Bad Behavior - Part 1

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#1 of Bad Behavior

Part 1: Will is a young folf who has a reputation for trouble - which is why when his parents leave town, they arrange for a responsible older teen to watch him. Poor Skyler doesn't know what he is getting into, but when Will quickly turns the tables, the dalmatian will find out the hard way...

Hey all! This gay smut is adapted from an rp with a friend. There is more where this came from, so expect more fairly soon. Enjoy!

"Let me know if you need anything, and check in with me at some point, okay?"

"Okay mom," Skyler said with a smile, grabbing his backpack and heading out the door. "Bye!" He made his way down the block, just two houses over, and knocked on the door. Babysitting wasn't particularly the dalmatian's idea of fun, but he was going to get paid for it, and his mom hoped that maybe some of Skyler's good character would rub off on Will. He was sure Will's parents were hoping the same thing. The kid certainly was a handful, if the stories were to be believed.

When they answered the door he exchanged the usual pleasantries and they showed him around the house, telling him where the pre-prepared meals were and giving him the standard rundown on emergency numbers, house rules, and everything else. Will was laying on the couch, tossing a ball into the air casually and rolling his eyes. The red-furred folf still couldn't believe that his parents got him a babysitter at his age. It's not like the party he threw last time had been that big. Just a dozen or so people. They didn't even have beer at that one. It was totally unfair!

Not like it mattered, they were gone all the time anyways on some vacation or business trip. They were going to LA this weekend he was pretty sure, but hadn't really been paying that much attention. He just knew that they were getting back late Monday. Normally he would have school, but he was still suspended for another week, and the high school had it off so Skyler could watch him for the three day weekend. At least it was Skyler. He had known the kid his whole life. It's not like they had ever been friends, but he was pretty sure Skyler would let him get away with anything he wanted. At least he could manipulate him, unlike some of the sitters from the service his parents sometimes used.

Finally, Will's parents were ready to go. They said their goodbyes - along with a warning to their son about behaving - and left the two alone. He didn't even say goodbye to his parents when they left. As they got in the car and pulled out of the sidewalk, the dalmatian closed the door and turned to the younger kid as he set his backpack down.

"So, guess it's just you and me, huh? You have any homework to do this weekend?"

He rolled his eyes at the dalmatian too. "Nope." He said curtly. It was a lie, but if his parents hadn't told him about his work load then maybe he could get out of it.

"Alright, cool. I got all my stuff done yesterday, so I don't have any either." Skyler said. He was pretty sure that Will was lying, but he wasn't going to fight that battle. He was just there to watch him. "Can I see your room?" he said, trying to be friendly. It was going to be three whole days, he might as well try and make it as enjoyable as possible.

Will threw the ball he was playing with up in the air and caught it in his hand one last time, then tossed it to the dalmatian. "Sure, it's upstairs." He said, hopping off the couch and heading upstairs. His bedroom door was already open. He used to have a lock on it, but his parents took that away as part of his punishment. He had the master bedroom, so his room was rather large with an adjoining bathroom. He had a queen size bed with a laptop open on it. One corner of his room had a small set of weights, the other a guitar with practice books strewn about it, and another still was filled with toys he had outgrown, but hadn't gotten rid of like Legos and model trains.

"Nice room. What do you do for fun?"

"Oh you know, a bit of this and a bit of that. My parents shoved me into a whole bunch of extra-curriculars to keep me busy, but mostly I just surf online and hang out with my friends."

"Heh, I know how that is," Skyler replied, running a paw through his short white hair. He unzipped his sweater and took it off, leaving him in his simple black t-shirt and jeans. "My parents made me take piano lessons when I was younger, but I never really got the hang of it so they gave up. They used to sign me up for sports too. Didn't mind soccer, but baseball sucked."

Will chuckled at that. "Yeah, thankfully I managed to talk them out of piano and into guitar. At least you can pick people up that way." He said, sitting down on his bed. "I run track at school, but I've never really been into team sports. I might go out for basketball in the spring though if the rest of my grade doesn't catch up in height." He wasn't quite as tall as the dalmatian was, but still the dog couldn't look down on him.

Skyler sat down too, trying to relax a little. He didn't want to come off as stiff and awkward. "You'll certainly have an advantage with that." he said, pretty impressed with the boy's height. "What grade are you in again?"

"8th." The folf said with a grin. "Most of the boys in my class have hardly had their balls drop yet." He joked crudely.

The dalmatian blushed and laughed awkwardly, shifting a bit on the bed. He had heard plenty worse of course, but it felt strange to hear someone so much younger talk like that. Will was clearly confident about his body, and somehow despite the age difference it was a big intimidating.

Will rolled his eyes. The dalmatian was uncomfortable, he obviously thought of him as a kid just like everyone else did. But common getting along would make this weekend faster, and would allow him to get away with more. "Sorry our parents dragged you into this man. I'm sure it's keeping you from an exciting weekend. You got a girlfriend or somethin?"

"Oh don't worry about it, I didn't have anything better to do this weekend actually," Skyler said. "My best friends are out of town anyway. And no, I don't have a girlfriend, don't swing that way." He said with a friendly grin. "Still just as single though."

"Oh, so you're gay?" He asked as he raised his eyebrow. He never heard anyone admit to being gay with so little prompting.

"Yeah." The dalmatian was pretty comfortable telling people. He had experienced some problems in school early on but now nobody made a big deal about it.

"Why are you single, are there like, no other gay guys at your school?"

"There's a couple other guys who are out. One of them I dated for a while and it didn't work out. The others I just don't get along with."

