Diary of a Fox Slut-Part10: Reflection of Agony

Story by Tlapa on SoFurry

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#10 of Diary of a Fox Slut

Marcella returns to a city she had once or twice visited in her past, this time with an assignment and strong determination to see it finished through.

Proofread and edited by Phelix.

With some delays, but done. Next part may be very far off, winter is the land of my bachelor thesis and this assignment of mine I have to get done.

Have fun!

Travelling on-board the coaches had met my expectations perfectly; it was boring, tedious and when the coaches were at full capacity, very uncomfortable. Thanks to countless stops I had time to refresh myself and stretch my limbs, walking amid the faceless villages. Many of the inhabitants were morphs, freely strolling outside in the more open minded Kingdom of Cyrilia. But everything had its flaws, and slaves were not an uncommon sight in the kingdom's towns. They were forced to do the most dirty work. I quickly remembered why I had left - I could not stomach a rule that would openly deprive an individual of any free will. Not to mention that whoring was illegal, and every single courtesan was to be eventually chained.

It was times like those when I was happy to be with Amand. In endless coach rides I used him like an oversized, softly furred pillow, and he was more than happy to provide. To pass time, I was reading novels and flipping through the pages of my diary, reliving the happier moments inscribed in it.

"Have you bought a new book?" Amand asked, startling me in the process. He blinked, sleepy, and held his gaze at the leather journal.

With speed I only show when drawing arrows I hid my diary, angry I got caught off guard. "Well... Yes. It is one of the new novels."

"I'd love to read it." He was smiling ear to ear.

"Maybe when I'm done with it." I knew my lie would bite me in my ass, but before I could make up my mind whether or not to tell him the truth, the coach sharply stopped, almost sending us flying at the other passengers.

The driver cursed, "Stupid snob idiot! Are you tired of your wealth? That's why you're throwing yourself under the horses?"

The other man's voice was shaken, clearly short of breath. "Sorry for stopping you like this. I'm in dire need of your services; I have to get on the coach if it's the last thing I do."

I heard coins rolling in a money purse, before it loudly slapped into a sweaty palm. "Aye mister, no problem with me. But I'm full, so you'll have to ask the passengers if you want to squeeze in."

Footsteps were gradually growing louder when the coach door opened, revealing a well groomed and truly wealthy looking human. His dark blue jacket had abundance of fine details sewn in - various shapes and patterns meeting together to liven up the otherwise dull design of the clothing. He took off his hat with a feather on top, exposing a sweat covered forehead and long flocks of brown hair, wet and sticking to his skin.

"Good day. Be so kind as to make room for a man in need." None of the passengers looked very eager to squeeze even closer together; they were silent, looking at each other quizzically.

My companion broke the silence first. "We can make you some room. Give us only a moment." Amand looked at me, smirking like a fox about to have fun and whispered in my ear, "I have a terrible idea. Unpack the blanket too."

He was so cutely obvious. With a little help from his firm wolf paws I sat on his lap, and hid us under the blanket.

"You're a true gentleman, mister..." the wealthy man said, waiting for a name.

"Amand. And no problem." My companion took to chatting with the man, all the while fingering me under the blanket. I was shocked by his behaviour; the longer he travelled with me, the more confidence he gained, enough to covertly stimulate me next to five other people in a small coach. I tried to act civil when the wolf opened his pants, so silently I myself hadn't noticed, and pressed his pulsing wolf cock against my nether lips. Closing my eyes I played asleep, hoping dearly the others wouldn't notice my lust ridden expressions. My companion's prick was slowly inflating, teasing my folds when we hit a big bump on a road and the wolf used the opportunity to buck his hips. I felt his hot tip penetrate my vagina, resting itself in my soft folds. He was leaking juices into me vigorously, the lewd liquid mixing with my nectar and dripping slowly onto his pants. Soon, I was more worried about the smell than the occasional soft whimper I couldn't contain. The strong musky scent of sex filled my nostrils and my mind clouded in need.

