Spreading Transformation - Part 1 - Claire

Story by poweron on SoFurry

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#1 of Spreading Transformation REDUX

Spreading transformation is back! With a massive rewrite no less! This is a redo of the first part of my series and a great jumping in point if you got behind.

It better develops the characters more provides a deeper better foundation for the series going forward. There is more sex, transformation, growth and just about everything else in this rewrite.

This is just part 1 of many (more coming) before the events of part 2 redux. Hope you all enjoy and leave comments and feedback!

Part 1 - Claire

Claire laid in her bed, her day running furiously through her head. She had never gotten such low grades, never! It just didn't make sense, she couldn't understand what she did wrong or what her parents would say when they got back from their vacation.

Claire had been left to babysit her brother for an unknown number of weeks, her parents absconding to somewhere warmer and less...here. She didn't mind, James was well behaved and their days passed without incident. But her test score kept creeping back into her racing mind. A "C-"! She couldn't believe it, for James maybe, but not her. She couldn't sleep, the frustration with her self and her teacher growing, her lithe body twisting and turning in her sheets.

She was sweating, it was cool in her room but her anger was generating its own heat, the sheets sticking to her slim form.

Claire tried breathing deeply in and out, but it was no good. Counting sheep did nothing but further agitate her. She brought her sweaty palms up to her eyes, rubbing her face vigorously as she moaned in frustration.

She almost didn't notice the bead of wetness leak out of the bottom of her tight pink vagina.

"What the hell?!?" She gasped with more than a little surprise. Carefully she wormed her right hand into her panties and found that she was dripping wet down there. Claire could feel the slickness of it between her legs.

"How....???" She gasped as she ran her finger over her tightly pressed lower lips.

She was angry not aroused! She didn't notice until just then that her heart was beating faster and not just from frustration and anger at her test. It felt like something deep inside was waking up, something both foreign and familiar. She had masterbated enough times to know when she was aroused but this was different.

Claire was unaware of the full moon light shining through her window onto the foot of her bed. It had never done or meant anything to her before but now it was signaling something to her body that her brain was not privy to.

"Ughhh I worked myself up too much, that's all" she explained to herself matter-of-factly. All that tossing and turning must have rubbed her panties against herself and caused the wetness between her legs she rationalized.

"If I just....ooohhhh" she moaned as she found herself putting her left hand into her increasingly damp panties to join her right. If she was wet she was probably already close, she may as well go with the flow and get some release. It would help her sleep, it usually did.

When their parents were around she was so careful to not do it anywhere they could find. Never, never, never on the bed, her mom in charge of the sheets would find out. She was always discrete, doing it in the shower where the hot water washed away any evidence. She did it at times of stress or whenever she felt the need. But now it was only her and her brother in the whole house. Her inhibitions were down. She smirked to herself as her cheeks flushed red. Being in charge of laundry had its advantages.

Moaning with ever increasing volume and regularity Claire brought herself nearer and nearer to orgasm. She was sopping wet down there, she had to stop a couple times to make sure she hadn't peed herself. The heat coming off her vagina was like none she had ever experienced. It radiated outwards from deep inside her pussy, right below her abdomen and if anything it was getting worse, not better, as she edged herself closer. Her hips bounced on the bed as she delved into herself, her vagina clamping and sucking on her fingers harder and harder as she thrust them in and out while teasing and pinching her clit with the other hand. Claire bit her lip as she got closer and closer. Her vagina was leaking like a faucet, her hot walls clamping hard on her soaking fingers. The front of her panties were throughly soaked through and judging by the increasingly wet feeling under her butt so were her sheets.

Claire's light dusting of black curly pubic hair was drenched with her love juices. Her labia were on fire, their taught skin was so hot as her inner walls tightened around her fingers. The heat kept building and building, her vagina tensing with every hot breath. Her wet vaginas walls sucking as hard as they could on the fingers she had managed to submerge in herself.

"Oh shit....ooooohhhhh shhhhiiiiiiittttttt" she half moaned, half screamed as came.

Her vagina began squirting into her panties past her delving fingers. The panties already saturated pink cloth was quickly overwhelmed as her love juices gathered and dripped off them down her hot thighs. She arched her back, her crumpled sheets slipping off her heated body. It only accelerated the rate of leakage down below, she could feel a small rivulet forming on her right thigh of her hot juices. Her small pink nipples standing painfully to attention beneath her bra as she felt her whole body tense. She had had orgasms before but nothing like this. Her whole body felt like it was made of fire. It coursed through her body in waves. The ecstasy was overwhelming as it flowed like rivers of magma under her skin, claiming every vein and channel through her body as its own.

