Elysia: Sean - pt 1

Story by Mickeylion on SoFurry

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#2 of Elysia

the first of Elysia's new victims arrives

It'd been several days since Elysia took over the Richardson family ranch. Most of her time was spent rehabbing the terrible conditions that John and his sons had left behind. So many abused animals had been so terribly treated under their tenure.

It enraged her to see how many innocent animals were traumatized and mentally broken. Some of them had even been selectively bred to be that way, even if it meant breeding with their own offspring. "Domesticated," the humans called it.

She could feed the animals left behind, nourish them, heal their wounds. But she could not heal their minds. Even her powers could not fix that. Those that were fit to live a free life she set free from their cages. But many others, most of them, would have no hope of survival in the wild.

She'd determined to convert the ranch into a sanctuary. It'd be a place where such animals could live out their lives in peace. She was able to allow many of them to roam freely within the gates, although others had to be kept isolated to prevent them from hurting themselves or others. But she made sure to keep them company, and make them as happy as she possibly could. She spent most her time in her nymph form, as the mere sight of her disguise as John was enough to set fright to many of the animals. She would reserve his guise for more practical uses.

Of course, not all the animals on the ranch were treated so kindly. The more she saw first hand the results of the terrible abuses on the animals by their former owners, the more enraged she became. And she promised to see to it that those that were guilty were harshly punished, the father in particular.

After having watched John, now a female rat in perpetual heat, endure several matings with the black rats she had left him with, she'd decided it necessary to fill him in on the fate of his sons. She placed him into one of the many wire cages he'd used to keep smaller animals in and brought him, squeaking in anger, to the enclosure that he'd left the two cougars tied.

At first John squealed in terror, fearful she was going to be fed to the big cats. But soon it became clear the cats were too busy being interested in each other.

John's cage had been placed right next to the cougars, so that she would have a close up view of the lewd act in front of her. The male, still held back by the collar tied to the wall by chain, had his head buried into the female's groin.

From his vantage point (and also due to John's now much smaller size) he had all too good a view. The fur on the male's face was matted down from the stickyness of the female's arousal, as its tongue pushed deeply into the female's sex, lapping voraciously, making her moan and thrash her tail.

It was then, as John watched in disgust, that Elysia had whispered to him the terrible truth: that the two cougars were in fact his youngest sons, Ben and Randle.

The horror had hit him like a ton of bricks. But before he had a chance to fully let it sink in, Elysia had released the chains tying Randle's collar. Almost instantly, instinctively and without inhibition, the male had jumped onto the female, and John had been forced to watch as the male bit into her nape and forced his barbed cock into her vagina for the first time.

For the next several hours John was given a front row seat watching the female, still bound to the breeding stand, be mounted and bred, over and over again by the horny male. Nothing was left to the imagination, as the female cried in a mixture of pain and delight every time the barbs of penis shoved in and scraped against her sensitive inner walls. Each breeding ended the same way, with both roaring in ecstasy as he released his load in her, and her vaginal walls spasmed in accepting orgasm.

Only after several rounds did both of their heat abate. And it was then, as the male looked at the female's dripping vagina in horror, that Elysia informed them of the identity of the rat in the cage.

She'd delighted in tormenting them for the next several days, knowing full well that they deserved every moment of it. She recollected in wonderful detail how she had transformed and bent Mike's mind, that she was now a horny vixen that spent most her day being humped by a todd, and that she enjoyed it. That she still enjoyed it. And that she would soon be expecting a litter.

Elysia allowed the family to stay together, keeping the two cougars and the female rat all living together in a fenced enclosure, one that even a large rat such as John couldn't escape from. But she also made sure they had the company of several male rats, who would spontaneously run down and force themselves upon the lone female. Countless times they watched helplessly as John was raped by dirty rats.

Elysia's protective magic saw to it the cougars would be paralyzed with a painful shock if the cougars attempted to harm any of the animals, including Elysia herself.

Never again would they hurt the innocent. Instead they would be the victims.

Elysia was fond of reminding them that John and Ben were both pregnant, and how much she looked forward to seeing their offspring.

However, that didn't stop her from seeing to it that the cougars frequently felt the urge to mate, to the point they couldn't control themselves. She relished breaking the initial mental resistance they would both put up in between breedings. She would force them into uncontrollable heat by playful means. And it never failed.

A few deep massages of her sensitive tail, followed by much attention to her female sex didn't take long to render Ben a moaning dripping whore begging to be mounted. If the sight and scent wasn't enough to push a reluctant Randle over the edge, being forced to taste her irresistible female juices was always did.

