Primal Passions: Issue #3- Needs of the Heart

Story by Bear Cub Comics on SoFurry

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"Noah, I'm sorry. Please open the door." Erica listened carefully but heard nothing.

"Noah?" Still nothing.

Growing desperate, Erica began to pound on the door.

"Please, Noah! I didn't mean it like that! I was just...just..." Erica turned her back to the door and slid down to the floor. Leaning back against the door, she pulled her legs against her chest and rested her head on her knees once more.

After a long pause she spoke.

"I've just been alone for so long. With the military moving us from base to base, I never had a chance to make any real friends. Then Dad died and it was just me and Mom."

She hesitated.

"I wanted to talk to her about Dad but she never stopped drinking long enough to listen. I hated her for leaving me alone. When she got worse, I started going out just to get away from her. I found people who I thought understood me. I tried to be like them. I wore the clothes and the makeup, but it was all fake. They weren't like me. Not really. They talked about darkness and pain, but they were just playing make-believe. They didn't want to think about real pain, so I kept my mouth shut."

"Then one night I met a guy. He said all the right things, wanted to talk about my problems, and told me he understood. He said I could trust him. And I did. That's why I let him give me a ride home. Only, he didn't take me home. He took me to a construction site. I wanted to go home, but he said no."

There was the briefest of sounds, as if someone had shifted position on a mattress.

"He let me go when he was done. He said I was dirty and he didn't want me anymore. I just wandered around until I found a pay-phone. I called home but there wasn't any answer. When I dialed 911, the police came and got me. I stayed overnight at the hospital until my mom came. She blamed herself for everything. The police investigated but no one was arrested. No one had ever seen him in the club before and they couldn't get another description to match mine. Mom started drinking more after that and pretty soon she ended up in rehab. I went to New Orleans to live with my great-aunt for awhile."

She could not stop the flood of words that were coming from her mouth. Although, she had mentioned some things to Primal and hinted at others, she had never laid it all out like this. The thoughts and feelings that had slept in her for so long were boiling to the surface, demanding to be heard. She needed to do this.

"Then I got this stupid bracelet and now I can't get close to anyone, even if I want to!" she spat as she glared at her wrist.

The black metallic bracelet was crafted to look like several thorny vines twisting and overlapping to form a band. It was crowned with three small black rosebuds. Although somewhat elaborate, it had captivated her from the window of the antique shop. It was as if it had called to her. She had placed it around her wrist and fastened the small clasp underneath, disguised as a thorn. Later that day, it had spawned the barbed, whip-like vine which she had used to sever the arm of a drunken LSU frat-boy. She had tried to take it off but the clasp had fused shut. Some of the thorns had even turned inward and imbedded themselves in her skin. She had often wondered about where it came from or who had made it. She often envisioned a woman from an age long past, pouring all the pain and sorrow of her soul into the cursed trinket. That's what it was really. It was pain given physical form. She knew that pain. That's why it had called out to her. That's why she answered. Yet, the bracelet had offered her no peace, only more suffering.

"Whenever I'm around people I get nervous. I have to concentrate just to keep the thorns in. I can't even relax around Monique half the time, and if Tyler or Jason touches me I just lose it. I can't help it."

"But it's not like that with you," she said, her voice growing calmer. "I don't get nervous around you, not even when you touch me. I don't know if it's because of your body or because of the way you act or both. I'm so screwed up in the head I don't even know."

She drew a ragged breath.

"You're my best friend, Noah. You understand me better than anyone. You make me smile and laugh. You make me feel like I belong here and I want....I want...."

Erica gritted her teeth as the thought failed to take shape in her mind.

"I just want you," she declared as she closed her eyes uselessly against the flood of tears that came from her already red eyes.

She thought she heard the distinctive click of Primal's talons against the metallic floor.

"I'm sorry I kissed you. I won't do it again. I swear. We don't ever have to talk about it."

She listened carefully but did not hear it again.

"Please, Noah. Can't we still be friends?" Again she heard the tentative scrap of talon against metal.

"I don't want to be alone again," she whimpered.