As we were too polite to fuck each other raw in front of everyone else, I decided to milk the wolf's pride with my vaginal muscles. I contracted my love canal around him, massaging his sensitive spear until it grew to stretch me. Only his delicious knot was out of reach. We spent most of an hour teasing ourselves, me squeezing his throbbing pecker in my hungry cunt and him bucking his length into me every chance he got. I was shivering in a hot fever, having to keep silent in front of the oblivious passengers. We both wanted to climax and I relaxed my womanhood, when I felt myself sinking deeper into my lovers lap. With all the lubrication we had produced his knot slipped into me, Amand groaning right the moment and shooting streak after streak of hot seed into my vixen flower. His virile cum was enough to spark the flames in me, I found his arms hastily, squeezed them in my hands and clenched my teeth so strongly my jaw creaked. The orgasm was as powerful as any other; waves of climax rippled through my muscles and my little pussy trembled, invaded by the unforgiving member of my companion.

Monday, 7th April 830 / Cyrila Capital

Our little escapade was the only memorable exploit in our journey toward the city. We paid for our last ride, which was a humble coach that looked good only for carrying prisoners, and were met by Cyrila Capital rising on the horizon.

Amand gasped like an overgrown pup, his tail curling through the air in a pattern reminding me of lusty brothel dancers. "Not in my wildest dreams. It must have taken centuries to built something so magnificent."

I grasped his tail and tugged it playfully. "Not if you add a bit of magic. Just wait until you see her up close!"

The city was like a sight from another world, more lean towers than the eye could count reaching for the sky. In the past, whenever I had taken a look at the city from a distance, it was as if the towers had grown just a bit higher. When I gazed at them that day, they again appeared to reach even further, ready to tear the clouds. The central tower put all the others to shame; it was a column built upon the king Rudolf's castle, so he could look down upon his dominion. A fine fellow he must have been. The city wasn't the only well kept structure; the wide entry road leading visitors and merchants to the gates was inlaid with smooth stone tiles, placed in a fashion to create exquisite patterns. The closer to the city walls, the more complicated and colourful were the shapes, drawing both me and Amand nearer. As much as I liked walking on the steady surface, my companion was groaning.

He leaned against a birch tree and caressed his naked feet. "For the first time ever, I wish I had boots."

"Well, the merchant back on Merchant's Trail offered you a pair. But no, you had to growl and scare him away." I chuckled, teasing him.

He gave me his stare of death, the brown wolf eyes piercing me like javelins. "We both know you rejected him and broke his lizard heart."

I caressed his neck, the black collar I had given him feeling cold to the touch. "I should tear those wolf ears from your skull, they belong to me after all. That will teach you to eavesdrop." At my words he saddened, turning his gaze away from me. "Amand? You know I'm only teasing."

"I do. Just...this collar, I wear it for you... But all I remember when I touch or see it is that terrible day."

He was right; I too had only bad memories of it. Without speaking I kissed him on his lips, feeling his taste on my tongue and unfastened the band of leather. Jumping to reach I draped it over a high branch, and closed it tightly around it.

Amand almost shed a tear. "Oh, how much I love you."

"Stop saying that. Let's go."

The outskirts of the city were bustling with life, mostly merchants inspecting their wares and sharing stories of long travels with each other; we made our way past when next to a grandiose arch of a gateway my companion sneaked a hand under my tail and rudely inserted fingers in both my openings.

"Who is bending over this time?" he murmured.

He curled his digits in me and the intrusion forced me to yelp. Even as I felt arousal growing, I smacked the bastard on his forehead with my tail, which sent him a few steps back. "If you keep this up, I'll present you at a brothel. As a courtesan."

"How can something so fluffy hurt this much." He scratched the sore spot on his face and hurried after me. Several guards were on duty at the gate; two approached me and strong anxiety hit me out of nowhere. They wore metal helmets and chainmail armours, with white surcoats covering their torso. The piece of cloth had an erb of the city nicely sewn into it. When I took a better look at the humans, I realised why I felt like that. Earlier, I had thought I was over it, but when two guards had me in exactly the same situation as the bastards back in Krelholm, my legs started to shake.

"Good day. Your first time here?" A guard with a halberd approached, talking with the steadiness of words repeated a hundred and one times. The other guy had a disgusted grimace on his face, thought it seemed to have diminished when he realized I was looking at him.

"What's with him?" My voice trembled a bit, but the duo looked friendly enough.

The halberd toting guard laughed, "He lost a bet, so now he's cheering me up with that face."

"I can still drink you under the table." His partner laughed back, grimacing as if he had been eating lemons all day.

"If you pay. Anyway, we have a job to do so stop pestering me." He sighed and looked at me. "So, again. First time here?"