Huh. Alright." Will had never met an older gay guy before. Obviously a few of his classmates had been into it, but that was only after drinks or coercion. He liked guys too, but also girls. "So do you top or bottom?" He asked abruptly and shamelessly.

"Uh.. well..." Skyler blushed, taken completely off guard. He didn't know how to answer that, especially to a 13 year old. Him and Daniel had fooled around some while they were dating, but nothing past going down on each other a few times. "I guess I'm not really sure." He admitted. "I haven't had enough experience yet to know."

"Oh so you're a virgin?" He asked. That's weird, he had heard that gay guys were willing to do pretty much anything, anytime. Guess you can't believe everything you see online!

"No.. I mean... I've done some stuff..." he let the issue drop, not wanting to go into detail about his sexual experiences.

"There's a gay kid in my class, he's the one that got me suspended."

"Oh yeah? So what happened?"

"Well we were hangin out pretty regular, just foolin around and stuff, but then during a locker check they found some toys and mags I gave him and he ratted me out for em." Though, it could have been a lot worse, if Jessie had the balls to tell his teachers just what he had been doing to him then he would have been more than suspended. Still 'Don't Tattle' is pretty much the universal first rule of school. "Got a two week suspension for it, lost my stuff too."

"Oh..." Once again the older male didn't quite know how he should respond. He didn't want to get on Will's bad side by saying anything judgmental, but he sure hadn't ever gotten into trouble like that. "What kind of toys?"

"A buttplug and collar. They shouldn't have even been in his locker anyways. He was supposed to be wearing them." He said with a sigh. It was winter, he could have gotten away with wearing the collar under the turtle neck. But he was afraid of getting caught. He got caught anyways, so Will didn't know why it mattered. "Wimp." He said with a sigh and a roll of his eyes.

"Oh... well, that's..." Skyler stumbled on his words, at a total loss. He was completely stunned, not just by how Will talked, but by the things he apparently did. "S-so, you and him... you've fooled around a lot?" he asked, shifting again as his groin started to stir.

Will didn't even realize he was making Skyler uncomfortable. He assumed he was a cool older guy he could just talk real with, like older guys online. "Depends on what you mean by a lot I guess. I taught him how to paw off, and he went down on me a few times a week for about two months. Is that a lot?"

"I don't know... I mean, I haven't really done much more than that..." Skyler said, running a paw through his hair. "So, uh... what was the buttplug for then?" he asked, too curious and aroused at this point to not ask.

"He was supposed to have it in him during the school day. It was just a joke I was playing on him," Will said casually. "Why, haven't you done anything like that before? I read stories about it all the time online."

"N-No!" The dalmatian said, a little too quickly. It was embarrassing to talk about being so inexperienced, but how could he admit to doing stuff like that even if he had? "I've read about it too, but... it's not like I've ever done that kind of stuff before..."

"Alright, jeeze. No need to get so defensive," Will said, holding his paws up. He stood up from his bed and went to grab a towel. "I'm gonna hop in the shower, you can use my computer if you want, or whatever." He said. He was disappointed that the dalmatian didn't have any stories of his own to share. Maybe he did and was just nervous, it was always easier to talk online.

Skyler nodded. When Will was gone into the bathroom he sighed in relief. Who would have thought that such a young kid could be like this? He hoped things would get easier from here, but who knew... He went over to Will's computer, deciding to check out a couple of his favorite sites. He opened the browser, only to find a variety of smutty websites open. Erotic stories, videos, chat rooms... he blushed and looked over his shoulder, making sure that Will was still gone before he started looking through some of it. It was a lot like what he liked to look at, though even kinkier than he ever dared. His cock was hard in his jeans, and the dalmatian panted softly, reading and watching things that he could only dream about trying.

Meanwhile, Will stepped out of his clothes and turned the water on hot. He waited for the shower to get steamy and then walked in and started soaping up his body. He paid particular attention to his member and his tail, thinking - hoping that he might be able to get something from Skyler. He had always wanted to get with an older guy, see what they knew, but he had never had a chance before this. Maybe he was overestimating how much age had to do with it though, Clearly Skyler hadn't done all that much. He had never topped or bottomed anyone either, but he was only 13.

After about 10 minutes he hopped out and raised his arms in front of the fur dryers. Once he was mostly dry he grabbed his towel and wrapped it around his waist. He let it sit just below his tail on his back, letting the long silvery grey fluffy thing wag as he walked out of his room, but not low enough to show off too much to the older canine.

"You want a turn? I've got some great shiner in there, it'd do wonders for your fur." He said with a grin. He could see a bulge in the dalmatian's pants. He had forgotten to close his windows before letting him on his computer. It could only have been better if it was on purpose.

Skyler jumped in surprise. He had lost track of everything else and hadn't noticed that Will had come back. He closed the window, not that it made much difference since Will already saw him, and agreed hastily in his nervousness. "Uh, y-yeah, sure!" Maybe he could cool off and get his mind out of the gutter... He asked where he could grab a towel and Will gave him one, then left him in the bathroom. It was still warm and steamy from the younger boy's shower. Skyler stripped and stepped into the shower, all those thoughts and images still racing through his head as he cleaned himself off. The older boy's member was still as hard as before, and he struggled not to touch himself.

Will casually pushed his babysitter's backpack a few feet to the right so it was partially under his bed. Not so that he couldn't find it, just so that he might have to look for it longer than he'd like. He was thankful that his computer saved the last pages open so he could see just what the dalmatian was looking for. "Heh. So he's kinky after all," he said to himself. He was relieved, he had started to think the boy would be no fun at all. He had always wanted to be toyed with like he had toyed with Jessie, he just wanted the right person to do it.

