Tiger's New Doo
#54 of Commissions
Commission for
In a sequel to "Hot Dog Haze" Scooby and Tiger of the Wind each begin missing the other, which leads to Scooby appearing in Tiger's world for a little more of their fun, as Tiger's brother Gray Wolf watches on and wonders what Scooby could have done to earn Tiger's devotion.
"Tiger's New Doo"
"What's the matter with you?" Gray Wolf asked as he entered the cave and spotted his brother Tiger, lying on the floor, gazing at his reflection in a pool of water.
Tiger glared at the wolf. "Nothing." He said shortly. "I am just not feeling like myself today."
"You've been acting strangely since you came back from that other world." Wolf said, narrowing his eyes. "Do not tell me you're still thinking of that... that canine from there? I thought you told me he was dumb as a slime?"
"Well... I mean he was." Tiger said sitting up. "But he was kind of sweet and..." He growled a bit playfully. "Pretty tight."
"That is possibly the most disturbing thing I've heard you say." Wolf said, pinching his expression. "I thought you had come here to spar with me, not lament over some dog you might never see again."
"I'm not in the mood." Tiger responded.
"This is ridiculous. Fine, I am going for a walk then. If you come to your senses, you know where to find me."
Grey Wolf clutched the stone under his claws as he stormed toward the mouth of the cave, he could feel obvious grooves filling in under his claws as he walked. Fuming, he couldn't understand what his brother had seen in this 'Scooby' character, but he glanced over his shoulder anyway and squinted his eyes before continuing out into the forest beyond the cave.
Storm clouds had begun to accumulate overhead, a strong wind caused Wolf's mane to flutter wildly. There was a strange chill to the wind as he watched the clouds pull and begin to circle above. It had been pleasant and clear not fifteen minutes ago, the forest glade, which provided ample shade from the harsh sunlight now had trees that were swaying, leaves and branches that were pulling apart, leaving a view of the open sky as the approaching storm began to take root. Sparks of white in the clouds above sent shivers down Wolf's spine; like his brother, he was sensitive to the pattern of stormy weather as well. Something was coming, and it would be there soon.
"C'mon, Scoob. I've never seen you act like this before." Shaggy said as he rested his hands on the van seat and looked at the great dane slumped in the back, one front paw resting over the other as he looked up at the human. "Can't eat, can't sleep..... can't eat!" Shaggy exclaimed. "What's wrong with you?!"
"Sounds like someone's love sick." Velma taunted with a giggle.
"Is that it, boy?" Shaggy asked as he noticed Scooby's ears perk at Velma's comment. "Have you found yourself a girl?"
"Ro ray!" Scooby objected. "I don't rant to talk about it." He said, putting his head down again.
Velma and Shaggy looked at each other and frowned before turning their eyes back to the front again. Fred and Daphne had been inside the store for too long in Scooby's opinion, but when they asked what Scooby wanted for lunch, they seemed shocked when he said he wasn't hungry. He couldn't really understand why they were so surprised. He flopped down onto the floor of the van and sighed heavily. It had been two weeks since he met the beast named Tiger, and in that two weeks he hadn't felt the same. Mysteries didn't stir his heart like they had; he couldn't even scream and cower in fright the same way Shaggy could. Butterflies swam in his stomach and he always felt like he was full and perpetually bored. Shaggy turned back toward him again, and Scooby turned his head away, he didn't want to think about it, he didn't want to worry his friends either, but there was nothing he could do. Tiger just vanished into those television monitors and returned to his world.
Suddenly, Scooby's head popped up, his ears perking in opposite directions. "Rait a minute..." He said aloud, turning the others' attention to him.
"What is it, Scoob?" Shaggy asked, but Scooby bolted before explaining anything. "Scoob? Wait! Hey!" He cried trying to get out of the van as well, being pulled back by the seat belt as he tried to escape.
"Scooby! Where are you going?!" Velma asked as Scooby bolted past Fred and Daphne, now returning to the vehicle.
"Hey!" Fred exclaimed. "What's going on?"
"Ro time! I'll be back!" Scooby called back as he tore down the road.
Scooby's paws skidded across the concrete as he turned around the corner and continued his mad dash toward a nearby TV repair shop he had come across before. He jumped at the glass and slammed his paws onto it in front of the televisions. None of the boxes in the window were playing the cartoon that Tiger had vanished into, and he groaned before running inside. Running down the row, Scooby jumped up onto the counter with his front paws, the older woman behind it jumped back in shock.
