.

"C'mon boys you're going to be late." Madeline called from down stairs.

"Ok mom." David and Zen just got out of the shower. "Hurry up Zen."

"I'm going as fast as I can." Zen was trying to pull his pants up

David went back in the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"C'mon I'm going to wait in the car."

"Ok mom." David said through a mouth full of toothpaste.

Zen rushed in next to David and started to brush his teeth with his tiger.

They went out side and got in the car.

"Sorry mom we were tired."

"It's alright but I might be late now but its ok maybe they can do some work with out me there."

The ride to the school was silent.

"Have a nice day you two."

"Ok bye mom."

Madeline drove off and the two felines went into the school building.

"Hey Perlita what's up?"

"Nothing much, have you guy's seen Katrina around?"

Zen's eyes widened ‘Could she not be here because of me?' Zen thought.

"What's wrong Zen?" Perlita looked at him curiously.

"N-nothing...I have to go to tutorials see ya."

Perlita and David looked at Zen as he walked away.

"I thought he was passing all of his classes."

"He is." David started to follow Zen down the hall.

Zen went to the back of the school and sat there for a while.

"I thought you had tutorials."

Zen looked at David. "Oh...hi."

"What's wrong?"


"What about her?"

"Well she's not here and the last thing I told her was that I was with you."

"Well maybe she's just sick or some thing."

"Yeah maybe you're right."

"C'mon lets go to class."

David helped Zen up and they walked to class.

Lunch came and the three friends sat at their usual table.

"Hey guys." Perlita sat at the table with her tray of school food.

"What's up."

"Katrina texted me and told me she is sick today, and not to worry about her."

"See Zen I told you."

"Yeah I guess your right." Zen leaned over and gave David a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey guys have you two seen that badger around here before?" Perlita was pointing with her paw still on the table to a lonesome fur at the back of the cafeteria.

The two turned and turned back quickly.

"Shit it's Richard."

"Let's go say hi."

"No, sit down Perlita." David said looking at her.

"Why what's wrong with him?" Perlita didn't know what had happened the day before.

"We all got in a fight and Zen beat the shit out of him."

"Oh..." Perlita sat back down and looked at the badger.

Richard looked at their table and looked away.

"He just looked over here." Perlita said quickly looking down at her food.

David noticed the zebra from a few days ago.

"Hey Perlita do you remember that zebra?"

"No, why?"

"That's the zebra that came up to me at the movies."

"Oh what's her name?"

"Crystal I think."

" I do remember that name."

"Who is she?" Zen asked

"Oh I remember now, she did go to our school last year she was on the soccer team with me."

"Oh yeah she was cool." David said with the memories flashing back to him now.

Zen looked back and saw Richard looking at them.

"Hey he's still looking."

David looked back and Richard looked at his food.

"You think he transferred?" David asked Zen


David looked back at Crystal who was now sitting at their table and talking to Perlita.

"Oh...h-hi..." David almost fell back out of his chair.

"Hi remember me from the movies?"


The bell rang and the cafeteria cleared out quickly.

"Hey I don't have a forth today." David said with somewhat of a smile on his face.

"Neither do I." Zen looked at him curiously.

"We don't either." Perlita and Crystal had the same class for the rest of the year.

David smiled and held up his keys and jingled them a little.

The four got up and went toward the door.

"Umm...d-do you think you c-can drop me off at my house?..." The four looked back and noticed Richard still sitting there with his head down.

David looked at Zen. But it was Perlita that answered.

"Of course we can."

David and Zen looked at Perlita.


Richard looked up with surprised eyes.


"Yeah c'mon."

Richard looked at David and Zen then grabbed his stuff.

They all went out to David's car and got in.

"Where do you live?" David asked Richard reluctantly.

"Over on Samson Dr."


They set off for Richards's house.

"Hey Zen isn't this near were you live?" Perlita asked

Richard looked at him.


David looked at Zen not knowing what to expect.

"Here's my house." Richard sounded like a totally different person.

Zen and David's eyes widened.

"Thanks for the parents are out of town for a while..." Richard looked at the ground and walked to his house.

‘Are we seriously next door neighbors?' Zen thought watching the badger walk to the house next to his.

"Zen isn't that your house?" David leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"Yes it is. I hope he's room is where I think it is."

"Where would that be?" David asked curiously.

"Next to mine."

"Oh..." David drove off after seeing that Richard got in his house and closed the door.

"Where do you guys want to go?" David asked just driving in a circle.