Once Skyler was all clean, he turned the water off and started drying. His fur was much shorter than Will's so it took a lot less effort. The boy tried to think of anything else that might help his arousal go down, but nothing was really working so he just kept the towel wrapped around his waist for now. "Um, thanks for letting me use the shower..." he said awkwardly, looking for his stuff. As he bent over to look for his backpack the towel slipped off a bit, letting his well-shaped ass show for a moment.

His hadn't even dressed by the time that Skyler was out, but his towel was hardly even covering him anymore. He had stopped to check his email and his towel was draping off his thigh, showing off his goods if you looked, but not immediately visible. While soft, which he was, he didn't look any bigger than any other boys his age. From what he read online this meant that he was a 'grower, not a shower.'

"Yeah it's no problem. I mean, you'll be here all weekend, you don't want to go dirty." He said with a laugh. Will grinned as he caught a peek of the dalmatian's ass. It wasn't the side of him he wanted to see though. He wondered how big an older guy was, he knew that all his friends were smaller than he was, the ones he had seen anyways, but he had just got a head start. And they were felines besides, everyone knew that canines were bigger.

Skyler grabbed some clean clothes from his bag and was going to go back to the bathroom to change into them when it happened. He glanced over to Will and it only took one moment for him to get distracted by a glimpse between the boy's legs. One misstep later and his towel started slipping off. The dalmatian moved to grab it but accidentally stepped on it, tripping and falling over backwards onto the floor. The back of his head hit Will's bed, making him yelp out in pain and dazing him. Meanwhile he was completely exposed, his legs spread and his cock plainly visible.

"Whoa! Man are you okay?" He asked, hoping up and forgetting his towel to check on his sitter. He couldn't believe what he saw though. Skyler's cock wasn't big at all... I mean, if he was soft, but it looked pretty aroused... He stood over the boy, his foot now on Skyler's towel. He looked down on him "Dude are you hard?" He asked in disbelief.

"I think I'm fine..." Skyler mumbled, rubbing his head, still dizzy. "S-Shit..!!" he blushed hard and scrambled to get the towel out from under him so he could cover himself again.

Will planted his foot on the towel, not letting the older boy cover himself. He leaned down and prodded Skyler's cock with one finger. It was undeniably hard. "You are! Does... does it get any bigger than that?" He asked, his cock was still soft, but slowly starting to grow.

The older boy whined, tugging on the towel in vain. He gave up and just used his paws, his cheeks bright pink and his white fur not doing anything to hide it. "Stop that..!" he said, too embarrassed to answer the question. He knew he was still pretty small for his age. When he had been dating Daniel it hadn't really come up. That had been two years ago, and the coon and had been about the same size. Still, he had seen enough online to feel insecure about his size.

Will completely ignored the older boy and wrapped his paw around the base of Skyler's cock. "Dude, no way... That's about as big as Jessie is...and he's thirteen!" He exclaimed in glee. He had clearly been looking at the boy as the wrong type of opportunity. No way could Skyler do any of the things he had thought if he was that small.

"W-Will, let g-go!" Skyler pleaded, his cock twitching in the boy's paw. He couldn't struggled much because of the grip that the younger male had on his sensitive length. "You... W-We can't do stuff like this!" If anyone found out about any of this...

This time Will did as his babysitter told him to. He got off the towel and sat down on his bed. "Alright man, how about this. You stroke my cock til I'm hard, then if you don't want to do anything else we don't have to." He said with a knowing grin as he spread his legs.

The dog was quick to wrap the towel around his waist again, wishing he could just get up and leave, but he couldn't do that... there would be no way to explain it. Skyler looked up at the bold kid sitting there with his legs open. Will was still mostly soft, and didn't look much different really. But... "Will! I can't do that, do you know how much trouble I could get into?"

Will just shrugged. "Alright then." He said, then yanked the towel off of his babysitter. "Just remember, I gave you a way out." He laughed. Even with how flustered the dog was he was still rock hard, if you could even call it that. He reached forward and grasped the Dalmatian's small ballsack, looking up at the older male with a look of challenge in his eyes.

Skyler yelped as the towel was ripped away once more. He whined and tried to back away but was too slow. Will already had a hold on his balls, preventing the older male from going anywhere. "S-Stop! You can't do this, it's.. it's not right!"

The younger male grinned up at Skyler. "I dunno, I think I can. I mean, if you could stop me you would have done it already right?" He said as he fondled the older male's balls. His cock was finally growing hard, and even half way there he was bigger than the older boy. "Besides, if you didn't want it then your little cock wouldn't be so hard."

"But... I..." He muttered, unable to think clearly anymore through the embarrassment, confusion, and arousal. He panted softly, letting out a soft whimper as his cock leaked a bit of precum.

"But... I..." Will said in a mocking sing song voice normally reserved for elementary school playgrounds. Man this was so fucking hot. He had the older boy, quite literally, in the palm of his hand. He gently tugged down on Skyler's balls, forcing him to his knees before the young male.

Skyler blushed harder and help back another whimper, sinking to his knees before the kid he was supposed to be babysitting. Down here his face was only inches away from Will's cock, which was now standing hard, putting his own to shame. He could smell the boy's arousal, and to his embarrassment it made him pant softly.

Will let go of the older boy and grabbed his cock by the base. He stroked it a few times in front of him, then slapped him across the face with it. "Now that you see it up close, how big do you think it is?" He said with a smug grin.

Skyler let out a small whine as Will's significantly bigger cock hit him on the cheek and rubbed across his nose. This couldn't actually be happening... the situation seemed so unreal he couldn't understand how it happened. He stared at the impressive length, then up to the smirking boy. "I.. I don't know... 6 inches?" he guessed.

