An Unusual Friendship - Chapter 1: First Time's a Charm

Story by Pims1997 on SoFurry

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#1 of An Unusual Friendship

A teenage, highschool romantic drama series between a sweet, tender husky and a strong, romantic dragon. Dicussing several themes such as anti-gayness, bullying, home issues and more.

A Collaboration between me, Serban andBravewolven . Thanks for your amazing help with the story!

Monday morning 7:00 am, the annoying piercing sounds of Pim's alarm clock fill his room.

"Ugh.... Mondaaay..... I hate mondays..." The Husky grunts as he smashes the snooze button on his alarm clock, which results in it almost flying off his nightstand and shattering on the wooden floor. Sluggishly, he forces himself out of bed and gets up stretching himself, before stepping into his slippers.

Throwing open the curtains, he is blinded by the bright rays of early sunlight, flooding his room. "Ahhh... it Buuurrnns...!" He yowls as he puts his paw in front of his eyes in an attempt to block the eye piercing rays of sunlight. He staggered away from the window and over to the wardrobe, he glances at his bed-furred self in the mirror.

He glances back at his alarm clock before heading into the bathroom for a quick shower. "7:10, hmm... Yeah I think I can manage a quick shower..."

He thinks to himself as he throws off his boxers and turns on the shower. While entering the shower cabin, the Husky let the stream of water splash over his soft, yet messy fur, before yelping and leaping back, frantically twisting the temperature dial. It was still freezing cold. He gave it a moment, until steam started to fill the air, before stepping back under the flow.

Pim reaches out to take some shampoo and starts to massage it into his sky blue and white fur,

every inch on his body is rubbed slowly and thoroughly. Every spot and curve had been slathered in with the shampoo before he started to wash it all out, leaving him with a clean and wet pelt.

He turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, reluctant to leave the warmth of the water. He wrapped a towel around himself, and combed his fur tidy while it was still wet, and styleable. Padding back into his room, he caught a glimpse of his alarm clock; 7:40.

Dropping the towel, he snatched up his deodorant, covering himself - and the room in a sweet-smelling haze. Choking on the cloud, he dipped a paw into the jar of fur-gel, streaking it over his head until it resembled some sort of style. Wiping his paw, he yanked open the door to his wardrobe, and snatched out a white vest, a soft, black T-shirt and a pair of loose, sky blue shorts. Trying to simultaneously pull them all on at once, he grabbed his bag and hurried downstairs, nearly tripping on every step as he tried to smother the creases out of his clothes.

Skidding into the kitchen, he pulls open the fridge door, taking out the cheese and butter and hurling them onto the counter. His paws snag round the bag of bread, throwing out two slices onto a cutting board. He hastily scrapes the butter over them, gouging holes in the soft, white bread, before throwing on some slices of cheese and messily rolling them in tinfoil. Dropping them into his bag, he burst out of his front door, not stopping to say goodbye to his parents.

The walking felt good - it was the first time he'd managed to get out of the 'new' house. It was his first week since he moved here; he had only arrived last Thursday, after his parents finally wrapped up their messy divorce. His Mother had taken the decision to move in with her new Boyfriend - the reason for the divorce however, and had taken Pim with her. His Dad was appealing for custody, but that wasn't likely to happen.

Three large, square buildings, made of white panels and panes of glass.It was a big school, much bigger than anything Pim had imagined. He had seen the brochure when his Mother had first told him. Indoor and outdoor sports grounds, a pool, a dance and theatre hall and even a full fledged media center. His old school had none of this - just classrooms and a bit of grass. He wondered how people managed to fit all this into their schedules. With a hint of hesitation, Pim set foot through the gate, and onto the school grounds.

A few furs were hanging around the fountain in the centre of the plaza, watching people pass by, laughing and joking. The Husky tried his best to walk around them, and keep away from the steady stream of people moving in and out of the buldings. Everyone looked like they knew each other, and he couldn't help but feel left out. The New Kid, as always.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed through the main doors of his new school. Immediately, the crowds of students had his paws sweating and his heart racing. Trying not to look nervous, he carried on through the hallways, weaving out of the way of the groups of bigger guys that kept pushing on down the halls. Anxiously, he adjusted his clothes, feeling a little underdressed. He wondered if he'd put too much gel in his fur, or if he had an overwhelmingly strong odour from the deodorant. The Husky was sure people were staring at him, but he stayed calm, making his way to the Pupil's Administration.

He walked around the administration's counter to pick up his schedule and wandered towards his locker. He wasn't entirely paying attention to where he was heading as he got lost in a trail of thoughts and bumped into someone, hard. One moment he was standing up straight, the other moment he was sprawled out on top of a dragon.

"Oh my god, sh-shit... I-I am so sorry! I honestly didn't mean to bump in on you and knock you over!" Pim stuttered as he turned red, like a tomato, blushing from not only the embarrassment, but also the position they were in.

