Confusion part 7

Story by zenman on SoFurry

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#7 of Confusion...

Note: David is not my character, he belongs to XtigerX so please ask him if you would like to use David.

The wrong choice:

Zen woke up the next morning early and went down stairs.

"Mark?" Zen went in the kitchen and looked in, there was no one there.

Zen looked all around the house but didn't find Mark.

‘I feel bad now...' Zen thought.

"You're up early Zen." Mel was standing at the bottom of the stairs looking in the living room.

"Oh hi mom." Zen was a little startled at the silence being broken.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing." Zen didn't want Mel to think he was trying t bring Mark back to the house.

"Go get ready for school and wake up David if you two want some breakfast."

"Ok." Zen ran up stairs and woke up David.

"Hey get up remember, school."

"Ok..." David yawned widely. "I'm up."

Zen jumped in the shower and washed him self quickly so David could take a fast one too.

When Zen got back in the room after his shower he saw David laying on the bed sleeping again.

-Sigh- "David come on get up."

David mumbled and snarled a little and sat up slowly.

"Come on David go take a shower it will wake you up."


David got out of bad and tripped on a shirt that was left on the floor last night.

"OH GOD!" -Thump-

"Are you two alright up there?" Mel called from down stairs.

"Yeah were fine." Zen looked at David and went over to help him up.

"Hehe I can see up your towel."

Zen closed his legs a little and pulled David up.

"Well if that didn't wake me up enough then that shower sure will." David smiled.

Zen picked out an outfit and went down stairs.

"Zen can you take out the trash really quick?" Mel asked Zen while making some bacon and pancakes.

"Sure." Zen garbed the garbage and went out side.


Zen looked over to see where the voice came from, it was Richard.

"What do you want?" Zen continued walking not looking at the badger.

"About yesterday...."

Zen froze on the in side but didn't show it on the out side. "What about yesterday?"

Zen was trying to stay as calm as possible.

" your room." Richard was looking at the ground.

Zen moved toward Richard and glared at him. "What about my room?"

"I just....I...."

Zen just looked at Richard.

"I...didn't mean you..."

"Well you did."

Richard looked down again at the harsh tone that came from the small snow leopard.

"I won't tell any one...."

"Good, that's David's business and mine not yours or any one else's."

"Oh...and...." Richard felt stupid. "I need a ride at school...."

"Oh really now."


Zen sighed. "I'll see if we can take you."

Richard looked at Zen in surprise. "Really?"

Zen just turned and walked back to his door.

"Hey mom this kid from school needs a ride."

"Oh ok, where dose he live?"

"Next door."

"Oh ok you can invite him in for some breakfast if you want."

Zen thought about it for a second and went back out side.

Richard was sitting on his porch.

"Hey have you eaten any thing?" Zen asked

", why?"

"You want some breakfast?"

Richard didn't know what to say.

"Come on." Zen motioned Richard to come over.

Richard obeyed and jumped over the fence.

Zen lead the way to the door and Richard sat down at the table.

‘Who's house is this?' Richard thought as he saw the husky making food.

Mel turned around and placed some food on the table.

David came down stairs and hugged Zen and sat down.

"Mom we need some more bread ,just so you know." Zen told Mel when she turned.

"OH MY GOD!" David didn't realize Richard was sitting next to Zen.

"David are you ok?" Mel asked

"Yeah, I'm fine." David was looking at Richard.

David leaned over and whispered to Zen. "what is he doing here?"

"Were taking him to school."


After every one was done eating they went out to Mel's car.

Richard was still looking at Mel and Zen trying to figure out why he called her ‘mom'.

David moved forward and whispered to Zen.

Richard just looked at David

Mel stopped quickly to avoid an accident. "Jackass!"

Zen looked at Mel

"Sorry guys." Mel felt dumb.

Mel was still thinking about the things that could have happened.

"Mom turn!"

Mel jumped and turned quickly down the correct street.

"HEY!" Richard gasped

Zen looked back to see David's paw in Richard's crotch.

David pulled him paw away fast.

Richard moved his legs closer together and pushed them near the door.

"Sorry Richard...." David said while blushing.

"I-it's fine...." Richard was looking out the window avoiding any eyes in the car.

