Shower Time

Story by Luther-Bat on SoFurry

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A request done for Aly_D on FA.

Shower Time

By Luther

Aly was a hell of a lizardess.

It was more than mere assertion, this was empirical observation. Well, at least the observation part was covered. She was a head-turner, that was true, and blessed in a number of ways. She had very long, very flowing hair of a vibrant purple shade that drew notice. But captured eyes tended to further explore to find her other assets.

Whenever she had herself stuffed into a pair of pants, it looked like she might pop right out of them like a can of biscuits! A pair of wide hips bore the outrageous swell of her rear end, stretching out the seat. Up top, her cream white breasts formed a shelf in front of her, flattering and flattered by a low cut top or really just anything. At a certain size, breasts just grab attention of anyone no matter what covers them. Aly's own curvaceous melons had passed that point by a few cup sizes. Taken all together, the whole package was madly noteworthy to passersby on the street.

Then there was the package itself. The giant horsecock held snugly in place between her legs, creating a huge swell in the front of those pants didn't hurt either.

Currently, Aly looked into the mirror, pursed her lips and nodded. Maybe she could see what they told her. She was a bit of a tease. It wasn't all intentional, though. Was it really her fault that she was so big? She couldn't help that tight clothes looked good on her. She had the hips for it: ruby-red hips striped with a royal blue, now exposed as she slowly slinked off her tightly hugging jeans a few inches at a time in preparation to step into the shower.

It wasn't that she was particularly dirty or anything. It was just part of the daily ritual. We all have them, they keep us centered, and a small catch of time alone with one's thoughts in the shower is a very common one.

In she went. A quick turn of the knobs gained her that steamy temperature she loved so well and the droning sound of the water striking the shower floor that helped her think and meditate. Aly took a few minutes purely to herself before taking soap to cloth and beginning the practiced process we all know so well. She decided to switch to her hair, taking pride in its care. Keeping it from her eyes, the lizard reached blindly for the bottle of shampoo.

Of course, with hair as long as hers, washing it thoroughly was quite a chore! So when she was in the middle of saturating it with shampoo lather, it was an inevitability that it would brush against her sensitive areas, across her nipples, even along the cock that bobbed so freely from time to time, it was that long. The effort was one of the downsides of having a lustrous violet waterfall of a mane.

Definitely worth it, though. Being able to flip it around, tie it whatever crazy buns or whorl shapes she could imagine, or just letting it hang down to her rump and frame her face and shoulders, she loved it. When properly clothed, it actually rivaled her other, more sexual assets, for attention grabbing purposes . . . at least when she was viewed from behind.

But something was different in this scene, something she failed to see at first. What Aly didn't know is that somehow her shampoo was switched with a different, very special shampoo. Will she notice? Let's watch!

How did this reality-defying stuff get there? Maybe it got there on its own pseudo-magic, maybe it was through carelessness, or maybe some impish creature replaced her body wash on purpose. It is reality-defying after all. You know how these things go. How many times have furs grown to preposterous sizes due to the misapplication of 'special shampoo' or the like?

Somewhere there's a factory out there carelessly making growth-inducing shampoo, conditioner, and body wash with deceptively normal labels. Bless them all.

But oh did she begin to notice! It was around the point where everything was getting heavier, where her attention was being dragged a bit lower like everything else was. At first she though it must be water doing it -but she didn't have any fur to trap water and weight like that. Water simply beaded up and glided effortlessly across her smooth skin.

Nope, wasn't that. She was going to look below to investigate but something was in the way. Her boobs were blocking her sight in a way they really shouldn't be! If they were a shelf before, they were a talbe now. An odd and curious wave of endorphins rolled through her as her delicate fingertips went to her dark nipples, confirming that they were in fact much further from her head, suspended on a far greater amount of growing breast-flesh.

"What in the name of -what?"

Confusion followed, followed by unbalance. While she couldn't see what was happening down below at the moment, she sure as hell could feel it! It was as if a balloon (or a pair of them) was being blown up between her legs, if she was also the balloon, thick and weighty, feeling absolutely everything in a tide of sensation that forced a reaction from her. Completely out of her control, she was growing stiff at this over-development. The lizard had some inexplicable difficult in standing up straight, her legs being pushed apart to a wider stance as she felt an inescapable weight dangling between them.