"Oh hey, don't worry about it," the dragon said, His powder blue cheeks gaining a hint of red, "Happens all the time." The dragon helped the husky off him and stood, taking the husky with him. The angle of which he pulled the husky up however, sent the husky's face against his scaly, well-muscled chest, by accident, causing the dragon to blush even further. "S-sorry!" The dragon was pretty tall, definity taller than the husky. His scaly hide covered in ice blue scales covering most of the body with lighter tone of blue scales that ran down his underbelly. His eyes were a golden yellow, ones that sparkled with amusement and slight embarrassment. His wings were safely tucked behind his back and almost barely visible unless someone was looking for them. Two majestic white horns roughly a foot long facing rearward adorned his head while a small horn rested at the end of muzzle.

Pim giggled softly as he got pulled against the dragon's chest "Wow there, big boy!" He said laughing a little "What a way to meet someone! Let me introduce myself. I'm Pim! What's your name?" He added.

The dragon chuckled softly as the husky laughed. "Nice to meet you Pim. My name is Nate." He put out a large paw for a handshake. "I haven't seen you around here before. Are you new?"

Pim gave a friendly smile and shook the big paw with his tender and smaller paw "Yes I am indeed new! This is, in fact, my first school day as I only arrived here last Thursday." Pim smiled softly at Nate.

Nate returned the husky's smile with one of his own. "Well then Pim," he said, "Allow me to be one of the first students to welcome you to your new school." He knelt down to help collect some of his spilled books and your papers.

Pim knelt down too, quickly grabbing all the scattered supplies and papers lying on the ground "Tell me, what subjects do you have? I have a lot of the Academic subjects, such as Maths, Physics, Biology and Chemistry with added Art and Graphic Modelling" He says looking at Nate as he hands over his books.

Nate glances up, matching Pim's gaze for a brief moment as he accepts the offered books. "Thank you Pim. My subjects are almost the same as yours, except for the Physics and Chemistry. I take Physical education during those periods. I believe that we will see each other around a lot while in school, Pim." He stood up, helping him up as well. "Need help finding your locker? Or have you already got it?"

He looks around confused to where he actually is "Eh... I was trying to find it until I got lost in a trail of thoughts and bumped into you. It should be... around here... somewhere.. right?" He says as he looks around for his number "1210... That must be near... I hope..." He says to Nate, smiling as he looks into your warm eyes.

The dragon grinned. "1210! Thats right next to my locker. Lucky husky, I can take you to yours." He grabbed Pim gently by his free wrist and led the husky through the semi-deserted halls until he stopped at a row of green lockers. "Here you go Pim. Locker 1210!" Nate grinned at the husky.

Pim glanced to the side as he opens his locker "Thank you so much! You saved me from hours upon hours of searching haha!" He says laughing a little "These school halls are immense! My old school was much smaller... If I hadn't met you, I would've been lost already!" Pim said chuckling softly as he dumped his book and took out his Maths and Art supplies. "Ok... first I got Art... and then I got Maths! Yup, that seems good" He says. He looks up to you "Which classes do you take?" He asks smiling brightly.

Nate took out his own books for those subjects. "I have the same a you for these periods Pim. Maybe we'll get lucky and get paired up in both classes!" He said excitedly, "Come on, I'll take you to the classroom. We'll need to hurry, else we'll be late" He quickly turned, beckoning you to follow beside him as he started to walk down the hall.

Pim nodded and walked beside the dragon, following him closely. Once they arrived Pim looked at Nate nervously. "I-I hope people will like me..." He says softly with a slight anxiety mixed into his voice.

Nate blinked slightly when he heard Pim say that. "Why wouldn't they? You've proven to be a most likeable and enjoyable fur since I've met you. People here aren't judgemental.... much..." He shrugged and the looked at the husky in the eyes, smiling softly. "Would it help if you had a friend?" He asked, "Cause I could be one for you. People know me and if they know that you're my friend, they'll be less likely to take advantage of you. If you'd like to be that is. Friends I mean." He blushed slightly, averting his gaze and looking very nervous all of a sudden.

Pim blushed lightly "W-Would you... really become friends with me? People have hurt me so much in the past, saying that I was worthless and things like that... I barely had any friends as a result of that..." He says softly as he looks into your eyes. He notices you breaking the gaze and tilts his head slightly wondering what's up. "A-Are you alright?" He asks slowly.

Nate turned a little more red in his cheeks and shook his head. "N-nono, I'm fine. It's just that.." He turned his gaze back to you and said quietly, "You have really beautiful eyes.." The dragon turned away again, his hand going for the classroom's doorknob, which he then turned and opened it, going inside with haste, his face now scarlet red.