"Ok Zen here's your money, have a good day and don't get in any trouble."

"Ok mom, love you bye."

David and Richard got out of the car and went over to Zen.

"Thanks for the ride." Richard said and walked away from the car to the school building.

"Thanks for the ride Mel."

"Any time David."

Zen and David made their way to the school building and went inside.

(After the long hours for school)

Zen looked every where for David but didn't find him.

"Hey Perlita have you seen David after lunch?"

"No sorry."

"Ok thanks."

Zen started to wander the building looking for David.

"Oh wait I have my cell." Zen took out his cell phone and called David.

There was no answer. Zen called a few more times then gave up.

"Where are you David?" Zen started to walk to the front door.

Perlita came running around the corner almost colliding with Zen.



"I heard crying in the boy's locker room. It sounded like David."

Zen froze in side and ran to the locker room to see David on the cold hard floor curled up in a ball.

"DAVID!" Zen ran up to him and hugged him "Are you ok?"

David just lied there, crying.

Zen rolled David over and found that there was blood on the floor. "David are you bleeding?!"

Zen looked up and down the tiger's body and found a wound that looked as if he was stabbed with a knife.

"Oh my god David!, Perlita help me!"

Perlita ran in the locker room in alarm at the sound of Zen's voice.

Perlita's eyes widened as she saw the blood drip out of the wound.

"Help me!"

Perlita helped Zen carry David out of the locker room.

"Perlita call an ambulance or tell the office to."

Perlita ran for the office and told them what had happened.

Within minuets an ambulance had arrived and took David to the hospital.

Zen ran out to the car and told his mom they had to go to the hospital immediately.

"Why what happened?"

"David is hurt, we need to go now!"

Mel turned on the car and sped out of the parking lot and to the hospital.

When they reached the hospital Zen ran in asking for David's room.

After a few minuets of trying to find out the information he needed he ran to the elevator.

"Come on you stupid thing."

when the elevator finally came down Zen went in quickly after every one got off and pushed the 4th floor button.

Mel called David's parents.

Zen ran down the hall looking for the correct room number and found it at the end of the hall.

"David?" Zen opened the door a little and saw David laying in the hospital bed.

"David!" Zen ran up to him and gave him a hug. "What happened?"

David looked at Zen and held him close. "I was in the locker room..."

Zen looked at David with concentrated eyes of relief that David was ok and fear that David was severely injured.

"I just got done changing when some one came in I didn‘t see who it was." The doctor came in the room and shooed Zen out


"Sorry he can't have any visitors for about a week."

Zen looked down. "Ok."

Zen stayed in front of the room till his mom got there.

"What's wrong?"

"He can't have any visitors."

"Why not?"

"I don't know."

Zen looked down the hall and saw David's parents.

Mel turned and told them that they couldn't see their son.

"He doesn't look bad." Zen tried to comfort David's parents.

"What happened to him?"

"He....he got stabbed."


"I found him in the locker room."

"Oh my..."

The felines and husky sat in the waiting room for hours.

The Doctor came in the waiting room, She was a ferret. "I'm sorry but he can't have any visitors for a few days."

"Why not?" David's father demanded.

"We need him to have calm levels for proper test results."

"Then why a few days?"

"We can't really do any thing with him till the result come in, besides stitching him up for the time being."

"Fine." David's father went over to his wife and held her.

"Mom dose that mean we have to go?"

"Yeah...sorry Zen."

"He'll be ok...."

The felines and husky went out of the hospital as a group.

Mel looked at David's parents "Can you keep us updated?"



After that they got in there cars and reluctantly drove away from the hospital.

Days went by and they soon turned to weeks.

During the weeks Zen let him self go, he never went out side, stayed on this computer all the time, ate once a day.

‘I miss David.' Zen thought

Zen looked away from him computer and noticed he couldn't see that well, every thing was fuzzy.

Zen went down stares and in the kitchen to eat his one meal for the day. "Mom I can't see that good any more."

Mel looked at Zen and said "maybe you need glasses."

Zen looked down. "Oh...can we go to an eye doctor."

"Sure." Mel finished washing the dishes and took Zen out.

When they got there Zen looked around.

"Zen" The fur from behind the counter called out.