The electronic door to Primal's room slide open suddenly. Erica turned her head to look up repentantly. Primal stood in the doorway looking back, ears flattened against his skull, his eyes full of regret and pity. Erica opened her mouth to speak but no words would come. She did not have the resolve or the strength to say anymore. She turned away from him and sobbed.

She did not resist when she felt his arms embrace her like two great tree limbs and lifted her off the cold floor. Cradling her against his massive frame, Primal carried her down the hall and back through the lobby. As she pressed her face against the furred warmth of his chest, she felt an overpowering sense of déjà vu. She shuddered at the mere memory of the Siberian blizzard.

Erica was vaguely aware that they were in the women's wing now. They paused long enough for Primal to slap the access pad of her room with his flexible tail. Any other time, she would have found great amusement in this since she had observed that he was often reluctant to use his tail, despite its convenience.

Although somewhat mismatched, her room was not very messy. Keeping the room at least somewhat presentable helped Erica feel that she had at least some control over her life. Although the hotel grade furniture had been provided by the Global Defense Force, she had tried to personalize everything to her satisfaction. Her walls bore posters of her favorite old sci-fi and horror films, while the small bookcase threatened to explode from its bounty of fantasy, philosophy, and nature books. Her early life as a military brat was evident by the medals displayed from her dresser top, the footlocker which peeked from beneath her bed and the photo of the smiling marine on her nightstand. The bed which was luxuriously large bed even if the frame was somewhat bland and tacky, now sported dark wine colored sheets.

Primal carried her into the room and laid her down on the bed. Erica sighed slightly as her head reclined against the soft pillow. After wiping away her drying tears she closed her eyes and lay still. Primal watched her steady breathing for several minutes before turning to go, convinced that she had fallen asleep.

"Don't go," Erica said softly, opening her eyes. "Stay." She reached one hand out to him.

Returning to her side, Primal took her hand in his own larger one and sat on the floor beside the bed. They stayed like that for several minutes more, before Primal's curiosity got the better of him. He reached out tentatively and took the picture from the nightstand. The marine smiled back at him smugly.

"I miss him so much. None of this ever would have happened if he was alive," she said her eyes looking up at the ceiling.

"I grew up thinking that he could do anything, beat anything." A smile teased the corners of her mouth before it once again returned to a flat line.

"He survived bombs, bullets, and napalm, but not cancer," she said flatly. "Still, he fought as hard as he could. He was a real marine, right up until the end.

Her gaze drifted over to Primal who stared thoughtfully at the picture. She guessed at what he was thinking.

"How often do you think about them?" she asked.

He placed the picture back on the nightstand before turning towards her. His talkative eyes locked onto hers. (Every day.)

Primal's entire body seemed to sag. Erica regretted bringing up his family. Although she had lost her father, there was still hope that she would get to see her mother again someday. Primal had lost not only his mother and father but his older brother as well. It had been less than a year since they were murdered and the pain was still very fresh for him.

It was Erica's turn to comfort him. She slid her legs off the bed, reached out and pulled him to her, wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt his bottom jaw press against her back as he returned the embrace.

"It's okay," she cooed.

He tightened his embrace and leaned his head more against hers.

Erica sighed softly. "It'll get better with time. It did for me."

Primal slowly loosened his grip and sat straighter. He slowly drew his head back, but stopped just as his muzzle reached the area below Erica's ear. Erica felt his indecision and remained still in case he decided that he needed to be held just a little longer. She nearly jumped when she felt the tip of his hesitant tongue graze the skin of her neck.

Her mind raced as she tried to make since of the moment. Primal had licked her. That was as close to a kiss as he could manage and its intent was just as unmistakable. Although part animal, he would not have done such a thing lightly. Could it be that Primal had had a change of heart? Had he decided that he had feelings for her too?

After only a second of deliberation, Erica tilted her head slightly to the side, granting him easier access. Encouraged, he once again stuck the tip of his tongue from his muzzle and traced the length of her neck. Now sure of his intent, she tilted her head even more. She was rewarded by the warm, wet caress of his now extended tongue. She shuddered in ecstasy. Reaching up, she gently took his head in her hands and guided it beneath her chin. Primal licked the skin there with slow deliberation, becoming more confident in his endeavor. He slowly worked his way down, paying gentle care to her jugular. Even though the thought that Primal was quite capable of ripping out her throat with his jaws crossed her mind, her bracelet had not even tingled. She trusted him completely.

