Spreading Transformation - Part 2 - REDUX

Story by poweron on SoFurry

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#2 of Spreading Transformation REDUX

Claire's heat is only getting worse as her brother arrives to find strange noises coming from upstairs... ;)

The continuation of the multi-part rewrite of my spreading transformation series! Feel free to jump in even if you havent ready part 1a yet - you can always backfill if you like it :)

Thanks for for reading and please leave any comments/feedback if you enjoy!

Part 2 - James

James got in late. His school field trip went way into overtime, their bus breaking down on the highway. He waved to his friend as he backed out of their drive, his headlights disappearing down the tree-lined lanes of their suburban street, leaving him looking at their dark house illuminated by only the moon. The nights air was cool, only the chirping of crickets and the highway in the distance could be heard. It was easily 1:00 am by time he stepped through their front door, but at least it was a Friday night, he felt like he was going to sleep forever. Slapping his head, he groaned as he realized it was now actually Saturday morning.

He threw his book-bag onto a chair in he living room, exhausted. Climbing up the stairs he heard what sounded like...like... he didn't know what it sounded like. The closest he could guess was a large grunting animal. It was probably some TV show Claire had put on and forgotten to turn off. He had woken up at least a half dozen times to the remains of her TV binges still playing from the night before.

As he got closer to the hallway that connected their rooms the sound got louder and louder. It was definitely coming from his sisters room but unless she had just gotten a amazing sound system it was increasingly unlikely it was coming from the chintzy speakers of her small hand-me-down tube tv.

Cautiously he approached her door, his heart began to beat faster in his ears and he strained to try to distinguish the sounds emanating from the thick wooden gateway. It sounded like nothing he had ever heard before. The sounds characterized by deep rumbles and throaty moans that sounded more animal than human.

Against his better judgement he knocked on the door twice and weakly said "Sis, you ok?.." his voice just barely a trembling whisper. The noises inside her room stopped almost immediately.

Claire was still basking in the afterglow of her exhausting orgasm. Her love juices completely soaking the throw rug and pooling under her bed where the floor slightly dipped from age. Her sharp senses heard and smelled her little brother well before he entered the house. But she was too busy pleasuring herself to care. It was only when his thin trembling body gained enough courage to knock on the door that she stopped her ministrations and began to sniff the air with her large wet nose.

She smelled the maleness of him. James was only 16 but just about done with his late blooming puberty. It hadn't granted him many favors, leaving him short and lanky, barely any hair on his chest...or down below. Nevertheless he was giving off a strong sex musk that she couldn't ignore. Images of her waking up in the morning to find him walking around with his morning wood tenting his boxers had previously disgusted her but now it made her pussy throb and her muzzle drool.

"No!" She yelled in her mind. It was wrong, he was her little brother. She want supposed to have thoughts like this about him. But the canine part of her mind desired him. It wanted to be bred. Claire hugged her strong arms around her torso as she struggled to keep the incestuous thoughts out of her head but she was already too far gone. The wolf wanted him and wanted him now, her pussy splashing a new wave of love juices out of her crotch as her horniness doubled, fresh new heat taking control.

James never opened his sisters door without asking. He was liable to see something he couldn't forget. But for some reason he was compelled to now. He cared about his sister immensely, even if he rarely got a chance to show it. Part of his brain feared for her safety. It was irrational. Irrational that she would be attacked by a bear or whatever in her room on the second floor of their house in the middle of suburbia but he still feared.

Carefully and slowly he opened the door. It squeaked on its hinges as he entered.

"Sis you in here? You ok?" He whispered.

Then it hit him. The smell was so overwhelming he could barely breathe. The air was saturated with an acidic and pungent odor that also had a hint of sweetness to it. There were so many layers to what he was smelling he almost didn't notice the wet dog smell buried inside of the rest.

Harsh moonlight steamed in from open curtains onto the floor. Dear lord the floor! Deep claw marks were grooved into the wood and small lakes and trickling streams of unknown origin or substance splattered all over what wasn't gouged out.

James fumbled for the light switch when something huge smashed into him, knocking him to the floor. He didn't have time to even yell as the wind was knocked completely out of him.