And so it went for Elysia's first week on the ranch. Between taking care of the animals and improving conditions of the ranch, she also found time to make sure the former owners were well punished. It wouldn't take long before the rat would begin to show, but the gestation period for cougars was much longer. So she had to keep them occupied somehow.

Perhaps some day she would reunite them with Mike as well.

Eventually Elysia took to familiarizing herself with some of the human technologies that were completely unknown to her. Most notably, she discovered how to use John's computer and access his e-mail account. Through this she discovered this was John's gateway to the clients she had learned were funding this terrible operation. But more importantly for her, it was Elysia's gateway to seeing that justice come to those who deserved it.

The most recent e-mail was from a customer named Sean. He had ordered a lion cub for his private collection and was inquiring about when he could expect his "order to be filled".

Elysia's eyes narrowed, remembering the terrible emotional state that the resident lion and lioness had both been left in. After struggling with the keys on the keyboard, Elysia slowly, awkwardly, typed up a simple response:

"Sean, your order is ready to pick up. Please come tomorrow around noon. John Richardson."

It was a bright sunny day, and Sean was eager to pick up the lion cub he'd be purchasing from the Richardson ranch. He was a repeat customer, having purchased several exotic animals in the past to keep in his own small private zoo on his property. He'd done well for himself during his football career, so money certainly wasn't a problem.

Of course, this was all very illegal, so he made sure no one knew where he was going, including his wife. Even she couldn't know exactly where the ranch was. This was per John's strict terms of business.

He'd driven over 4 hours to get here. During the trip he'd imagined all the different ways he'd try to train the cub. Perhaps he could domesticate it, even teach it tricks. That'd sure impress his wife and his friends.

A male lion would be the pride of his collection. He'd feed it well so it'd have a thick black mane. It'd be an animal of such majesty to be befitting his home, which was adorned with lion statues and African themes. He'd played for the Lions, after all. He practically had his own mane, which he'd proudly worn as long dreadlocks ever since his playing days.

As he finally pulled up to the ranch house in his Range Rover, he waved at the familiar form of John stepping out onto the porch. They greeted each other, and he eagerly followed John into the nearest building. They entered a thickly fenced enclosure, as John closed the door behind them.

Several large black rats scurried away, as John noticed to lionesses on the other side of the pen looking his way. One of them was lying on her side, three cubs latched on to her belly as they fed. Ah, one of those much be his.

But lionesses were alot smaller than he expected. Much much smaller. Wait a second, he thought. Those aren't African Lions, those are mountain lions!

"What the hell dude," he said loudly, turning around towards John. But before he could finish his sentence, he was cut off by the surprise of not seeing the gruff muscular middle-aged man he expected, but instead a lithe woman. Nude. With long green hair.


Before he could say another word Elysia's magic hit him, and the blast of energy sent him falling to the dirt floor.

Elysia looked at the huge dark-skinned man with hatred. He stumbled on the ground, his long braided hair all a mess. She read into his mind, revealing his true character. He was not a good man. He was overly proud. He was overly greedy. Worst of all, he had supported John's operation for many years as a customer.

He would deserve what he got.

Sean groaned in pain, then screamed as the shock of Elysia's transformation spell wracked his body. His hands and feet burned like fire, making him fall to his knees in pain. If felt like his bones were breaking, as his arms and legs transformed and reshaped. Sharp claws pushed out from the tips of his fingers, forming from his fingernails. His fingers and joints snapped and cracked as they took on animal characteristics.

He screamed in terror, staring at his newly forming paws, flexing his new claws uselessly in the air. Tawny colored fur now covered his limbs, spreading down towards his body. Sean fell to all fours, the sharp pain now focused on his lower back.

The cracking and stretching of vertebrae sent pangs of pain down his spine all the way into his tailbone. He felt intense pressure above his butt, signaling the emergence of a new tail, trapped beneath his jeans. His t-shirt ripped in the back as his torso grew even thicker than it already was, but the pressure in the back of his jeans only grew.

The discomfort was incredible as the pressure built, his quickly growing tail being forced down a pant leg. Sean reached back with his paws, tearing into his jeans with his sharp claws. With a couple pulls his jeans tore like paper, scraps falling to the ground as his haunches burst through, and his tail shot out like a whip and whacked him on his face.