I fished in a deep pocket of my side bag, looking for a long forgotten document. The rough paper grazed my finger pads and I glanced at it before giving it to the guard.

'Permit to enter, Kingdom of Cyrilia, Cyrila Capital; Issued on: 10th July 825; Name: Marcella Gale...'

Five years since I had been there the last time, five years of searching for... I had decided long ago to forget.

"Your name?" The guard asked, pointing his halberd at my companion.


The guard rolled his eyes. "Any last name? Or should I just write Amand the Silent in here?"

The wolf chuckled, "No. Fallmet."

First time I heard his last name; in our journeys, I had learned I was not the only one having trouble to share their own past; he was just as reserved in opening to me when it had come to life scars.

The guard gave me back my permit, and urged us to walk into the gleaming city, "Okay you two. I added him to your permit as a visitor, so you have to leave together too. Welcome back to the city, and enjoy your stay!"

Some distance from the gate my vixen ears picked up a sleazy remark one of the guards made. "I envy that wolf so much, the vixen is smoking hot."

My companions ears twitched at first, then he burst out laughing, "Those two. And here I thought all of the city guards were uptight like the ones in Krelholm."

"Don't even mention that rathole."

"Was it that bad?"

Telling him how I had been abused was the last thing I wanted. After being reminded of the terrible deed, I was more determined than ever to finish the assignment. "I'm tired. Help me find the place I'm supposed to report to."

Walking the wide alleyways of the city changed my thoughts; every building displayed incredible amounts of care and joy in their construction. Though I didn't much care for architecture, the intricate lines of the three-story houses kept stealing my gaze. What I remembered most clearly from my old visits was the paleness of the city - the blinding white paint was hard to forget.

A rumour had it that slavery in Cyrilia was simply the result of the king needing more workers to produce white paint for him. Though it was more of a bar joke than anything, along with nicknaming the city a Lime Pit. After walking in circles for better part of an hour, we both had about enough of it, and Amand couldn't spare me a tease, "How come we got lost, I thought you were here before?"

"I don't remember much of my last visit, only lots of wine and me whoring myself at some secluded bar."

The wolf groaned, about to say something when he pointed at a door hidden in a dark back-alley, easily missed in the uniformly built passages of the city. As we walked in we were enveloped by unnatural darkness, far thicker than the shining sun should have allowed. I felt a familiar tingling in the air, one that is always present at places where sophisticated magic took place, and I knew we were at the right spot. If that wasn't enough of a clue, a flashy placard above the doorway with number five on it was a clear give-away. I approached the building hesitantly; in the narrow passage the three-story house loomed forebodingly over me.

The wooden door scraped my knuckles as I knocked, when Amand decided to voice himself, "I have a bad feeling about this, Marcella."

Frowning, I replied, "A bit too late for that, don't you think?" I jolted as the door opened abruptly in front of me; a dark figure emerged from the pitch black interior and gawked at me with its literally glowing, steely eyes.

A male voice scraped my ears, "Mana was spot on with your description. You are a slut."

Being called a slut right on the first meeting made my blood boil. "He was right about you too. A furrowed, arrogant mage."

He waved his hand in a half-circle, dispelling some of the darkness, which allowed me to finally see. The man before me was a bear morph, with a thick frame and dark-brown fur, clothed in a green robe that reached all the way to the ground. The fur of his face was receding in spots, with his big bear nose flaring in time with his breaths. He took a step forward, dragging the silky robe behind him.

"And who is this?" He bellowed, "You were supposed to come alone!"

"I am travelling with her and-" Amand tried to explain, but was promptly silenced.

"I did not ask you a thing, savage. Keep yourself out of this." His attitude made me want to turn on heel and never return. But for my assignment, I was willing to endure. The bear wizard frowned at both of us and slowly moved back through the doorway. "What to do with you two. Come inside and keep your hands to yourselves."

Inside, the house was just as unnaturally dark, illuminated only by thick candles strewn all over the place, melting away on tables, their hot wax dripping from candlesticks and some even carelessly placed on steps of the stairwell. The white wax and flickering flames were a strong contrast to dark wooden walls and thickly carpeted floor, as if I entered right into someone's dark thoughts. I closed the door behind me, lock clicking in place, and walked up the stairs leading to the upper, first floor. The entry hall, along with the whole building, was spacious and well-kept. It was a shame the dim lighting took away so much from the sophisticated craftsmanship of the room's decorations, keeping the finer details out of eye's reach.