"Ok Zen see you in a bit." Mel said


Zen went in the back room and took the tests and came out a few minuets later.

"How did it go?"

"Ok I guess."

A few more minutes went by and they called Zen up again.

Mel went up and got all the information they needed.

"Zen go find a pair a glasses you like." Mel said

"Ok." Zen started to walk around and found a pair he liked.

After a few more minuets of waiting for the lenses to be put in they came out and Zen put them on.

"How is that?" Mel asked

"Better, I can see again."

"Good now come on, I think Mark is back."


Mel and Zen went home and found that Mark was indeed home.

They went in and said nothing. Zen went up stared and Mel went to the kitchen and started to cook.

Mark looked at Mel and said hi.

"What do you want?"

"I'm sorry..."

"Good, where's your little hoe?"

"Moon isn't a hoe." Mark said with defiance to his voice.

"What were you doing with him?"


"Just go away from me right now."

Mark turned and left the room before any thing else happened.

Mark went up stairs and knocked lightly on Zen's door.

"Hey can I come in?"

"Why so you can finish the job?"

"Zen, please..."

The door made a click sound and opened a little. Mark opened the door and stepped in the dimly lit room.

"What do you want?" Zen was back on his computer just staring at the screen not looking away.

"I wanted to talk to you."

"Well I figured that." Mark felt attacked by Zen's words.

"Umm About Moon and I."

"What about you two?"

"Well he felt bad about what happened."

"I would too."

Mark tried to choose his words carefully now.

"He wants to talk to you and Mel."


"He wanted to clear every thing up."

Zen looked at mark. "Did you tell her?"

"No, she told me to leave the room."

Zen sighed and got up and went down stairs.

"Mom Moon wants to talk to us." After Zen had finished he went back to his room and got back on this computer.


"What?" Zen asked

"What did she say?"

"I left after I told her."


"You know I think Moon is pretty cute."


"Yes I'd yiff him but I have David."

"Have you two even done it yet?"

"No but I'm ready now so when he gets out of the hospital I'll yiff him."

"Out f the hospital?"

"Yeah he got stabbed...."

"Oh he ok?"

"Yeah he was fine when I talking to him last."

"When was that?"

"A few weeks ago."

"And your not worried about him?!"

Zen looked at him and said in almost a hurt voice "Of course I'm worried, not a moment goes by that I don't worry about him."

Mark backed away a little as he saw Zen's claws being unsheathed.

"Get out."


"I said get out!"

Mark flinched a little and left the room.

Zen curled up on his bed and cried him self to sleep.

-ring, ring-

"Hello?......really! great.....oh....ok....thanks.....mhmm......ok bye."

"Zen come here."

Zen walked down stairs a few minuets later with his head fur all messed up. "What?"

"David is fine and his surgery went fine." Mel said with a relived smile.

"Can we see him?"

"No he still has a little more tests to go through."

Zen looked down.

"They just want to make sure nothing is wrong."

"I know..."

Mel hugged Zen and went back to cooking.

"I'm going to bed."

"Ok." Mel didn't like that he was skipping dinner again but she didn't want to force him to eat.

The next morning Zen woke up and went down stairs in his boxers after taking a shower and brushing his teeth.

Zen knew Mel would still be asleep for a few more hours so he thought why not.

When Zen got down stairs he went in the living room and turned on the television.

"Hi Zen."

Zen jumped and put a pillow over his lap. "What the hell how did you get in here?" Zen was staring at Richard

"Your "mom" let me in." Richard was blushing at Zen.


"I wanted to talk to you."

"About what?"

"I've been watching you for the past weeks."

"Fucking stalker!"

"No please just listen."

"What do you have to say?"

"I wanted to tell you some thing."


"Zen I like you."


"Zen I want to be with you."

"No way I have David so you can just leave."

"I know how hurt David." Richard said with almost an evil smiles

"What?" Zen looked at Richard in surprise. "Who did it?"

"I know exactly who did it."

"Tell me who did it now."

"I will but I need you to do some thing for me first."

"What? I'll do any thing." Zen said not remembering that Richard wanted him.

Richard moved closer to Zen and placed a paw on Zen's leg.

Zen looked at his paw and gasped a little.

"Zen don't you want to know what happened to David?"

"Yes I do.....but not like this."