As Primal reached the border where her neck met her shirt collar, Erica trembled in anticipation of the tongues return trip up her neck. She gasped when his tongue ventured unexpectedly beneath her shirt and slid between her breasts.

Erica had once seen Primal stick his tongue out completely at Tyler for making a joke about his tail. This time had been different from other times, in that she had seen its true proportions. Although she had assumed that Primal's tongue had proportions similar to a human's in relation to the rest of his body, she had been wrong. His tongue when fully extended was nearly seven inches long with the slightest hint of a point, yet another aspect of one of the unknown animals which composed his physiology.

As Primal quickly drew away, convinced that he had crossed the line, a thought struck Erica. Could he have walked away because he wanted it too badly? Was he afraid of losing control? Did he not trust his animal side not to hurt her?

As understanding washed over her, Erica replaced the shock on her face with relief. Not wanting to give him time to doubt, she reached down and pulled her shirt over her head. Tossing it aside, she reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. Primal watched as she slowly shed it as well.

For a moment she felt the impulse to cross her arms in front of her chest. She quickly doused the feeling, wanting to seem as open and inviting as she could. Primal did not move, his eyes nervously cycling between her face and her bosom. Knowing that she would have to take the initiative, Erica took a deep breath and reached out for his hand. Clasping it gently in her own, she guided it to her chest. She placed his palm flat against her breast. When Primal exhaled with a loud sigh, she realized that he had been holding his breath. She held perfectly still as she allowed Primal to fondle her, his fingers gently caressing and cradling the soft globe. He experimentally swiped the leathery pad of his thumb across her hardening nipple. She shuddered again.

Unable to contain herself, Erica reached up and pulled Primal into a kiss. Because he did not have lips like hers, it was awkward at first. Still, she took her time and he indulged her. She pressed her mouth against the end of his muzzle and began to pull at his lips with her own. Primal responded by parting his muzzle slightly and closing it again, momentarily enveloping her pouting mouth with the lips of his muzzle. Encouraged by his response, she pressed her mouth more firmly against his and slid her tongue between his jaws. She slowly explored the textures inside his mouth, playing gently across the roof of his mouth, the tips of his pointed teeth, and eventually the surface of his tongue. She felt the moist friction as Primal's tongue in turn sought access to her mouth. She felt him probe as far as he dared before beginning to withdraw. She gently clamped her mouth around his tongue and drew it back in as she tried to see how much of its prodigious length she could handle. She stopped just short of gagging. Primal partially withdrew his tongue before pushing it back into her mouth, stopping short of her limit once more. He finally withdrew completely, leaving Erica panting for breath. As she tilted her head back, he retraced the path that his tongue had traveled down her throat earlier, continuing downward until he reached the valley of her breasts.

Primal slowly rubbed the fur of his cheek against her right breast. Her nipples responded by contracting, almost painfully, to their maximum erectness. Taking notice, Primal gently nuzzled one of the hard pink nodes before teasing it with a flick of his tongue. Goosebumps broke out across Erica's skin. Breathing hard, she looked down at him once again as he made to mirror the move with her other breast. She gasped suddenly as Primal gently clench her nipple between his teeth instead. Although he applied no pressure, the hardness of his teeth against the sensitive nodule sent sharp little starbursts of pain through her breast. The tiny jolts were painful and pleasurable at the same time. Only when she felt the tip of his tongue press against the inflamed nipple did the sensation become unbearable. Moaning, she reflexively clamped her hands tightly around his wolfish ears. Realizing it was too much, Primal mewled in apology as he released her. Satisfied, she loosed her grip on his ears, but did not release them. Instead, she used them to pull him with her as she fell back onto her bed. Still grasping them firmly, she guided his head to her navel where he once again began to blaze an ever descending path with his tongue.