The mage ordered us to sit in a dining room; I cushioned myself in a padded chair, the wolf hesitantly sitting next to me, Villion at the front of the table. With windows closed and hidden behind heavy green curtains, it was as dark as night, but against all logic - the air was clean and fresh.

I tried to break the thickening layers of ice that was forming between us with every passing moment; the mage was to be my mentor for the coming weeks after all. "Hello Villion, my name is Marcella, and the wolf here is Amand. He is my companion."

The bear leaned over the table, his elbows sliding atop a linen tablecloth. "Well, she can greet herself, unlike the last whore I had to work with. And she can remember a name, even better!"

"A bit of respect wouldn't hurt." Amand barked; the mage's remarks were pushing his passive personality dangerously close to snapping.

Villion smirked. "I will show respect when there is a reason for showing it." He searched for something in his pocket, picking up a clear crystal plate. It emanated soft light, then as if reading from it, he said, "Here it is. Marcella Gale, grey-fox, female. Makes living as a courtesan, showing great skill in the matter. Proficient mercenary, skilled in archery and fencing. She is to attend the Spring Ball at the royal castle, and win Duke Schimon Merengard to our cause."

Amand looked at me in disbelief, bewildered by the magical device. And that was the least of Villion's magical tricks. The mage stood up, gestured with his fingers and one of the curtains burst open. A huge mirror reflected my surprised face in it, the frame a carved ebony with various flowers and stems entwining to create a complementing beauty to the reflections of the polished glass. Villion placed the crystal slab into an indentation on top. The mirror flashed and softly hummed, its reflection warping before an image settled in. It was an attic, very familiar looking, though I didn't know why at that instant.

"Come here. Mana should know you arrived safely." Villion instructed.

I peeked into the reflection, when on the other side, I saw a bull in a red dressing gown. His cheeks lifted in a wide smile and he slumped in a chair a bit too small for him.

"Mana, you don't know how happy I am to see you." My defiant fox tail was flailing passionately, happier than I.

"Why, is Villion treating my warrior vixen badly?"

"No, he's just being the typical unruly wizard." I laughed, feeling Villion breathing down my neck behind me.

"You will get used to each other in no time, I am sure of that. Villion, do you have the ball dress and mask I asked you to get?"

The bear replied, "Of course I do. You think I wanted to send her to the royal ball naked?"

Mana laughed, crossing his legs in his seat, probably trying to hide a protruding problem he had every time he talked with me. "You are the type of guy to do that. Treat her nice, she is a good girl and a great mercenary. Who is that handsome wolf back there, the warrior vixen's newest conquest?"

I grasped Amand's hand, squeezing it softly. His finger pads were moist with sweat and cold to the touch; seeing too many new things must have been overwhelming for him.

Speaking to the mirror I introduced him, "Mana, this is Amand, a lone-wolf from The Valley in Ferlow." Then I introduced the bull to my companion, "And that is Mana, the guy who had pretty much saved me in Krelholm."

"You never told me about him," The wolf whispered, looking rather distressed.

Mana clasped his hands together and inquired, "Can he be trusted with the job? I hadn't expected you to bring anyone along, and this is too important to allow someone I don't personally know in."

"He can be trusted, you have my word," I reassured him.

It was enough for Mana, who took a good look at the wolf and bestowed upon us one of his long winded speeches. "We have a good two weeks before the ball takes place on the twenty-fifth of April, which is more than enough time to prepare. Marcella, you will be trained in some basic dancing and the ways of a high-class lady. Raising suspicion is the last thing we need. Villion can also teach you some magic in his free time."

A loud groan broke his stream of words. "And why would I teach some slut the intricate secrets of sorcery?"

"Damn it, Villion! I have done you enough favours for a lifetime, hopefully you can teach her a spell or two. But good you interrupted me, I remembered we need a sample of Schimon's scent; Marcella can track him in the crowd easily that way."

"Oh really? And if I said I already had his handkerchief?" A complacent smirk played the bear's face. He presented a small, perfectly sealed doze. By pressuring at the lid he cracked it off, sticking a white piece of cloth in front of my muzzle, instructing me to sniff. I whiffed the scent of my prey; it was a pleasant scent of an older male, even if underneath lingered a strange spicy tone which tickled me deep in my nose.

