AbortUS strikes back 3

Story by Luksinatriks on SoFurry

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#4 of AbortUS strikes back

FINALLY! sorry for the looooong delays brothers! First I was incapacitated and unable to write then I hate to wait for my beta reader to do the correction :D . Anyway I make this up to you by a rather unique and interesting chapter, enjoy, I know you will 3;)

"And, so what do you guys think?", the god of sustina asked Culum and Segac.

"That's one fucked up story", Culum said as he drank from the holy dvolitra, also known as dvola, a beverage which is holy in many parts of the universe and is said to temporarily increase strength and stamina. However, this is disputed as some people barf it up the moment they taste it, others became smarter because of it, some become more stupid, so the effects of the beverage were different from person to person. It was made in Pivara, a place many believed to be a myth, the place made dvolitras in the amount for them to be enough of them, but never as much as the people wanted. Pivara then gave those dvolitras to special people, who had huge houses called trgovina, they stored the dvolitras there and gave them only to the people they deemed worthy of tasting them. To this Day, only a few such people are known to exist and those are: Sindi, Dragan, Andrej and Lav. As for the Dvolitra itself, it was in a barrel so heavy that even the strongest people needed to use two hands to hold it. Many alchemists tried to create it themselves, but none have succeeded.

"I agree", Segac replied as he was motao svog majmuna (casting a spell which makes a fire that burns and unleashes a divine smoke), "AbortUS came back, eh? Yet again?", he said as he took the smoke in.

"Yeah, we beat them two times before, what makes them think they can blind the entire universe with slina now?", Culum said as he took a big sip from the holy dvolitra.

"ALO BOLAN! SAVE SOME FOR ME!!!", Segac said in protest as he reached out and took the holy dvolitra from Culum, it was already half empty. "After all, you should save some for the god!", Segac said as he offered the god the bottle. "Ces zmaje?", he asked.

"No thanks", the god replied, Culum and Segac could hear his voice (but not as clearly as other gods of sustina) because they were princes of sustina (sometimes called the champions of sustina, nezasljepljeni and by many other names), these were the mortals elevated to immortality as they purged themselves of any and all slina they had, by taking a pilgrimage and finding themselves. Zmaj (the nickname of the god) had invited the two to Haustor, to talk about the current situation.

"Well, defeating them the first time was hard, we got lucky the second time, but I'm wondering how they were able to recover so fast after their last defeat", Culum said as he rubbed his glasses, he then put them back on his afro styled hair in the shape of a disco ball (though he generally preferred a Mohawk).

"Yeah, I still remember when you tricked them the last time", Segac said as he took another deep breath of the holy majmun smoke and he even gave some of it to Culum. The three began having a flashback of their last victory.

"Ehehahhahe", the god snickered at the memory.

About 20,000 years ago, around the time that Malion was hatched, there came grave news. The gods of Sustina were celebrating their last victory, which was so long ago that nearly everyone forgot, when AbortUS was disbanded because of their defeat, the news reached them. The gods heard a loud splush sound and looked at the world. Everywhere, even in front of their very eyes, a bright green slina written message appeared saying:

"After a long break, we have come back!", and on top of the message, was a picture of the 4 AbortUSed ones together again.

"Pfffffff", the great Todor exhaled, "we defeated them and they disbanded themselves and yet they are back to blind people with slina again!", his perfect body tensing.

"Don't worry, we've beaten them once, we can do it again", Kuzma said. "Right after I wish doing my Sipke (a think he practiced on)", he added.

"Nah, I have a better idea", Zmaj laughed at his own idea. His plan was simple, since they all knew that AbortUS will try to unite the power of their spells, to create a universe full of perpetual and everlasting slina, like they tried to do so the last time, all they needed to do was to drop someone in to ruin the spell and destroy all of slina by doing so.

"Briliant!", great Todor said as his perfect face made a perfect smile.

Soon after conveying his plan to his fellow gods, everyone agreed on what should be done. So the plan was set in motion and their enemies were contacted. It was hard for the creatures of pure sustina to talk to the creatures of pure slina, but somehow, with a lot of effort the gods did good with their plan and contacted the slina gods. After all, slina and sustia can't mix, but with enough power, anything can be done.

"REALLY! YOU WILL LET US DO THAT!?!?! YOU ARE REALLY GOING TO LET US PERFORM THE SPELL?!?", Vladan glupi yelled in excitement as the gods of Sustina contacted him on the other end of the portal.