Reflexively he snatched the tail out of the air, holding it between his paws. He stared at it in shock, rubbing along its length. Not only could he feel the furry appendage against his pawpads, but he could also feel the tight grasp of his paws around his tail. HIS tail. It was long and thin, covered in thin light tan fur, save for the tip which was tufted in black.

His body continued to reform, forcing him to let go of his tail and crouch down into a more natural four-legged position. His body grew thicker, heavier, as it gained muscle mass.

His deep moans turned to even deeper harsh throaty groans as the fur spread up his thickening neck, changing his voicebox into something no longer capable of speech. The burning pain was now in his head, his face pushing out with intense pressure, reforming into a broad muzzle. Fur now covered his face, long whiskers pushing out his quickly forming muzzle.

He bared his teeth with a loud cry, revealing a broader, longer tongue, surrounded by sharp teeth meant for tearing into flesh. He dug his claws into the dirt from the pain in his head, his skull reshaping into something inhuman. New scents invaded his senses as his transformed nose sucked in air dense with the smell of hay and animals. His ears moved up higher up his head, rounded and covered in fur.

Finally, the pain began to subside, leaving Sean panting, dazed and confused. He opened his eyes, seeing his muzzle in front of him, then his forepaws clawing at the ground beneath him. His tattered clothes were strewn about around him. He looked up, seeing the two mountain lions and their cubs just staring at him with looks of fear and surprise.

Then he heard a clicking sound to his left. He turned his head to look that way. He cried out in surprise, seeing a gigantic beast standing next to him.

But then he saw it hop onto its paws, tail twitching in agitation, fur on its back standing up. It did so in coordination with what he could feel was his own bodily movements. He realized that was him. He was staring at his reflection!

What he saw was the form of a gigantic lion, with a confused expression locked on its face. A male lion with a huge black mane. Only its mane was braided into dreadlocks. Those were his locks he was so proud if, and it was the only thing left of him that was recognizable.

He noticed the edges of the reflection, realizing he was looking at a mirror built into inside wall of the enclosure. In the reflection he could see the nude green-haired lady standing right behind him.

His eyes opened wide with fright. But before he could react he felt himself getting lightheaded. Sleepyness overcame him as a sleeping spell washed over him.

When he finally came to, Sean was drowsy at first. He blinked a few times thinking he had just had a strange dream. But as his vision cleared it became obvious that this was no dream. He found himself staring at his reflection in the mirror again. Only this time he was staring straight at himself. He was in a awkward position sitting like a child might, with his huge feet and bottom sticking forward, his body curled forward into a c-shape. It reminded him of those lazy cat pictures he'd seen on the internet, with his butt and his tail out in front of him.

He saw hit tail flitting out in front of him. But that seemed to be the only limb the was free to move. His legs were tied to rings in ground, held slightly apart with leather cuffs around his ankles, and his front paws were also tied by cuffs such that his forepaws were touching the back of his feet.

His upper body was curled forward, his head forced to the front by a collar that was tied to the same rings on the ground. He was stuck in this awkward position, unable to lean back. It didn't hurt though, being that his spine was far more flexible now.

He looked down between his legs, noticing he had a clear view of his furry balls just below his head.

He tried to scream out, only to be started by his own loud roar that came out instead.

"Stay calm," a female voice came from just behind him.

He couldn't see behind him, but in the reflection he saw his green-haired captor standing behind him. He tried to pull free from his restraints, but to no avail.

"There's no use in struggling Sean", she continued with a reassuring voice. "For now, all I want is to show you something."

He growled again, trying to say something. Anything. But his transformed throat wouldn't allow it.

Sean was helpless to respond with more than a surprised sound, when Elysia reached down and cradled his balls. With expertly deft fingers, she began to message them, starting with his scrotum, then working her way up towards the sheath covering his shaft. With gentle touch she pulled he sheath down, coercing tip of his member to poke out.

From just a couple feet away he could see the head of his altered penis, which seemed to be covered in spines.

Elysia invoked the magic of nature once again, sending its energies directly out her fingers into his groin. Sean felt warmth permeating down his shaft into his testicles, getting warmer and warmer.

He watched as his penis began to shrink, pulling back into its protective sheath. To his horror, his scrotum seemed to spasm, then pull inwards as his testicles pulled inside of his body, accompanied by the warmth sinking deeper into his pelvis. His shaft shriveled to near nothingness, leaving only a mound there, as his sheath and scrotum reformed into the lips of his newly forming gender.