"Bigger." He said stroking it as he rubbed the head of his cock across Skyler's lips. He pulled it back and then did it again, repeating that a few times. "You want to suck it don't you?"

The dalmatian had to do his best not to flick out his tongue to lick that big cock head as it slid across his lips, wetting them with precum. He couldn't help but to taste the pre when Will pulled back though, and he gave a sheepish nod before he even realized it. When he caught himself he shook his head emphatically. "N-No! That.. I can't do that, it's not right, you're too much younger!"

Will rolled his eyes at that "Dude, you have the cock the size of a 12 year old, and you're 17 and still a virgin. If either of us need a babysitter it's you." He said, laughing at the older male's predicament. "In fact, I think that's what we'll do. I'm gonna be your babysitter for the rest of the weekend." He said with a wide smile. "How does that sound?"

The older male didn't know if he would ever stop blushing. Being humiliated by this 13 year old was more than he could take, yet his cock still wasn't going down. "W-What? No!" Skyler protested meekly, moving to get up. "I'm still older and... and I'm responsible for you this weekend..."

"Will reached over to grab his phone from his computer. He again pushed his cock against the dalmatian's supple lips, this time pushing the tip of his head inside the older male. He snapped a picture. Looking down at the boy he said "There, now let's try that again. Which one of us needs a babysitter?"

When will stepped away Skyler scrambled for his backpack so he could get some clothes on, but the boy was back before he could get up again. All of a sudden Will's paws were holding him in place and the head of the boy's big cock was pushing into his muzzle. His eyes went wide as he heard the sound of the picture being taken and his heart sank. He yelped and pulled back in shock. "Will, please, you can't show that to anyone!"

Will ignored the boy's pleas and started typing a text message. He then turned his phone towards Skyler. The text was to Jessie. "Dude, check this out. ;)" It read, then had the picture below it. "Already done." He said with a smirk. "I'll send it to another class mate if you don't answer the question." He said, repeating himself once more. "Which one of us needs a babysitter?" He asked calmly.

"S-Shit!! You can't do that..!" Skyler protested, making a move to grab the phone from Will's hand. "G-Give me that..! Stop!" He was frantic, almost in tears as the boy successfully kept it away from him.

"Dude, the pictures already out, even if you deleted it wouldn't change anything." He truly had Skyler by the balls now, but still the older male wasn't submitting. He composed another text and showed the phone to his sitter. "Do I have to press send?"

Skyler opened his mouth to keep arguing with him but then stopped. It was finally sinking in that he wasn't getting out of this. Even if he got Will's phone he couldn't make it disappear from Jessie's, or anyone else that he shared it with. The dog looked down, wiping a few tears from his eyes. "No..." he answered. "I'll... I'll do anything you want, please..."

"Good, good boy." He said, stroking the older boys face gently. "Which one of us needs a babysitter?" He asked for the third time. It was one thing to say you would do anything, but completely another to admit it.

He closed his eyes, almost flinching at the touch, but it turned out to be surprisingly gentle. He was still struggling with all this in his mind, but he couldn't see any way out of it. "I do..." he finally admitted, still looking down.

"Oh? Why is that?" he asked, prodding the dalmatian's hard malehood with his foot. "Look at me." He ordered.

Skyler gasped softly as Will teased him, his cock still hard and needy through all of this. He choked on the words, almost unable to get them out. "B-Because my cock is so much smaller than yours..."

"'re just a little boy? Is that what you're telling me?" he said with a wicked grin. "Is that it? Are you a little boy?" He asked, looking down at the older male as he again struck his cock against Skyler's face.

"Y-Yes!!" Skyler said, nodding his head. There was no use in fighting everything he said if he was going to get through this. "I'm so much smaller than you... I shouldn't be in charge..." he said, whimpering as Will's cock hit his face again.

Too easy. Once the older male had broken he could do anything he wanted with him. "And you want to suck my cock, don't you? Is that what you were thinking about in the shower? Why you were so hard when you came out?"

He blushed and nodded, gazing at every thick inch of Will's malehood. Truth be told he had been thinking of that in the shower, along with other things, but at that time he never imagined the boy would be this much bigger.

Will smirked again. "Maybe if you beg I'll let you have it." He said, stroking his manhood teasingly in front of the Dalmatian.

Will was absolutely unbelievable. Skyler had no idea how a kid his age could be like this. He watched the boy's paw move up and down his shaft, and he licked his lips instinctively. Some part of him wanted it more than anything right now, and that was even worse than being forced to say it. "Please, Will..." he begged, reaching out with a paw to feel his heavy balls. "I want it so much..! P-Please let me suck it!"

"I dunno man, it's not appropriate to let the kid I'm babysitting suck my cock." He said, crossing his arms and looking down at the boy, reveling in every moment of his domination. "Why do you want my cock anyways, isn't' yours enough for you?"

"B-But you said...!" Skyler whined and squirmed in place, wrapping a paw around his own small member. "Please.. Your cock is so much bigger... it's the biggest I've ever gotten to see! I need to taste it!"

Will laughed. "Alright alright, since you've been such a good boy I think you deserve a treat," he said, rubbing his cock against the boys lips one more time. "Open up."

Skyler nodded and moaned softly against Will's cock. He looked up to the folf's gaze, his cheeks bright pink, and opened his muzzle nice and wide.

Will let out a nice loud moan as he pushed himself inside his muzzle. He grabbed his phone again and switched it to record, then pointed it at the older male. He didn't want to miss a moment of this.