"We could go to the mall or the park." Perlita suggested.

"I vote mall." Crystal said with a smile.

"Ok I guess were off to the mall." David turned around and headed toward the mall.

When they got there the mall seemed to be crowded with old furs.

"Wow I don't want to go to the mall any more." Perlita said looking around for any sign of a fur their age.

"Well were here now and I don't want to waste any more gas." David said looking with Perlita.

"Who's up for the music store" Crystal said in a cheerful tone.

"Ok" Zen said back in the same tone.

"C'mon why not make the best of it? You don't want to waste any more gas and you don't want to leave so..." Crystal made a good point.

"Ok why not." David shrugged and looked at Perlita.

"Let's go."

Crystal and Zen went ahead to the music store and stayed there for a while.

David and Perlita went to the bedding department and took a nap.

A few hours passed, Zen and Crystal went looking for David and Perlita.

"Where do you think they are?"

"I don't know." Crystal looked around the top level.

Zen looked down the escalators and saw them in the beds.

"There they are." Zen pointed down to the lower level.

The two went down and neared the bedding store.

David and Perlita walked out of the store fast.

"What happened?"

"They said if they found us sleeping in there again they would give us a ticket." Perlita said.

"Oh...well were done so if you guys are ready to go."

"Yeah c'mon." David said while he stretched and yawned.

They got to David's car and got in.

"Hey David you look really want some one else to drive?"

"No I'm cool."

David started the car and pulled out of the mall parking lot. Zen ,Crystal and Perlita were talking. David started to doze off. Zen glanced at the road. "DAVID WATCH OUT!!!!!" David opened his eyes and looked at the road quickly but couldn't react. David slammed on the breaks and saw a flash of yellow. -Thump- "Oh my god what did I hit?!?!?!" David turned around in his seat to look back. "Oh god." David got out of the car and ran to the cheetah that was now laying on the ground. "Oh my god are you ok?" The cheetah opened her eyes and looked at David. "Are you ok?" David was looking around to see if any one saw the accident. "What happened?" The cheetah asked looking around with a little confusion in her eyes. "Are you alright? Are you bleeding? I'm so sorry, I didn't see you." David was starting to panic. "Oh no I'm fine." The cheetah got up and looked at where she was. "Do you think you could take me home? My parents might be worried about me." David looked her in shock. "Uh...yeah...are you sure your ok? I should take you to the hospital." "No it's ok I'm fine, see nothing broken." The cheetah started to walk to David's car. David got up and went to his car with the cheetah. Zen got out of the front seat and got in the back so the cheetah could sit in front. David got in after the cheetah and looked in the rear-view mirror. Zen looked at him and nodded his head and David started the car.

The ride was silent for the first ten minuets.

"Hi I'm Stephanie"

"Umm...I'm David."

"Nice to meat you." Stephanie said with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Perlita."

"Hello Perlita very nice to meet you."

"I'm Crystal."

Stephanie turned her eyes to the zebra and tilted her head with a greeting smiles.

"I'm Zen." Zen was still a little concerned with what had just happened.

Stephanie smiled and looked at the road.

"Where do you live Stephanie?" David asked her as he slowed down to a red light.

"I live a few more miles down the road."

"Ok, are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"

"Yeah I'm fine."


David drove on.

They reached Stephanie's house and she got out, "Well bye thanks for the ride." Stephanie walked to the front door and unlocked it and waved bye.

David turned the car around and drove back to Perlita's house.

"Oh Crystal, I'm sorry...where do you live?"

"Oh its ok I'll hang with Perlita."

"Are you ok David?" Perlita was looking at David with some worry in her eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Ok, call me if you need any thing." Perlita got out of the car and Crystal followed.

Zen got in the front seat and looked at David.

"You do seem really...I don't know...different." Zen said rubbing David's arm.

"Zen I hit some one with my car."

Zen looked at the car floor and stopped rubbing David's arm.

"Sorry Zen..."

"Its ok, I understand." Zen looked at David warmly.

David smiled weakly.

David drove back to Zen's house.

Zen noticed that no one was home and remembered that his mom was out of town for the day.

Zen took David to his room for another nap and so they could talk about what had happened.

"Hey you want to talk?"

"About what?"

Zen didn't want to sound like he was prying or trying to make David feel worse than he already did.

"Uh...about what happened."


"We don't have to talk if you don't want to." Zen reassured David.

"Yeah...I'll just leave that alone for now..." David looked down to the floor.

Zen moved over to comfort David.