Through blurry eyes he made out a... creature - huge and hidden by shadow - looming over him. He barely noticed the wet hot dropping liquid coming off the figure until it splashed almost painfully onto his legs. It wasn't enough to burn but it felt so hot that it was right at the edge of doing so.

James tried to scramble away. The creature quickly pinned his arms with huge furred hands as it pulled him upright, his head resting against the wall.

His vision came into focus as he was greeted with a giant, sharp, tooth-filled muzzle. Two large amber eyes looked at him with unknown intent behind the gaping maw of teeth. It's hot breath assaulted his face but somehow this...creature...was familiar but he couldn't imagine how.

"oh god, oh god, oh god" he began repeating in panic, his body shaking like a leaf.

The creatures face backed away as its whole body came into view illuminated by the moonlight. He gasped.

The creature was obviously very female and ridiculously voluptuous despite being covered in fur. Even in his panic he took a moment to trace the creatures figure from head to toe. His eyes growing even wider at the huge rising and falling breasts, tits, melons, he didn't have enough words to describe them. From the black silver dollar sized areola to the wet jutting nipples capping the obscenely bountiful flesh behind them. They were like nothing he had ever seen.

Despite his panic and fear he continued to look at the oversexed creature increasingly intently. He was 16 after all "with more hormones than sense" as his parents told him numerous times. If his eyes were already bugged out from her breasts they felt like they were going to blow out of his head as his gazed downwards. His eyes traveled past the six pack of furry muscle adorning her stomach to the creatures insanely wide hips and ultimately it's deep-set crotch. He just couldn't help himself. Its pussy partly hidden in darkness between its thick thighs but what did see there peeking out of the dark was beyond his experience.

Giant thick black lips coated in short gray fur spasmed opened and closed revealing heaving wet folds deeper inside. They were almost beckoning him as a raging hard clit peeked over the quivering sexual muscle. He had seen a few on the internet when his parents weren't around but nothing prepared him for this or the size of it. Wetness oozed from between the engorged lips as they closed, when they opened they released a small river or the juices down the creatures thick legs. It was hypnotic, he couldn't pull his eyes away from it even as his fight or flight instinct was telling him to get out of there. He felt an immense heat radiating off of her even at a distance. The creature was clearly female, very very female, of that he was never surer.

"James...." the creature rumbled.

"...Clar......claire" it struggled to get out of its sharp jaws as it pointed to itself with a clawed hand.

"I....". His eyes focused...it wasnt possible "Si...sis?" he asked meekly.

"I ca..urghhhhh...rarrrrghhhh..cant control..urrrrrrr..." the creature said huskily as if fighting something in itself. Its voice breaking into growls and moans as it struggled to communicate with him. It moved closer to his shivering body. Thick viciously-clawed hands traveling over its voluptuous body towards its throbbing deep-set pussy.

"Sis.....is that you?" he asked meekly. His eyes still locked on her sexual features. She was getting so close he could almost taste her on his tongue as he breathed. The air was so saturated with the sweet acrid smell of her sex.

"I...I...dont...cant... he.....help me....." she managed to moan through her inhuman muzzle between animalistic grunts.

"If its really you sis...you need help...you have to let me go get help!" he cried out as she quickly closed the gap between them.

The creature was almost on top of him now. Her hands braced against the wall over his slumped body, trapping him under her beastly visage. Before he knew it he was facing the gaping mound between her legs. It was less than a foot in front of his face, even larger and wetter close up, the massive labia like two huge wet furry lips kissing the air. Every time they opened they revealed her love-canal's strong inner walls. The smell was both intoxicating and choking. The acrid sweet smell got even stronger as it saturated his nostrils and lungs. James coughed, unable to breath.

"Oh god it burns!!!" he yelped as steaming hot liquid dripped onto his scalp. It quickly trailed its way through his hair into his eyes. He was left coughing and rubbing his eyes as Claire's lupine form loomed over him.