Skyler whimpered around Will's length, his muzzle not used to taking such a big cock. He blushed crimson and tried to look down when the boy started recording him, but Will lifted his chin with a paw and made him look up to the camera. He whined and worked his tongue against the thick shaft.

Will panted and his tongue lolled out as the dalmatian worked on his cock. He pulled the older males head to the tip of his cock and wrapped his paw around the base, pumping it into his sitter's muzzle. "Why don't you tell us your name pup?"

The dalmatian looked up at the younger boy with pleading eyes, but was met with a resolute stare. His tail was tucked between his legs as he answered, his words muffled by the folf's cock that was still pressed against his lips. "S-Skyler Carter..."

"Good, good..." He said, slapping his cock against the dalmatian's face again. "Why are you here this weekend Skyler?" He said with a grin.

Skyler whined more as the cock slapped against his face, showing the camera what a bitch he was. "I... I was supposed to be babysitting you..." he admitted, covering his hard member with his paws.

Will brushed aside the boys paw with his foot and giggled. "Oh yeah? What's happening now?" He asked gleefully. He shoved the dalmatian back down his cock, then let him up for air to answer.

Skyler squirmed as he was forced to take all of Will's cock so suddenly. He gasped for breath when the boy pulled out again. "P-Please Will... it's so embarrassing..." he begged, ears flat against his head.

"Come on pup, no one will see this, it's just for me to jack off to." He said with a grin. "What's happening now?" He said, once again pushing Skyler all the way down his length before letting him up to answer.

The older boy hoped that was true, even if he couldn't be sure. This time it was a bit easier to take Will's cock to the base. "I... well... n-now I'm sucking your cock..." he said, whimpering. "Because it's so much bigger than mine." he added, looking down at his smaller malehood for a moment.

Will tilted his head back and moaned, he lost focus on his camera for a moment but soon regained it. "That's right." He said, scratching the boy under his chin. "So who's babysitting now? Who's in charge pup?"

"You're in charge..." Skyler admitted to the camera and to Will. He didn't know how he would ever live this down. And Will only lived a few houses down from him, would this become something regular now? "Y-You're babysitting me now"

"That's right, cause you're just a little puppy and you need a sitter, otherwise you'll get into trouble." He couldn't believe how quick the dalmatian was to give up his dignity. If it had been him he would have fought this to the end, but the older boy's pitiful throbbing erection gave him away. "Why don't we show the camera just how small you are?" He said with a grin, pushing the boy back so that he could get a good shot of the boys cock.

The teen didn't resist as Will pushed him down, but he was too humiliated to comply all the way. He kept his legs closed, covering himself with his paws.

"Aw, the little puppy is embarrassed. Wait here puppy." He said, hopping off the bed and rummaging under it. He pulled out a small backpack and then sat back down. "I'll give you a chance. Do you want to give the camera a better view?"

"N-No.." Skyler said quietly, shaking his head in shame. He eyed the backpack suspiciously, scooting a bit farther away from the devious boy.

Will shook his head. "Jeeze, you're really going to need to learn to take the chances I give you. You might have fun this weekend if you behave. If not..." He lunged at the boy, pinning him down to the ground. His hard cock was pressing against the other boy's. He reached into the bag and pulled out a collar, which he fastened to the older boy's neck. He clipped a leash onto it. He humped the boy, stroking their cocks together with one hand while he held Skyler down with the other. His cock was wet from Skyler's muzzle. Skyler's was wet from pre, together their cocks with slick and hard, making him moan loudly as he stroked them.

Skyler tried to scramble out of the way, but Will was faster than he was. Despite the age and height difference, Will was just as strong as he was, and had the mental advantage at the moment. Skyler didn't do much to stop him from getting the collar and leash on, and by the time that Will was humping against him he couldn't fight anymore, the pleasure too distracting.

"See... if you me..." He said, emphasizing every word with another thrust of his cock. "Then...things like this...wouldn't happen..." He leaned down and nipped the dalmatian on the ear.

Skyler just gasped and moaned, his member throbbing against Will's larger shaft. He was helpless like this, a slave to the sensation that played on all of his pent up desires. Will stood up over the larger male, keeping a foot on his chest to hold him down. He stroked his wet cock quickly, panting and moaning as he did. He reached for his camera again and pointed it downwards, getting a good shot of his cock and the pitiful look on Skyler's face.

Unable to do anything but squirm and look up at his captor, Skyler tried to ignore the fact that all of this was being recorded on video. He tried to cover himself with his paws again, but Will stopped him, keeping his legs forced open.

The young boy's tail flicked back and forth erratically. He panted heavily as he stroked his cock quicker and quicker. Finally with a loud moan he spasmed and shot his seed onto the dalmatian's body, covering his chest and landing a bit on his muzzle. Skyler whined as the first shot hit him. His ears drooped back and he blushed hard as Will marked him with his hot cum, painting his chest with his load. The dalmatian flinched when some hit his face, and he licked it off his lips instinctively, getting a taste of the boy's cum.

Will moaned heavily as he squeezed the last of his seed from his member. Looking down at Skyler he smirked and switched the recording off, but snapped a few more pictures for the future. "Jeeze Pup... You look good like that." He said, squatting down next to the dalmatian.

The older teen balked a bit at being called "pup", but he couldn't really say anything about it in this condition. Hopefully now that Will had gotten off things would calm down. "Are... Are we done now?" He asked timidly. "Can I clean off?"

"Oh, did you not want to cum?" He asked, reaching down to grasp the older male by the balls. "You've been hard for so long I thought..." He started to stroke the boys cock, then grinned to the dalmatian.