David leaned on Zen and started to rub Zen's chest slowly.


David looked at Zen and started to take his shirt off.

Zen leaned back and let his shirt slid off his body.

David stood up and pulled Zen into a kiss.

They had a long and passionate kiss for a few minuets and Zen glanced out the window while still in the kiss.

Zen pushed David on the bed quickly and closed the window with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?" David asked confused.

"R-Richard...was watching us." Zen stood there covering his face.

David took a peek out of the window and saw Richard still standing there with his jaw dropped.

"Oh my god, Zen I'm so sorry."

"'s not your fault." Zen tried to think of what he would say if Richard said something to the kids at school.


Zen looked at David and hugged him to tell him it wasn't his fault and not to feel bad about it.

"Don't worry David." Zen gave David a big smile of comfort.

David smiled back and gave Zen another kiss.

Zen laid on top of David and kissed back.

Then Zen heard the door open.

‘Who is that?' Zen thought.

Zen opened his door and looked down stairs. There was no one there. So he ventured into the kitchen and found his dad looking in the refrigerator.

Zen stopped and just stared at the husky.

Mark stood up and looked in the doorway.

"Holy shit!" Mark dropped what he had in his paw and jumped.

"Zen." Mark looked at him for a second.

Zen backed away from the kitchen a little when Mark saw him.

"I.....I thought you were staying at David's house...."

"I was." Zen replied as calmly as he could.

David came down stairs and looked in the kitchen to see who Zen was talking to.

"Hi Meliss...Mark..." David looked at Zen quickly then back at Mark.

"D-David, can you go up stairs....I need to talk with Mark." Zen's voice was shaky as he remembered what happened last time he was alone with Mark.

David nodded and slowly walked up stairs.

"Mark." Zen looked at the husky with stern eyes

"Melissa told me you had were....abused."

Mark looked away trying not to think about that painful memory.

"I forgive you." Zen said walking up to Mark slowly.

Mark looked at Zen and hugged him tight.

Zen heard Mark start to cry.

"It's ok." Zen just patted Mark's back.


David came down a few ours later to find Zen and Mark on the couch sleeping.

"I take it that went well."

David looked around the house and found some pictures of Mesilla and Mark on the wall.

"They are a cute couple."

‘Should I leave?' David thought to him self.

David sat in the kitchen for a while and Zen walked in.


"Oh hey David, I thought you left."

"No, I didn't know where to go or what to do." David smiled at Zen.

"Heh thanks David."

"Yup." David looked out in the living room. "So I take it that went well?"

"Yeah, we talked about it and some how fell asleep in the middle of the conversation."

David giggled.

"So what do you want to do David?"

"Umm I don't know...I don't really want to drive." David looked at the floor.

"Its cool dude I understand."

David looked up and smiled.

"Let's walk down to the park."

"Ok." David stood up and escorted Zen to the front door.

As the two felines closed the door Zen looked over and saw Richard sitting on his front porch.

"David its Richard." David looked over and looked at him for a second.

"He looks sad Zen."

Zen looked a little closer and noticed he was crying.

"Umm dose he usually cry?" Zen asked still staring at the Badger.

"Stop staring." David nudged Zen a little.

Zen looked away a little too late and his and Richards eyes locked.

Richard got up and ran inside his house.

"What was that about?" Zen asked David.

"How am I supposed to know?"

Zen shrugged and kept walking with David at his side.

David looked back and saw the lonely badger looking out the window.

"What are we going to do at the park?" David asked redirecting his attention back to Zen.

"I don't know."

"Their ice cream is pretty good."

"That sounds good." Zen smiled at David.

As they walked they saw a group of furs standing in a circle.

"What are they doing?" Zen asked as they walked by.

"Smoking some thing..." -cough, cough- "Doesn't smell that good either."

They walked a little faster and reached the park a few minuets later.

"Zen look its Mark."

"How did he get here so fast?"

"Well we walked and we did kind of took the long way."

"Oh good point."

"What's he doing here any ways?"

"Let's find out."

Zen and David started to walk toward Mark when a medium sized otter approached him.

The otter gave Mark a kiss on the cheek and they started to walk down the gravel path.

"Wow did I see what I think I saw?" David looked at Zen with almost wide eyes.

"I think you did." Zen walked after the husky and otter, staying out of sight.

Zen moved in close and focused his ears on the husky's conversation.

"Oh yeah, I remember that." The otter said while laughing.

"That was fun we need to do it again some time."