Pim blushes at the comment and is frozen in the spot for a while. He shakes his head and heads inside just before the crawling storm of furs blast through the door. He sits next to Nate and whispers "You got gorgeous eyes too~" in Nate's ear. He smiles softly but the smile turns into an annoyed frown at the bell rings and their teacher starts to lecture them about Sine, Cosine and what not... He drifts off in thoughts and daydreams for a while before he gets sent back to reality by his teacher calling his name "... Pim, would you be so kind as to tell us the answer to this problem?" Pim shakes nervously and stuttered. "Well.. Eh... I-I don't --" He gets cut off by a soft tap on the leg and hears Nate whisper something in his ear.

"The angle is 5.2 to the Tan of the triangle" Nate whispers to the husky quietly, pointing to the math textbook.

Pim started to smile and quickly answered "Oh! The angle alpha in triangle DEF is 5.2 to the Tan of b/c in triangle ABC which of course is 20/5" The teacher smiles softly, or at least it looked like that. Pim quickly looked at Nate and said quietly "Oh my god man, thank you so much! You're the best, you saved my ass so hard there!"

The dragon smiled a little, and said quietly to Pim, "I only did what any friend would do for the other. Don't sweat about it." Pim smiled brightly "Thank you so much" He says before looking back at the teacher. Nate turned his head forward to face the teacher attentively, though his eyes kept giving short glances in the direction of the blue husky, only to dart forward anytime Pim moved slightly.

Once she was done lecturing about the goniometric formulae he started to doodle in his notebook. He loved to doodle, draw random sketches and little characters he makes up on the spot. He started to doodle and let his imagination flow. It ended up to be the head of Nate and continued to doodle as his mind drifted. He got back to his senses and looked down at what he drew. Him and Nate cuddling with each other. He blushed a deep red and quickly put his paws over the drawing "Oh god... What did I just draw?!" He thought to himself "Is my mind telling me something? I-I'm not sure what to do..."

Nate's eyes drifted over to Pim's books as the teacher's lecture ended. He watched the Husky doodle away in the book's pages. "He'll fit right in at art class," he thought, a small grin on his face. He took another look at the small drawings, examining each one of them with interest, when one caught his eye. It was of a dragon and a husky..cuddling? The two seemed very familiar to the dragon, but before he could ask Pim, the husky quickly covered the drawing with a paw. Nate was half tempted to ask the husky to remove it and let him see, but before he could the class dismissal bell rang and he stood, gathering his books and whatnot and waited for Pim, so he could walk with him to the next class.

Pim quickly closed and put away his books and looks up at Nate, slightly startled "Oh hey! Sorry my mind drifted off again, heheh" He says nervously. He looked at Nate with a light blush on his face before heading out together "We got Art now... right? Where do we go?" He asked Nate, smiling friendly as always.

The dragon wished to ask the husky of the drawing, but thought it would be better if he answered the husky's question. "Yes, we have Art period next. I'll take you there, just follow me." He smiled warmly at the husky.

"I'll follow you then, hot stuff!" He says, the last words slipping out unintentionally. He starts to blush again as he realised what he said. He puts his paw to his mouth and shakes his head in disbelief before looking into Nate's eyes nervously.

The dragon froze slightly, and blushed slightly but took the words as a complement. "T-Thank you Pim. I try and stay fit as much as I can so its nice to know someone likes my body." He turned quickly on his heel and started walking at a slightly slow pace to the next room, chewing on Pim's words. "He called me hot... No, it must be a slip of the tongue thats all. No way he likes me.."

While they were walking to the next classroom Pim leaned a bit against the dragon. He was unsure what was happening to him but he didn't mind it. They arrived at the second classroom of the day and sat down next to each other again. He took out his doodling notebook and when he looked back into his bag in search of his pencil case the dragon took the little notebook. He didn't really notice it until he looked back. He gasped softly and blushed a bright red.

Nate found the page he was looking for and blushed deeply as he looked the drawing over, recognizing the two characters drawn together. When he glanced up and saw you looking at him, his blush deepened and he quickly gave the book back. "I-I'm sorry... you draw amazing pieces of art Pim. I'm sorry i took it without asking." He made no mention of the husky/dragon sketch and, after returning the book, he turned to face his own art book, his blush still strong on his face.

Pim continues to look at the dragon "D-Did you... did you find that sketch? The... one... from l-last period?" He asks nervously. He was so confused with his feelings at that point, he just didn't know what to do. He felt attracted to Nate, but wasn't sure yet if he actually liked him more than just friends.

Nate looked down at his unopened book and said with a quiet voice, "Y-yes I did..." While he would go off on a limb to say that he found the husky to be cute, it was far harder for him to think if he actually liked Pim. "It.. it was really well done.." His mind was in turmoil. "Do I like him? Does he like me? No, he couldn't. He drew a picture of the two of you cuddling dolt! He probably does like you. Yeah but do I like him back?" And so on raged the argument inside Nate's mind. So wrapped up in this mental feud, that he missed the teacher begin to give her lesson, to which one was supposed to take notes of.