"I think I underestimated you yet again. For being so resourceful, I'm sending you a new personal courtesan to keep you company," Mana joked.

"Gods help me," the bear whined.

"I knew you'd like it. Back on topic; Amand, I'd say you can help with running the house, organizing the library and so on. We don't need anything special done, just to keep you three out of each other's fur. Well, I can't keep chatting with you lot all day long, even if I'd love to. Thanks for helping me with this, Villion. Marcella, keep being strong willed and don't let anything bring you down. I have faith in you. And Amand, nice meeting you, keep your eye out on the warrior vixen."

Mana had always been able to cheer me up, so I saddened when his bull nose disappeared, replaced by the reflection of the dark dining room. Villion sighed, snatching the crystal plate back from the mirror. He gave us both a steely look and commanded us to follow. I was worried - how was I to survive two weeks without clawing the wizard's eyes out? He led us up to the second floor, which was a spacious attic with two chambers conceived as bedrooms. Opening a door he showed us our new home.

I was about to enter when Villion asked me a question, "Are you ready to start with your preparations, or do you want to sleep for the rest of today?"

My whole body was ready to crumble down from exhaustion; I found the promise of burrowing myself into soft sheets simply irresistible and chose the bed.

"Good. I have some actual work to do and you would only distract me. The bathroom is on the ground level, and the kitchen is right next to the dining room. I suggest you keep other rooms closed." Without any goodbye he departed, leaving us alone. Amand closed the door and opened a window curtain, letting in some of the dark orange sunlight of the late evening. He stroked my cheek and laid himself on a bed next to me, playing with my tail fondly.

"I thought bears were friendly, but this guy..." my companion lamented, lazily throwing pieces of his garb in a dresser. I smirked under my nose, stripped naked and threw parts of my armour at the wolf. "Marcella!"

"Just having some fun."

He traced a finger along his enticing sheath and stopped at the pair of soft wolf balls. "Oh, I'll show you my kind of fun."

"Not today wolf boy."

He whined in a low tone, "You, not in the mood for sex?" The wolf was a quick learner, applying my teasing techniques on me.

"Good night."

He accepted defeat and kissed me on my nose, before we both drifted into honeyed dreams.

Living under a bear

Villion's mood hardly ever took a turn for the better. He was constantly lost in his own mind, working on strange experiments, and was a bitter person whenever approached from the outside world. My studies and preparations weren't going much better; I had to get early in the morning and follow his time-plan to the letter, which in my mischievous nature I constantly ignored. And worst of all, I couldn't even walk outside and visit my favourite parts of the city, something I had been looking forward to the most.

"And risk someone at the ball recognising you as a loose bar wench? They may be nobles, but some are more than at home in the sleazy night life." Every sentence spoken by Villion was a pinnacle of charm.

The oppressive and dull nature of the passing days made me fully concentrate on my assignment, putting every ounce of energy into dancing, learning how to behave as a noble lady, and, when Villion wasn't too preoccupied, exploring new fields of magical knowledge. From early morning to lunch I studied the tedious details of Cyrilian nobility and helped with the wizard's experiments. After lunch I had an hour for myself and then I plunged right into the basics of dancing techniques, usually with the wolf as my partner. After a late dinner I studied the history of magic and what few spells I could pry from my mentor.

Not every day was as strict, though Villion made sure I studied every subject for at least an hour. Each night before sleeping I sneaked into the cellar and practiced my fencing skills on a mean looking barrel, sometimes taking the wolf with me. I found it relaxing teaching my skills to someone else for the first time in my life. Amand fumbled with the sword as if he never held any weapon before, though he showed promising proficiency with the bow, even if we destroyed a bottle of Villion's expensive looking wine in the process.

On one lonely night, when I felt more horny than usual and my regular round of wild sex with the wolf was not enough, I fantasized about the big magical mirror in the dining room. My companion was softly snoring and no amount of tugging or pinching was able to wake him up. Fully naked I tip-toed to the dining room; the door creaked however slowly I tried to open it, and I gently closed myself in the thick mist of darkness. The candles, like nearly everything else in the house, were of magical nature. I placed one in front of the mirror and snapped my fingers, the knot sparking ablaze, illuminating both the mirror and the lusty grey-fox in it. It was one of the few tricks the mage had taught me.