"Yeah, I think we should bring some one else next time, you know to watch us." The otter was smiling.

"Heh yeah so what are we going to pick some one off the street or call some one we know?" Mark leaned on the otter a little.

"I don't care as long as we don't get hurt doing it."

"Hahaha Moon you're so kinky."

‘Moon, that's an interesting name.' Zen thought

"Let's go to my place." Moon said holding Marks arm.

"Sure." Mark said with a big smiles.

‘Wow, I know he is not going with that otter.'

"Hey hold on." Mark took a few steps in Zen's direction.

‘Oh no, did he see me?' Zen started to freak out.

"Hello?...Hey Mel I'm not going to be home tonight....Yeah....Ok.....Yes, I got it....Alright love you, bye."

Mark went back to the otter and started to walk with him to the parking lot.


David looked at the husky and otter in disbelief.

"Well there's not much we can do now."

"Zen, your...your dad just went with a guy..."

"I know and I don't know if I should tell Mel or not."


David looked at Zen again. "I would tell."

"I think I'm going to." Zen looked at the floor. "But I don't want Mel to scream at him."

"He's cheating on your mom with an otter." David stared at Zen.

"He is cute."



"Call your mom now...And you don't need to be looking at other furs."

"Alright, I'll call her."

Zen took out his cell and started to dial Mel's number in when...-Ring, ring, ring-

"How is it?" David asked.

"It's Mark."

"Answer it!"

-click- "Hello?......umm ok.....who is that in the background?.....oh ok.....are you telling me the truth?......where are you now? your not....STOP LYING! want me to stop yelling, tell me the truth...." Furs from all around started to look at Zen. "I saw you!....yes....come right now and I won't.....fine, bye." Zen hung up his cell.

David looked at Zen.



"He's coming back with his otter to pick us up and explain."

"Oh, ok."

"It wasn't that hard to tell me the truth."

David noticed the furs started to disburse back to what they were doing.

"There they are, c'mon." Zen started to walk to Moon's car.

Mark got out and stopped Zen before he got in the car.

"Zen please...can we talk about this later...I-I just wanted some time away..."

"Fine but I want to know what the hell are you doing with that otter?"

"He's...He's just some one I met."

"I'll get the details later on that too." Zen had a very harsh parental tone.

It seemed that Zen already had the parent mood change down already. "Hi I'm Zen." Zen reached out a paw and greeted the otter.

Mark looked at Zen almost in shock.

"This is my boyfriend David." Zen said pulling David in the car.

"Oh, you're gay?"

"No, well yes." Zen didn't know what to say to the question.

"Heh It's ok I know how you feel." Moon had a nice gentle smile.

"Oh I'm sorry, My name is Moon."

"Is that your real name?" David asked.

"Yup, Moon."

"That's cool."

"Thanks" Mark sat down and looked at Moon.

"You ready hunnn...husky..." Mark made a pleading look at Moon not to call him that at the moment.


Moon started the car and drove off.

"So moon, what do you do?" David asked

"I'm a construction worker, not the best job but I'm trying to find a new job."

"Oh cool."

Mark leaned over and whispered something to Moon.

"Where do you guys want to go?" Moon asked.

"Where are you two going?" Zen asked.

"Were..." Moon got cut off by Mark. "Were go to go eat."

"Oh well were hungry too."

"Oh...w-well where do you want to eat?"

"You know just take us home."

"Ok." Moon looked a bit disappointed.

Moon turned the car around and drove to their house.

When they got there Zen looked at Mark and Mark flattened his ears a little.

"Nice meeting you Moon." Zen gave a smile

David got out of the car and they drove off.

"Well now what?"

"Now we wait till he gets home and then I'll talk to him."

"Ok and what are we going to do?"

"I don't know I'm tired."

"Ok let's take a nap."

"Alright." Zen hugged David and they went in the house and up to Zen's room.

When they got to the bed they striped down to their boxers and got in bed.

"Sorry for all of this David."

"It's ok, I can understand why you are doing this."

Zen nuzzled David and fell asleep. David soon followed.

The door opened. "I'm home." It was Melissa. "I got home earlier because the meeting was canceled."

Zen's eyes shot open. ‘Did Mark get home already?' Zen thought in alarm.


Mel went up stairs and went to Zen's room. "I thought you were staying at David's house for a couple of more days." Mel turned on the light and looked in to see David hugging Zen in his sleep. "Aww."

"Mom, we were going to go back to David's house and I forgot cuz something happened earlier."

"What happened?"