Her orgasm was short-lived but intense, its aftershock still cascaded over her body as she collapsed back onto the bed panting. Her body was shuddering as she came down from the euphoric high.

All her worries about her grading issue were wiped away as the orgasm faded. In its place she felt something strange but not unwelcome. It was a deep throbbing...a hunger deep inside her chest and in her nethers. Horniness was the only way she could describe it. Even after climaxing so completely she wanted more, her body wanted more.

As Claire lay there grappling with the feelings stirring deep in her chest and loins. She didn't notice that her thin but coarse layer of curly black pubes had lost their roots, her hands unknowingly wiping them off her crotch as she shifted her hands, leaving her completely bare and smooth down below. Absentmindedly she played with her pink engorged outer lips.

She felt a strange tickle on the hot skin of her vagina as she played with herself. It wasn't itchy, but felt weird. Her hairless pussy began sprouting a growing carpet of soft gray fur that radiated out from her labia.

Claire began to rub her opening and engorged lips to try to alleviate the growing discomfort. It was no use, the tickling sensation wouldn't go away. Bringing one hand out of her wet panties she found that her wet pink fingers were covered in her detached pubes. "Ewwwww.... What the hell...!!!!" She exclaimed in mild disgust as she wiped her wet hairy hand on the sheet next to her heated body. She was going to have to clean everything anyway and she was beyond caring at this point.

The gray fur began to spread just below her vision line, the tickling spreading in turn. Her modest A cup breasts and resting position blocking her direct view of her crotch. She continued to rub herself, one hand practically inside of her and one rubbing everything else. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt..fur...where her hot bare skin should be.

"What the hell...what the hell!!!!" Claire yelled to herself in a growing panic. Her horniness fed off the panic and began to grow in turn. She suddenly felt so hot, even her panties and bra were too constricting, she was so hot...

"Huuuurrrrrrhhhh" was all she could moan as the horniness took over.

The fur was spreading faster now, carried by her adrenaline it carved a treasure trail up her flat sweaty stomach to the underside of her breasts. The line of fur was lengthening and thickening quickly. At the same time it surged backwards to her underside, covering and spreading past her sensitive taint and spiraling up her flat butt cheeks.

Tendrils of gray fur crawled around her torso, connecting the line of widening fur now covering her heaving midriff to the accelerating patches growing out of her now fur-covered ass. The soft gray fur was climbing the rungs of her spine now, up and up until it reached the nape of her neck.

All the while Claire's libido-induced daze numbed her to the changes crawling their way over her previously smooth pink skin. Still feeling that her panties and bra were too constricting she grabbing frantically at her bra clasp. Trying to remove it she kept fumbling, her fingers weren't working right. She was having a hard time concentrating, her pussy was sending regular pulses of heat to her confused and overstimulated brain. Everything was hot, too hot!

Pulling at the straps only served to make the situation worse. Her small breasts were extra sensitive and any friction between their small hard small nipples and the silk of her bra sent jolts of electricity straight down her spine to her vagina making her wetter and wetter down there. Every time her crotch would shudder or pulse with heat her breath would catch and it was happening more and more quickly now. Her body demanded to be free of her underwear and pulling at the bra straps creating a loop of sexual stimulus she couldn't escape.

Finally giving up on the bra she directed her attention to her utterly soaked panties and the throbbing wet oven residing just under them. But before she could reach down into her herself again her panties began straining against her soaking vagina. She felt like her crotch was breathing molten lava with every spurt of her juices past its engorged lips. Her labia began pulsing with every breath, faster and faster. Her clit straining and growing as it filled with hot blood. Its virile nub exposing itself above her engorged labia and becoming massively sensitive. Every time the wet garment would touch or brush against it she froze in rigid ecstasy. She put her hands down her underwear, careful to avoid her raging clit. Her fingers tracking along the soft fur that had already become matted with her juices. and submerged one...then the other...into her sex.

"oh god this isn't right...hauuugghh...this isn't....huuhhhh...righhhhhttt" she moaned as her birth canal was widening and thickening, allowing her to fit both hands into her previously small tight pussy with relative ease. It burrowed deeper and deeper into her abdomen. She screamed as she arched her back once more. Her labia were coated with her juices as her love channel grew larger and deeper. Her whole body tensed over and over as her pussy expanded inwards. It was similar she imagined to the sensation of being penetrated by a baseball bat, inch after inch of her pussy expanding to fit the invisible instrument. Her walls squeezed harder and with increasing urgency with every push into her body.