I closed my eyes and softly dragged my hands across my aching, needy body, imagining they were those of an enigmatic goddess that emerged from the darkness, tricking me into her embrace. Swaying my hips I slowly worked the fingers into my sensitive spots, teasing each curve and softly growling whenever I felt a drop of sweet nectar escaping my tingling folds. I opened my eyes, welcomed by a beautiful vixen silently panting in strong arousal. I puffed my chest, the white fur enticing to touch, digging my fingers in the fur I kneaded my breasts and watched, observing what each jolt of ecstasy did to my face.

I pressed my nose on the clean glass, kissing the moaning fox in the forbidden reflection and staining the mirror with rivulets of spit. She gazed into my own eyes with her deep blue orbs and smiled mischievously, asking me to continue. With a muted laugh I turned around, bending over to present my soft-as-velvet labia. I left my tail in the way, a reddish-grey curtain keeping my sacred nethers hidden from prying eyes. With my paw I slapped it away, admiring the beauty of my own naughtiness. I wanted to see how much I could spread myself open, not for someone else, but only for myself.

I pulled my soft flesh, my claws digging deep into my fur, and admired how in the reflection I gaped open, so vulnerably on display and yet utterly in control of the situation, ready to deny any unwanted intrusion. I granted my hand access, sliding one finger inside, then two, and when that was not enough, I almost stretched myself enough to slip in my whole hand. I moaned, loudly and proudly, as I pleasured the goddess in the mirror. Bringing myself to the peak with my dancing fingers and thrusts of my vigorous hand I turned to face myself, squatting in front of the candle. I slapped the vixen's clitoris, roughly stroking it between my fingers when she arched her back and grinned. My little mirror play was so effective I squirted femcum on a good chunk of the mirror and moaned aloud, my manifestation of climax echoing back to me from distant, shadow filled corners.

My idea of clean-up was to lap at the glass until it was devoid of my essence, then polishing it with napkin that we had left behind on the table after a dinner. I blew the grey-fox a kiss and carelessly walked back to my room, hiding under the sheets next to the wolf.

Tuesday, 20th April 830 / Cyrila Capital

A day when I almost killed again, for the pettiest reason of all. I got up on the seventh hour of the morning, prepared to face another tiresome day full of strenuous trainings and studies. Amand, my only joy, had been extremely bothersome with his constant questions about my past; my old self would have ditched him without batting an eye, but the fox I had become in the last two years had grown very fond of him. I splashed water on my face in the bathroom to cheer myself up and straggled onto the second floor, aiming for the dining room.

My big ears fluttered at a strange squishy noise coming from behind the door; opening them slowly I was met with an image I couldn't believe with my very own eyes. Villion was sitting in front of the mirror, watching something in it and openly stroking himself. His humanoid bear cock was jerking wildly under the overzealous strokes of his hand, so hard was the wizard pushing himself to climax. A smirk formed on my muzzle instinctively; catching the almighty sorcerer with his pants down was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I barged in triumphantly, unprepared for what I was to see in the reflection of the polished glass. It was me, putting myself openly on display and spreading legs shamelessly, exactly like the night when I couldn't resist the calling of the magical mirror.

"What in the hell are you doing!" I hissed.

The bear shook in his seat, but despite his initial reaction, turned calmly to face me. The Marcella in the mirror forced almost whole of her hand in her pussy and moaned like a whore. I was ashamed and angry.

"Do you have no eyes to see? I have needs too." The nerve of his.

"I wasn't talking about your vile cock you bastard! Why am I in the mirror?"

He chuckled as if I said the dumbest thing ever and sneered, "The mirror remembers what happens in front of it. I have warned you not to snoop around - shame a slut can never follow even the simplest of orders."

I was too smart to attack him head on; he was a vicious man, but his skill in magic was no joke. He could shoot thunderbolts from his fingertips powerful enough to crack stones, I was sure he would snap me like a twig if I clawed at him. I flipped the imaginary switch in my head and chose a different strategy.

"Perhaps you have never tried the right order." I left a trace of contempt in my voice. If I played friendly all of a sudden he would surely suspect something.

Villion opened his pocket and laid fifty coins on the table, smirking. "Like this?"

My insides twisted and burned with shame, but I had him exactly where I wanted. "Dispel that reflection. No need to keep her there, you have bought the real me."