"Hey!" She shrieked. "No pets allowed!"
"Ris is an emergency! I need to see Ronster Rancher! Find it on the TV!"
"Ronster Rancher?" The woman asked in confusion. Scooby didn't want to wait and quickly dropped to the ground and ran down the aisle toward the television displays. He slapped his paws down on the remote and watched the stations change on two of the TV sets.
Again, Scooby changed the channel, but the sets still didn't display what he wanted. Hearing a disturbance behind him, Scooby turned around to see a group of people running down the aisle toward him, one of them was the lady he had seen behind the counter while the other three looked like security guards. Scooby hit the remote once again and spotted the familiar opening credits for 'Monster Rancher' flash on there. "Stop!" The woman cried and sent the guards after him.
"Rere goes rothing..." Scooby said as he jumped toward the screen.
A bright blue light enveloped Scooby as he jumped, his paws extended out as he waited to crash into the set, but to his surprise, his paws slipped through the surface that now turned liquidy in texture and the rest of his body followed. It was like jumping off a board into a swimming pool, he felt the world of blue splash around him before his paws vanished in a swirl of electricity. "Ruh-roh!" Scooby heard his voice echo digitally within his ears before every other part of his body went cold.
The air around him was cold as Scooby's eyes flickered open. He was lying on the grass, blades tickled his nose and he sneezed, sitting up suddenly. He was on the edge of a forest, trees stretched up to the sky, they were taller than Scooby had ever seen and they smelled very real. Storm clouds loomed overhead and thunder boomed and lighting flashed within the swirls. It wasn't a few seconds more that he could feel a light drizzle of rain coming from above. Scooby stood up and shook off, as the rain began to fall harder he looked around and saw a cave in the distance. He ran to it and as the rain began to fall harder. Reaching the mouth he shook off and watched as the downpour grew even harder outside, accompanied with more violent flashes of lightning, Scooby jumped back away from the entrance and slipped, slamming his backside into the rocky floor. "ROWCH!" He shrieked before jumping up and sniffing the area he'd struck.
"Unbelievable..." A voice made Scooby look up as a silver and white wolf stepped from the shadows. His mane and horns looked familiar to the dog.
"You're not Riger...?" He pointed out.
Wolf scoffed a bit as he eyed Scooby up and down before looking into his eyes. "And you are nothing special it seems." He said. "Yet you've made Tiger pretty love sick, it's disgusting."
"Rey!" Scooby sniffed the pits of his forearms. "RI'm not rhat bad."
"And I'm finding it difficult to understand you. It's a wonder my brother cares for you at all." He sniffed the dog. "Such an insignificant canine. How is it you have his devotion?"
"RI don't know rhat you're talking about." Scooby said. "Riger reft me to come home." He paused and looked around. "Is... rhis Riger's home?"
"Don't be ridiculous." Wolf said.
"But you're his 'rother...?"
"I am Grey Wolf. Yes, I am the brother of Tiger of the Wind."
"Reeehehehe." Scooby giggled. "Of the rind?"
"I was foolish to believe that you were worthy of my brother." He laughed. "I'm sure once your behavior is made known to him he'll leave your memory in the past." He jumped over Scooby and approached the cave mouth before looking at the dog. "He should love someone actually worth his time." And without a hesitation, he stepped out into the rain.
Scooby approached the cave mouth, then jumped again at another flash of lightning. "Rhat a 'range guy..." He pondered. Turning around, he saw a narrow passage that went down into the darkness. "Rello?" He called out, hearing his own voice echoing from further down as he walked. "Relloooo? Riger? Rhere are you?" He asked.
The stone walkway was a bit more slanted as he moved further along the path. The air of the cave had gotten cooler as he descended, and he began to get a bit more unnerved as the darkness closed in on him. Soon, he was trembling and he wasn't sure that it was the cold or his nerves doing the trembling. "R-R-Riger?" He asked, stammering into the dark. As his voice faded, a pair of green colored eyes appeared, a thick pool of black snapped into a thin sliver at the center and a low growling could be heard. "RIIIIIIPES!" Scooby screamed as he scrambled up the walkway he had just come down. There was a loud, ear piercing roar that echoed up through the cave as the dane jumped into the cave and threw himself out the mouth and into the pouring rain. With that, Scooby slipped on the wet grass and slung himself hard into a tree.