He looks at Nate who's staring down at an empty page in front of him. He took extensive notes so he could give a copy to Nate. Once he realised Nate had been staring like that for a while he gently poked his shoulder. "Nate? A-Are you ok?" He asks worried, tilting his head a bit.

Nate jumped slightly as his thoughts were broken by the sudden poke, and his eyes focused on the husky unclearly for a moment. He blinked away the fuzziness in his eyes and tried to give a reassuring smile. "Oh, I-I am just f-fine Pim. Sorry I wasn't paying attention, my mind was elsewhere. Thank you for bringing me back." He quickly looked away at his book again, this time opening it and hurrying along to write what notes he could.

Tilts his head slightly as he felt something was quite not right "Are you sure? You can trust me with anything..." He says softly and comforting. "But... I wanted to ask something..." He says softly "Do you... m-maybe... want to hang out with me after school? We can go to my place if you want..." He asks with a friendly smile "Or maybe we can do something else?" He adds as he gazes deeply into your eyes. He broke the gaze quickly and said almost panicking "I-I mean.. Just as friends! I-I think..." Those last words were so silent, no one heard it apart from himself, or at least he hoped that. His tail wagged slowly back and forth as he awaited a response from the dragon. "I am so confused... I don't know what to do! I feel attracted to him more than a friend but... I only know him for less than a day... How... why... I.. I don't know what to do... Am I falling in love with him? I can't... right..? Agh... what do I do?!" He thinks to himself, his mind battling his feeling, losing the ability to think rationally as the feelings slowly win the feud.

Nate looked at Pim when the husky asked the question, blushing a little even though it was only a friendly offer. "W-Well... y-yeah. I'd like that, so long as its okay with your parents a stuff..." He gave a nervous smile

Pim smiled happily and jumped a little from joy. "Yay! My parents won't mind at all, I'll call them after school, ok?" He said excitedly. He paused for a moment as the teacher glared at him. He apologised and continued to 'listen' to the boring explanation of depth and vanish points. He couldn't wait until school was over. The school day passed reasonably quick, at recess Pim's tray got hit from his paws by one of the school's annoying jocks. Nate stood up and told the bully off before getting a new tray for Pim.

"Thank you so much Nate, you're so sweet!" Pim said as he hugged his new best friend softly. He sat down opposite of Nate as they enjoyed their lunch, chit chatting about things. "So... do you have anything in mind when we're over my place?" Pim asked curiously.

Nate gave a small smile. "Well, do you have any games and stuff? Maybe we could work on a drawing and compare our work. Maybe even do a partnership drawing for that assignment the teacher gave us." He took a small bite from the pear he had and after swallowing continued, "Or y'know, anything you'd like to do as well. I'm pretty flexible when it comes to activities and such.." The prospect of spending time with the husky sent a small shiver of happiness up the dragon's spine. Nate wondered, just what was it about the husky that enthralled him so. "Hey Pim... are you part of any club yet? Every student is required to be in one."

Pim tilted his head slightly confused but smiled "No..? Do you know any good clubs?" He replies softly. As he nibbled more on his lunch.

Nate thought for a moment before replying with a small grin. "Well... you could join the Gamer's Club. I'm co-captain of it. Its basically what is in the name. Just playing games of all kinds. Computer, gaming system, Online, board games, cards and TCGs too."

Pim jumped up "Oh my gosh! Yes! I'd love to join a club like that, I love gaming so much!" He exclaimed smiling enthusiastically drawing all the attention towards him. He sat down pretending like nothing happened red from embarrassment.

The dragon smiled and picked up his lunch tray, as the lunch period was ending soon. "I'll take you by the club room so we can sign you up and stuff. There is no meeting today, but at least we'll get you in the club now. You'll meet the others later." Nate smiled, happy that Pim had accepted the offer.

Pim put his tray away and looked at you "Shall we go there now? We have like another 10 minutes before chemistry" He said smiling brightly as he stands up

"Alright Pim. So long as I don't make you late for your class I guess I could show you the clubroom," said Nate smiling as he started walking to the doors, the husky walking next to him. He led Pim through the semi-busy halls of the school, until the came to a room that had a sign that read "Gamer's Paradise Club Room" hanging on the door. Nate chuckled, "Well here we are." The dragon opened the door and went in first to flick on the lights, which lit up the room quite well.

Pim followed the dragon to the club room. As he entered he smiled and got distracted by all the games, consoles and PC's set up. He walks up to the desk but in the process of doing so, he tripped and fell over. The moment he did so Nate turned to him and Pim fell right on top of him, interlocking their lips by accident.