Though he had been hoping that things would be over, it was hard to ignore his arousal anymore. His member hadn't gone down this whole time, and he was pretty desperate at this point to get off. Maybe just a little more... it couldn't hurt at this point, right? "N-No, I mean, yes... I do want to cum..." he said, bucking his hips a bit.

He stroked the boys cock a little quicker, holding tight onto his leash with his other paw. "Can you even cum with a cock so small pup? Jessie just started cumming a few weeks ago." He ran his thumb across the tip of Skyler's boyhood, rubbing his pre around it.

"I can cum!" Skyler insisted, moaning as he thrust into Will's paw, which was getting slick with his precum. He gasped as the pleasure quickly rose. "I'm getting close!"

"What, so quick?" He laughed, stroking the boy quicker. "I just started! You must really like this pup." Will grinned and wiped some of his seed into his paw, stroking off Skyler with his boycum.

The added wetness from Will's cum felt amazing, and there was no way that Skyler could hold back anymore. The dalmatian panted and moaned, letting out one last cry as his member started throbbing and spurting. His load was pretty big - though not as big as Will's - and he shot farther than normal from being so pent up. A lot of it ended up on his own muzzle and chin.

"Whoa! You can!" He said, looking genuinely shocked. He continued to stroke the boy, angling his member so even more hit his muzzle, then he started to scoop up their cum to feed to the boy.

Skyler gasped and panted heavily as his climax died down. He didn't think he had ever cum so hard. The teen didn't even protest as Will made him lick up all their warm seed from his paw. He murred softly as he lapped it up, savoring the taste.

"You want to get cleaned up now? Does the puppy need a bath?" He asked the boy, scratching behind his ear playfully. He had meant it when he said he was babysitting now, that was just how he was going to treat the older teen now.

It had been a long time since anyone had talked to Skyler like that, and he still didn't really like it, but they both knew that Will was still in control. He had more than enough material to blackmail him with, and playing along at least for now seemed like it was going to be his only chance of getting through this. He nodded sheepishly, sincere in his desire to get clean. "Yes please..."

Will led the boy into the bathroom by the leash and turned on the water. He would have picked him up and put him in if he could have, but he wasn't strong enough for that. "Hop in." He said, letting the water run warm. He even poured some soap in it so it would bubble.

The older boy thought the bubbles were a bit much, but if it got him clean, he wasn't going to complain about it. He nodded and stepped into the water, sinking into it with a sigh of relief.

"Okay all good?" He asked. He tied the boys leash to the shower head. "I'll be back when you're done." He said, leaving the boy to his bath. He wouldn't have given him the pleasure of doing it himself, if he didn't have a few things that he wanted to do first. He slipped out of the bathroom, but left the door open to deny him privacy.

Skyler was a bit surprised that Will left him alone, but took some comfort in it. He sighed again and sank into the water, letting his fur soak in the soapy water. After a few minutes he scrubbed himself clean, all the while wondering what the 13 year old boy was doing in the other room. "Um... I'm done..." he said, just loud enough for Will to hear.

While Skyler was taking his bath, Will went through his backpack. He took his clothes, as well as the ones he was wearing before and locked them in his parent's room. He got a box from the garage and brought it back into his room. When he was done he popped his head back into the bathroom. "All done? What a clean and shiny coat you have." He said in a voice normally reserved for a toddler. He reached up and untied the leash, leading him back into the bedroom.

The dog blushed at the patronizing tone, following the kid obediently. He was mostly dry, fur just a little damp still, and smelled fresh and clean. When they walked back into Will's room he automatically looked around to see where his stuff was. "Where's my backpack?"

"Oh, here it is." He said, reaching under his bed where he had discarded it. All that was left in it was his toothbrush and deodorant. He handed it over to Skyler with a smirk.

It was obvious immediately that it was mostly empty now, but Skyler looked through it anyway, hoping to find something, anything left of his clothes. He didn't even say anything, just looked at Will with a forlorn look of dismay.

"Looking for something?" Will asked innocently. He dropped the boys leash and leaned back on the bed. While Skyler was in the bath he had dressed again, and was now wearing a tank top and gym shorts. Not much, but certainly more than Skyler.

They both knew exactly what Skyler was looking for, but of course, his tormenter was going to make him say it out loud. "All my clothes are gone... what am I supposed to wear?" he asked, dreading the answer.

"Well... You have a few options..." He said with his devious grin. "1, you could go about naked. 2, you could wear some of my old clothes I got out of the garage, or 3, you could wear some of my big sisters old clothes. Your call."

The dalmatian just stared at him, wondering what the boy was playing at this time. None of the options seemed very enticing... they were close to the same size now, but anything of Will's that didn't fit him anymore definitely wouldn't fit Skyler. Still, it seemed like a better shot than the other two... "I guess I'll try your clothes..." he said, hoping it would be better than he guessed it would be.

Will smirked and reached into the box. "It'll be a little tight, but I think you can squeeze into it considering how scrawny you are." He said with a giggle. He had stopped wearing this stuff years ago, but it still fit him just fine up into last year. He sometimes dressed Jessie in it, but he was small enough that it was still big on him. He was thankful for clothing that came in wolf children sizes. He tossed a shirt and underwear at the boy, but no pants. The shirt had the Power Ranger logo across the front, and the underwear had Pokémon characters on them. Skyler would have to squeeze into them, and it would be uncomfortable to say the least, but he would be covered.

Skyler blushed as he looked at the childish clothes in his paws. Still better than spending the rest of the weekend naked, he thought. The teen decided to give them a shot, and managed to squeeze into them. The underwear was very tight, but given that his cock and balls were still fairly small, they weren't unwearable. Still, they managed to make him feel incredibly immature while also showing off every curve of his soft rump and small male bits. The shirt was almost worse, riding up so that it didn't even reach down to his waist. Every movement in them felt awkward.