Looking back, Scooby saw a form to the creature; it looked like a large dragon body minus the wings. As his mouth hung open he trembled and cowered back against the tree, but even that provided little shelter to the rain that was drenching him. "Ro, ro, ro, roh!" Scooby tried again to run, but immediately slipped and fell to the ground as the beast tried to pull himself from the cave.
"Lightning blast!" A roar could be made out over the loud downpour of rain. There was a flash of white light followed by a directed crack of lightning that streaked across the air and into the wet beast, causing him to scream out in pain as the familiar blue and white canine jumped into view.
"Get back, Scooby!" Tiger commanded, turning a pointed glare to the canine, then turning back toward the reptile he growled. "You too!" He shouted as he shot more electricity from his forward horns. "Back!" The creature screamed in displeasure before retreating back into the cave, which then collapsed in on itself. It seemed like minutes that Scooby watched Tiger breathing heavily in and out and staring at where the cave had been a moment before he turned to him. "Are you insane? Taking on a creature like that's suicidal!"
"RI didn't." Scooby admitted. "The ray wolf read me to rink you were in there." He pointed.
"Gray wolf?" Tiger asked, then rolled his eyes with a sigh. "Look, let's just get you someplace dry. Can you walk?" Scooby got up and nodded to the canine. "Follow me." He said, leading Scooby toward the woods.
Though the rain hadn't stopped yet, the shelter of the woods was significantly dryer. Scooby and Tiger both shook off and brushed out their fur as they walked. "Rit's--uh... rood to ree you?" Scooby said softly as they followed the dirty trail. "Raggy ridn't rink you existed, but I knew--"
"How did you get here, Scooby?" Tiger cut the dane off, turning and facing him coldly. "Why are you here?"
Scooby was caught off guard on this question. "RI... ron't know." He admitted. "RI rissed you, Riger... RI ranted to ree you again..."
Tiger fell silent for a minute, and continued walking. Scooby followed behind him slowly, and soon Tiger spoke again. "You missed me? Why?"
"Riger 'reats Rooby retter than anyone else..." Scooby said. "RI... really rike you, Riger."
Tiger felt his cheeks grow warm at the thought, he could see that Scooby was watching him and he quickly changed the subject. "There's... another cave not far from here that I go on days like this." He said. "It's a cave adjacent to a hot spring so it's always filled with warm air, we can go there until the rains stop."
"Rokay. I rust you." Scooby said. "Read the ray."
"I have to ask, do you always talk like that?"
"Rike rhat?"
"Well, the way you talk. With your words leading with R's. Does anyone else ever tell you that it's strange?"
Scooby shook his head. "Rope. Raggy, Red, Relma and Raphne never raid anything about it."
"Well. Don't worry, I kind of like it."
Scooby smiled lightly as they made their way up the path, Gray Wolf watched from the branch of a nearby tree with a perplexed look on his face. "This is so strange." He said to himself. "What does Tiger see in him? Why would he bother saving him? What's this... Scooby have that I don't? He's a coward, childish, insane... why do you love him, Tiger? Why do you love someone like him, and shun someone like me?" He frowned as he made his way to the next tree, then the next, following the two of them as they headed up the path.
"Rhere are we going?" Scooby asked. "Rhis rave very far?"
"It's just up ahead." Tiger said with a smirk as he looked over his shoulder. "Though I should tell you, it does have a few side effects. It changes me when I enter it and I'm sure it'll do the same to you."
"Ranges?" Scooby raised an eyebrow. "Rhat rind of ranges?"
"Oh, you'll see... and here we are; Feral Cave."
The cave was hidden a bit behind drop cloths of moss that had fallen over the mouth of it. A gentle wind brushed them aside, revealing sharp stalactites in the roof that pointed down in a jagged succession. The stone itself was wet from the rain, but Scooby figured normally it was a white or a very light grey color from the way the water ran cleanly off the surface. As they approached it, Tiger stepped in first. A slight glow accompanied his entry and vanished. Scooby swallowed the lump in his throat and continued inward as well. The glow happened again on his entry, he felt a tingle crawl along his back before looking back and seeing that the cave mouth was blackened now beyond its borders.