"Well..." Zen nudged upwards a littler to wake David up.

"Wha..." David looked around sleepily and noticed an unfamiliar face. "Oh my gosh!" David threw up the covers and hid underneath them.

Mel laughed and asked again. "What happened earlier?"

"Oh..." David looked down. "Well we were driving and I wasn't paying attention and...I hit some one."

"Oh my." Mel's eyes widened a little. "Were they hurt?"

"No...well she said she wasn't."


The door opened again and Zen's heart skipped a beat.

"Oh moon your so funny."

Mel turned around and started to walk down stairs.

"Oh crap." Zen looked at David really quick and jumped out of and grabbed a pair of pants off the floor and ran down stairs.

David followed but fell on the floor. "Zen you have small pants." Zen looked back and noticed he had on David's pants. "Oh sorry David."

They quickly traded their pants back and went down stairs.

Mel was just standing there in the doorway of the kitchen staring at the otter and husky.

Zen pushed her back a little and interrupted their conversation. "Umm Mark remember that talk we were going to have?"

Moon looked at Zen a little startled and looked at Mark. "What talk?"

Mel moved behind Zen and said "Who are you?"

Moon's eyes widened and he looked at Mark. "What's going on?"

"I think we would all like to know Mark." Mel had rising anger in her tone.

"Mom." Zen had never seen her mad before let alone anger.


"You what Mark? You want ed to cheat on me?"

Moon looked at Mel "Oh my god..." He looked at Mark "Your married?!?!"

Mark started to breathe hard.

"Well Mark?"

"Mark I saw you at the park...I was going to talk to you after wards but what you called Mel, no way."

"At the park?" Mel looked at Zen

Moon didn't know what to do. He was in a house he had never been in before and in the middle of this whole thing. "Mark Why didn't you tell me?"

"Yeah why didn't you tell us?" Mel had her arms crossed now.

"I don't now." Mark looked down.

"You seemed to know when we were in the car." Zen said cocking his head a little.

"Moon, is it?" Mel asked and Mark looked up at the mention of his name.


"Mark didn't tell you he is a married dog?"

"No he didn't." Moon looked down. "How long have you been married?"

"Almost three years." Mark finally replied.

"I...I'm going to go." Moon got up and walked toward the front door. "I'm so sorry...I had no idea..." Moon walked out and ran to his car crying.

Mark watched him through the window.

"Well." Mel said bringing his mind back into the problem at hand.

"I...I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Mel repeated.

"Mark when did you first start seeing him?" Zen asked from out of the blue.

Mark looked at him and then at Mel.

"I met him a few months ago."

"Is that where you've been going?" Mel walked forward and stood face to face with the other husky.

Mark looked at her and looked away.

"I'm threw with you right now...go find a hotel and sleep there for the night." Mel turned to walk away but Mark grabbed her paw. "Melissa I'm sorry." Mel turned and slapped him. His eyes widened a bit and he put his paw where he had just been slapped, and stared and Mel who was now going up the stairs. "Z...Ze..." Mark was cut off. "Mark why couldn't you have just told every one the truth." Mark started to break down in side and fell to his knees and started to cry.

Zen looked at Mark for a second and started to cry him self, He felt terrible for what had just happened.

"I'm sorry Mark." Zen went and grabbed David's paw and went up stairs leaving Mark on the floor crying for the one's he just lost.

Zen took David back to his room and told him. "David I'm sorry you had to see all that."

"It's ok...families have their problems some times." David pulled Zen to the bed and told him to "Try to rest ok? We still have school tomorrow and we have to do a few things."

"O-Ok..." Zen was exhausted but didn't know why and he soon fell asleep ageist his will."

Ok thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed and sorry for the hold u once again ^^ anyways please comment and tell me what you thought, and again thanks for reading ^^

Confusion part 7

Note: David is not my character, he belongs to XtigerX so please ask him if you would like to use David. * * * The wrong choice: Zen woke up the next morning early and went down stairs. "Mark?" Zen went in the kitchen and looked in,...

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Baby sitting part 3

Note: Gore, Blood, and Death in this story so if you don't like it go away, contains brutal death scene. \*\*\* The truth: Mandy made a holster and put the hair spray cans and the perfume in it and attached it to her belt. Andy took...

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Baby sitting part 2

Note: This story contains violence and may not be suitable for those who don't like this kind of stuff. But if you do like this stuff then enjoy. \*\*\* The unexpected: They all froze at the sound of the door. -Bang, Bang, Bang- ...

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