There was too much of the liquid to stop there though. It continued on its path down his face as it found its way into his coughing mouth. Unwittingly tasting the liquid he realized almost immediately what it was, he had had it every morning for most of his life. It was milk! But it was also different than anything he had ever tasted. The white creamy substance was intensely sweet but also tangy in ways he couldn't describe. The milk prompting him to unconsciously lick his lips. It was a welcome if not shockingly unexpected respite. The creamy substance helped soothe his throat and lungs from the stinging pheromones that the heaving pussy in front of his face was pumping out. He attempted to look up at the creature but his eyes still burned. Even so he saw the shadows of the two huge tits hanging over him, their shape outlined in moonlight. They continued to drip their sweet white payload steadily from their engorged nipples onto his head and face.

High above his head he heard her growling "I cant...I ..cant...not...not..him....urgggggghhhh......arrghhhhhhhhh....not him!!!!!" she practically roared as she continued to brace herself against the wall, her fingers digging into the drywall. She was still fighting something inside her, something telling her to do something she didn't want to do. And it sounded like he was involved. That didn't bode well, but James didn't have too much time to consider the ramifications as her breasts began leaking her creamy wolf milk in greater and greater quantities onto him.

She moaned and groaned, her voice deepening as she heard "huuhhh.......hrrrrrhhhhh...." and James knew she had lost whatever battle she was waging. It was a deep purely animalistic sound, full of carnal lust.

"Hurrrrr.....you...smell....gooooooooodddddd..." she rumbled through her thick muzzle as her breasts continued to pelt his head with their hot milk. Her crotch igniting into a heated rage as she lowered her body down onto him.

"No, no no! This isn't you! Fight it! Fight it Claire!" he screamed as the creature began to crouch its heaving oversexed body onto him. Her weight bearing down on him as her massive tits dragging across his face, suffocating him temporarily with breast flesh before clearing his face and pushing mightily into his chest. Hard nipples pushed against his t-shirt, he could feel them throbbing, jetting small streams of milk, soaking his shirt through as the shirt began to leak milk into his pants.

Her large lupine head rested on top of his, its weight was immense, he felt like his neck threatened to snap before she pulled her head away. He gasped in relief until he felt her muzzle jam up against his mouth. She was eating him! He struggled against her but she was too strong, her large furry hands gripping his proportionally tiny wrists with ease holding him down. "This is the end, this is the end!" He screamed in his mind as he shut his eyes as hard as he could.

Then he felt her broad tongue probed the inside of his mouth, her immensely hot breath pushing into his mouth as he struggled. She maneuvered her head sideways to better interlock his small head with hers. James realized she wasn't trying to eat him. She was trying to kiss him?!? Or was it to taste him? After a few moments he realized it was the former. He had no choice but to open his mouth wide to her advances as she did her best to french kiss him through her muzzle and sharp teeth beyond counting. He couldn't look, he couldn't bring himself to open his eyes as he felt her teeth's harsh edges against his lips. He could only imagine if she was angered what she could do with them. Finally satisfied she pulled her muzzle away a thick strand of saliva temporarily linking them.

She repositioned herself, lowering her crotch onto him. The logistics of accessing his squat 5' 2" frame forcing her to move her large body quite a bit to service herself on his various features. As her fiery crotch matched up with James's lower body her massive boobs were back at level with James's milk-soaked face.

Her wide hips enveloped James's much thinner body. Hot liquid dripped out of her nethers all over his jeans, soaking through to his underwear as the juices joined the remnants of her milk that had found its way down there earlier. She lowered herself further so that her huge labia squeezed against him. Her legs sprawled to each side of him as she rested her not insubstantial weight against him. Slowly at first and picking up speed she began grinding her body against him, using her massive vagina to massage his crotch through the denim. As she ground against him his face was buried deep into her furry cleavage. Her breasts bouncing and jiggling as they splashing milk against the wall behind him. Her whole body gave off a massive amount of heat and it was only exasperated by her ministrations on his meek slim body.

She ground faster and faster, her body growing more and more tense until finally she roared as her body was wracked with another orgasm. Her huge tits slapped James's face as she arched her back, thrusting her great breast flesh into the air in ecstasy. Her bosom breathing in and our with hitching orgasmic breaths causing her breasts to jiggle as they lactated milk out of their thick black nipples. James groaned as even more of her weight crushed his loins, her full body resting on him as she came. He could feel the rise of her mons squelching against him, dumping scalding juices onto his denim-covered crotch. She rose off him as her breath continued to hitch, her orgasm seemed like it would never end.