"Yes", the great Todor said, as they all tried to suppress their laughter, "We only have the condition that Titi does it alongside you", he causally said.

"That can be arranged! KOLE! KOLE COME HERE! YOU'RE NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS!", said Vladan with his mutavi (stupid) voice.

Kole came quickly and despite being a bit smarter than Vladan and despite being more cautious and taking more time to think about it, he said "yes" as well.

"Alright, we will do it!", he said in the end, "I don't know why you are doing this, but I don't care to be honest", and with that, the first phase of the plan was set in motion. Sooner than any mortal could think, the middle of the universe became crowded as many champions of slina and sustina came together to witness this event.

"I don't like us being here", Cipa said. He also was a prince of sustina and he was talking to Zmaj about how he hated Titi a lot. "I also don't like that Pakas Titi is doing the spell with them!", he pointed to Titi, who was surrounded by his many girlfriends. "He is a prince of slina for crying out loud! Why make them use him in the spell?", he said.

"Haahahh", Zmaj snickered, "you will see Cipa, you will see", and with that the spell began. Titi used the same weapon as Kole, though his staff only had 4 strings. AbortUS and Titi started using their weapons on a single focal point. The huge orb of slina that was created, started to expand. But then, the plan of the gods of sustina unfolded. Titi, who was thought to be a prince of slina, turned out to actually be a prince of sustina, who was working undercover! When all the Slina gods were casting the Covjek sa psom spell, Titi casted Slina Sustina, a spell made by the gods of sustina themselves! When Titi's spell mixed with the huge orb of slina, Kole only had enough time to tilt his head downwards a bit as his jaw dropped and his mouth opened, his sunglasses as well dropped slightly down to reveal his eyes, that is, his orbs of slina. It is with this perplexed look, that he witnessed his giant orb of slina, now contaminated with sustina, bent, imploded and then exploded in the matter of seconds. The blast was so powerful, that it could be felt anywhere in the universe. The blast wave disintegrated all the slina gods and princes.

"PfffffthumhumhahahhaHAHAAHA!!!", Zmaj laughed like there was no tomorrow. "DID YOU SEE THE LOOK ON HIS FACE!?!?!", he asked everyone. Everyone, except the gods of sustina were confused and didn't know what had happened. The plan worked and it would take a long time for the gods and princes of slina to materialize from the pools of slina again.

Now fast forward, 20,000 years and exactly that happened.

"So, you say that this time they plan to use the shard of the spit of the holy orgazmas?", Culum asked.

"Yup...", Zmaj said, stretching out, "also in the near future, maybe another young prince will join us", he also added.

"Eh?", Segac asked. "Which one of the aspiring champions is he?", he asked, because he knew all of the aspiring champions.

"None... he is an entirely new one, but shows a lot of potential", Zmaj responded as he paced about the haustor. "In fact I'll go check up on the situation now", and with that, he left his 2 friends and went to the magic mirror once again. It was focused on Malions cave. "Time for a little perversion", Zmaj whispered to himself as he saw what was going on in the cave.

*Slurp, slurp*, Malion drifted in his half sleep as he heard the sound. He shifted his position to a more comfortable one.

*Slurp, squish, plop*, again the noise came and it annoyed Malion greatly. He buried his face in a pile of gold.

*Slurp, squish, spot, slurp*, the noise continued and Malion clenched his teeth as he rose his head up high.

"CAN YOU STOP DOING THAT?! WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU'RE DOING!?", he looked around, only to see Elision's exposed ass, his tail on the floor, his legs up in the air, his hands on his butt cheeks and his eyes just over the line of sight from his ass, which was covering his lower face. It didn't take Malion too long to figure out what his brother was doing.

"Elision... are you...", Malion blushed and looked away, "sucking... your... cock?", he said with great shame.

*Slurp*, "Yes", *pant*, "I am", his brother responded, gasping for air.

Malion was way too embarrassed to say anything.

"Want a taste?", Elision asked as he maneuvered himself into a position more open to his brother and as he took his mouth off his dick, leaving a large throbbing black draconic cock, which was covered in his saliva. He did so, so he could expose his long draconic penis. It was easily three times longer than Malions, though it differed in shape a bit.

Malion lowered his head down and covered his face with his hands, leaving his lower body up in the air. Regrettably, he failed to notice that the tip of his penis got out of its sack and that he was getting aroused by all of this. "N-no! Stop it! G-go away!", he said, not moving. "B... besides, I'm not gay...", he added.