"As you wish. And show some real skill this time, it is your occupation." Waving his hand the reflection shattered and disappeared. His tool dangled freely between his thick thighs. I wrapped my fingers around it and stroked him into full length, roughly twenty centimetres of unruly cock. I mechanically slid my hand across the sticky with precum length and stopped at his crown, massaging the sensitive flesh with my padded fingers. His filthy pre ejaculate covered my fur, stringing and staining all of my paw when his urethra dilated and shot a big blob of musky fluid into my palm.

Villion moaned, "Why deny it, you are the master of your art. Oh, I'm so close!"

At the last second I tilted his penis, aiming the tip at his face. In a rapid succession he covered his own muzzle and cheeks in bear spunk, the thick liquid humiliating the master wizard far better than anything else could.

"Serves you well!" I laughed heartily, snatched the coins off the table and hastily left the dining room. His screams of hate filled me with warm satisfaction.

"Filthy bitch! Just like the others, an ungrateful dirty whore!"

Glancing behind my shoulder I saw no angry bear dashing after me, so I walked calmly upstairs, wanting to share my newest exploit with my companion. How much my mood sunk when I found him strewn over the bed with my novels, the small, leather covered diary open in his paw. The dread I felt clawing from within me was far stronger than anything I had felt in days, weeks even.


"Good morning love. I, sorry, I should have asked. I borrowed your novels."

"That is my diary you have there."

"You mean this-" His eyes widened. "I didn't know, I would have never-"

"How could you, I never allowed you to read it. Not ever!"

"Marcella, please, listen. I haven't read anything yet, you know your thoughts are sacred to me."

"Get out of my sight! I can't stand you, you damn liar!"

The wolf desperately screamed at the top of his lungs, "I didn't know!"

"Get out!" In my uncontrollable rage I snatched my bow from a table, drawing it to shoot with an arrow prepared. "If I see you ever again, I will shoot you."

"No, you can't do this..." He slowly walked toward me, tears rolling from the corners of his trembling eyes. I was ready to shoot, straightening the fingers when the string slipped from the tips of my claws. The arrow hit him in the ear, carving it open to expose tides of crimson red blood shooting from the severed skin. Against a stone decoration the arrow shattered into million pieces, splinters filling the room in agonizing chaos, just like what had become of my mind.

Shaking and sobbing I pulled a fresh arrow from the quiver, when Villion crushed the door with a thunderbolt and let himself in. "I had about enough of you two." Extending his hands he pointed his fingers at us. A spark of yellow light blinded me and I found myself paralysed, standing in place like statue. The mage frowned and closed his hands in fists, pulling me closer without even touching me, my feet sliding across carpeted floor of the room. He looked at Amand and gasped in surprise. The magic had not made its desired impact, and the wolf was still in full control of his own body.

"So it does work." The wolf exclaimed. In his palm was a large green gem, I remembered I had seen it hidden in Villion's work room. Amand must have snatched it during his chores around the house, which was no surprise as the bear was driving him mad too. He then nonchalantly walked over to the wizard and waved the stone in front of his face. Villion's eyes shut closed and he stumbled backwards, falling out of the room through the broken doorway.

With my paralysis gone I crumbled onto my knees, my mind empty and my heart devoid of emotion. Was I really about to kill a friend for peeking into my diary? Overwhelmed and lost, I stared into the sad, brown eyes of my companion, who gently placed the green gem in my hand.

"I will leave now. As you asked."

"No, stay." The moment, I needed someone by my side, more than ever.

Grabbing at the wolf's hand I pulled him gently. He sat next to me and looked into my face, frightened. Having him close was all I needed. I curled onto his chest and closed my aching eyes; then he gained courage and enveloped me in his wolf arms. We spent long, silent hours sitting on the floor and thinking of nothing. Eventually, Villion woke up, appearing more dazed than us. He gave us an empty stare, blinked several times and turned tail.

Next day we all swore not to mention what had happened in front of Mana. The bull would freak out, not to mention how hard it would be to describe the actions. Ever since the incident Villion appeared a lot more modest in his behaviour, never addressing me in derogatory terms and finding it in him to enchant the mirror so it would forget my image. And the wolf - his mangled ear shall haunt me for the rest of our time together.

In two days, at the twenty fifth of April, I attend the ball. I look forward to it as if it was my very own birthday. The emerald green dress Villion has prepared is indescribably beautiful, though I haven't had a chance to try it on yet. I have high faith in my skill, but only time will tell if Schimon falls victim to my charms and if I will finish the task.