James sighed in relief as the pressure of her body was relieved. He also got the first good look at his crotch as the beast straddled him. It was a completely soaked mess. Her pussy had bunched up the denim into a crumpled ridge covering his crotch. Still coughing her sweet wolf milk out of his mouth his face was bombarded with fresh hot drops onto his chest. Her dangling breasts hung above him as they dripped the hot creamy stuff in stops and starts. She shuddered and growled in the afterglow. Her pussy pouring even hotter gushes of liquid onto his jeans, their soaked fabric providing a temporary firewall against the hot liquid, giving it a moment to cool before seeping into his already liquid logged crotch. Her voluptuous body shuddering above him as her mouth drooled, her amber eyes rolling in her head. Her whole body still making involuntary thrusting motions as if grinding against an invisible lover.

After what seemed like forever he growled, dismounting him. Freeing him from underneath her furry body as she sat back on her haunches, her pussy still weakly winking and pulsing between her thighs, its wet matted fur glistened in the moonlight.

She moved shaking clawed hands over her body sensually as she recovered from her orgasm. They moved to her crotch, her arms pressing her already huge breasts together as she hesitantly began touching herself right in front of him.

He watched her for a moment until her thick clawed hands began to probe inside of her, prying open her thick lips revealing the immense wetness inside, prompting her to growl lowly. "No....dont Sis, this *cough* it isn't...isnth you" James coughed as he the remains of her milk still dribbled from the side of his mouth. His speech began slurring as his mouth felt increasingly numb like he was sucking on cotton balls.

The choking words resonated with her this time, her orgasm having temporarily cleansed her body of its powerful sex hormones. Her eyes "saw" James for the first time since he entered the room. The glaze of lust lifting from her eyes. James could practically see his sister surfacing in the creature as her eyes gained a glint of awareness.

Her hands quickly moved away from her soaking pussy to her face. "arrghhh....Oh my god...uhhhhrr...oh my gawwdddddd" she moaned as her voice became less animalistic and more human, adopting a hybrid of the two tenors. "What...what am I? what did I do....oh my god!!!" she moaned as she looked at James. "No James, don't look! Don't look at me!" she covered her face with her hands, tears streaming down her muzzle. "Oh god the heat....James the heat....its in my head... I can't....I cant stop" she moaned increasingly lustily. "It can't be starting again! I need more time! she screamed in her temporarily lust-free mind. Her body already re-flooding her blood with strong sex hormones making her large heart beat faster in her chest. Her breathing began to pick up speed.

"Arhhhhhhhhh...my boobs...they hurt....." she gasped as she slowly moved her hands from her face to her bosom. Her breasts aching with overflowing milk reserves, her all too brief respite allowing them to overfill as they swelled slightly larger on her chest. She need it out of her, she was too full...too full! Her hands massaged and grabbed at her breasts eliciting them to resume dripping her delicious nectar from their thick nipples. "Urrrrrrrghhhhhh....." she moaned as she clenched her teeth. "So hottt...urrrr...hawwwtttt...uuuuurrrrr" she rumbled through clenched jaws, drool began leaking from the sides of her mouth as her hands gave up on her breasts and began the slow long journey down to her pussy.

She was losing again. The wolf pulled his sister back into herself, her brain flooded with lust. Her eyes were quickly losing the clarity they just achieved as they began to glaze over once more. His sister struggled to get a message out to him through the sexual fog that quickly was overtaking her. "ja....James...not strong enough...I cant...I cant...control..." she huffed, her crotch engorging again as it became a virtual waterfall of lubricating sex juices. Her hands finally arriving at her dripping pussy as she attempted to wrestle what little control she could back from her body.

Instead of delving into herself Claire covered her pulsating labia with her hands. Hot liquid leaking between her fingers as she made a last ditch effort to suppress the horniness that re-consumed her body. "Huuuurrrrrrr!!! Ru.....run" she managed to choke out as her final message to him. The heat was unbearable. She couldn't take it! In a mater of moments her hands were no longer attempting to cover herself but prying her folds open before delving into her deep pulsating crevice, using her thumbs to tease her straining clit.