"Brother...", Elision said sympathetically as he got up and moved closer to his brother, "you must stop being ashamed by sex!", he said as he hugged him with his wing, his dick still fully erect and throbbing. "After all, how do you think to court that sexy princess? And besides, sucking cock doesn't make you gay", he said cheerfully.

"Then what does it make you?", Malion asked, still not moving.

"Depends, it makes you homosexual or bisexual in most cases", Elision teased trying not to laugh.

"The difference???", Malion asked.

"Oh, come now brother, just look at it, there is no shame in it, after all, I'm your brother!", Elision encouraged him, hopping to cure his brother of his distaste of all things dragon.

Slowly, nearly painfully slow, Malion moved his hands and moved up, still not looking at Elision, who now sat like every normal dragon sat, on his hind legs and buttocks. Malion sat the same way, his scales, which were now red as lava, even if he was a cold blooded creature, turned an even brighter shade of red, when he moved his head to face the bigger dragon. Malion's eyes widened, when he saw the massive package Elision had.

"Nice... load", he said embarrassingly, but with humor.

"Thanks!!!", Elision's face turned into a huge smile. He then looked downward to Malion's crotch, Malion saw that and with lightning speed he moved his hands to cover his erect penis. Elision grabbed his hands gently and pulled them away even gentler. "It's alright Malion, it's alright", he soothed and calmed his brother, who's hands were now shaking feverishly.

"Im s-scared", Malion trembled. He had originally not wanted any of this, he left the dragon lands to live his life in violence- and sex-free peace, as he wanted. Unfortunately for him, those things seemed to have followed him all the way from another continent.

"Don't be", Elisions sly smile encouraged him and Malion moved his hands and looked away in shame. Elision smiled genuinely. "See, nothing to be ashamed off." He looked closer at his brothers penis, "he is cute!", he laughed "Now get it hard", he said.

Malion looked at him in confusion and he rubbed his head. "Well... um... it is already hard... as hard as it can get", he said sheepishly.

Elisions jaw dropped and his eyes widened, "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuut?", he said in the most confusing manner.

"well... yeah" Malion said blushing hard.

"Malion I...", Elision looked perplexed, trying to find the correct words he would use. In fact, he was trying to figure out what to say, "I had no... no idea", Elision went silent and a few seconds of awkward silence passed, before Malion broke it.

"Had no idea about what? What are you talking about?", Malion asked, raising his scaly eyebrow.

"I had no idea that...", Elision, a dragon so perverse, to feel shame blushed for a first time in millennia. "... that you're so small", he looked ashamed, trying his best not to hurt his brother.

"Oh that", this time Malion blushed. "It's ok... I guess... I mean, I don't really mind it and besides... whats so wrong with being small? It's not like...", Malion was cut short by a sudden hug from his brother.

"I'm so sorry I didn't knew", Elision said.

"Um... thanks", Malion awkwardly said as he returned the hug.

"It's all starting to make sense now...", Elision said, "you not wanting to take to combat because you are small, you not wanting to train anything, not wishing to develop your skills, you being bullied, you being shy about sex. You being you... by the ancestors Malion... I'm so sorry", Elision truly did feel grief because of how his brother was treated and how he teased him. Up until this point, he believed that Malion's predicament was his own and that he chose to live the way he had chosen, as far away from the other dragons as possible. Now he saw why, he was constantly bullied because of his size, he couldn't train or develop anything, because he would be bullied by other more muscular dragons and on top of all, he had a small dick so he didn't have a lot- or better yet, any sex at all.

Malion wasn't ashamed as much as he was annoyed. "Yeah, thanks for reminding me", he said annoyingly, "now if you don't mind, your erect penis is touching my belly...", he added as he broke the hug.

"Well, let me take a look", Elison said and moved his head closer to Malions cock, going slightly under his belly. "Really, this is as hard as you can get?", he asked once again in disbelief.

"Yes!", Malion replied angrily.

"And what is this line here", Elision asked, pointing to a fading wound on Malions cock.

"That is an injury I got from masturbating with my claws", Malion explained.

"Why didn't you just suck your cock or lick it, like all the other dragons do?", Elision asked as he eyed his brothers penis.

"Because... because I can't...", Malion explained, ashamed at himself.