It was indeed warmer in here, Scooby shook off the last of the water that hung loose on his pelt. As he walked, he noticed that his paws were tingling, looking down he could see the digits were separating and growing slightly longer. He stopped in his tracks and stared at them for a moment before realizing that the way he was sitting was growing uncomfortable. "Rhat's... rappening?" Scooby asked before feeling a sharp tinge in his spine that made him rear up a bit and he fell onto his back. Scooby watched as Tiger closed his eyes and also stood on his hind legs, but he caught himself before he fell. His legs straightened, the extra crook halfway up the thigh fell into the flesh as muscles began to contract and expand, allowing him to stand upright. Alarmed, Scooby remained on his back as he watched his torso elongate some, he felt his spine uncontrollably twitch to the left and the right as it did. His back flattened some and he felt his shoulders pop and lay against the flat stone floor under him. "ROWCH!" He exclaimed as another pop occurred in his hips. It didn't hurt so much as it shocked him. He felt his shoulders stretch a bit and broaden as he saw Tiger's body take on a more human-like form as well. Sleek, athletic musculature popped into view as Tiger's cock distended from his abdomen, detaching itself from its regular appearance and dangling free.
Scooby noticed the same thing happen to his, as the dane put his hands down to it, he felt his tip sway away, and the familiar feeling of it swelling bringing it right back to his fingers. Tiger clicked his tongue audibly and smirked at Scooby. "Well, well..." He chuckled. "I didn't think of you to have such a reaction to this." He said, kneeling before the writhing canine and unexpectedly taking hold of the generous flesh that almost shot straight up at his touch. "Well, let's try a little fun here then." He then wrapped his lips around the warm member and began to drag them down the length. As Tiger's tongue twined around he shaft, Scooby let out a howl of enjoyment, his newly separated fingers and toes clutched suddenly at the warmth soaking his shaft. He whimpered and panted, he stretched his legs out as Tiger's head gently corkscrewed on ascending. Tiger's hand ran along the fur on Scooby's chest, finding the familiar yet newer nipples on the dane's body. Scooby gaped and exhaled loudly as he writhed and twisted more. His hips bucked forward a moment and there was the sound of his back slapping against the solid granite ground. Tiger could feel Scooby's shaft pulsing, twitching madly as he slowly pulled his lips back toward the tip. Amused as Scooby covered his eyes with his new hands and his tongue fell from the side of his mouth, Tiger clutched Scooby's orbs and brought himself to the very tip.
"R-Riger! AHHH!" Scooby cried out, suddenly cumming hard into Tiger's mouth. Tiger didn't want to let a single drop escape. He dove down the length, feeling the warm, bitter-sweet liquid shoot into the back of his throat and down while a barrage of warmth filled his muzzle. He gripped the shaft tighter, feeling the muscles flex, watching the look of ecstasy on Scooby's face was priceless as he began to howl and bay, unloading heavy, musky loads into Tiger's mouth
It took some time for Tiger to feel safe about parting his lips from the shaft. Even then, he did so slowly and watched an anxious dog twitch as his cock was dropped into the cool air, Tiger swallowed, grinned, then ran the back of his hand along his mouth to pick up any straggler seed. "Mmm... very nice. You've been waiting to unload that one, haven't you?" He asked.
"Hnnnh... r-reah..." Scooby panted as Tiger got up and took the dog by the hand, helping him to his feet. Scooby blushed at the wolf's arousal. "Rooby---rooby--roo..." He giggled as he groped Tiger.
"Follow me." Tiger said. "Just take it slow, it may take a bit to get used to walking on two legs."
"Right..." Scooby said, trying to balance himself. "Rhere are we roing?"
"Just a little further. It's quieter and we can have some more fun where we can at least sit down. How are you feeling?"
"Ractually... reat!" Scooby exclaimed as he followed Tiger further into the cave.
Scooby glanced down at Tiger's backside, he was actually impressed with how the change had affected his ass. It was rounder, a perfect crack appeared on occasion as his tail swished from left to right. His mane of hair had fallen back over his shoulders, almost like a hairstyle of its own and now that Scooby's sinuses were clearing up, he could smell the evidence of sex on him, it stirred more arousal and he did whatever he could to keep himself from just jumping the wolf and having his way with him then and there.
Finally, the two reached an open room. Rudimentary benches were fashioned out of the stone in a circular pattern around the room, an evident hot rock radiated warmth from the center of the room, granting more heat that started to relax Scooby's muscles. Tiger seated himself near the point furthest from the entrance and Scooby sat next to him. Following Tiger's gestures, Scooby leaned against the back of the seat and exhaled before deeply inhaling the warm air that filled his lungs and breathing it out as he observed his human-like, brown furred body. "Ris---is rice." He said.
"Nicer than those fumes in your van on Earth?" Tiger said with a smirk, edging a bit closer until his thigh touched Scooby's.