"Oh well you can find out on your own." Richard turned and left leaving Zen to ponder about what the badger was offering. It was wrong but the spotted feline wanted to know what happened to his boyfriend.

"Wait....can't you.....just tell me?"

"If you do some thing for me."

"I don't want to!"

"Then I won't tell you." Richard grabbed the door handle but he felt a paw grab him.


"You want to know, don't you?"


"You'll do anything?"


"Good. Upstairs, your room, now."

Zen looked down and started to go up stairs with Richard right behind him. They both entered the room.

"Now Zen, take off my clothes."


"You heard me, take them off slowly."

Zen closed his eyes and tried to think of David as he started to slowly undress the badger.

"Good now your boxers."

Zen started to take off his boxers slowly.

"Now on the bed."

Zen looked at the badger. "NOW." Zen followed his command and got on the bed.

Richard got on the bed also and was on this knees in front of Zen. "Start sucking bitch."

Zen closed his eyes and started to suck on the badgers' fully hard cock.

A few minuets of that passed and Richard told Zen to stop.

"Now Zen, my little pet turn around." Richard said this with an evil smile. Zen thought ‘Pet? I'm not your pet and what are you doing.' Richard moved forward and pushed his cock at Zen's tailhole. "HEY!" Zen looked back. "You want to know don't you?" Zen looked forward again and closed his eyes. ‘David I wanted you to take me first...' Zen thought as started to tear up. Richard pushed forward again and shoved his length in Zen's tailhole with no sign of being sorry for shoving it in Zen's virgin hole. Zen moaned loudly on pain. "Shh you don't want to wake your mother do you?" Zen grabbed a pillow and stuffed his face in it to droned out any sound he made. "Good, now for my fun." Zen didn't hear what the badger said and thought he was going to let Zen get used to the feeling but didn't. Richard started to thrust in and out hard. Zen moaned loudly in the pillow and gripped it tight. "R-Richard.....please slow d-down." "You want to know or not?" Zen moaned in pain again. "Yes I want to know." "Then let me do what I need from you." Zen lied there helpless now. ‘I have no choice but to let him finish now.' Zen thought. "Almost done kit." Zen still moaning in pain. -knock knock- "Zen I'm going to work now have a good day." Mel heard what she thought was a tired moan. The door shut and Richard came in Zen's tailhole making him moan louder than ever. Richard lied back and bathed in the afterglow.

When Zen was able to control him self he turned and said "Tell!" Zen felt disgusted with him self, he let Richard take advantage of him while David was laying in the hospital.

"Well kitty, I don't know any thing, but that was fun."


"Yup David in the way, but he's in the hospital now, and I can't leave you all alone can I?"

"Get the fuck away from me!" Zen swiped his paw, hoping to rip the badger with his claws, but Richard wasn't in reach.

"Now I can think of what David would say. You sleeping with me? I doubt he'll take that lightly. He and I never got along. So unless you want David to know, you will see me again tomorrow, I'm going to show you how much better I am than him."

"You fucking bastard!" Zen began to cry

"Bye Zen. Be at my place at noon, no later." Richard opened the door and went down stairs, his footsteps grew quieter until they were gone.

Zen lied there few a few moments. He knew the badger could watch him from his window, so he closed the curtains.

Moments later his cell went off. Zen picked it u hoping for a massage from David but it was only a number. Zen opened the message and it read "Open them." Zen did and found Richard smiling evilly at him.

The feline knew he was trapped.

Thanks for reading every one hope you enjoyed it. Please comment and tell me what you think. love you all.

Confusion part 8

Note: David dose not belong to me he is XtigerX's character so please ask him if you would like to use David. * * * The Painful Confession: Zen looked in Richards's eyes and backed away from the window. Richard still smiling at the...

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Confusion part 6

Note: David is XtigerX's character so please ask him if you would like to use David. \*\*\* The talk: The next morning the two teens were cuddling each other. "Hey." David said warmly trying to wake Zen. "Five more minuets." Zen...

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Baby sitting part 3

Note: Gore, Blood, and Death in this story so if you don't like it go away, contains brutal death scene. \*\*\* The truth: Mandy made a holster and put the hair spray cans and the perfume in it and attached it to her belt. Andy took...

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