Then it happened. Her vagina finally bottomed out at some previously unknown depths inside her she felt and enormous pressure in her crotch.

"hauuuughhhhh...ooohhh gawwwdddd" she moaned as her hands were being pushed against the wet fabric of her underwear.

Her vagina was being pushed out into a mound of pulsing flesh as her labia thickened and widened immensely. Her hands forced deeper inside of herself, just past her knuckles as room become at a premium in her panties. Even wet and stretchy they were ill equipped to handle her raging crotch.

Her thick labia expanded across her entire crotch, pulsing open and closed revealing her hot wet inner folds as her vagina winked. The sides of her throbbing mound rubbing lightly against her thighs.

"Mahh....pu...pussy....its too...much. Too much!!!!" She practically screamed as she began having a hard time keeping her hands in her crotch, it was too sensitive, it was driving her insane! Pulling her soaking abused hands out of herself she gripped the bed spread tightly on each side of her furry torso as she violently thrust her hips to her bodies erotic rhythm, riding out the changes as best she could.

"Hu...hu...ahh...ahhh...ahh" was all she could moan from her gaping mouth as she bucked.

Her mound persisted sucking on its huge penetrating invisible lover. Her labia sucking and pulling at her cotton bottoms. Then without warning the panties tore on the sides and submerged into her throbbing crevice. Her underwear became a thong, its thin tendril of cotton wound tightly like a rope in her front and back. Its held on to her by a failing waistband as it was brought inside of her gaping lips and between her ass cheeks. Her labia frantically stroked and sucked at the remains of her panties as she moaned in excitement and frustration. It rubbed her sensitive clit with a fury now, causing her still arched body to spasm and shake with every little bit of friction. Her pussy and ass were insanely sensitive and the wet cotton being drawn across both at the same time was practically flossing her nethers. It was driving her mad but she couldn't achieve release, she was just on the edge of it but she couldn't get there. Her eyes rolled in her head in excruciating pleasure as her mouth gaped, a small stream of drool escaping the side of her lip.

As she writhed, her body was still changing. Faster now. The fur was filling out all over her lower body. It coursed down her legs and thoroughly covered her thighs and calves. Her hips began to widen, eliciting several loud cracking noises as they expanded, allowing her to bear and carry more young as well as to let her still changing and swelling mound space to breathe. Claire's hips cracked again as they grew wider and wider. Her body taking on an hourglass figure. Her fast widening hips pulled her skin taught across her crotch resulting in her labia being pulled apart revealing her thrumming wet love channel before her skin caught up, the gates to her womanhood slapping wetly back together.

With a wet snap the band of her underwear finally gave up the ghost, no longer able to hold onto her buxom figure. The wet string of panty remains wedged into her crotch was finally released by her throbbing mound and fuzzy flat butt cheeks.

But her butt didn't remain flat for long. Soon her ass cheeks began to inflate like balloons, fat filling in as they stretched, giving her a bubble butt that most women would die for. Her new ass jiggled as her body spasmed, a small rivulet of juices streaming down her furry legs, still unable to achieve release.

The fur now covered her modest breasts and crawled up her neck completely covered her face in a silky gray carpet. Her arms and legs were fully covered as well as they jerked rhythmically. She gasped, clutching at the sheets so hard she was causing tears in the fabric. Her skin felt like it was on fire.

Lubricant spurted copiously from her crotch and streamed down her legs creating dual rivers of fire through the thicket of fur now covering them. Suddenly her body spasmed hard, her legs kicking out from under her as ache wracked her muscles. Losing her balance she was launched her off the side of the bed onto the hard floor. She landed heavily on her chest.

Claire's bra pushed painfully into her nipples but it wasn't the weight of her body on her breasts that ached, it was something pushing from inside of her bosom. Her small fur covered breasts started to press downward painfully. All the while her vaginal lips were winking open and closed with force now, her legs splayed behind her, kicking involuntarily with every spurt. The throbbing in her loins was unbearable, her thick labia pushed against the floor, leaking their juices into a puddle that her lower body wallowed in.