Upon reaching the waist-band of her pajama pants, Primal hesitated. Erica rubbed the tufted tips of his ears in encouragement. Vindicated, he reached up and slid the curved claws of his hands under the elastic band. With deliberate slowness, he peeled both the bottoms and the panties off. Drawing back, he dropped them onto the floor before pausing to gaze upon Erica, his eyes taking in her every feature, as she had taken in his but minutes ago. She allowed him to look, although somewhat apprehensively. She had been afraid to show her body for a long time. She resisted the urge to cover herself, to hide whatever flaws or shortcomings he might detect. She only prayed that he would not see her back and the ugly crisscross of faded cuts and scars that marred her skin. She wanted to be beautiful for him.

Her fear was unnecessary. For in Primal's eyes, she had no flaw. He saw that which she could not see in herself. He admired the way her raven hair framed her sculpted face. His eyes traveled her beautiful neck to the shoulders of her graceful arms. Her breasts were shapely, crowned with candy pink nipples which stood out against her creamy complexion. He followed the contours of her slender waist to her groin and the dark patch of soft curls nestled between her willowy legs. To him she was an angel, pale and petite. She was beautiful, even if she could not see it.

Slowly, Primal lowered his head to fulfill the promises which his mouth had traced across her body, his hands gently guiding her legs apart. He inhaled deeply, the hot scent of her racing through his brain like a drug as his muzzle hovered but an inch from its source. Erica's body grew tense with anticipation. With a quick flick of his tongue, he tasted her wetness. Erica nearly convulsed at the near electric shock which coursed through her, a surprised whine escaping her throat. She had never felt anything like it before. Part of her wanted to draw away from the intensity of it, but it was overpowered by that part of her which wished to feel it again. She did not have to wait long.

She moaned softly as Primal's tongue began to caress the soft folds of her sex. Wanting more contact, she reached down and placed her hands on either side of his muzzle. He responded in kind by reaching up with both long arms to gently squeeze her breasts. Erica's arousal intensified as she felt the electric current which flowed through her body quicken. Primal now began to lap in earnest at the new wave of wetness, unable to quench his thirst for her intoxicating taste. Erica was just beginning to adjust to this new sensation when she was assaulted by yet another. She nearly bolted upright when she felt Primal probe the depths of her canal with the length of his tongue. She pulled her knees closer to her body and spread her hips as much as she could to grant him easier access. Reflexively, she raked her fingertips down the length of his muzzle as he pressed harder into her groin, seeking new depths. She whimpered softly, savoring the feeling of Primal's tongue as it slid in and out of her, its spongy surface rubbing against her clit with each movement.

Erica felt the electric current building deep inside her, like a flood behind a damn. She knew what was coming. She had read about it in stories, seen it in movies, and talked about it with other girls but none of it had seemed real. This was real. Each second brought her closer to something which she had never hoped to experience herself. She wanted it more than anything. She needed it.

Finally, the glorious moment came. She cried out as the knot of warmth she had felt exploded throughout her entire body, igniting her skin and making her bones as pliable as molten glass. Her entire body arched as she spasmed. She felt certain that her entire body would simply have lifted of the bed and floated away if Primal had not held kept her grounded, holding her firmly by the waist as he continued to stoke the fire inside her.

Eventually the flames subsided, leaving behind a warm ember glow. Erica flopped back down onto the bed exhausted, her body as limp as a ragdoll. Primal continued to leisurely nurse her vulva, drawing out the last few moans and dregs of moisture that she had to offer, before finally withdrawing. Erica breathed raggedly as her mind caught up with her body. She placed her arm across her face to block out the dim light of her bedside lamp. She blocked out as much of the outside worlds as she could as she reflected on what had just happened. It was so surreal and yet so beautiful.

Upon lifting her arm, Erica discovered that she was crying again. Primal sat patiently on the bed, cross-legged, his tail wrapped around his bent legs. He stared at her calmly but intently as his eyes begging an unspoken question. (Are you all right?)

"I'm wonderful," Erica replied, more content than she could express.