The changes happened so fast, and soon Sean was staring at a startling emptiness between his legs. Only a slightly familiar, but very animal, set of genitalia remained. And it was very female.

Sean stared her new vagina in shock for a few moments, when a pair of hands grabbed her by the ears painfully, pulling her head up, making her look at herself in the mirror.

Her eyes were sad with fear and disbelief. "This can't be happening!", she thought, as she looked at the huge feline face in the mirror.

Now the hands moved from her ears to top of her head. The hands started massaging her scalp, pressing into her hair. Quickly the fingers moved through the mane, tugging at the braided locks. Sean watched as the dreadlocks he was so proud of began to fall out of his head one by one, falling to the floor. They fell off her head like discarded clothing.

Soon, after just a few seconds of rubbing his head, all that remained of his hair, his mane, was a pile of black locks lying on the ground around her. She looked at the mirror seeing the maneless big cat looking back at her. A lionness.

Now Sean watched as Elysia picked up one of the fallen locks from the ground, and he noticed her staring at it. After a few moments of thought, she moved in front of him, bending down determined to focus on the new anatomy between her legs

Sean shuddered as Elysia brushed the leading edge of the lock of hair against the outer lips of her sex for the first time, stroking it like a paint brush. It was a sensation unlike any she'd ever felt before, each individual hair seeming to find a different cluster of nerves to fire for the first time.

With exquisite slowness, Elysia brushed the lock of hair against the lioness' newly created sex, starting on the outside, tracing around the periphery, then slowly moving in towards the center, where it was progressively more sensitive.

Sean snarled at Elysia, squirming and trying to drown out the unwanted feelings down there. This wasn't right! He was a man! This couldn't possibly feel as good as it did.

But it did feel good.

The lock of her own hair continued tease her, sometimes brushing, sometimes twirling, all to draw emphasis to the new sensations down between her legs. She couldn't look away even though she wanted too. Soon enough her folds were swelling from all the loving attention. She could see and feel her folds getting moist, some of the wetness oozing through the gap between her inner lips. As her arousal oozed out forming beads of fluid between them, some of it clung to the hairs as they swept across, back and forth, leaving strands of wetness painted in their wake.

Then when the now-lubricated brush found the mound of her clitoris, Sean's eyes shot wide open as it sent jolts of pleasure deep into her that she had never before experienced. The brush of hair now focused on that spot, twirling back and forth, pressing into it. It twirled and twisted there like a fingerprint brush, stimulating every millimeter, making her see stars of concentrated pleasure.

Sean thrust her hips involuntarily, lifting her head and arching her back as if trying to bring her hips closer. This was so wrong!

Just when she though she couldn't handle it any more, finally, mercifully, the teasing stopped.

As she started to feel herself cooling off, Sean blinked a few times, finding herself staring down at her sex once again. It was a jarring image. Something she couldn't possibly believe. But it WAS hers. And it was now swollen and moist with her arousal. The musky scent of her own heat was undeniable.

The reprieve didn't last long, however, as hands took over.

Elysia used her fingernails to scrape against the edges of Sean's inner folds, making them seem to quiver at the first touch. The lionness panted heavily, eyes fixed on the sight of her vagina's last line of defense now being the focus of attention. The lips of her engorged and very sensitive inner labia wer poked, flicked at, and most stimulatingly, pinched and rubbed between the tormenting fingers.

The fingers persisted this way for several moments, squeezing and tugging, making sure they had Sean's full attention. Her lips made wet sounds as they were played with, interspersed with the occasional tweaking of the mound of her clitoris. Short of orgasm, the pleasure was more than anything Sean had ever felt as a man!

Finally two separate pairs of fingers went to opposite ends, grabbing both sides of her inner lips. Slowly the fingers pulled away from each other, spreading her lips apart like flower petals, revealing the moist pink folds hiding within.

With a warm breath, Elysia blew between the open lips, making the lionness huff and thrust her hips in response. It was like another slap to Sean's face, seeing (and feeling) with plain clarity that there was so much more flesh, oh so sensitive flesh, to be explored deeper within.

"You can't deny the sensations," Elysia teased, slowly pulling the vaginal lips open and closed several times, the pleasureful stretching making the lionness' tongue loll out of her mouth.

As Sean panted, a ring and pinky finger swiped against the inner surface of the parted folds, scooping some of the vaginal juices collected there before letting the lips snap back into place.

"Now why don't we try something new and have a taste," Elysia cooed, as she rubbed the liquid-coated fingers onto the lionness's unsuspecting tongue.