When Skyler was finished dressing the folf boy fell over laughing. "I can't believe you fit into those! I wore them when I was eleven!" He said, howling in delight. "Man I gotta get another picture. Smile!" He said, snapping a few shots with his phone.

The dog blushed and stared at the floor, trying to pull the shirt down awkwardly. It did absolutely no good of course, but ironically made for a cuter pose for the picture. Maybe Will's sister's clothes would have been better... at least they might have fit...

Will reached out and rubbed the front of the Pokémon underwear. "How do you feel pup? You're looking more like someone who needs a sitter, even without your little cock out." He said, grabbing the boys leash again now that he was dressed.

Skyler whined and squirmed under Will's touch, feeling his groin already stirring again. "W-Why can't I just have my clothes?" He pleaded. "I'll do anything you want..."

Will just shrugged "Because I don't need a sitter. Because I'm tired of being treated like a kid. Because I want you to look like a little boy. Do you need a reason?" He asked as he tugged on the leash, pulling the older male closer to him and grabbing his paw, pushing it back towards his own cock.

There was nothing Skyler could say to that, so he didn't say anything at all. After Will had pawed off all over him, he had hoped that the boy would be satisfied for at least the rest of the day, but feeling the bulge in Will's gym shorts he could already tell that had been too much to hope for.

Will turned his computer towards them. "I'm gonna skype with Jessie, he'll want to meet you." He said with a grin as he tightened his hold on Skyler's leash. Technically he wasn't allowed to talk to Jessie after the incident, but there wasn't anyone to stop him. A small grinning Jaguar popped up on his screen, he was shirtless but had boxers on. He wore glasses on his slight boyish face, which only distracted from his intense yellow eyes. "Hey Jessie!" He said with a grin.

"Wait! No, don't..!" He protested, shutting up quickly when Will's friend showed up on screen. He whined and tried to squirm away but the folf had a good grip on the leash and wasn't going to let that happen.

"Hey Will. How's lock down going?" Asked the boy. He didn't harbor any ill will towards the folf. He had been too well conditioned for that.

"Boring. I miss your muzzle." Will said. "But you'll never guess, my parents got me a sitter this weekend, and I've totally made him my bitch. Want to see?"

Jessie's face lit up. "Is that the picture you sent me? I couldn't look cause I was at dinner."

The folf turned the camera towards Skyler. "I've even got him wearing my old clothes." He said gleefully. "Say hello pup.

Skyler thought he would die when Will turned the camera towards him. He blushed harder and fumbled with the shirt again, unable to look up. "H-Hi..." he mumbled quietly.

"So cool!" the young cat exclaimed. "Let me see his cock!"

Will popped into view again. "Hey now, did you forget how this works? You don't give the orders." He said with a chuckle. "How about you show him yours?"

The young cat just whimpered. "But... but Will!"

"But Jessie!" Will mocked in his singsong playground voice.

"Fine..." He said, pulling down his boxers. His boyhood was soft, but it didn't stay that way for long.

"Good boy." Will said, he started to fondle his captive sitter through his little boy underwear. "Like what you see pup?" He asked, they could both see that Jessie was getting hard. He didn't have much to show off.

Skyler's cheeks were still flushed as he nodded meekly, watching as the young jaguar became aroused. "Yeah..." He panted softly, his own member growing hard again as well as Will teased him through the fabric of the boyish underwear.

Will reached up and tied the leash to the back post of his bed so that the dalmatian couldn't get away. Then he put the laptop in the boys lap. "Why don't you paw off together? He said, pulling the spotted dogs underwear down just enough so that his cock would pop out.

Jessie nodded without a word and started stroking his little boyhood.

"B-But... " The dalmatian started protesting, trying in vain to squirm away. Seeing the jaguar star pawing without any hesitation made him stop any paying attention though, and soon watching without touching himself was too difficult to keep up. He blushed and wrapped a paw around his small length as well, stroking it just like Jessie was.

Jessie tilted his head back and moaned as he began fondling his balls. "So he got you to huh? You're cute. Do you go to our school?" the boy asks, awkwardly making small talk as he stroked his member.

Skyler didn't understand how Jessie could be so casual about this, but something about it made it even hotter. He gasped softly, his member leaking a bit as he kept working his paw. "N-No... I go to Eastburough High" he answered. The middle school and high school were pretty close to each other, so he knew Jessie would know exactly where it was.

"Oh... How old are you?" Jessie asked curiously. "Ohhhhh...." He moaned out. He reached over to his bed stand to get some lotion to slick up his boyhood with. "Fuck that's good..." He said, panting heavily.

Will smirked as both boys followed his commands. Seeing the dalmatian blush was well worth sharing him. He reached over to grasp the boy's balls, fondling them while he stroked himself.

"Um... ahhh... I'm, I'm 17" he admitted between gasps. The boy had been tempted to lie, but Will would have gotten it out of him anyway. He murred as the folf played with his balls, moaning as he watched Jessie paw off. Despite having already cum earlier, he was already getting close again.

Will cleared his throat. "I think you two should compare cocksize." He said, reaching into his bedside and pulling out a ruler. He bought this ruler off a prank website, it wasn't actually 12 inches long. Each tick of an inch of the ruler was off of what it should be, so the numbers generally read half an inch shorter. He handed it off to Skyler.

"Will! Common I don't want to do that... You're the only one who knows..." Jessie said, squirming with pleasure as he didn't stop stroking himself.