She rose to her knees before leaning forward and wrapping her arms around his broad chest. The movement made her aware of a slight soreness in her now sticky groin. "You're wonderful," she said as she smiled through the tears and buried her face against the furred warmth of his chest. Upon withdrawing she noticed several tears suspended in his fur. As she gently reached up to brush them away, her hand lingered on his muscled body. She trailed her fingers through the soft, short fur of his peck before moving it towards the thicker, coarser fur in the center of his chest. She ran her fingers through it, testing its texture. Her fingers continued to follow the path of the treasure trail downward, trailing over his washboard abs. He stopped her hand with his own before she came anywhere near his shorts. She looked up at his face, but he would not meet her eyes.

"What's wrong?" she asked. Again, he refused to meet her gaze.

"Tell me," she pleaded softly reaching to place her hand back on his chest. He growled at her in annoyance as he slapped her hand away. She fell backwards onto her rear, her face shocked.


Primal growled again, louder this time. His clawed hands quickly reached up and grasped at his chest, as if to rip away the very skin, but it would not give. Finally, he looked at her with furious eyes. (This!)

Erica understood, at least on some level. There was a vast difference between touching and being touched. She could touch others if she had to, but she nearly came apart whenever someone tried to touch her unexpectedly. Even now, she did not know if she could bear to be touched by anyone but Primal. The problem for her was a matter of trust. For Primal however, it was a matter of pride. Although, he had made great leaps in adjusting to his new body, he had still not fully accepted it. She now saw just how much it disgusted him. Like her, he could touch others when he wanted to but he could not stand for anyone to touch him. He could barely stand to touch himself.

Erica was undeterred. She would not allow him to ruin this for her or for himself. She was determined to see this through.

"Noah," she began softly. "I love you. I've been falling in love with you for a long time. Ever since that day when you asked me to trust you. I wanted to so badly, but I wasn't sure that I could. I never met anyone like you before. You were so nice and understanding that I thought it was too good to be true. Then you changed and they took you away. I was sad because I thought that you were gone for good, and then when they said that they were bringing you back, I was afraid. I thought that everything would be different, but it wasn't. You were the same as before and I still felt the same about you. It's your soul I love, and I'll love it no matter what body it's in. I know that now."

Erica slowly began to lean forward as she spoke, her hand gingerly reaching for Primal.

"You gave me something beautiful, something that I never thought that I would ever feel. I want to do the same for you."

Even though he tried to restrain her wrist, Erica still managed to place her hand on Primal's chest. His resistance was half-hearted and hesitant. His resolve was weakening. She pushed further as she began to slide her other hand behind his neck.

"Please, Noah. Let me love you," Erica said softly as she pulled Primal into a kiss. As her lips and tongue played delicately against his muzzle, she felt some of the tension ease from his body. She could not help but smile inwardly as she noted how much better they were getting at it. She firmly pushed Primal backwards, forcing him to recline on his elbows. His ears flattened nervously against his skull when she grasped the sides of his shorts and began to pull them slowly down his thighs. After some coaxing, she convinced him to lift off the bed enough to slide his tail through as she pulled. She quickly slid the black shorts past his shins and taloned feet. She could not help but stare as she dropped them on the floor to join her shirt and panties. She had often wondered what Primal was hiding beneath those shorts. Now she could see for herself.

His outer thighs were covered with distinctive black-striped, orange fur, similar to that of a tiger which was no doubt one of the many animals which composed his make-up. Predictably, his inner thighs were white. Erica noticed how the thicker dark brown fur which covered his chest and descended in a treasure trail over his stomach blended with the white coloration to produce the thick sandy colored fur which marked his groin region.

Erica could not help but stare in astonishment at the large animal-like sheath, below which hung two near tennis ball sized testicles. The extents of the changes which Primal had undergone were more extreme than she had realized.

Primal pulled his legs closer to his body, but did not try to cover himself. He simply turned his head as he allowed her to appraise him, looking as if he might curl into a ball and die of shame at any moment. He began to tremble nervously. Erica chided herself for gawking. Primal had overlooked her flaws and shown no hesitation to touch her. He had made her feel beautiful. Things were awkward enough without her making him feel even more self-conscientious.

Taking a deep breath, Erica tentatively reached out and touched Primal's shaking knee. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye. She stared back encouragingly as she slid her hand along the inside of his thigh. Upon reaching his groin, she ran her fingers through his sandy pubic fur, which was even thicker and courser than that on his chest and stomach. As her fingers found his balls, she cradled the furry sack in her open hand. She curled her hand around one of the warm spheres and then the other, gently massaging them and feeling their texture.