"arrgghhhhurrrrrhhhhhhhh!" she moaned with increasing intensity as she began masterbated. Her thick fingers alternating between prying at her engorged nether lips and submerging deep into her crotch, all the way up to her furry knuckles. Her thick black labia made wet sucking noises as her inner walls hesitantly released her hands penetrating thickness.

James meanwhile intended to make good on her plea as he managed to scramble up against a wall behind him. He had to get out of here, and had to do it fast. His path to the door was partially blocked by her heaving body. He didn't know if he could make it before she caught him or if she would. Before he had another moment to consider his options he felt one of her soaking wet hands grabbing the band of his jeans. With a single motion she tore them off his lower body, shredding the jeans almost effortlessly with her claws.

He froze in shock, dumbfounded as he stood there half-naked. His crotch fully exposed to the open air. His pants in tatters around his feet along with his briefs. He shrieked like a little girl in shock, covering his naked bottom half with his hands. There wasn't much to cover but he did so compulsively. He was breathing hard, tears began to fill his eyes. She could smell his sex, as minute as it was and she wanted it, wanted him.

Claire's moans turned into a roar as her body's sex drive doubled and then redoubled agin as she pounced on him. Scalding fresh juices cascading down her legs as her pussy gushed in mighty spurts in sync with her heat. Easily prying James's hands away from his crotch she wrapped her muzzle around his small limp penis and began licking and sucking with her broad canine tongue. He screamed out as she lapped harder and harder at his manhood, the rough texture of her tongue rubbing his sensitive dick. James gripped large bunches of fur on the back of her head as she sucked and licked his crotch.

Soon his penis, however reluctantly started to engorge and become erect. Adrenaline surged through his system, he felt his heart skip a beat as his felt body began to betray him. He even started to enjoy it. Being a virgin, he never imagined his first blow job would be from his sister or a giant sexed-up wolf creature no less. Soon he was at full mast, his penis painfully erect as it achieved its full five inch length. All of him fully submerged in her intensely hot muzzle. Sensing his readiness she withdrew her muzzle and pulled James up against the wall.

Her body wrapped around him as she brought her throbbing crotch inline with his cock, his feet dangling off the floor. Unwillingly his five inch length slowly pierced her gushing womanhood. James gasped as his loins met the heat and pulsating wetness that lived between deep between her thighs. He had never felt anything like it. It was indescribable, the heat, the amazing heat, encompassed him. Her throbbing inner walls pulled at him, drawing him deeper inside of her as his cock seemed to draw all the blood from his body.

He felt faint as she put her hands on the small of his back right above his butt cheeks and pushed him as deep into her as she could. His small foreskin and balls engulfed by her throbbing pussy. She growled in frustration, It wasnt enough, he was too small, his small erect length doing less for her heat than her own hands could accomplish.

James couldn't hold out against the massive womanhood, he saw stars. He felt himself cumming for the first time in a womans pussy. His small balls ached as they pushed his virgin seed through his short hard shaft as well as they could. He unloaded himself fully into her as his body tensed, his dangling feet kicking involuntarily. For all his effort his cum was only a weak spurt in her throbbing chasm. She howled as the lust got even worse, his weak showing doing nothing to alleviate the need throbbing from deep within her. She pulled James against her heaving body harder, his head trapped between her engorged breasts once again.

To be continued...

Spreading Transformation - Part 3 - REDUX - Balls Out

Part 3 - Balls Out Claire's horniness was making it impossible to concentrate on anything but pleasure. Unable to achieve the release she needed from her still gushing cunt she almost instinctually grabbed the heft of left breast and thrust it into...

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Spreading Transformation - Part 1 - Claire

Part 1 - Claire Claire laid in her bed, her day running furiously through her head. She had never gotten such low grades, never! It just didn't make sense, she couldn't understand what she did wrong or what her parents would say when they got back...

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Lisa's Bad Fur Day - Part 6

The bed posts were stacked neatly in the corner. Adorned with a smooth brass ball at the top, the brass tapering down into a column intricate carvings of flowers and leaves. The bottom of each pole was made of dark marbled oak. They were disused but...

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