Aly reached below and her eyes went wide with amazement at exactly how much of herself she found there. Unbelieving eyes confirmed the sight when a wide and flared cockhead as big as her own slowly rose from behind her expanding breasts like the sun rising over a hill. Her mouth went slightly agape at it all. She floundered forward but was caught by her surprisingly strong dick against the glass door, the pounding strength of her now four and a half foot long battering ram of a cock kept her from falling over.

But it wasn't enough to keep her from going down. She buckled under the pull of her engorged organs, the discomfort of trying to stay aloft not-so-gently persuaded her to try a different position. She wobbled, pitching back and forth in an ultimately pointless effort to stay on her feet. It was doomed to failure and soon she found herself on her knees in the shower stall, the impact was only just a bit jarring, the force travelling up through her legs and into her crotch.

Her cock left a loud and wet streaking sound and a trail of precum against the glass as it slid down. Those balls sloshed like cushioning waterbeds underneath her and there was just a moment where she could actually hear them over the sound of the constantly beating water. She gasped when the sides of her balls pressed against the still cool glass of the stall door. Meanwhile her cock wobbled like some obscene fleshy black tower above her, prompting her to grab at it to support and steady the massive pillar as it shook back and forth.

"Oh god! So-sooooo big! H-how much -how much more!?" she moaned and stammered through pleasure-soaked sentences. The questions were being dismissed as quickly as they formed, leaving her to rock back and forth in bliss as warmth from the shower head beat down on her sensitive throbbing member. The water streamed down her front, catching on the shaft as it ran across her soaked and quivering tits. She couldn't tell just how big she was, she couldn't see all of herself, but she could feel so much! Her endowments were pressing up against three of the four walls and her rump covered the fourth.

Aly grabbed the monumental member and wrapped her arms around it. She brought it up to her bosom, parting and nestling within the valley of her cleavage to better clean it. She had no idea why she continued to run the washcloth over herself, up and down the glistening phallus, eliciting moans from herself. Maybe she loved the way it shined when wet, wanting to polish it further, hug it tight and close to herself. Likely it was because it just felt so damn good. Obviously the precum made it dirty again and she had to clean that off. She wasn't exactly paying attention to how her continued gentle scrubbing was only causing more precum to trickle down over it to reset the whole process.

The lizard bit her lip as she just kept on cleaning, edging herself closer and closer towards something big. Aly's eyes fell half-lidded as she struggled to see and think straight through it all. Her ears lowered, her toes curled, her knees shook at approaching surge. Everything was an effort to push herself along towards that precipice. If it kept feeling better and better, why would she stop? Her resistance couldn't hold out for long yet she wouldn't stop, she couldn't stop if she wanted to.

Time slowed down, almost at a stand-still for her, as she stared directly at it. Her vision blurred just a little bit and for just a moment from the sexual shockwave that rippled through her. Aly felt her balls contract, her frighteningly large dick go supremely rigid, like a struck match lighting a powder keg. It might have been an overactive imagination from a boggled mind, but she could almost see the expanding bulge travelling along the ebony length. She could almost see the white-hot spunk pushing upward like a burst fire hydrant, she certainly felt like one!

The lizardess expected her upward-angled cannon to blast the tiled ceiling and coat her as it came splashing back down. Ah, such was the price for gratification.

She was half correct.

The blowback did, in fact, fall back on her. However, the pure force of her blast tore a hole right through the damn ceiling! If she were completely aware of the situation there might be an upwelling of pride or awe at her own ability. Instead it was just an upwelling of yet more and more cum. Thick goopy stuff dripped from the ceiling back onto her, defeating the purpose of her taking a shower in the first place.

And yet, even as she came, she continued to wash herself. Why? The sheer volume she produced plastered the ceiling, the walls, covered her and the massive spewing shaft she was attached to. The shower head couldn't keep up with her own and any effort to clean herself off was in vain. At this point it was just pure mechanical action, maintained in the dim hope that if she just kept everything the same, this mind-blowingly fantastic orgasm would just continue as well.

The shower drain was being defeated. Its designers never thought to rate it for something like this! As a direct result of its inability to handle the load, Aly's cum began to pool upward. She looked down, her feet were beginning to disappear below the white sloshing stuff. She sagged to one side and shuddered. The last few spurts flew up from the lizard and finished painting the last of the untouched interior. A long and thoroughly contented sigh escaped her. It would be several minutes before she even thought about splashing around to gain enough leverage in pulling herself back up and out of there.

Somehow, Aly had now taken two showers and wound up messier than she had started.