She screamed as her chest pushed from a A cup into a B, her furry cleavage deepening as the bra straps began to cut into her back. Her breasts were throbbing in their own right in sync with her mound. Hot blood pumped into her bosom as they crossed C cup, her skin stretching to accommodate the added fatty tissue building behind her pink nipples. As they grew the bra straps became more and more unbearable. Her breast flesh couldn't be fully contained by the small silken cups of the small bra and they spilled out in every direction. Her breasts pushed out everywhere, above, below and to the sides of her straining pink bra. Clawing frantically behind her she tried to rip the bra away but its silk stitching was too strong and she couldn't get leverage. She continued to fumble with the garment as her breasts inflated further soon easily a small D cup. The straps of her bra were excruciating now, cutting deep trenches into her furry shoulder blades and mashing her bosom tightly against her body.

As she looked down at her growing breasts Claire saw white spots in her vision. The mix of pleasure and pain was too much to bear. Being constantly on the edge of orgasm was shutting down her rational mind. As if by instinct, her hands stopped fumbling with the latch on the back of her bra and with an animal-like fierceness she grabbed the bridge of her bra cups and pulled with all her might. With a loud pop the brazier released her now ample breasts

Now free, her bosom slid forward, dragging he remains of her petite bra with it. The straps flapped loosely to the ground beside her heaving bosom as her breasts finished growing. Her tits settling around a DD cup, the cleavage between them deep and massive. Claire's sensitive nipples were almost unchanged by the growth. Their small pink nubs finally free in the open air surrounded by a short but dense layer of fur.

As if on cue fresh hot blood rushed to her nipples, their flesh straining so hard and tight they could cut diamonds. Claire felt a fullness building in her already large mammaries. Like they were being filled inside with a unseen substance, their skin further stretching as they surpassed G cup. She shifted her upper body and felt a sloshing deep inside her swollen breasts. She didn't recognize what it was until the first beads of the white liquid somehow wormed their way out of her small pink nipples onto the floor. It took her a moment to realize what it was. It was milk! Her breasts were full of milk!

"Ohhhhhhh...." she moaned as she managed to flip herself over, her breasts feeling the sweet release of no longer being squashed under her body. The globes that towered over her face were epic. But her small nipples ached, ached so bad. Crossing her legs over her still raging pussy she brought her hands to her small nipples and began pulling. It was hard work to find and then hang onto them in the thicket of gray fur surrounding them. But as she pulled and pinched they began to elongate and her aureolas expanded. Her breasts started leaking out of her growing nipples. First it was little spurts as she tugged at them but soon the milk began to flow freely without her hands help. She moaned low and animalisticly as she could feel the flow of the liquid pushing through her breast flesh. The horniness began putting thoughts in her head.

"Nooo...I am..ahhhhh...Claire... I won't...huuuuugghhh... I won't..." She trailed off as images of bearing many young and feeding them on her swollen breasts flashed into her brain. Images of body having endless sex and and birth. Her body wouldn't be denied and her mind was too weak from the change to resist. Her eyes dulled a little as her fragile 17 year old mind began to shut down.

"I...i...ccc..llaire..wo..n't ..i..mate...feed my...m....ahhhhhhh....b...babies..." she grunted, her voice taking on a more animalistic guttural tone as she was gave in to the invasive thoughts.

Claire's black inch-long nipples connected to her massive gravity-defying mammaries were now leaking small streams down her chest. The white rivulets pulsed a little, their flow stoked, with every throb of her lower lips. The steams meeting at the small of her back. She continued to needily milk herself, the shudders of impending orgasm making it near impossible to control her shaking fur cover hands.

Her whole body tensed with every stroke of the lactating teats, she felt herself quickly approaching the crescendo of her building ecstasy. Her sex-addled, increasingly animalistic, mind could barely process what was happening, she was lost in a daze of lust. She had no preparation for what came next.

"Huuuurughhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" she growled, her voice reaching an abnormally low register, as she grabbed her face with her shaking hands. Thick black claws pushing out of her fingers, displacing her painted nails out as she rubbed her face. As she did so her fingers grew thicker and stronger. Her hands growing large and powerful. Leathery pads formed on the underside of her fingers and palms as she pawed at her face with her new clawed digits. An immense pressure built behind the skin of her furry face. Preoccupied with the pressure in her face she barely noticed her legs kicking and spasming against the floor under her. Her furry thighs were soaked with her love juices as they swelled, sinewy muscle building with every kick. With a final mighty spasm both legs cracked into canine digitigrade joints. Her feet extending as her toes grew blunt and massive. Each toe adorned with large black claws, similar to the ones now occupying her fingers except they were almost triple the size.