Erica smiled when she saw the dark pink head of Primal's cock peak out of its sheath, despite his unease. His body did not need much incentive develop an erection. He was still like any other normal guy in that respect. Grasping the sheath firmly but gently, she began to rhythmically massage and stroke it. It was not long before his sheath retracted to expose his proud, fully extended member. Its shape was similar to that of a normal human's, although its head was slightly pointed and elongated. She also noticed a nearly imperceptible swell at its base, only slightly reminiscent of a knot. However, what truly amazed her was its size. It had to be at least a foot long if not more, and at least five inches around. Although Primal was larger than most professional bodybuilders, she was still shocked by the proportions of his sex. She secretly wondered if it was simply due to his transformation or if he had been well endowed even as a human. Primal once again looked embarrassed although now for a completely different reason.

Erica felt her stomach ball into a knot as she wrapped her fingers around the moist, fleshy shaft. She marveled at it texture and temperature. It felt like a rod of red hot steel wrapped in velvet. As she took a breath, she could not help but notice how the air seemed to grow warmer and thicker. Feeling a new wave of inhibition, she began once again to rhythmically stroke and caress Primal with trance like determination.

Primal fidgeted as the pleasant tingling began, unsure of what to expect. What he had done to Erica earlier had been purely instinct. That other, wild part of him had been so much more certain of what to do, that he simply followed its lead. Do to his pious upbringing, he had no real experience with sex, although he had masturbated occasionally. This, however, was different from anything he had ever experienced before. The sensations of his new body were so much more intense and overpowering than anything that he could have ever imagined. Eventually, he gave up all resistance and simply let himself enjoy the moment.

Primal's eyelids drooped and his head lolled backwards as Erica worked him. She felt more than she heard the rumble of pleasure that vibrated in his chest. She tried to quicken her pace but met with too much friction. Thinking quickly, she paused to lick her palm. Despite his earlier shower, she could still taste some trace of him on her hand, although it was subtle. Still, the mere thought of it sent sparks of excitement shooting through her.

Suddenly, she felt new wetness between her legs. Impulsively, she reached down to cup her slit. Sliding her fingers inside herself, she gathered as much of her juice as she could before lathering it onto Primal's throbbing cock. She easily obtained her desired speed, as her hand resumed pumping the now lubricated shaft. Primal began to breath more rapidly, swallowing hard at sporadic moments. Erica knew that he close. Wanting to do more, she used her free hand to gently cup and fondle his furry sac. A few seconds later, she felt it suddenly contract in her hand.

Primal's orgasm was sudden and violent, his body contorting into a powerful stomach crunch. Erica stared in disbelief as a geyser of white, hot, viscous fluid erupted from his meaty rod, spraying onto his stomach and chest. Despite her shock, she continued to stroke him vigorously, watching as he ejected stream after stream of his seed.

As Primal's spasm reached its plateau, he relaxed, his upper half laying flat out on Ericas's bed with his head hanging over the end. Erica persisted, intently milking him for the last few drops of cum which dribbled warmly onto her hand. Only, when she was sure that his orgasm was completely over did she stop. Reclining back onto her knees, she examined the fluid. She rubbed it between her finger, feeling its slippery texture, before spreading them wide, stretching it into gossamer threads. For a brief moment, she wondered what it would taste like, before expelling the thought from her head. She was not ready for that. Not yet anyway.

Spying her discarded towel from earlier on the floor, she quickly retrieved it and wiped her hand. She then turned to Primal's sprawled form and began to gently clean him. It was a moment before Primal finally lifted his head to look at her, his eyes full of wonder that bordered on disbelief. She simply smiled at him as she slid her naked form across his body and rested her cheek against his chest. Primal in turn wrapped both of his long, muscled arms around her and crushed her too him.

They had both surprised one another as well as themselves. Erica had not known that she was capable of such passion, but she had taken the initiative because she wanted it. She felt sure that Primal had learned much more about himself and his animal side. Know that he that he could control himself, she hoped that he would not require quite so much coaxing next time.