"Reah..." Scooby grinned. "Ricer..."
Almost as if both thought the same thing at the same time, Scooby hoisted Tiger onto his lap, rubbing their crotches together as Tiger rose and sunk, pressing his muscular torso against Scooby's smaller chest as they pressed their noses together. This time, their kiss didn't seem rushed, and felt more genuine as Tiger's narrower muzzle turned sideways and they locked their maws together. Both of them inhaled sharply as their arousals both happened at once. Scooby's hands grabbed Tiger's hips and drew him toward him even closer. His hands shifted to the wolf's ass and he clutched each cheek, massaging them apart and back together again as Tiger let out a soft moan in response. Their lips parted with a soft pop and Tiger shifted forward, dragging his flesh along Scooby's chest as he positioned himself atop the dog's cock. Scooby bit his lip and resisted a whimper as he felt Tiger's cheeks collapse around his cock slightly and he chuckled.
"What, I can't have a little fun? As I recall, you had the last ride." Tiger said grinning. Silently responding, Scooby spread the male's cheeks apart with his fingers and pushed upward. He felt the ring of flesh catch for a moment before he settled back down, then he pushed upward again, this time feeling his tip penetrate Tiger. The blue wolf moaned softly in response, his muscles tightening as well as the grip on Scooby's shoulders. "Ohh yesss..." He panted a bit before pulling Scooby into a kiss. Tiger's tongue wriggled around in the canine's mouth as he pushed himself down. Scooby pressed upward and felt himself push in even further. "Mmhm...." Tiger grunted softly as a stream of moisture began to spill from his tip and drain down Scooby's finer fur.
Slowly, Scooby pressed in again, growing more impatient as the urge to hilt himself into his mate grew. His heart pounded hard in his chest as he heard a more desperate moan escape the wolf's lungs. Again he pushed inward, using his free hand to push Tiger down into place, while his other moved from the wolf's tail to his cock and Scooby began to stroke as he penetrated Tiger, feeling the wolf's lustful body shivering as he did so, coating the dog's paw in a thick pool of white. Their kiss began to grow in intensity, both canines unconsciously grazing their tongues along the others, and their own teeth as Tiger's body began to grind harder and push down faster onto Scooby's cock, moving faster as Scooby's girth began to twitch and move much more easily in the wolf's ass. Tiger broke his kiss and the pair shared a soft bite to the others' neck.
Tiger threw his head back and howled loudly, suddenly shooting streams of cum across Scooby's chest and neck, further enticing the dog into another kiss as the moisture coated him. As the streams settled, Scooby grabbed Tiger's ass and the wolf stood, leaning across the bench a bit as Scooby stood up and pulled him back onto his cock, both standing with Tiger's left foot on the bench, Tiger couldn't help but begin to harden once again. Though he was spent he still moaned loudly and began to aggressively push himself back against Scooby, who panted and grabbed Tiger's shoulder in return bucking into him harder. Tiger began to pant this time, feeling his body fling forward and back as the newly assertive Scooby plowed into him without regret. Soon, Scooby shifted his position again, this time grabbing Tiger under the arms and hoisting him a bit and bringing him to his hands and knees on the floor; a truly feral-type position. Scooby nipped and chewed across Tiger's back and the wolf came a third time, completely out of nowhere.
This time however, Scooby couldn't contain it. Feeling the ring clench on him, Scooby panted and then threw his head back, suddenly letting his seed loose into Tiger letting his growls and pants fill the cave as his overflow began to drench the area between them and drip onto the floor under them. It still took a few minutes before Scooby laid off to the side, pulling Tiger with him and remaining buried to the hilt as they laid together on the stone cave floor. Breathing heavily, the two managed another softer kiss as the climax faded and the afterglow began.
"That... was... incredible." Tiger said. "I didn't know you had it in you." He grinned.
"Ro?" Scooby asked curiously perking his ears. "Ret's just ray... row you've got it in you." He giggled with a nudge.
From a dark corner of the room near the entrance, Gray Wolf watched as the two laid together, perplexed at what he'd just seen he couldn't help but play with himself until he came at the same time Scooby had. His had was a mess with white fluid, a pool of cum filling under him as he dripped into it and he still stared in utter confusion. "How is it he loves that dog?" Wolf asked himself as he finished of a bead of cum and lapped it off his finger. "How has this Scooby earned Tiger's love... and why can he not love me like that?" He frowned and slipped back into the darkness, leaving the lovers to fall asleep in each other's arms.