"You have got to be kidding me!!!!", Elision was surprised once again. "YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW HOW TO SUCK YOUR COCK!?!?", he asked once again, his eyes as wide as they could be.


"Sorry, sorry!", Elision calmed him and after a few moments of calm, he added: "What if I were to teach you? Would you like that?", he asked.

Malion scratched his snout and blushed. "Yes... that would be... nice", Malion looked away.

"Lovely", Elision smiled, happy that he could help his brother out.

________________________________________ "Hurry!", Marian tried not to shout as Lillian practically pushed her into her office.

"Almost there", Lillian encouraged her as they pressed into the secrete passage and into the personal sex room of the busty business owner. "There!!!", Lillian said as she closed the door behind them, ensuring that they won't be disturbed. "Now tell me, how can I help yoOOU?" Lillian gasped as Marian pulled her closer.

"FUCK ME!", Marian screamed at her.

"B-but", Lillian protested.

"JUST DO IT", Marian started to discard her green dress, revealing her panties which were absolutely soaked with her sex juices.

"You are THAT horny?!", Lillian said in disbelieve. "Do you LOVE dragons that much? I'm surprised you didn't go up there and demanded that he fucks you...", the princess teased, but was cut short by Marian, who took out the largest dildo she had. Lillian gasped at the panting woman. "H-how can you survive with that being shoved up your vagina?!?! It will split you in half!!!", she said.

"I DON'T CAREl, JUST FUCK ME!!!... Please", Marian nearly cried because of how horny she was.

"Fine, tell me how", the princess smiled, wanting to ease the woman's pain.

"Undress", Marian told her and the princess did as instructed, Marian then proceeded to strap a belt to the waist of the princess and then attached the dildo to it, its weight pulling the princess down. Marian then laid herself with her belly down on the table and grabbed the two handles with her hands as she spread her legs. "Do it", she commanded.

With a sigh, the princess moved Marians panties out of the way and slowly inserted the dildo.

"HARDER! FASTER!", Marian screamed out.

"As you wish", the princess said as she started ramming her pussy suddenly and strongly. Marian moaned and the princess pushed onward. She fucked her and fucked her, but after about 15 minutes, Marian was showing no signs of getting even close to an orgasm and Lillian was starting to tire.

"It's not working!", Marian was crying and just starting to sob.

"Ahhhhh", Lillian exhaled and she retracted the dildo out of Marians pussy. "Then I guess we have no choice", she said as she started dressing herself and then dressing Marian. "We have to... go to the dragon's themselves, to take care of this problem...", she said, determined to help Marian.


"There, that's good", Elision encouraged his brother as he moved his head downward towards his penis. "You have almost got it", he said and then snickered. "I see why you're having such difficulty, your cock is smaller and requires that you bent more to reach it", he teased Malion, but not in a mean way.

"You're going to get a black eye if you keep this up", Malion threatened Elision, who laughed at the remark.

"Now take out your tongue and reach out with it and lick the tip of your cock", Elision said, still laughing at Malions empty threat.

Malion shivered as he bent, sticking his tongue out. He was trembling, so much that his tongue was as well, he was scared and nervous. He closed his eyes and the tip of his tongue reached the tip of his cock. His facial muscles relaxed.

"And what do you say", Asked Elision in anticipation.

"I'm not gay, but... if this is what penis tastes like, then I see why females love sucking it and having your penis sucked feels goooood", Malion said as he began drooling, his tongue starting to greedily dart around his cock.

"Nice!", Elision exclaimed as he sensed two horny human females coming up the mountain, that gave him an idea. "Malion are you a virgin?" (note that dragons view virginity only as vaginal sex, so if a dragon has oral sex he is still considered a virgin by other dragons)

"Y-yes I am", Malion replied shamefully.

"Well, don't worry", Elision grinned as he pushed his brothers head downward, helping him take all of his cock in his mouth.

"Mf-thanks!", Malion said and he cheerfully sucked his own cock, his tongue going all over his sweaty balls, he made slurping sounds as he greedily took as much of his cock as he could. He closed his eyes in ecstasy.

"Malion!!!", he heard a familiar feminine voice and opened his eyes only to see in front of him, at the cave entrance, two females. Lillian the princess who had her jaw nearly to the floor and Marian who fainted at the sight of the act.

Elision laughed so hard that he started to cry and his still erect penis bounced against his belly.

Malion was so ashamed he wanted to cry.