Almost as if reading her mind, Primal tilted her chin up and pressed the end of his muzzle to her lips, his tongue sliding expertly into her mouth. Yes, they were definitely getting better at that. After breaking the kiss, she once again laid her head on his chest and began to doze. She knew that the others would be back soon, but for the moment, she did not care. She just wanted to hold onto this one moment for as long as possible. She sighed contentedly. She had found what she needed. She finally had someone to hold onto. They both did.



Professor Langstrum opened his eyes against the harsh fluorescent light, before quickly shutting them again. He tried to remember where he was but could not. He briefly remembered getting into his car before someone hiding in the backseat had stabbed him with a syringe. He shook his head groggily as the drugs began to lose their effect. Warily, he cracked his eyes to find that he was sitting in a chair in the middle of a large white room the size of a small airplane hangar. The room was featureless save for the hospital curtains which shrouded one corner of the room, and the large blast door directly across from him. Groggily, he began to rise from his seat.

"Good morning, Professor Langstrum," the intercom squawked, causing the scientist to collapse back into his seat. "I trust you slept, well. Please, forgive our liberal use of sedatives. We'll be sure to get you some coffee directly."

"What do you want?!" Langstrum demanded desperately.

"Project God-Fall," replied the voice. Langstrum sobered quickly.

"I don't know anything about it," he said flatly. "Never heard of it."

"Are you not the Professor Langstrum who designed and built weapons for Labyrinth Technologies to and I quote, "effectively neutralize and eradicate the ever growing neo-human threat" ?" the voiced asked.

"How did you get those files?" asked Langstrum shakily.

"There is no weapon built on this earth of which I am not aware, Professor," replied his host coldly. "I want you to provide me with the pinnacle of anti-neo-human technology.

"I won't! I refuse. I gave up that research years ago," Langstrum pleaded.

"Yes, right after you discovered that your grandaughter was a neo-human. A pyromorph if I'm not mistaken. I believe they call her Spitfire, correct?"

Professor Langstrum only hung his head and said nothing.

"Perhaps if I eliminate the source of your reluctance, I will find you more cooperative."

"No," the grey haired man gasped as he rose from his chair. "Please, I'll give you whatever you want, just don't hurt her!"

"What I want from you, Langstrum, is to finish what you started. Beginning with this."

The blast doors opened to reveal a square platform which automatically extended into the large sterile space. Langstrum gripped his chair until his knuckles turned white as he stared at the machine which sat atop the platform.

"I believe you are familiar with the Red Sword prototype. You did build it after all. I hope you don't mind, but we took the liberty of making a few modifications of our own. All it needs now is a pilot," the voice continued.

"It won't work. You can't possibly intend to..." stammered the scientist." insisted Langstrum.

"No Professor, I intend for you to."

"Even....even if I wanted to.....I couldn't. That prototype was a failure," Langstrum pleaded. "None of the test subjects accepted the procedure. They lost all grips with reality. They had no will to live. And those are only the few who survived the initial operations. The trauma to their brains alone....."

"I assure you, Professor. Trauma is no object in this case."

Professor Langstrum watched as the hospital curtains in the corner were pulled aside by a pale, long faced man in scrubs. Behind him was a tub of softly bubbling liquid, to which all manner or pumps, drips, and readout equipment where attached. Although he was afraid to look, Langstrum felt himself compelled forward by that which is the weakness of all great thinkers, curiosity. Upon reaching the tub he gazed down into the bubbling medium. What he saw there nearly made him wretch. He could only assume that the mangled mass of shredded muscle, jagged bones, and exposed organs had once been a man. It was not until he heard the steady beep of the EKG that he realized that the tortured thing in solution was still alive.

"How?" he whispered. "How could such a thing even be alive?"

"Because he wills himself to be," replied the long faced man reverently.

"Do you see Langstrum? His mind is willing.......but his flesh is weak," the voice interjectced.. "I intend for you to remedy that problem."Professor Langstrum's head spun as he tried to comprehend the nightmare in which he now found himself.

"Now, Professor, before you begin," chimed the voice again. "How about that coffee?"