"Do it." Was all Will had to say for Jessie to blush and comply.

"Fine..." He said, going to his school desk and coming back with a ruler of his own. He held it up against his boyhood and grinned at what he saw.

The dalmatian let out a soft whimper as Will pressed the ruler into his hands. He hadn't ever measured himself before, but now seeing how small he was compared to the younger boy, he was afraid to. The ruler felt cold against his warm boyhood as he pressed them together, and what he saw made his face burn. He looked at the screen reluctantly, waiting to hear Jessie's answer before he shared his own.

"Will! I'm bigger than last time I measured!" He said with a grin. He then blushed and looked back to the dalmatian. " still isn't very big. 3.75, what about you?" He said, curiously squinting at the screen to read the marks.

It was just as Skyler had feared. Even the 12-year old jaguar was bigger than him. He put the ruler down and looked at Will with pleading eyes. "Please, it's too embarrassing..." He knew that if Will pressed him he would have to say the truth, as Will had already seen it for himself, but how could he say it?

Jessie's eyes went wide. "No way! I'm bigger? But you're 17! Almost an adult." He said with glee. He was just the right size for his age, but being friends with Will for so long had made him think he was small.

"He's not an adult, he's just a pup. That's why I'm babysitting him this weekend." Will said, wrapping his paw around the base of Skyler's cock. "Come now Pup, Tell Jessie what the ruler says.

Skyler whined, his small length throbbing in Will's paw. "It says... three and a half inches..." he answered quietly, bracing himself for more teasing and ridicule.

Jessie giggled. "Man Will didn't you say I'm the smallest in our class? Doesn't say too much for him does it?" He said, then looked to the dog. "Sorry man, I'm just glad it's not me for once." He renewed stroking his boycock, biting his lip and humping his paw. "Aw fuck I'm getting close."

Will grabbed the dog by his balls and tossed the ruler aside. "Hold on kid, I want you two to cum together." He said, grabbing Skyler's paw and placing it on his boyhood. "Go." He urged.

The teen felt pathetic stroking his small cock after learning he was smaller than a bunch of middle schoolers, but he was too aroused to stop and didn't have a choice anyway. Skyler's paw moved up and down his boyhood, and he whined and panted as he watched Jessie on the screen. It didn't take long for him to get close again too.

Jessie moaned and writhed on his bed. "Fuck! Oooooh Sorry Will..." he said, panting heavily as his boyhood began shooting a small amount of cum. He didn't have a lot, but a few clear and watery spots could be seen on his chest.

"Dammit Jessie..." Will said, shaking his head. But he wasn't really surprised. He was more surprised that the small boy had lasted so long to begin with.

Skyler only lasted a few more moments than the younger boy. Seeing Jessie get off was all he needed to reach his own climax, and he let out a moan as he came. His load was bigger than Jessie's at least, and despite having cum so recently he shot a few good spurts of seed.

The folf grinned having gotten what he wanted. "Clean yourself up Jessie. Come over later this weekend," the folf said, turning his laptop towards him.

"But Will. You know I'm not allowed over." The jaguar said, clearly conflicted.

"But Willllll" He said in his singsong mocking voice. "I don't recall asking you. I'll see you later." He said, closing his laptop on Jessie before he even said goodbye. Turning to Skyler. "What, it wasn't so bad."

The dog blushed and panted, sitting there in the tight, childish underwear and undersized shirt. His paw sticky with fresh cum. He hesitated a moment before raising it to his muzzle and licking it off, continuing to clean himself up like this until it was gone.

Will set his laptop on the ground and then leaned back on his bed next to the dog. "So pup, what do you think we should do now?" He asked, rubbing his spent cock playfully.

"I dunno..." Skyler said, having no idea what the boy wanted or was planning. He whimpered and squirmed as his sensitive cock was teased. "Whatever you want to do, sir." he added suddenly, surprising even himself. Where had that 'sir' come from?

"Well, it's getting late. Maybe it's time we put you to bed." He said, looking at the clock. It was only 9:10, but he enjoyed treating Skyler like a pup. "You've had such a long day, you must be tired."

It felt stupid be going to bed so early, but Skyler had honestly thought that Will would want to continue tormenting him. He wasn't about to turn down a chance to get a break from all this, even if that meant acting like a little kid. He nodded silently, pulling his underwear back up over his now soft member.

"You can sleep in my bed. Wouldn't want you to get nightmares." He said, stroking the older males head. He grabbed the dalmatian by the paw and pulled out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed it to the post of the bed. "Just so you don't get any ideas." He said with a grin.

Skyler nodded again, already used to younger boy's ways to be shocked by the gesture. It would be a little awkward and uncomfortable to have his arm tethered like that, but not so bad if he slept on his side. "I'll be good, I promise..."

Will nodded. "Alright, if you are I might take it off tomorrow night." He said, giving the boys cock squeeze before moving to his desk. "Big boys get to stay up late." He said matter of factly. Actually he was supposed to be in bed by 10, which his parents would have told Skyler, but obviously there was no one to enforce that this weekend.

The dalmatian tried to take a bit of comfort in that, as paltry a consolation as it seemed. He was dreading what would come tomorrow, but even still a part of him was excited at the thought. The teen pulled the blankets up and cuddled against one of Will's bigger pillows, closing his eyes and falling asleep faster than he thought he would.

NOTE: Hi all! I often have a ton of different ideas for what to write, and it gets difficult to choose what to do next! (I actually have a couple google docs with just dozens of ideas bullet-pointed) If you want to see certain things from me, let me know by taking this survey! (link) I won't use it as a hard guide on what to write, but I'll heavily consider it. Thanks!