Claire's face pushed out into a sharp canine muzzle as her voice undulated between animalistic roar and human scream through clenched teeth. Her crotch somehow inflamed further, causing her body to arch off the floor in painful ecstasy. She roared as new teeth took the place of the old, large banks of razor sharp canine teeth filling her mouth. Her nose broadened and turned jet black as it was pushed into place on her broad extending muzzle.

Her body kept changing as she was still unable to achieve orgasm. Driven by her clenching wet pussy and fast-beating heart the changes raced through her body at an incredible pace, bones cracking and reforming larger and stronger. Her spine wasn't spared as her vertebrae groaned. Their bony ridges thickened and lengthened in her back. The hot furry skin of her back thickened and rippled as she grew taller. Her arms and legs following suit as they cracked and grew longer, each limb wrapped in even more sinewy muscle. Her modest 5' 4" body was soon knocking on the door of 6'. When her back and legs stopped growing she topped out at 6' 3" of furry sexual beast. Her shoulders became broader and more powerful as muscle built in her back and neck. Her huge firm gravity-defying breasts sat wider on her large frame, their substantial heft swelling slightly as her suspended boob flesh still outstripping the wideness of her back.

A nub pushed out right above her large jiggling butt cheeks as the beginning of a thick bony tail began to build out of her spinal column. It grew quickly, piling on the inches in a mater of seconds before stopping at almost a foot and half long. A thick coat of long gray fur coated the wagging appendage.

All the while her face still was pushing out. She felt herself getting so very close. Her body was signaling it was time. Her vagina's pulsing became faster, the rivulets of love juices running down her thick thighs becoming a small river. Ragged heaving breaths escaped her huge chest as she ground against an invisible lover. Bringing her hands away from her face she grabbed her bountiful breasts. Her thick nipples gripped tightly by her strong hands. The thumb and index finger (such as they were) twisting and pinching her nipples as they elicited twin streams of steaming hot milk into the air.

Her face finished pushing out with a loud crack as her ears migrated upwards, stretching to twin furry points perched above her canine head.

Claire's muzzle went agape, thick bands of drool leaking out of her mouth as her whole body shook with a new heat she had never known. And after teetering on the edge for so long, she came.

Her whole body was wracked with the orgasm. She lost all control of her faculties as it washed over her. Her nipples jetted streams of the hot milk between her furred fingers as her pussy shuddered with such force it made audible squelching noises, its hot liquid being forced out by her spasming lower lips. Her body no longer under her control collapsed back onto the floor, she rolled onto her side as her legs kicked out from under her. Huge fur-covered breasts bobbed impossibly on her chest as she convulsed on the floor.

"AROOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" she howled as she came, the orgasm reducing Claire to her most animalistic self. There was only the wolf now as her eyes shifted from blue-green to bright yellow amber. It would have been hard to catch as her eyes almost immediately rolled backwards in pure orgasmic bliss. Her large broad tongue rolling out the side of her mouth past her black canine lips.

The orgasm did not have a single peak that she could climb and come off of. Each orgasms momentum carried her through the valley right up to the next peak, giving her only a moment between heat-filled waves of ecstasy. Each time she peaked her mound of a pussy and cantaloupe-sized breasts would erupt in fresh vicious sprays of her juices as every muscle in her body re-tensed.

If she still had a perception of time she would have counted at least 10 minutes of nonstop orgasm. She howled and grunted animalistically between moments of such sexual bliss she could only manage a faint rumble from deep in her chest. Her hands, too unreliable as they spasmed to pleasure herself, dug long deep welts into the wooden floor.

Unbeknownst to her, her brother James was just getting in, the highbeams of his friends car flooding their porch.

Spreading Transformation - Part 2 - REDUX

Part 2 - James James got in late. His school field trip went way into overtime, their bus breaking down on the highway. He waved to his friend as he backed out of their drive, his headlights disappearing down the tree-lined lanes of their suburban...

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Lisa's Bad Fur Day - Part 6

The bed posts were stacked neatly in the corner. Adorned with a smooth brass ball at the top, the brass tapering down into a column intricate carvings of flowers and leaves. The bottom of each pole was made of dark marbled oak. They were disused but...

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Lisa's Bad Fur Day - Part 5

Looking around she saw the mess she had created. White liquid sprayed in front of her, pooling in the deep gashes she had left with her hands. She realized the liquid was all over her face as well. Her breasts had expelled it with such force when her...

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